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Course Syllabus

Course Code: MDE 191

Department: MDE
Course Title: Foreign language-2/ B1+
Semester: Spring /Academic year 2022-2023
Credits/ECTS: 3cr/5ECTS
Degree Cycle (Level): Bachelor
Course Type: Compulsory
Language of Instruction: English


The table below is automatically filled in if it is included in the Education Program

Type Program Educational program Course Title Consent status


● AR 10XXX

● CR (Co-

● PR MDE19
(Prerequisite) 0

Programmes on which course is available

If your course is taught in another Educational Program, that Educational Program automatically will
be displayed in this table

Program Program Title Degree Program Learning

Code Outcome

● LO1
● LO2

Mode of Delivery

● In person

Course Description
This course integrates learning English with academic development. The course will introduce
academic communication to FENS students in the context of academic texts, units. The focus of
this course is on building skills for students to report on the progress of their critical thinking and
communicative competence. Topics include assessing, abstracting, analyzing, organizing and
summarizing information; making effective grammatical and lexical choices, writing and

Instructor (s)

Name Surname Degree Contact information

Kalzhan Rakish MA

Maide Nezihoglu MA

Anar Abildina MA

Kanat Syzdykov PhD

Akerke Yessenbekova MA

Nail Saidazimov MA

Aigerim Anarbekova

Skills and competences

Academic Skills Subject-Specific Skills
1. Slide shows of lectures and presentations to 1. Reading and listening skills of academic
enhance listening activities and develop content in various forms;
presentation skills;
2. Using subject related words/vocabulary;
2. Presentation skills, including organization,
preparation and delivery techniques;
3. Speaking on subject related topics;
3. Use of communication skills;

Weekly course plan

№ Topics Activity

1 Introduction to the course Introduction to the course

UNIT-6: Design with purpose

2 UNIT-6: Design with purpose (LS) Classroom activities

Academic track: Design Ice-breakers
Video tasks
UNIT-6: Information Design (RW)
Reading-1: The rise of visual data

3 UNIT-6: Design with purpose (LS) Classroom activities

Academic track: Design Discussions
Grammar exercises
UNIT-6: Information Design (RW)
Reading-2: Visual culture

4 UNIT-7: Inspired to protect (LS) Classroom activities

Academic track: Environmental Sciences Q&A sessions
Interactive demonstrations
Listening tasks
UNIT-7: Global Challenges (RW)
Reading-1: A need for Change

5 UNIT-7: Inspired to protect (LS) Classroom activities

Academic track: Environmental Sciences Video tasks
Reading tasks
UNIT-7: Global Challenges (RW)
Reading-2: Eight steps to a sustainable future
6 UNIT-8: Traditional and Modern medicine (LS) Classroom activities
Academic track: Health/ Medicine Q&A sessions
Speaking tasks
UNIT-8: Medical innovations (RW)
Reading-1: The healer of Cordoba
Quiz-1 (UNIT-7)

7 UNIT-8: Traditional and Modern medicine (LS) Classroom activities

Academic track: Health/ Medicine Discussions
Writing tasks
UNIT-8: Medical innovations (RW) Interactive demonstrations
Reading-2: Medical frontiers

Assignment-1 (Writing task) Assignment


8 UNIT-8: Traditional and Modern medicine (LS) Classroom activities

Academic track: Health/ Medicine Discussions


10 MIDTERM EXAM (Units-6,7,8) MIDTERM EXAM (Units-


11 UNIT-10: Emotions and Personality (LS) Classroom activities

Academic track: Psychology Listening tasks
Vocabulary tasks
UNIT-10: Survival instinct (RW) Discussions
Reading-1: Deadly Summit

12 UNIT-10: Emotions and Personality (LS) Classroom activities

Academic track: Psychology Q&A sessions
Grammar exercises
UNIT-10: Survival instinct (RW) Discussions
Reading-2: Breath of life

13 UNIT-10: Emotions and Personality (LS) Classroom activities

Academic track: Psychology Discussion / Giving feedback

Quiz-2 (UNIT-10)
14 Assignment-2 (Project) Project defense

15 Revision Revision

 Assignment, project topics, tasks, rules, writing tasks, evaluation criteria will be given and explained by


Students’ project work should include the following:

1. Presentation (PPT): Introduction, main part (definition, examples, advantages,

disadvantages, grammar and vocabulary, students’ opinion) and conclusion. (Duration:
up to 5-7 min)
2. Students are free to use creativity and imagination in the way they prefer. They can add
video, music, etc.
Task / Q&A session /Quiz etc. After the presentation students have to come up with a
task or questions for their peers. Their goal is to interact with their peers, play, ask
questions and ensure that they have listened to their classmates and understood their
work. (Duration: up to 3 min)

Course Learning Outcomes

Purpose Students will be able to… How this learning outcome

will be achieved
to provide sufficient recognize sentences and by reading, discussing the specific
vocabulary related to areas of frequently-used expressions academic topics, and through
most immediate relevance; and catch the main point in projects and delivering them in oral
clear, slow and standard form

to present the main demonstrate confidence in through grammar topics in this

grammatical structures more using essential grammatical course
deeply; forms in oral and written form;

to develop students’ reading, interact in a particular through academic topics

listening and speaking skills situations by simple and direct
exchange of information on
academic topics and activities;

to develop students’ critical read and understand academic by reading, analyzing, synthesizing
thinking skills texts to find specific, facts and ideas on academic topics
predictable information;

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Method

● Lecture
● Questions & Answer
● Discussion
● Problem Solving
● Other
*if other: Critical thinking, Project-based learning

Reading List

If the number of Required / Recommended / Other reading list is more than one, you can add a line
Type Author Title Publishing ISBN Publisher/
year Web site

● Required Marie Vargo Pathways: 2019 978-1-337- National

Laurie Blass Reading, 40779-3 Geographic
Writing, Learning
Becky Tarver Pathways:
2018 40773-1 National
Chase Listening,
Christien Lee Speaking, Geographic
Critical Learning

● Recommend Sam McCarter Writing 2014 978-0-230- Macmillan

ed Norman skills 00944-8

● Other Michael Swan Oxford 2015 978-0- Oxford

Cathrine English 194420808 University
Walter grammar Press

Assessment Methods and Criteria

The University’s normative rules regarding assessment apply. See the Code of Practice on
These norms set the boundary conditions for all instructors of University.

If the pre-final grade is more than one, you can insert a row below in the table.

Assessment Description Quantity %

● Quiz Unit tests 2 15*2=30

● Midterm Test 1 1*20=20


2 2*15=30
 Assignment

● Participation 45 hours 20

100 (60%)
 Total
Final exam Test (Paper-based) 1 100 (40%)

Final exam

1. The test will last for 80 minutes;

2. Students must complete the test strictly following the instructions;
3. The attempt of cheating leads to FAILING of the Exam;

Final Exam questions form

Listening part Vocabulary part Grammar part Reading part

Multiple choice Fill in the gaps Fill in the gaps True/False questions
questions questions questions
Multiple choice
Multiple choice Multiple choice questions
True or False statements questions questions
Open questions
Open questions True or False statements True or False statements
Matching Matching
Open questions Open questions
Fill in gaps questions Fill in the gaps
Matching Matching questions

Student Workload
* Student workload filling example

Activity Quantity Duration Total Hours

In person lessons 15 3 45

Asynchronous lessons on 15 1 15

Office hours 15 2 30

Project work discussion, 15 1 15

research of information,
uploading, submissions

Self-study 15 3 45

Total Workload 150

Academic Integrity

Students must ensure that all work completed for this course is their own work. Any evidence of
plagiarism, data falsification, fabrication, collusion, self-plagiarism and/or other forms of
academic misconduct will be penalised. Further, information can be found in the Code of
Practice on Academic Integrity.
Late/Non Submission and Attendance Policy

Academic excellence and high achievement are only possible in an environment where the
highest standards of academic honesty and integrity are maintained: students at SDU must ensure
they adhere to this requirement. Active participation is an integral part of teaching and learning
at SDU. Therefore, regular class attendance is required of all students and records of any
absences are kept for each class: a student whose attendance falls below 70% will fail the course.
Students are also expected to be in class on time: poor punctuality is seen as being discourteous
to the teacher and other students, therefore repeat incidences of late arrivals are subject to a
penalty. The use of electronic devices (e.g.: computers, tablets, phones) is only permitted upon
tutor instruction. Any other activities (e.g.: texting, surfing, gaming, social emails, online
shopping...etc.) are strictly forbidden during class time. Students found to be engaged in any
non-class activity may lose marks for overall participation.

Course Specific Policy

1. it is COMPULSORY to complete QUIZZes /EXAMs on time;

2. All tasks have to be completed by student;
3. In case of cheating, the exam and task result will be canceled.
4. If students do not pass the task/quiz on time, the point for the current quiz/task is 0.
5. Student with more than 30% absence automatically fails the course;


Letter Percentage Description

A 95-100 Excellent
A- 90-94 Excellent
B+ 85-89 Good
B 80-84 Good
B- 75-79 Good
C+ 70-74 Satisfactory
C 65-69 Satisfactory
C- 60-64 Satisfactory
D+ 55-59 Satisfactory
D 50-54 Satisfactory
F 0-49

Approved by Head of Department

Head of Multidisciplinary Center for Education Zh. Duisebekova


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