On The Front Lines of China

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On the Front Lines of China's Covid Crisis, "A tragic fight "

As the country's healthcare system collapses under the weight of a growing crisis,
medical personnel are understaffed and working while ill.

The hospital in northern China's emergency room is crammed with sick people who
are slumped in wheelchairs and resting on gurneys. They squeak through the tiny
gaps between elevator doors. A standby walk-through metal detector is surrounded
by them. And coughing noises may be heard echoing off the walls of the

In the best of circumstances, China's hospitals were already overcrowded,

underfunded, and understaffed. However, the medical system is now being stretched
to its breaking point as Covid spreads freely for the first time in China.

The Tianjin Medical University General Hospital's displays of despair and sorrow,
which were captured on one of many web videos, indicate the crisis' escalating
severity. Health professionals on the front lines are combating widespread illnesses
inside their own ranks even as Covid cases are on the rise. In other hospitals, so
many people have tested positive for the virus that the surviving few claim they are
compelled to perform the duties of five or more coworkers.
Some hospitals have stopped asking doctors and nurses to test themselves before
work in order to guarantee there are adequate staff members on the floor. One
medical professional in Wuhan, in central China, claimed that because of staff
shortages, a neurosurgeon in her division recently had to do two procedures. In one
day by fighting Covid symptoms.
When Covid first appeared in Wuhan in 2019, China was the first nation to feel its
panic. The nation then spent the subsequent three years largely suppressing the
virus with a pricey combination of widespread testing, stringent lockdowns, and
border closures. The government might have used the time to strengthen its
healthcare system by creating additional critical care facilities and stockpiling
medications. It could have started a significant vaccination campaign aimed at the
millions of vulnerable senior citizens who were unwilling to be vaccinated or receive
a booster. However, China did not do much of that, returning to the early Wuhan-
style crisis mentality.

The government eliminated mass testing after unexpectedly relaxing the nation's
strict "zero Covid" policies, which made it difficult to determine the true scope of
China's health emergency. Fears have been voiced that death tolls in the nation
could surpass those recorded earlier in the pandemic in locations like the United
States, Western Europe, and, more recently, Hong Kong due to low vaccination rates
and a lack of herd immunity.

Recent data made available by local authorities appear to suggest that the virus is
out of control, with reports from numerous cities and provinces indicating that
hundreds of thousands of illnesses are occurring every day. Since officials only
include individuals who pass away from respiratory failure that is directly due to a
Covid infection, there are many questions regarding the number of Covid-related
deaths China is reporting. Seven confirmed cases of the virus-related deaths have
occurred since pandemic guidelines were loosened on December 7, but this figure
belies growing anecdotal evidence from across the nation, including the jam-packed
scene of hearses outside a Beijing crematory and the overflow of yellow body bags
at some funeral homes.

According to a now-deleted statement the hospital made last week on the social
media site WeChat, a hospital in Shanghai anticipated that eventually half of
Shanghai's 25 million citizens will be infected and warned its workers of a "tragic
battle" in the following weeks.

"In this awful conflict, Shanghai as a whole will perish, and the entire hospital staff
will contract the disease! Our entire families are going to get sick! All of our patients
will catch the illness! The sentence was read. "We are helpless, and there is no way

Some hospitals are asking retiring doctors to go back to work since they are so short
on staff. Medical facilities in Beijing are apparently being strengthened with the
removal of doctors and nurses from the eastern provinces of Shandong and Jiangsu.
Medical students who serve as interns and resident doctors at hospitals have voiced
their displeasure at the deteriorating working conditions. They sought equal
compensation and improved virus protection for those who decided to work, as well
as the right of students to go home for Christmas break if they so desired. Despite
being required to work longer hours, these students are among the medical
industry's lowest paid employees.

The Corona

See, smoke-free avenues of the planet earth,

For the carbon-conveyances gave a halt.
The printing mills, too, manifest frazzle
To spread the deaths of tons of fossil-fuel.

Now, you’ll not see a priggish environmentalist,

Burnt down thousands of gallons of avgas,
Deplane at the Rio De Janeiro Airport.
You’ll not hear, too, rich-men’s humming AC
But a deep ardency
For the blow of breeze
While, under tropical sun - boiling like cheese.

Behold! The sky is crystal-clear,

Clouds indulge no more carbonic mixture,
They just soar high as the freest kids in cheers.
Filtrated sun-ray on the razzle-dazzle
Across the hours in these days.
The wildlife celebrates laid-backness
From human!
The superpowers of the globe realize
Their condemned face
In the mirror of sanctification.
So they rush to the farthest edge
To the hill-tracts and unget-at-able village,
Listening to the urges of empty-middle-sac.

Recall, committed freedom to the lives!

China to set the prisoners free –
For the calm-seekers monks, safe monastery;
For the 1.2 million martyrs’ families
An independent Tibetan-ground.
And, Dalai Lama - exiled from the cradle –
Will enjoy the soothing breath of his motherland.

It is, in fact,
The world’s Dolphins of Faroe Islands
Get exempt from the slaughterer glee.
It is, in fact,
The world’s toros suffering-bands
Stand afore the toreros bended-knee.

It is time to coming home:

Sanctity-suffusing than any other prayer-room;
The husband – sanctified from adultery –
To the beloved’s lap;
The mother – dispersed for carrier and merry –
Kisses the baby oft and lullabies unto sleep.

And, all, that weren’t happened, happens.

The ally to the antagonist
The welfare worker to the priest
Under one roof in unison
Having ‘All for All’, a Gregorian Chant
The first and foremost slogan.

We’re now granting them –

The submerged lives in the water
The agile beasts in the green
The soaring birds in the blue –
We’re granting them, us.

O the glorified creature, Homo Sapiens!

When is the time to make sense?
The mother-earth
That day to day you’re poisoning;
She is now, herself, healing
Up by following an esoteric, reverse path.

The Corona, in a fact, isn’t a god-dam germ

But a seemingly disliked flower,
A self-cure to the nature.

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