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How to start COC 3 in Computer Systems Servicing NC II

Step 1: Reset the Router

Step 2: Make sure the Server & Client is connected to Router.

Step 3: Enter the default access of the router. Access the router configuration.

Step 4: Configure the Wireless Settings of the router. Change the Router Name &

Step 5: Configure the DHCP Server of the Router. Select "Disable".

Step 6: Configure the Network Settings of the Router. Click LAN Settings
& change the IP Address of the Router.

Step 7: Go to Network and Sharing Center - go to Change Adapter Setting - Disable &
Enable the Local Area Connection.

Step 8: Restart the power of the router.

Step 9: Open the OOBE of the Server

- Press Windows logo + R and type "oobe". (Initial Configuration Task)

Step 10: Complete the No. 1 of the OOBE. (Provide Computer Information)

- SCeotnfitghuereTiNmetwoofrktihneg.SeSrevterth&e CIlPieAndtd.reSshsouolfd
tbeeh thervS sameasre "Static IP
Address". Insert the Router's IP Address as the DNS Server IP
- Disable & Enable Local Area Connection.
- Provide Computer name of the Server. Change the name to "Server".
- Restart Computer.
Step 11: Add Roles (Server Configuration)
- Click Add Roles

Step 12: Select Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) and install.
- Click Add Required Features then click Next
- Click Next - Next - Install - Close

Step 13: Install DNS Server by using the "dcpromo".

- Press Windows Logo + R then type dcpromo
- Click Next - Next
- Select Create New domain in a new forest then click Next
- Enter the domain name (ex., CSS.local, then click Next
- Select Windows Server 2008 R2 then click Next
- Check DNS server then click Next
- Select Yes then Next
- Enter the password and confirm (ex. P@ssw0rd) then click Next
- Click Next and check Reboot on completion
- PC will automaticall restart

Step 14: Assign the IP Address of the Server and make the Server's IP Address as
the DNS Server.
- Go to Open Network and Sharing Center
- Click Change adapter settings
- Right Click Local Area Connection and select Properties
- Double click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

- Disable and Enable Local Area Connection

Prefer -reCdhaDnNgSe stehrevePrreafnedrrceldicDkNSOKS.erver. Copy the Server's IP
Address and Enter to

- Disable and Enable Local Area Connection

- Close

Step 15: Click Add Roles. Select DHCP Server and click Next
- Click Next and check the IP Address if the same with the Server's IP
Address and then click Next
- Check the Preferred DNS server IPv4 Address. It should be the same with
the Server's IP Address and click validate.
- if valid, click Next
- Select WINS is not required for applications on this network click Next
- Click Add
- Enter Scope name (ex tesda scope, css scope, garry scope)
- Assign Starting IP address and Ending IP address ( -
- Click OK
- Select the scope name and click Next
- Select Disable DHCPv6
- Select Use current credentials and click Next
- Click Install - Close

Step 16: Join the Client by Entering the domain name of the server.
- Go to Open Network and Sharing Center
- Click Change adapter settings
- Click Local Area Connection
- Disable and Enable Local Area Connection
- Close Select a location for the "domain name" network.

- JRoiignhtthcelicklieCnotmpubtyerclaincdkinnsgeleScttarPtroperties
- Click Change settings
- Click Change
- Change Computer name. (ex. Client1)
- Click Domain and enter the domain name of the Server. (ex,
css.local, and click OK
- Enter the Username and Password of the Server. (administrator -
P@ssw0rd) click OK
- Wait until it posted "Welcome to the "domain name" domain. and click OK
- Click Ok, Close and Restart Now.

Step 17: Create Organizational Unit

- Click Start and click Administrative Tools
- Select Active Directory Users and Computers
- Click the domain name and right click
- Select New and select Organization Unit
- Enter New Object - Organization Unit (ex. TESDA, CSS, GARRY) and press OK

Step 18: Create New User (for Client only)

- Right click the created organization unit
- Select New and select User
- Enter Firstname, Lastname and User logon name and click Next. (Takenote
remember the logon name of the user.)
- Enter password and confirm.
- Uncheck User must change password at next logon
- Check User cannot change password and Password never expires and click
Next and Finish
- Create another user
- Close

Step 1- 9:GoCrteoatLeocNaetwioFnol ydoeur

- Create New Folder and rename it. (ex "Redirection")
wfaonrtFtooldcereaRteedit (SehxareL.ocal D, Desktop,
rheectifonldearn.d etc.)

- Create New Folder and rename it. (ex "Redirection")

- Right click the folder and select Properties
- Click Sharing and click Advanced Sharing
- Check Share this folder
- Click Permissions
- Check Full Control and click Apply and OK.
- Click Apply and OK
- Click Share
- Drag down and select Everyone and click Add
- Select Everyone and select Read/Write
- Click Share and Done
- Highlights and Copy the Network Path. (ex. \\SERVER\Redirection)
- Click Close and close folder distination

Step 20: Configure for Folder Redirection.

- Click Start and click Administrative Tools
- Select Group Policy Management
- Select and expand the domain name (ex. Forest:
- Expand Domains
- Select and right click the domain name under Domains
- Select Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here...
- Enter New GPO Name (ex. REDIRECTION) and click OK
- Expand the domain name and select the create GPO and press OK
- Right click the GPO name and select Edit
- Select User Configuration and expand Policies
- Select and expand Windows Settings

- CUlnidcekr Folder Redirection, right click Desktop, Documents, Picture, etc.

(depends on the assessor)
- Select Properties
- Click Settings and select Basic - Redirect everyone's folder to the same
- Paste the Network path into Root Path. (ex. \\SERVER\Redirection)
- Click Apply and click Yes and OK
- Do the same to other redirection folders.
- Close

Step 21: Show the Redirected Folders

- Go to client
- Click Switch User and click Other User
- Enter the username & password of the new user created by the server. (ex.
User1 & User2)
- Go to Server and go to Redirection Folder and wait until the users appears.
(ex. user1, user2)

Step 22: Configure the Ownership of the redirected files. ex. Desktop, MyDocuments,
- Open the user's folder from the Redirection folder (ex. user1, user2)
- Open Redirected folders (ex Desktop, Documents, etc.)
- Click Continue
- Click security tab
- Click Advanced
- Select Owner and click Edit...
- Select Administrator and check Replace owner on subcontainers and objects
- Click Apply - Yes - OK - OK - OK
- Click Continue
- Click Add

- TSyeplect"auA"uthaenndticclaitcekd CUhseecrks Nanmdeschaencdk cFluilclk

- Click Apply and OK -

- Click Apply and OK -

- Close
- Do the same to other redirection folders.
Step 23: File Blocking (File Services)
- Open Server Manager. Select Roles & Right Click File Services and then Add
- Select File Server Resource Manager and install.
- Go to Administrative tools and select File Server Resource Manager.
- Select and expand File Screening Management.
- Select and Click File Screen.
- Right Click and select Create File Screen...
- Enter the location of your redirection folder. (ex.
- Click Define custom file screen properties
- Click Custom properties
- Click Create.
- Enter a File Group Name. (It depends on you!)
- Enter the Files to Include or you want to block. (ex. *.jpg, *.mp3, *.mp4)
then click Add.
- Select the File Groups to Block. (ex. Personal) and then Ok.
- Click Create
- Select Save the custom file screen w/out creating a template.
- Go to Folder Redirection and try if it really blocks the file.
Step 24: Add Roles. Select and Install Remote Desktop Services.
- Select Remote Desktop Session Host and then Select Install Remote Desktop

SHeolsetc.t Require Network Level Authentication.
- Select Configure later
- Restart PC and Resume installation and finished.
- Click Start Button. Go to Computer and Right Click then Properties.
- Click Remote Settings.
- Select Allow connections from computers running any version of RD.
- Click Apply and then Ok.
- Click Start Button. Go to Computer and Right Click then Properties.
- Click Remote Settings.
- Select Allow connections from computers running any version of RD.
- Click Apply and then Ok.
- Check the IP Address of the Client.
- Make sure the Firewall of Server and Client is Disabled.

- Click Start and click All Programs
- Open Accessories
- Select Remote Desktop Connection
- Type the IP Address of the Client (ex. )
- Remote Desktop Connection Pop-ups and then click yes

Step 25: Remote Application

- Click Start and Click Administrative Tools
- Select Remote Desktop Services and click RemoteApp Manager
- Click Add RemoteApp Program. (ex. Ccleaner, Opera, MS Word) and click Next
- Select the installed Applications in the Server and click Next - Finish.
- Select the application and then Right Click and choose Create .rdp File
- Click Next
- Locate the Destination for the .rdp File. (ex. Desktop of Client)

- Click Start and Click Administrative


- Click Start and Click Administrative

- Select Remote Desktop Services and click Remote Desktop Session
Host Configuration
- Click Restrict each user to a single session then right click and click
- uncheck the Restrict each user to a single session.
- click Apply and then Ok. The Restrict each user to a single session is now
- Close

Create Installer for Application

- Select the application and then right click
- Select Create Windows Installer Package
- Click Next
- Locate the Destination for the installer. (ex. Desktop of Client)
- Click Next
- Check Desktop and check Associate Client Extension and then Click Next -

Step 26: Add Roles. Select Print and Document Services.

- Select Print Server.
- Next and then Install - Close
- Go to Administrative tools and select Print Management.
- Click Print Servers.
- Click Server (Local)

- SReilgehcttClPircikntearnsd.then Add Printer.

- Select Add a TCP/IP....
- Enter the Hostname or IP Address (ex. or IP Address of Server)
- Select Standard (Generic Card) and then click Next
- Install a new driver and then Next
- Select Printer (ex. Epson LX-300+ /II) and then Next - Next - Next - Finish
- Click Print Server and expand
- Click Server (local) and Expand
- Click Printers
- Select the Printer installed and then right click
- Select Deploy with Group policy...
- Browse and select Default Domain Policy click OK.
- Check "The users that this GPO applies to" & "The computers that this GPO
applies to"
- Click Add
- Click Apply and then Ok - Ok.
- Go to Deplyed Printers and check if it is deployed.

* Go to Client *
- Click Start and then enter the server name into search bar. (ex. \\Server)
- Select the deployed Printer (ex. Epson LX-300+ II)
- Right Click and then click Open.

How to check if the printer is deployed to Client?

- Click Start and then click Devices and Printers

- Check if the printer is already deployed.

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