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Running head: COMMUNICATION 1


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Communication is the transfer of information from the sender to the recipient. Effective

communication thus has to inform the core of the message; the recipient receives the message

analyzes it and then responds to it by reacting to the message (Hart, 2014). In this paper,

therefore, it is essential to analyze communication uses, such as informing, persuading, and


Communication Analysis

It is crucial to consider the goal information as a purpose to send a clear message to the

targeted group. Information should have content that is meaningful to the audience. The different

audience would want to get the right information concerning the situation (Normore & IGI

Global, 2016). For instance in the church, people expect information such as salvation messages.

In the courtrooms the information as to relate to law and justice. Different groups expect right

information for analysis of the content. Communication plays a significant role in persuading

particular audience.

Communication uses different media to send messages to a targeted group. Its purpose is

to inform the audience through either writing, sounds, smell, or even gesture as a media (Scollo

& Milburn, 2019). Information through writing, for instance, is limited to the audience. The

audience must know how to read; although reading can be done in different ways, such are

reading out loud would in effect help the audience that cannot understand. Therefore,

communication can inform through writings and its purpose to inform the audience can either be

effective since situation would determine if the information is achieved on the other end of the

recipient (Scollo & Milburn, 2019).

Sometimes communicating for informing through gestures can have an impact on the

audience. Gestures involve body language (Thompson, 2018). Different individuals can interpret

the information differently, for instance, pointing out a forefinger can have different meaning to

audience. It can mean, for example, to be attentive, or it can also mean to provoke. Different

interpreting thus will have confusing effect on audience, and thus the purpose of communication

can be lost and not achieved at the end.

Although, communication plays a significant role in sending out information certain

media can have a negative impact on the audience. It is essential to use an effective media in

ensuring that information is relayed well to the audience (Thompson, 2018). Gestures can be

effective in some situation and some situation not effective; thus, the right situation is a factor of

consideration to choosing the right media to convey a message of communication to inform.

It is also crucial that communication is used for persuasion. It involves addressing the

audience so that a particular objective is achieved. Communication to persuade as to use various

strategies to ensuring that effective communication to persuade an audience is realized (Scollo &

Milburn, 2019).

It is essential considering the type of audience one is dealing with for communication to

persuade. The sender as to demonstrate his or her credibility, leadership, and authority in the

communication to influence. Persuasion through writing or communicating verbally cannot bring

out the same results as expected by the sender of the message (Hart, 2014). For instance through

writing, it is essential to attract the attention of the target group of an audience which can be a

challenging issue since writing is a one-time message that if not able to persuade at that time,

then the intentions of the writer to persuade is not attained at all.

Therefore, it is essential to use various strategies in different media to pass the message

so that the communication would persuade the audience. In writing, for instance, the message

such as asking students not to abuse drugs, it is important to start with a statement that would

trigger the attention such as the adverse effects of drug abuse such as death, in this sense, the

audience would be persuaded and the intentions of the communicator to influence the audience

through persuasion is achieved as well.

Persuasive communication has a different perspective in terms of verbal use. Verbal use

such as one to one communication with the audience can be useful if the sender of

communication can understand his or her audience such that figurative language can be used to

convince them. The sender can be able to know what the audience needs and would use that to

convince the audience (Scollo & Milburn, 2019). Though at times the tone of the sender might

not be effective, this can ruin the communication between the audience and the sender of the


It is essential to figure out the best ways to make sure that communication to persuade

becomes useful to the audience (Hart, 2014). A teacher, for instance, can use a particular strategy

to persuade the student to work hard through interactions by being friendly so that he or she can

gain the respect to be listened to. This would make best way to persuade the students to even

work hard in class. Hence, doing so leads to achieving the objective of persuasive


Another use of communication is analyzing, which is important in the transmission of

information from the sender to the receiver as the audience. The different audience needs an

appropriate topic and purpose communication for analyzing (Normore & IGI Global, 2016). In

analyzing the communication, it is essential to consider the medium since the transmission of the

message is the most crucial thing in this essence.

The message flows from the sender through a medium to the receiver. The receiver gets

the message analyzes it, and reacts to the message. Language is essential to ensure that a barrier

is not created to preventing the analyzing of the communication by the receiver which in this

case is the audience (Scollo & Milburn, 2019).

Communication, for instance, such as through drawings, can have a message that would

require the audience to analyze and get the meaning out of it. The limitation of this can be

experienced by individuals who are unable to see or may look and not able to get the sense out of

it; thus it is also essential to choose a strategy that best suits the audience.


Communication thus as a tool for information, persuasion and analyzing is vital to the

audience at any given time (Scollo & Milburn, 2019). Therefore, the medium in which

communication uses, play a crucial role in making sure that the intention of the sender to the

receiver is achieved (Hart, 2014). Situations and the strategy for communicating these uses are

also vital for effective transmission of the message. Hence it is advisable to look at what the

audience needs, how to achieve their needs and the response to serve the intention of the



Hart, R. P. (2014). Communication and language analysis in the public sphere.

Normore, A. H., Javidi, M., Long, L. W., & IGI Global. (2016). Handbook of research on

effective communication, leadership, and conflict resolution.

Scollo, M., & Milburn, T. (2019). Engaging and Transforming Global Communication through

Cultural Discourse Analysis: A Tribute to Donal Carbaugh.

Tench, R., Verčič, D., Zerfass, A., Moreno, A., & Verhoeven, P. (2017). Communication

Excellence: How to develop, manage and lead exceptional communications.

Thompson, N. (2018). Effective Communication: A Guide for the People Professions.

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