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Programme Regulations FIN 2220 Business Law 4

Studies and examinations for a Bachelors
Degree shall be governed by the general
regulations and statutes of Makerere Total Credit Units in Year II 38
University and in addition by the regulations Year III: Semester I
of the Makerere University Business School MGT 3102 Human Resource Management 4
MGT 3129 Strategic Management 4
Enterprise Network
Programme Structures BUC 3105
Administration & Mgt

MGT 3130 Research Methods 2

Electives (Choose any one)
Every curriculum for the degrees is subject to
approval of the Academic Board and Senate. BBC 3123 Business Telecommunications 5
No candidate is deemed registered without BUC 3104 Corporate Database Management 5
such approval and no change is permitted 19
without it.
Semester II
BBC 3211 Project Report 2
Year I: Semester I
MGT 3205 Entrepreneurship Development 2
ACC 1106 Financial Accounting 4
MGT 3206 Business Ethics 3
MGT 1105 Business Communication Skills 3
BBC 3210 ICT and CT Transformation 5
BUC 1103 Business Software Applications 4
Principles of Information BBC 3208 E-Business and Web Design 5
BUC 1105 5
Communication Technology Electives(Choose any one)
16 BUC 3213 Business Software Engineering 4
Semester II Decision and Management
BUC 3212 4
MGT 1210 Business Administration 4 Support Systems
MGT 1208 Principles of Management 4
Information System Total Credit Units for Year III 40
BUC 1208 4
Development & Management
Programming Principles For Year One 34
BUC 1207 5
18 Year Two 38
Total Credit Units in Year I 34
Year Three 40
Year I: Semester I
FIN 2120 Business Economics 4 Total 112
FIN 2116 Financial Management 4
BUC 2102 Computerised Accounting 5
MRK 2113 Principles of Marketing 5
Semester II
Computerised Investment
BBC 2210 5
BUC 2220 Software Modeling for Business 4
BUC 2221 Programming in Java & Oracle 4
MGT 2202 Business Statistics 4


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