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Lights come up on a hospital room. Simply a door and a bed in front of the mid, with the red
closed slightly. CHANDRA is laying in the bed, but is unconscious. HELEINA sits in a chair
busily working on her computer. ARIANNE stands closest to CHANDRA, and TREVOR and
KALIX stand in a corner, all three are looking at their smartphones. DR.MARTINES is at the
end of the bed checking CAHNDRA's chart, and moves on to test her vitals. CAHNDRA stirs

ARIANNE: Chandra? (She glances up and waits for a minute, but CHANDRA makes no further
movements) Ugh, this is so YOU, Chandra. I know you're awake. You're always seeking
attention, aren't you? This will not get you attention. You're not fooling anyone. If you don't
wake up soon, we're going to leave you, because none of us have time to play your silly little
games. (HELEINA's phone rings, she steps out and answers it)

CAHNDRA gasps awake and sits up. She looks around and realizes that she is no longer at the

CHANDRA: Chuck?! Chuck!? Chuck?! (CAHNDRA notices the DOCTOR, and attempts to kiss
him, but he pulls away from her, shocked)

DR.MARTINEZ: Chandra, I'm going to need you to calm down. I don't think that "Chuck" is
here yet, but I'm sure he'll get here soon.

ARIANNE: (Annoyed) Who on earth is Chuck?

TREVOR: Probably her imaginary friend, I mean, she's obviously in a corrupt state of mind.

KALIX: What makes it so obvious?

HELEINA walks back into the room

TREVOR: Well considering she tried to-

HELEINA: Trevor! Oh, Rhonda, you're finally up. (REBECCA goes over to RHONDA and
pushes the DOCTOR out of the way) Don't stress yourself out, Rhonda. (She tries to get
RHONDA to lay back down) You've been out for two days. Just rest.

KALIX walks over to HELEINA

KALIX: So... can we go now? Or are you going to make us wait for Rhonda?

HELEINA stares at KALIX, and he walks back over to TREVOR and pulls out his cell phone

HELEINA: (to CHANDRA) When we get back home, remind me to call the gym and add you as
a member, okay Rhonda? Also, what if we went to the mall tomorrow, and I could take you to
the makeup counter and you could get a makeover. Would you like that? I'll put it in my

DR.MARTINEZ: CHANDRA, it's good to see that you're finally awake. Are you ready for me to
brief you on what's been done as far as treatment goes?

CHANDRA looks around the room frantically, obviously uncomfortable with her family being

DR.MARTINEZ: (recognizing CHANDRA's uncomfort) Heleina; kids? May I speak to Chandra


FAMILY leaves the room

DR.MARTINEZ: Now, my name isn't Chuck, its Doctor Richard Vanatta. The good thing is that
there is no permanent damage. That bridge wasn't that high, and if that man didn't pull you out
when he did, well I'm afraid we wouldn't be speaking right now. Now, you're going to have to-

CAHNDRA: I don't care.


CHANDRA: I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I just jumped off of an effing bridge, does it
look like I care about my treatment? You can't give me what I want. I'm afraid nobody can. The
one person who actually can doesn't even exist.

DR.MARTINEZ: I'm lost...

CHANDRA: It must've been just a dream. I tried to escape and it actually worked. For once in
my life I was happy with who I am. Chuck loved me for me, despite being shamed and brought
down for it. He didn't care about my weight, or my hair, or my looks. He just cared that I was
me, and in his eyes, I was perfect, an adjective that I don't think I'll ever be able to describe
myself with. It's not like you can give that kind of love to me, and unless you can, I don't care
what you have to say to me.

DR.MARTINEZ: You're right, I can't. But you can.

CHANDRA: What? I just told you, I can't, I can never love myself. I don't know how.

DR.MARTINEZ: Well didn't you say it was a dream?


DR.MARTINEZ: A part of your subconscious? Where your mind takes you where it wants to?

CHANDRA: Now I'm the one that's lost.

DR.MARTINEZ: I'm going to send the nurse in here to brief you on the rest of your treatment.


HELEINA: What did you talk to the doctor about? When can we go home?

CHANDRA: He's sending the nurse in.

HELEINA: Well what did he tell you?

CJANDRA: (finally realizing the meaning of the doctor's words) Exactly what I needed to hear.

HELEINA: What do you mean by that?

CHANDRA: I don't want you to call the gym, and I don't want to go to the mall with you, mom.

HELEINA: Don't you want to be beautiful?

CHANDRA: I already am beautiful! I love myself just the way I am, mom. I'm a wonderful
weight, I don't need to go to the gym. My features are works of art. I don't need any of that,
because I love me.

HELEINA: (disregarding everything CHANDRA said) Of course you do, honey. But that
doesn't mean anything unless other people love you too.

CHANDRA: You don't even want to be here anyway, mom, why don't you just take the others
and leave?
HELEINA: I was trying to be kind, Chandra. I was trying to support you in this rough time, but
I can leave if you want me to. I have better ways to spend my time, dear.

CHANDRA: Good, then go. I don't really need you here anyway.

HELEINA: I will.

HELEINA takes a few steps, hesitates, and the rushes back to CHANDRA

HELEINA: but if we just-

CHANDRA: Leave, mom!

HELEINA: If you let me leave right now, don't expect my help ever again.

CHANDRA: Okay. I don't need it.

HELEINA exits, and CHANDRA picks up the hand mirror on her bedside table. She looks at it,
smiling with her newfound confidence.

CHANDRA: I am beautiful.

Lights fade.

The End.

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