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scoring rubric
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Diction and Vocal Excellent diction Satisfactory diction Fair diction and Poor diction and
Expression and impressive use and good use of vocal satisfactory use of limited use of vocal
(8) of vocal expression expression vocal expression expression
Effective, fresh and Satisfactory Fair interpretation Poor interpretation
candid original lines interpretation and and sustainable and lacking of fresh
that blend well good presentation of presentation of fresh and candid original
Creativity of with the given text effective, fresh and and candid original lines
and adhere to the candid original lines lines that blend well
theme that blend well with with the given text
(5) the given text and and adhere to the
adhere to the theme theme
Impressive variety Good variety use of Fair variety use of Limited variety use of
use of facial facial expression, facial expression, facial expression,
Facial Expression, expression, gestures, gestures, gestures,
Gestures and gestures, movements, and movements, and movements, and
movements, and unity in competent unity in acceptable unity in developing
unity in exemplary way way way
(4) way
Use and choice of Use and choice of Use and choice of Use and choice of
props and props and costumes props and costumes props and costumes
Props and Costumes costumes is is good that enhances is sustainable and is limited and does
(3) effective that overall performance satisfies the not satisfy the
enhances overall and attracts the audience. audience.
performance and audience.
attracts the

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