41 GB50205-2001 (Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structure)

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NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Hee) ERISA ERB Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures Ra aL Ree t GB 50205-2001 Department of Editing-in-chief: Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China Department for Approval: Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China Date of Implementation: March 1, 2002 Beijing 2001 NOTICE ese and English, The Chinese text shall be taken as the ruling one ‘This code is written in Chin between the Chinese text and the English text. in the event of any inconsistency A Notice on Issuing National Standard of the Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures Jian Biao [2002] No. 11 in accordance with the requirements of: “A Notice of Printing and Issuing the Plan for Formulation and Revision of National Standard for Engineering Construction of 2000 to 2001"(ian Biao [2001] No.87 issued by our ministry, the Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures, which was jointly revised by the Head Institute for Architecture Research of the Ministry of Metallurgical Tndusty and relevant organizations, has been examined by relevant departments and is approved as rational standard with serial number of GB 50205-2001 and shal be implemented rom March 1, 2002, In which, 42.1, 431, 44.1, 522, $24, 631, 83:1, 1034, 1135, 123-4, 14.2.2 and 14.3.3 are compulsory provisions, which must be implemented strictly ‘The original Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures GB $0205-95 and Standard for Inspection and Evaluation of Quality of Steel Structures $0221-95 shall be annulled at same time “The Ministry of Construction shall be responsible for the management and the interpretation of the compulsory provisions of the Code while the Head Institute for Architecture Research of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry shall be responsible forthe interpretation of technical contents. The Research Inattue for Standard Quota under the Ministry of Construction shal organize the China Plan to print and issue the Code. ng Press Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China January 10, 2002 Foreword “This Code is made by revision to the original Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of tee! Structures GB 50205.95 and the Standard for Inspection and Evaluation of Qually of Stee! Structures GB 5021-95 together by the Head Institute for Architecture Research of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry and relevant organizations in accordance with the requirements of “A Notice of Prining and Issuing the Plan for Formulation and Revision of National Standard for Engineering Construction of 2000 to 2001 Jian Biao [2001] No.87 issued by our ministry During. the revision, wide investigation was made by the preparation group 0 sum UP practical experience in acceptance of constuction quality of steel structures. Under the guideline of “split acceplance from evaluation, intensity aceptance, improve means and control process” and on the basis “of the Unified Standard for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Buildings GB 50300, the revision was ade completely. Opinions from relevant organizations and experts were solicited widely in different ways, It was not finalized unt it was examined and some Key issues were revised repeatedly. “There 15 chaplers in this Code, including: General, Terms and Symbols, Basic Rules, Receiving of Raw Materials and Final Products, Welding, Fastener Connection, Processing of Steel Parts and Steel Components, Assembling of Steel Elements, Test Assembling of Steel Elements, Installation of Single Story Stee! Structures, Installation of Multistory and More multistory Stee} Structures Installation of Steel Net Frame Structures, Extruded Metal Plat, Coating of Stel Structures, Completion Acceptance oF Section works of Stel Structures and 9 Appendices. In principe, steel structure is divide ino 10 ftems and each item is a separate chapter. The “rect however itis listed as one separate chapter to stress and intensify the entry of raw material and final pris so as 0 guard a pas fr quality atthe souree, The “completion aceeprance of Section works of vee structures” is separately listed as one chapter to better facilitate the operation ofthe work of quality fing of raw material and final product” is not one item, acceptance. Some local revisions may be still made to the Code in the future. The information about local revisions and the content of provisions will be published in the journal of the ‘Standardization of Engineering Construction. ‘The provisions marked with block leters inthis Code are compulsory provisions. ‘To raise the quality ofthe Code, all organizations are kindly requested, during your implementation ofthe Code, to sum up your experience, collet information and feedback your opinions and suggestions at any time to the Head Institute for Architecture Research of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry (33, West Tucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, Zip: 100088) forthe reference of future revision “The editor orzanization-in-chiet, the participating organizations and key personnel for preparation of this Code are: Organization of Kditing-in-Chief: The Head Institue for Architecture Research of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. Participating organizations: Metal Structure Co. Ltd. of Wuhan Steel Mill Head Design and Research Institute of Steel of Beijing Beijing Yuanda Construction and Supervision Co.,Ltd Shengzhen Jiangsheng and Steel Structure Construction and Installation Engineering Co., Lid. under the Thité Bureau of China Construction and Engineering Corporation. Bejing Mechanical Construction Company. Zhejiang Hangxiao Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Steel Structure Engineering Co., Ltd. under the First Bureau of China Construction and Engineering Corporation ‘Shandong Zhucheng High Strength Fasteners Co., Lid Zhejiang Jinggong Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Xilide (China )Co. Ltd. Key personnel for preparation: Hou Zaoxing Hou Fengtao _ YuZhizuo ~~ Wang Wentao He Qiaosheng, He Xianjuan Lu Kekuan Lin Fingfong Shi Jing Bao Guangjian Chen Guojing, Ying Mingda Ma Naiguang Li Haifeng, Qian Weijun Contents 1 General. 2. Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terns 2.2. Symbols 3 Basic regulations... —— 4. Receiving of Raw Materials and Final Products. 4.1 Basie regulations. 4.2 Steels .onnneereen 43. Welding Material 4.4 Standard Fasteners for Connection. 4.5. Welded Balls. 4.6 Bolted Balls . 417 Closure Plate, Conical cad and ‘Socket. 4.8 Extruded Metal Plate 4.9 Coating Material 4.10 Others . 5 Welding of Steel Structures 5.1 Basic regulations... 5.2. Welding of Steel Elements. 17 5.3. Stud Welding-- 20 6 Fastener Connection ot 6.1 Basic regulations. x 6.2 Common Fastener Connection .. 2 6.3. High Strength Bolt Connection... 2 7 Processing of Steel Parts and Steel Components. an 7.1 Basic regulations. 7.2 Cutting 7.3. Rec 7.4 Processing of Sides... 7.5. Processing of Pipes and Balls. 7.6 Hole Making. 8 Steel Element ‘assembling... 8.1 Basic regulations. 8.2. Welding H stel 8.3. Assembling 8.4. Flat Milling of Ends “tnd Assembly of Bevels of Wels. 8.5. Profile Size of Steel Elements .. 9 Test Assembling of Steel Elements. 9.1 Basic regulations. 9.2. Test assembling 10 Installation of Single-story y See! StUtUte sation and Forming... 10.1 Basic regulations. 10.2. Foundation and Supporting Face 10.3 Installation and Adjustment... 11 Installation of Multistory and More Multistry Steel Structures TL Basic regubations.scrennnnn 11.2. Foundation and Supporting Face 11.3 Installation and Adjustment 12. Installation of Steel Net Frame Structure. 12.1 Basic regulations... . 12.2 Top Plate of Supporting Face and Supporting Block... 123. General Assembling and Installation 13 Extruded Metal Plate 13.1 Basic regulations. 13.2. Fabrication of Extruded metal Plates 133 Installation of Extruded Metal Plates 14 Coating of Stee! Structures. 14.1 Basic regulations. 142 Coating Stel Sructure with Ant 14.3 Coating of Steel Structures with Fireproof Coat 15 Completion Acceptance of Section works of Steel Structures... Appendix A. Standard for Visual Quality and Allowable tolerance for Size of Welds 0 Appendix B_ Inspection Items for Fastener Connection. 63 Appendix C Allowable tolerance for Assembling of Steel Elements 9 Appendix D Allowable tolerance for Test Assembling of Stee! Elements... 79 Appendix E Allowable tolerance for Installation of Steel Structures... Appendix F Method for Measuring Thickness of Fireproof Coating on Stee! Structures Appendix G Inspection Items of Safety and Function and of Witness Inspection of Steel Structures. 89 Appendix H_ Inspection Items for Visual Quality of Steel Structures 90 Appendix J Record for Quality Acceptance of Inspection Lot of Itemized Works of Steel Structures... 91 Description of Wording in This Code. 104 Explanation of Articles 105 1 General 1.0.1 To intensify the quality management of buildings, to unify the acceptance of constuction quality of steel structures and to guarantee the quality of see structure, this Code is worked out. 1.02 This Code appl multi-story and more mu 1 to the acceptance of construction quality of steel structures of single story, -story of the building as well as steel structures of net frames and extruded ‘metal plates. 1103 ‘The requirements for acceptance of construction quality set in technical documents and contracts adopted in the construction of steel structure shall not be lower than the stipulation ofthis Code. ‘Lod This Code shall be used in conjunction with the national standard the Unified Standard for ‘Acceptance of Construction Quality of Buildings GB 50300 in force. 110.5 For acceplance of construction quality of see structures, apart from implementing what specified jn this Code, it shall also meet what specified in relevant national standards in force. 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 244 Part ‘The smallest unit constitutes components or elements, such as node plate or horizontal leg plate, etc. 2.1.2 Component The unit consists of several parts, such as welded H steel or leg supports, ete. 24.3 Element ‘The base unit of ste! structure consists of parts or parts and components, such as beam, column and suppor, ete. 2.14 The smallest assembled rigid unit The smallest installation unit, except individual one, in installation works of sted net frame, in general it has two types of plane truss and conical one. 2.1.5 Intermediate assembled structure The installation unit consists of individuals and the smallest assembled rigid units in installation works of steel net frame, in general it has two types of strip shape and block shape, 2.1.6 Set of high strength bolt General term of high strength bolts and matching nuts and washers. 2.1.7 Slip coefficient of faying surface In high strength bolt connection, the ratio of the external force, which slips the faying surfaces of connection pieces, and the sum of pre-tensile strength of high strength bolt, which is perpendicular to the faying surfaces. 21.8 Test assembling The assembling which is made to test whether the element meets the installation quality. 219 Space rigid unit ‘The basic stable space system consisting of elements. 2.1.10 Stud welding It is a welding process, which energizes to make arc by contacting one end of stud to the surface of a plate (pipe), when the contacted surfaces are melted, a press is applied to the stud to fulfill he welding. 2.1.11 Ambient temperature The temperature of the site where the fabrication or installation is made. 22 Symbols P — Design pre-tensile strength of high strength bolt AP — Value of loss of pre-tensile strength of high strength bolt —~6— ‘7— Inspection torque of high strength bolt 7, — Torque of high strength bolt for last tightening, T,—Torque of high strength bolt for preliminary tightening 2.2.2 Geometric parameter a— Space b —Width or width for free outer extension ofa plate d— Diameter e— Eecentrie distance ‘f— Deflection, bend vector height H—Height of column Hy — Height of each floor of building h—Height of section Jie Calculation thickness of fillet welds 1 Length, span —Profile arithmetic mean error (parameter of surface roughness) Radius 1 —Thickness of plate or wall A—Added quantity 2.2.3. Other K— Coefficient 3 Basic regulations 3.0.1 The construction unit of steel structures shall have corresponding qualification for the construction of the steel structure, The management for the quality of construction site shall. have relevant standard for construction technique, quality management system, quality control and inspection regulations, Technical documents of contraction organization and design and construction scheme approved by responsible person for technique of the project shall be available in the ste 3.02 The acceptance of construction quality of steel structures shall use measuring apparatus, which are qualified after measurement test and calibration, 3.03 Construction quality control of steel structures shall be done in accordance with following stipulations: 1 Receiving acceptance shall be done for raw materials and final products used. Those raw materials and final products related to the safety or function shall be re-tested in accordance with stipulations of this Code. Sampling and sample detivery shall be witnessed by the supervision engineer (responsible petson for technique from the Owner): 2 Quality contro! shall be done to each step of procedures in accordance with standard for construction technique. Inspection shall be made on completion of each step of procedures; 3 Hand over inspection shall be made between relevant professions and skills and it shall be examined and approved by the supervision engineer (responsible person for technique from the Owner), 3.0.4 The acceptance of construction quality of steel structures hall be done on the basis of self-inspection by the contractor and done in inspection lots, itemized works and section subsection works, The classification of itemized works in section (sub-section) works of steel structures shall be made according to the stipulations of national standard in force the Unified Standard for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Buildings GB 50300, One itemized work of steel structure shall consist of one or several inspection lots. The inspection lot of each itemized work shall be classified in accordance with stipulations of this Code. 3.0.5 The standard for qualified quality of itemized works shall meet following stipulations: 1 _ Key items must meet the requirements of the standard for qualified quality in this Code, 2 For general items, the inspection results of over 80% of inspection points (values) shall meet the requirements of the standard for qualified quality in this Code and the maximum value shall not exceed 1.2 times of allowable tolerance. 3° The records of qui ty inspection and documents of quality certificate shall be complete, 3.0.6 ‘The standard for qualified quality of itemized works shall meet following stipulations: 1 All inspection lots contained in itemized works shall meet the standard for qualified quality in this Code; 2 The records of quality inspection for all inspection lots contained in itemized works shall be —s— complete 30:7 In case the construction quality of steel structures does not meet the requirements of this Code, it shall be handled according to following stipulatio 1 The inspection lots, of which the elements (parts) are re-worked or replaced, shall be re-accepted; 2 ‘The inspection lots, which are inspected and verified by the organization with qualification and meet design requirements, shall be accepted; 3 The inspection lots, which are inspected and verified by the organization with qualification and do not meet design requirements, however they can meet structural safety and application function after calculation and confirmation by the original designer, shall be accepted 4 Any itemized work or section work or section after re-work or solidification treatment, which stil can meet safety and application requ ements though the profile size is changed, may be accepted in accordance with the technical scheme for treatment and the documents agreed with. 3.08 Any section work of steel structure, which still can not meet safety and application requirements idification treatment, is strictly prohibited to accept. afer re-work oF 4 Receiving of Raw Materials and Final Products 4.1 Basic regulations 4.1.1 ‘This chapter applies to the receiving acceptance of main materials, parts (components), final products and standard products delivered to the operational site of any itemized work of steel structures. 4.1.2 In principle, the inspection lot of receiving acceptance shall be same as the inspection lot of itemized works. Inspection lot may also be divided according to the scale of the project and the actual condition of material receiving 4.2 Steels 1 Key Items 42.1. The variety, specification and type of steel and steel casting piece shall meet national product standards in force and design requirements. The quality of imported steel products shall meet design requirements as well as the standards specified in the contract. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspection reports, ete. 4.2.2 Spot re-test shall be made to steel in any of following cases. The result of re-est shall meet national product standatd in force and design requirements: 1 Imported steel; 2 Mixed lot of steel; 3 Thickness of plate >40mm and there is Z direction performance requirements in desig 4 The steel used in m architecture and structure is Class I; forced elements in large span steel structures with safety class of 5 Thesteel designed for re-est; 6 Thesteel or questionable quality Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine re-test reports. IL General Items 4.2.3 The thickness and the allowable tolerance of steel plate shall meet the requirements of product standards. Inspection quantity: 5 spot inspections of steel plate for each variety and each specification. Inspection method: Measurement with a caliper. 4.2.4 ‘The specification and size of section steel shall meet the requirements of product standard. Inspection quantity Inspection quantity: 5 spot inspections of section steel for each variety and each specification. —w— Inspection method: Measurement witha caliper and a steel ruler. 425. Visual quality of steel surface shall, apart from conforming relevant national standards in force, meet following, stipulations: 1 In case there is defects of rust, spots or traces on steel surfaces, their depth shall not be larger than 1/2 of allowable minus error of steel thickness; 2 ‘The class of rust on steel surfaces shall be in conformity with Class C or over specified in national standard in force the Class of Rust and Class of De-rust on Steel Surface before Coating GB 8923. 3. ‘There shall be no defects of lamination or slag inclusion at ends or breaks of stel Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Visual inspection. 4.3. Welding Material 1 Key Items 43.1. The variety, specification and type of welding material shall meet standards in force and design requirements. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine quality certificates of welding materials, marks in Chinese and inspection reports, etc. 432 The welding materials used for imported stee! structures shall be spot tested and the results of re-test shall meet national product standard in force and design requirements: Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine re-est reports II General Items 433 ‘The specification, size and error of welding stud and welding ceramic cup shall meet stipulations of national standard in force the Welding Stud of Round Pillar Head GB 10433, Inspection Quantity: Spot inspection of 1% as per quantity, and not less than 10 ses. Inspection method: Visual inspection. 4344 There shall be no defects, such as electrode cover dropped out, core wire rusted and so on; no welding flux blocked due to moisture. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 19% as per quantity, and not less than 10 bags. Inspection method: Visual inspection, 4.4. Standard Fasteners for Connection I. Key items 44.1 The variety, specification and performance of standard fasteners of set of high strength big hexagon-headed bolts, set of torque and share type high strength bolts for steel structure connection use, high strength bolts, common bolts, rivets, self-tapping screws, pulling rivets, gun nails and anchor bolts (mechanical or chemical agent type) and foundation bolts for steel net. frame standard matehing parts of nuts and washers shall meet national product standards design requirements. The set of high strength big hexagon-headed bolts and the set of torque and share type high strength bolts shall be attached with reports on torque coefficient and tightening axial force (pre-tensile strength) when dispatched from the factory. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspection reports of the products 44.2. For the set of high strength big hexagon-headed bolts, the torque coefficient shall be tested in dance with what specified in Appendix B of this Code and the results of inspection shall be in conformity with what specified in Appendix B of this Code. Inspection quantity: See Appendix B of this Code. Inspection method: Examine re-test report. 4.4.3 For the set of torque and share type high strength bolts, pre-tensile strength shall tested in accordance with what specified in Appendix B of this Code and the test result shall be in conformity with what specified in Appendix B of this Code. Inspection quantity: See Appendix B of this Code. Inspection method: Examine re-test report. IL General Items 4.4.4 Set of high strength bolts shall be supplied in packing boxes with lot number, specification, quantity and date of production marked on the boxes. Visual surfaces of bolts, nuts and washers shall be coated with oil for protection, There shall be no rust or dit, Threads shall not be damaged. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% of packing boxes and not less than 3 boxes. Inspection method: Visual inspection. 4.4.5 For steel net frame structure of bolted ball node type with safety class of architecture and structure of Class | and with span of over 40m, surface hardness test shall be made to the high strength bolts for connection. For high strength bolts of Class 8.8, the hardness shall be HRC21 ~ 29 while for those of Class 10.9, the hardness shall be HRC32 ~36 and neither shall have cracks or damages. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 8 pieces as per specification, Inspection method: Use a hardometer, a 10-fold magnifier or make magnetic particle inspection. 4.5 Welded Balls 1 Key Items 4.5.1 For welded balls and raw materials used for making welded balls, the variety, specification and performance shall meet national product standards in force and design requirements, Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspect reports of the produets, 45.2. Non-destructive inspection shall be made to welds of welded balls and the quality shall meet design requirement, In case there isnt design requirement, the quality standard Class 1 specified in this Code applies. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 3% as per quantity of each specification, and not tess than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Ultrasonic inspection or examine inspection reports. IL General Items 453. ‘The diameter, roundness and quantity of reducing the wall thickness of welded balls as well as allowable tolerance shall be in conformity with stipulations of this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity of each specification, and not less than pieces. Inspection method: Inspect with a caliper or @ pachometer. 445A. Surfaces of welded balls shall have no notable waves and local unevenness shall not be larger than 1.5mm, Inypection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity of each specification, and not less than 3 pieces: Inspection method: Use are shape ease moulds and a caliper and visual inspection 4.6 Bolted Balls 1 Key Items 46<1 For bolted balls and raw materials used for making nodes of bolted balls, the variety, specification and performance shall meet national product standards in force and design requirements. Inspeetion quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspection reports of the products, 4.6.2 Bolted balls shall not have defects of over burnt, cracks or wrinkles Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% for each specification, and not less than 5 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection with a10-fold magnifier and surface inspection TI General Items 4.6.3 The size of threads of bolted balls shall be in conformity with stipulations for coarse threads set in the national standard in force the Basic Size of Common Threads GB 196. The allowance for threads shall meet Class 6H precision specified in national standard in force the Allowance and Matching of Common Threads GB 197. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% for each specification, and not less than 5 pieces, Inspection method: Use standard thread gauge. 4.6.4 The diameter, roundness and the included angle of centerlines of adjoining bolt holes of bolted balls as well as allowable tolerance shall be in conformity with stipulations of this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity for each specification, and not | than 3 pieces, Inspection method: Use a caliper and index head meter. 4.7 Closure Plate, Conical Head and Socket I Key items 4.7.1 For closure plates, conical heads and sockets and raw materials used for making closure plates, conical heads and sockets, the variety, specification and performance shall meet national product standards in force and design requirements. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspection reports of the products. 4.7.2 The appearance of closure plates, conical heads and sockets shall not have cracks, over burnt or scale of oxidation, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% for each variety, and not less than 10 pieces. Inspection method: Use a magnifier to examine and surface inspection. 4.8 Extruded Metal Plate 1 Key Items 4.8.1 For extruded metal plates and raw materials used for making extruded metal plates, the varie specification and performance shall meet national product standards in force and design requirements. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspection reports of the products. 482 For extruded metal flash plates, angle-covering plates and parts and articles, the variety, specification and the performance of waterproof and sealing materials shall meet national product standards in force and design requirements. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspection reports of the products, I General Items 4.83. ‘The specification, allowable tolerance, surface quality and quality of coating of extruded metal plates shall meet design requirements and the stipulations of this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% for each specification, and not less than 3 pleces. Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection with a 10-fold magnifier and measurement with aruler. 4,9 Coating Material “ 1 Key Items 4.9.1. For materials of anti-corrosion coat, diluent and hardener for steel structures, the variety, specification and performance shall meet national product standards in force and des requirements. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspection reports of the products, 4.9.2. For fireproof coat of steel structure, the variety and performance shall meet design requirements and shall be in conformity with what specified in relevant national standards in force tested by testing body with qualification. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspection reports of the products, IL General Items 4.9.3. The type, name, color and validity of anti-corrosion coat and fireproof coat shall be in conformity with quality certificate. When unpacking, there shall have no scales, clots nor coagulation. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity of barrel, and not less than 3 barrels. Inspection method: Visual inspection. ~1s— 4.10 Others I Key Items 4.10.1 For rubber cushions used for steel structures, the variety, specification and performance shall ‘meet national product standards in force and design requirements. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspection reports of the products, 4.10.2 For other special materials involved in steel structures, the variety, specification and performance shall meet national product standards in force and design requirements. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine quality certificates, marks in Chinese and inspection reports of the products. 5 Welding of Steel Structures 5.1 Basic regulations ‘5.1.1 This chapter applies to the quality acceptance of welding and stud welding of steel elements in fabrication and installation of steel structures. 5.1.2 The works of welding of steel structures may be divided into one or several inspection lots according to corresponding dividing principle for inspection lots of fabrication and installation of steel structures. 5.13. Inspection of welds of carbon structural steel shall not be made until the welds are cooled to ambient temperature while of low alloy structural steel, 24 hours after welding. 5.1.4 After performance of welding, welder’s seal shall be stamped onto the specified welds and locations. 5,2 Welding of Steel Elements I Key Items 5.2.1 The matching of the welding materials of electrodes, wires, lux and melting nozzle for electric slag welding with the base material shall meet design requirements and national industrial standard in force the Technical Regulations for Welding Construction Steel Structures JGJ 81. Before using, the electrodes, flux, wires with flux core and melting nozzle shall be stored and baked according to product instructions and what specified in WPS. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine quality certificates and records for baking. 5.2.2 Welders must be qualified by test and have obtained qualification certificate. The welders with certificate must perform welding just within the range of approval for items qualification tested. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine welder’s qualification certificate the range of approval and validity. 5.2.3 The contractor shall make welding process evaluation to steel, welding materials, welding processes and subsequent heat treatment which are used for the first time and the welding process shall be finalized according to the evaluation report. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Examine welding process evaluation report. 5.2.4 Ultrasonic inspection shall be made to detect internal defects for Class I and Class II welds of full penetration welding. In case after ultrasonic inspection, itis difficult to judge the defect, radiographic inspection shall be made. The classification of internal defects and the methods for radiographic inspection shall meet stipulations of national standard in force the Manual Ultrasonic — Inspection Method for Steel Welds and Classification of Inspection Results GB 11345 or Radiography and Quality Classification for Steel Melt Welding Butt Welds GB3323. ‘The classification of internal defects and inspection methods for welds of net frame of welded all nodes and bolted ball nodes as well as through-line welds of T, K, Y joints shall meet stipulations of national standard in force the Ultrasonic Inspection Method and Quality Classification for Welds of Steel Net Frame of Welded Ball Nodes JG/T 3034.1 Ultrasonic Inspection Method and Quality Classification for Welds of Steel Net Frame of Bolted JG/T 3034.2 and Technical Regulations for Welding Construction Steel Structures JGJ 81. il Nodes The quality class of welds of Class I and Class II as well as classification of defects shall meet what specified in Table 5.2.4. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection methods: Examine ultrasonic inspection records or radiographic inspection records. ‘Table 5.2.4 Quality Class and Classification of Defects for Welds of Class I and Class 1 ~ T Quality class of welds Chass 1 Class 11 Class evaluated 1 m Ultrasonic inspection for Internal — Inspection class Class B Class B defect — Ratio of inspection 100% 20% Class evaluated m Radiographic inspection for oan Inspection class Class AB Class ASD Internal defect Ratio of inspection 100% 20% Note: The caleulaton for ratio of inspection shall be determined acording to following principle: (1) For workshop-made welds, percentage shall be eaclted per length ofeach wld and the length finpeston shall not be less than 200mm, in case the length of the welds is less than 200mm, inspection shall be made to entire welds; (2) | or sitemade wel percentage salle cleat according tthe numberof pce of weld fe type, same condition for welding application and the length of inspes shall not be less than 200mm and aot les than one piece of welds. 52.8 For welds of T joints, cross joints and fillet joints which need combination of butt and fillet connection of full penetration, the size of foot shall not be less than 1/4 (Figure 5.2.5 a, b and c). The size of foot of the welds of crane beams for which fatigue calculation verification is required by design or the ‘welds connecting vertical leg plate of similar element with horizontal leg plate shall be t/2 (figure 5.2.54) and not larger than 10mm. The allowable tolerance for foot is 0~4mm. Inspection quantity: Inspect all documents; spot inspection of 10% of welds of same kind, and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection, spot inspection with welds measuring gauge to mea Oy ® © Figure 5.2.5 Size of foot 52.6 The surface of welds shall not have defects of cracks or overlap, ete. Welds of Class land Class Il shall not have defects on surface of air bubble, slag inclusion, arc or pit cracks and are damages, etc. Also welds of Class | shall have no defects of over cut, insufficient welding and root shrinkage, ec. Inspection quanti : Spot inspection of 10% of elements of same kind in same lot, and not fess than es, Among the elements for spot inspection, spot inspection of 5 % as per quantity of welds for cach type of welds, and not less than 1 piece of welds, Far each piece of welds, one place shall be inspected with total spot inspection not less than 10 places. Inspection method: Visual inspection, or use a magnifier, welds measuring gauge or @steel ruler to inspect. In ease there is any doubt, dye penetrant or magnetic particle inspection shall apply. Il General Items 52.7 For welds which need pre-heating before welding or subsequent heat treatment, the temperature for pre-heating or subsequent heat treatment shall be in conformity with stipulations of relevant national standards in force and shall be determined via process test. The pre-heating zone is at both sides of the welds with width for each side larger than 1.5 times of thickness of welding piece and not less than 100mm, Subsequent heat treatment shall be done right after welding. The holding time shall be determined according to 1 h per each 25mm of plate thickness. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine pre-heating and subsequent heat treatment records and process test reports. 52.8 ‘The standard for visual quality of welds of Class II and Class 111 shall meet what specified in Table A.0.1 in Appendix A of this Code. Butt welds of Class Ill shall be visual quality inspected for according to the standard for welds of Class I. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% of elements of same kind in same lot, and not less than 3 pieces. Among the elements for spot inspection, spot inspection of 5 % as per quantity of welds for each type of welds, and not less than 1 piece of welds. For each piece of welds, one place shall be inspected with total spot inspection not less than 10 places. Inspection method: Visual inspection, or use a magnifier, welds measuring gauge o a steel ruler to inspect. 52.9 Allowable tolerance for the size of welds shall be meet what specified in Table A.0.2 in Appendix Aoof this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% of elements of same kind in. same lot, and not less than -19— 3 pieces, Among the elements for spot inspection, spot inspection of 5 % as per quantity of welds for each type of welds, and not less than 1 piece of welds. For each piece of welds, one place shall be inspected with total spot inspection not less than 10 places. Inspection method: Use welds measuring gauge to inspect. 5.2.10 For fillet welds of concave shape, welding metal shall be smoothly transited to the base material. For fillet welds processed to be concave shape, no cutting trace shall be left on the surface. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% of elements of same kind in same lot, and not Jess than 3 pieces, Inspection method: Visual inspection, 5.2.11 The appearance of welds shall have even and good formation with smooth transition between different welding passes and between welding passes and base material. Welding slag and sputters shall be almost removed. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% of elements of same kind in same lot, and not less than 3 pieces, Among the elements for spot inspection, spot inspection of 5 % as per quantity of welds for each type of welds. Total spot inspection shall not be less than 5 places. Inspection method: Visual inspection, 5.3. Stud Welding 1 Key Items 5.3.1 The contractor shall make welding process evaluation for studs and steel used for welding and the results shall meet design requirements and stipulations of relevant national standards in force. Ceramic cup shall be baked according to product instructions. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Examine welding process evaluation reports and records for baking, 5.3.2 Bend test shall be performed after stud welding. No visible cracks shall be found on welds o in heat affected zone. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% of elements of same kind in same lot, and not less than 10 pieces. Among the elements for spot inspection, inspect 1 % as per quantity of studs for each piece, and not less than 1. Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection with an angle ruler after stud is 30 degree bent I General Items 5.3.3. The foot at root of stud shall be uniform. Any local insufficient fusion at elevation of foot or any foot less than 360° shall be repaired. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 1% of total quantity of stud, and not less than 10 pieces, Inspection method: Visual inspection — 2 6 Fastener Connection 6.1 Basic regulations 6.11 This chapter applies to quality acceptance of connections of common bolts, torque and shear type high strength bolts, high strength big hexagon-headed bolts, high strength bolts used in bolted ball nodes of steel net frames and gun screws, self-tapping screws and pulling rivets used in fabrication and installation of steel structures. 6:12. The works of fastener connection may be divided into one or several inspection lots according to corresponding dividing principle for inspection lots of fabrication and installation of steel structures. 6.2 Common Fastener Connection 1 Key Items 62.1 When common bolts are used as permanent connection bolts and there is design requirement or quality is questionable, re-test of minimum tensile load shall be made to actual bolts. For test method, see ‘Appendix B of this Code. The test results shall be in conformity with stipulations of national standard in force the Fastener Mechanical Performance, Bolts, Screws and Studs GB 3098 Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 8 pieces for each specification of bolt. Inspection method: Examine re-est report of actual bolts 6.22 The specification and size of self-tapping screws, pulling rivets and gun screws used to connect steel sheets shall match the steel plate connected. The space and side distance shall meet design requirements. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 1% as per quantity of connection node, and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection with a ruler. I General Items 6.2.3 The tightening of permanent common bolts shall be firm and reliable. The threads exposed shall not be less than 2. Ins Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of connection node, and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection by knocking with a hammer. 62.4 Selftapping screws, steel pulling rivets and gun screws shall be closely and firmly connected to the steel plates to be connected with uniform arrangement in appearance. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of connection node, and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection or inspection by knocking with a hammer. aa 63 High Strength Bolt Connection I Key Items 63.1 Test and re-test of slip coefficient of faying surface shall be made to high strength bolts in accordance with what specified in Appendix B of this Code by steel structure fabrication and installation organizations. For site prepared elements, a separate test of slip coefficient of faying surface shall be made. The test results shall meet d Inspection quantity: See Appendix B of this Code. Inspection method: Examine test report and re-test report on slip coefficient of faying surface. 63.2 One hour after the last tightening of the set of high strength big hexagon-headed bolts, inspection of the torque for last tightening shall be made within 48 hours and the inspection result shall meet what specified in Appendix B of this Code, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of node, and not less than 10 pieces. For each node to inspect, inspection of 10% as per quantity of screw, and not less than 2 pieces. Inspection method: See Appendix B of this Code. 633. After last tightening of the set of torque and shear type high strength bolts, the number of the bolts which have not been tightened off the head during the last tightening (except those which were impossible to tighten off by using special spanner due to structural reason) shall not be more than 5% of the number of bolts of that node, Those sets of torque and shear type high strength bolt, which have not been tightened off the heads, shall be lastly tightened with torque method or angle rotating method as well as marked. A torque inspection for las tightening shall be made according to 6.3.2 of this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of node, and not less than 10 nodes. ‘Among those nodes for inspection, a torque inspection for last tightening shall be made to all those sets of torque and shear type high strength bolt, which have not been tightened off the heads. I General Items 63.4 The sequence of tightening, the torque for initial tightening and re-tightening of sets of hhigh strength bolt shall meet design requirements and stipulations of national industrial standard in force the Regulations for Design, Construction and Acceptance of Stee! Structure High Strength Bolt Connection GI 82. Inspection quantity: Inspect all documents. Inspection method: Examine records of torque spanner rating and construction records of bolt. 6.3.5 After last tightening of high strength bolts, the exposed threads shall be 2 ~ 3, in which it is allowable that 10% of them have I or 4 exposed threads. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity of node, and not less than 10 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection, 6.3.6 ‘The faying surfaces of high strength bolts connection shall be dry, neat and without fins, spurs, welding sputters, welding overlap, oxidation scales or dirt, etc. The faying surfaces shall not be coated 2 except design specified. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Visual inspection. 63:7 The high strength bolts shall pass through the bolt holes freely. The bolt holes for high strength bolts shall not be enlarged by gas cutting. The number of holes enlarged shall be agreed with the designer. ‘The diameter of the hole after enlargement shall not exceed 1.2 d (d is diameter of bolt). Inspection quantity: Inspect all holes enlarged Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection witha caliper. 63:8 On completion of assembling of net frame of bolted ball nodes, the high strength bolts shall be closely and firmly connected with ball nodes. The length of threads of high strength bolts tightened into ‘the ball shall not be less than 1,0d (dis diameter of bolt). There shall be no clearance, nether loose or insufficient tightening at connections) Inspeetion quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity of node, and not ess than 10 pieces. Inspection method: Use common spanner and inspection with a ruler. —ne 7 Processing of Steel Parts and Steel Components 7.1 Basic regulations 7A. This chapter applies to quality acceptance of the processing of steel parts and steel components, during steel structure fabrication and installation, 7.1.2. The works of processing of steel parts and steel components may be divided into one or several inspection lots according to corresponding dividing principle for inspection lots of fabrication and installation of steel structures. 72 Cutting 1 Key lems 7.2.1 The cutting face or shearing face of steel shall not have any crack, slag inclusion, amination or edge shortage larger than Imm, Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity, Inspection method: Visual inspection or inspection with a magnifier and a centigrade ruler. If there is any doubt, dye penetrant, magnetic particle or ultrasonic inspection shall be made. I General Items 7.2.2 Allowable tolerance for gas cutting shall meet what specified in Table 7.2.2 Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of gas cutting face, and not less than 3 faces. Inspection method: Visual inspection or inspection with a steel ruler or a clearance gauge. Table 7.2.2. Allowable tolerance for Gas Cutting (mm) Item Allowable tolerance Length, width of parts £30 Degree of plane of eating face 0.05 and not >2.0 Depth of cutting veins 03 Depth of local breach Lo Note: tis thickness of cutting face, _ 7.2.3. Allowable tolerance for mechanical shearing or cutting shall meet what specified in table 7.2.3 Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of cutting face, and not less than 3. Inspection method: Visual inspection or inspection with a steel ruler or a clearance gauge. —u— ‘Table 7.2.3 Allowable tolerance for Mechanical Shearing or Cutting Item Allowable tolerance Length, width of pats 43.0 Side edge shortage Verticality of endsof section stel 2.0 7.3. Rectification and Forming I Key Items 7.3.4 Cold rectification and cold bending shall not be made to carbon structural steel when the amt 1 temperature is lower than ~ 16°C and to low alloy structural steel when the ambient is lower than -12 ‘C.When heat rectification is made to carbon structural steel or low alloy steel structures by heating, the heating temperature shall not exceed 900°C. Low alloy structural stel shall be cooled in a natural way after heat rectification. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Examine fabrication process reports and construction records. 7.3.2 When parts are to be formed by heat processing, the heating temperature shall be controlled at 900 ~ 100°C. Processing of carbon structural steel and low alloy structural steel shall be completed before the temperature falls 10 700°C and 800°C respectively. Low alloy structural steel shall be cooled in a natural way. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all qua Inspection method: Examine fabrication process reports and construction records. IL General Items 733. The surface of steel after rectification shall not have notable concave or damage, the depth of trace shall not exceed 0.5mm and also not exceed 1/2 of minus allowable tolerance of steel thickness, Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection by actual measuring, 7.3.4. The minimum radius of curvature and maximum vector height for cold rectification and cold bending shall meet what specified in Table 7.3.4. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of cold rectification and cold bending, and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection by actual measuring. 35 — Table 7.3.4 Minimum Radius of Curvature and Maximum Vector Height for Cold Rectification and Cold Bending (mm) yg oe Rectification Bending De een responding stel axis F £ F f p fe wx soo | G5, ai ww Stes + plate, flat * steel a y-y (only for axis: Pr e of at test) 1008 | 8005 4006 Ao oo | ae | ww | tee! “~ 7206 3606 i oa » a cael ES 400h ae 200h Channel 5.0 1/100, the angle of two Verticality of angle steel legs legs making the angle steel shall not> 90° Verily of orion lees of * 6/80 chan seo vert ep. Venicaity ofhorizota eps of #7 ¥ 6/100 and not > 2.0 steel to vertical les 7.4 Processing of Sides 1 KeyTtems 7.4.1. In caseitis necessary to process the sides of parts which are gas cut or mechanical sheared of cut, the volume of cutting shall not > 2.0mm, Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Examine process report and construction records. a Tl General Items 7.42. Allowable tolerance for side processing shall meet what specified in Table 7.4.2 Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of face processed, and not less than 3 pieces Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection by actual measuring. ‘Table 7.4.2 Allowable tolerance for Processing Sides (mm) tem Allowable tolerance Wid, fengeh of parts +10 Linear degree of sides processed 1300 and not >2.0 Included angle of adjoining two sides Vericality of face processed (0.025t and not >05 Roughness of surface processed wr | 7.5 Processing of Pipes and Balls 1 Key Items 7.5.1 The bolted balls, after forming, shall not have any crack, wrinkle or over burnt, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% for each specification and not less than 5 pieces Inspection method: Visual inspection with a 10-fold magnifier or surface inspection. 7.5.2 When steel plate is pressed to be semi-spherical, the surface shall not have any erack or wrinkle. ‘The butt bevel of welded ball shall be mechanically processed. Surface of but welds shall be grounded to be flat and uniform. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% for each specification and not less than 5 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection with a10-fold magnifier or surface inspection, IL General Items 7.5.3 Allowable tolerance for processing bolted balls shall meet what specified in Table 7.5.3. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% for each specification and not less than 5 pieces. Inspection method: See Table 7.5.3. — 28 — ‘Table 75.3 Allowable tolerance for Processing Bolted Balls (mm) Allowable tem Inspection method tolerance a2) 13 Inspect with a caliper and a vernier Roundness a>i20 25 caliper Degree of parallel of two milled | a <120 02 Inspect with V_ block of centigrade planes in one axis iD io meter Distance from milled plane to ball center £02 | Inspeet with a vernier caliper. Included angle of centerlines of two adjoining bolt holes £30' | Inspect with a index head Verticality of two milled planes to axis of bolt hole 0.005» | Inspect with a centigrade meter +20 4 <120 “10 Inspect with a caliper and a vernier Diameter of ball blank: " = caliper a0 “1s | 7.54 Allowable tolerance for welded ball shall meet what specified in Table 7.5.4 Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% for each specification and not less than 5 pieces. Inspe sn methods: See Table 7.5.4 ‘Table 7.5.4 Allowable tolerance for Processing Welded Balls (mm) tem Allowable tolerance Inspection method 20.008 : oo Inspect witha eliper and a venir caliper Diamet 42s spect iper ips Roundoess as Inspect wit caliper and a veri caliper Cuiting volume of wall thickness 0.13 ¢and not >1.5 Inspect witha caliper and a vernier caliper Displacement of butting of two spherical semi-balls 10 Inspect with a case mould and a venir caliper 1. in Table 7.5.5. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% for each specifiation and not less than 5 pieces. Inspection method: See Table 7.5.5 29 5 Allowable tolerance for processing steel members of net frame (truss) shall meet what specified Table 7.5.5 Allowable tolerance for Processing Stee! Rod of Steet Net Frame (Truss) (mm) Allowable Item : Inspection method tolerance Length £10 | Inspeot with astel ruler and a centigrade meter Verticality of end face to pipe axis 0.005 | Inspect with V block ofa centigrade meter Curve of pipe end 1.0 | Inspect with acase mould and a vernier caliper 7.6 Hole Making 1 Key Items 7.6.1 Bolt holes of Class A and Class B (Class | holes) shall have a precision of H12. The roughness of hole wall surface, Ra, shall not be larger than 12.5 1 m. The allowable tolerance for hole diameter shall meet what specified in Table 7.6.1-1. For bolt holes of Class C (Class II holes), The roughness of hole wall surface, Ra, shall not be larger than 25 u m. The allowable tolerance for hole diameter shall meet what specified in Table 7.6.1-2. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of steel elements and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Inspect with a vernier calliper or a hole diameter gauge. Table 7.6.1-1 Allowable tolerance for Hole Diameter of Class A and Class B Bolts Nominal diameter of bolt, | Allowable tolerance for | Allowable tolerance for diameter of bolt Serial No. diameter of bolt hole nominal diameter of bolt bole 0.00 40.18 1 10-18 | 018 0.00 | | 0.00 +021 | 2 18~30 | 021 0.00 | 0.00 02s } 3 30~50 | | 02s 0.00 ‘Table 7.6.1-2 Allowable tolerance for Hole of Class C Bolts Item Allowable +10 Diameter 00 Roundness 20 Verticality 0.03t and not >2.0 —30— IL General Items 7.62. Allowable tolerance for distance between bolt holes shall meet what specified in Table 7.6.2. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of steel elements and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Inspect with a steel ruler. ‘Table 7.6.2. Allowable tolerance for Distance between Bolt Holes (mm) Range of distance between bolt holes <500 501~1200 1201-3000 3000 Distance between any wo holes in same group +10 sis Distance between end holes of two adjoining m +Ls £20 £25 +£3.0 _proups Note: 1. In nodes, all bolt holes ofa connection plate connected with one member is one group: 2, For butt connections, the bot holes on one side of assembled plate is one group; +4. ‘The bol holes between two adjoining nodes or connections is one group; however it excludes bolt _ holes specified in ubove 2 clauses; |4.. For connection bolt holes in side legs of bent elements, bolt holes within he range of one meer is one group, 7.63 In case the allowable tolerance for distance between bolt holes exceeds what specified in Table 7.6.2, holes shall be re-made after remedy welded with electrodes matching base materia. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection methods: Visual inspection. ue 8 Steel Element Assembling 8.1 Basic regulations 8.1.1 This chapter applies to quality acceptance of element assembling during fabrication of steel structures. 8.1.2 The works of steel element assembling may be divided into one or several inspection lots according to corresponding dividing principle for inspection lots of fabrication and installation of stee! structures. 8.2. Welding H steel I Key Items 8.2.1 The distance between welds which assembly horizontal legs vertical legs of H steel shall not be less than 200mm. The length for assembling horizontal legs shall no be less than 2 times of plate width ‘The width for assembling vertical legs shall not be less than 300mm while the length shall not be less than 600mm. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection methods: Visual pection and inspection with a stel ruler. 8.2.2 Allowable tolerance for welding H steel shall meet what specific of this Code. ‘Table C.0.1 in Appendix C Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of steel elements and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection methods: Inspection with a steel ruler, angle ruler and a clearance gauge, ec 83. Assembling 1 Key Items 8.3.1 Crane beam and truss shall not have downward deflection, Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection methods: Vertically stand the element with supports at both ends, inspection with a balance level and a steet ruler. IL General Items 8.3.2 Allowable tolerance for welding connected assembling shall meet what specified in lable C.0.2 in Appendix C of this Code. 2 Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as pet quantity of elements and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection methods: Inspection with a steel ruler. 8.3.3. Faying face shall have over 75% area closely contacted. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of faying face and not less than 10 pieces. Inspection methods: Inspection with a 0.3mm clearance gauge, the area plugged in shall be Less than 25%, and the clearance at sides shall not be larger than 0.8mm. 8.344 Allowable tolerance for displacement of cross point of axes of truss structure members shall not be larger than 3.0mm. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of elements and not less than 3 pieces, For each element to be inspected, spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of node and not less than 3 nodes. Inspection methods: Inspection by measurement with a ruler. 84 Flat Mil ing of Ends and Assembly of Bevels of Welds 1 Key Items 8.4.1 Allowable tolerance for flat milling of ends shall meet what specified in Table 84.1 Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of planes to be milled and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection methods: Inspection witha stel ruler, angle ruler and a clearance gauge, et. ‘Table 8.4.1 Allowable tolerance for Flat Milling of Ends (mm) tem Allowable tolerance “Length ofthe element with both ends milled at +20 Leng of the part with both ends milled at £05 Degree of plane ofthe plane milled © Verticality of the plane mile to axis 111500 TL General Items 8.4.2 Allowable tolerance for installation of bevels of welds shall meet what specified in Table 8.4.2. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of bevels and not less than 3 pieces Inspection methods: Inspection with a welds gauge. ‘Table 8.4.2 Allowable tolerance for Installation of Bevels of Welds tem Allowable tolerance: Angle of bevel 45 Obtuse side £1.0mm re 8.4.3 Exposed milled plane shall be anti-rust protected. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection methods: Visual inspection 8.5 Profile Size of Steel Elements 1 Key Items 85.1 Allowable tolerance for profile size of key items of stee! elements shall meet what specified in Table 8.5.1 Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity, Inspection methods: Inspection with a steel ruler. Table 8.5.1 Allowable tolerance for Profile Size of Key Items of Steel Elements (mm) tem Allowabitlernce Distance fom forced supporting (bearings of single-story coin, Sean and truss to first installation hole et Distance fom mile plane of muli-section column to firs nstallation hole 10 Distane of mos outer installation holes a both ses of solid beams 0 ‘Geomitc size of section at element connection place 230 Drift of centertines of verical le plates at connection places of beans and columns *o Bend vector height of forced elements (members) {71000 and na>10.10 Il General Items 8.5.2 Allowable tolerance for profile size of general items of steel elements shall meet what specified in Table C.0.3 ~ Table C.0.9 in Appendix C of this Code, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quat of element and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection methods: See Table C.0.3 ~ Table C.0.9 in Appendix C of this Code. ere 9 Test Assembling of Steel Elements 9.1 Basic regulations 9.1.1 This chapter applies to quality acceptance of test assembling of steel elements 9.1.2 The works of test assembling of steel elements may be divided into one or several inspection lots according to corresponding dividing principle for inspection lots of fabrication and insalation of steel elements. 9.13 The supporting bench or platform for test assembling shall be measured to be level, When checking, all temporary devices for fixing or tying shall be removed. 9.14 ‘The quality of steel elements for test assembling shall meet design requirements and stipulations of standards for qualified quality of this Code. 9.2 Test assembling 1 Key Items 9.2.1 A hole test apparatus shall be used to check the multi-layer lamination connected with high strength bolts and common bolts and it shall meet following regulations: 1 Incase a hole test apparatus which is 1.0mm smaller than nominal diameter of the hole, the rate for passing of each group of holes shall not be less than 85% 2 Incase ahole test apparatus which is 0.3 Omm larger than nominal diameter ofthe bolt, the rate for passing shall be 100%. Inspection quantity: Inspect all units for test assembling, Inspection method: Inspect with a hole test apparatus. I General Items 9.2.2. Allowable tolerance for test assembling shall meet what specified in Table D in Appendix D of this Code. Inspection quantity: Inspect all units for test assembling, Inspection method: See Table D in Appendix D of this Code, —as— 10 Installation of ingle-story Steel Structures 10.1 Basic regulations 10.1.1 This chapter applies to the quality acceptance of the insallation of main structure, underground steel structure, secondary elements of purlin and wall frame, steel platform, steel ladder and protection balustrade of single story stee! structures, 10.1.2 The works of installation of single story steel structures may be divided into one or several inspection lots according to deformed joints or space rigidity units while underground steel structures ay be divided into inspection lots according to different underground floors. 10.1.3 The inspection lot of steel structure installation shall be accepted on the basis of qualified acceptance of items of material receiving, welding connection, fastener connection and fabrication, 10.1.4 For installation measurement and adjustment, installation of high strength bolts, construction under minus temperature and welding process, the process test or evaluation shall be made prior to the installation and relevant construction process ot scheme shall be worked out on this basis. 10.1.5 The inspection of installation error shall not be made until space rigidity unit in formed in structure and connection is fixed. 10.1.6 During installation, construction load on roof, floor and platform shall be controlled. It is strictly prohibited that construction load and snow and ice load exceeds bearing capacity of beam, truss, floor slab, roof slab and platform slab. 10.1.7 After the forming of space rigidity unit, secondary grouting with fine aggregate concrete and grouting material shall be done to gaps between column base slab and foundation top. 10.1.8 No suspensions or clamping apparatus shall be welded to the forced legs of the crane beam or the beam bearing dynamic load, the tensile chord of the truss for crane or the truss bearing dynamic load. 10.2 Foundation and Supporting Face 1 Key Items 10.2.1 The positioning axis, foundation axis and elevation of the building, the specification and tightening of anchor bolts shall meet design requirements Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of column and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with theodolite, balance level, and a steel ruler. 10.2.2 In case the foundation top is directly used as supporting face of column and the pre-embedded steel plate or support base on foundation top is used as supporting face, the allowable tolerance for the position of the supporting face and foundation bolt (anchor bolt) shall meet what specified in ‘Table 10.22 Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of column base and not less than 3 pieces. ~3%6— Inspection method: Actual site measurement with theodolite, balance level, level gauge and a steel ruler. Table 10.2.2 Allowable tolerance for Position of Supporting Face and Foundation Bolt (Anchor Bolt) (mm) tem Allowable tolerance Elevation 430 Supporting face Level 111000 Foundation bolt (anchor bolt) Drif of center of bolt 50 Diiftof eenter of preserved hole 100 102.3 When cushion plate with seated paste is used, the allowable tolerance for cushion plate with seated paste shalll meet what specified in Table 10.2.3 Inspection quantity: Inspect all documents. Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of column base and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with balance level, level gauge and a steel ruler. ‘Table 10.2.3. Allowable tolerance for Cushion Plate with Seated Paste (mm) tem Allowable tolerane Elevation of top eo 30 Level 11 1000 Postion 200 10.2.4 In case cup-mouth foundation is used, the allowable tolerance for the size of cup-mouth shall ‘meet what specified in Table 10.24 Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of foundation and not less than 4 places. Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection by measurement with a ruler. Table 10.2.4 Allowable tolerance for Size of Cup-mouth (mm) Item Allowable tolerance 00 Elevation of bottom 5.0 Depth of eup-mouth, H £50 Verticality of eup-mouth H./100 and not *10.0 Position 100 —w- IL General Items 10.2.8 Allowable tolerance for the size of foundation bolt (anchor bolt) shall meet what specified in Table 10.2.5. Threads of foundation bolt (anchor bolt) shall be protected. Inspection quanti Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of column base and not less than 3 pieves Inspection method: Actual site measurement with a steel ruler Table 10.2.5 Allowable tolerance for Size of Foundation Bolt (Anchor Bolt) (mm) tem Allowable tolerance 30.0 Exposed length of bolt (anchor bolt) _ a) +300 Length of thread 0.0 10.3 Installation and Adjustment 1 Key Items 10.3.1 Steel elements shall meet design requirements and stipulations of this Code. Any deforming or peeling off of coating of steel elements caused by handling, storage and hoisting shall be rectified and repaired. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with pulling thread ora steel ruler, or visual inspection 10.3.2 For the nodes with design requirement for faying, the area of faying surface for closely contacting shall not be less than 70% and the maximum gap at sides shall not be larger than 0.8mm, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of node and not ess than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with a stee! ruler and clearance gauge of 0.3mm and 0.8mm 103.3 Allowable tolerance for verticalit truss, beam and forced member shall meet what specified in Table 10.3.3. and side bend vector height of steel roof frame (supports), Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element of same type and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with hanging thread, pulling thread, theodolite and a steel ruler. —38— ‘Table 10,33 Allowable tolerance for Verticality and Side Bend Vector Height of Steel Roof Frame (Supports), Truss, Beam and Forced Member (mm) Verticality of span ‘A /250 and not >15.0 | 7 130m 41/1000 and not >10.0 height f 103.4 Allowable tolerance for overall yerticality and overall plane bend of main structure of single story steel structures shall meet what specified in Table 10.34. Inspection quantity: Inspect all Key elevations. For each elevation to be inspected, apart from two corner columns, at least one arrange of middle columns shalll be inspected. Inspection method: Measurement with theodolite. Table 10.3.4 Allowable tolerance for Overall Verticality and Overall Plane bend (mm) em Allowable tolerance Legend Overall vertieality of main H/000 and not >25.0 structure Overall plane bend of main " L/1500 and not >25.0 structure —39 IL General Items 103.5. Marks of centerline and benchmark of elevation of main structures of steel column, ete shall be complete. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element of same type and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection, 10.3.6 In case the steel truss (or beam) is installed on concrete column, the error of the center of support to the positioning axis shall not be larger than 10mm. When large concrete roof slab is used, the error of distance of steel trusses (or beams) shall not be larger than 10mm, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element of same type and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with pulling thread and a steel ruler 10.3.7. Allowable tolerance for instalation of steel column shall meet what specified in Table E.0.1 in Appendix E of this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of steel column and not less than 3 pieces, Inspection method: See Table E.0.1 in Appendix E of this Code. 10.3.8 Allowable tolerance for installation of steel crane beam or similar element bearing dynamic load shall meet what specified in Table E.0.2 in Appendix E of this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of crane beam and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: See Table E.0.2 in Appendix E of this Code. 10.3.9 Allowable tolerance for installation of secondary elements of purlin and wall frame shall meet ‘what specified in Table E.0.3 in Appendix E of this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of elements of same kind and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: See Table E.0.3 in Appendix E of this Code, 103.10 The installation of steel platform, steel ladder and balustrade shall be in conformity with stipulations of national standards in force the Steel Straight Ladder of Fixed Type GB 4053.1, Stee! Inclined Ladder of Fixed Type GB 4053.2, Protection Balustrade of Fixed Type GB 4053.3 and Steel Platform of Fixed Type GB 4053.4. The allowable tolerance for the installation of steel platform, steel ladder and protection balustrade shall meet what specified in Table E.0.4 in Appendix E of this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of total steel platform, and 10% respectively as per quantity of total length of balustrade and total length of steel ladder, but for steel platform, not be less than 1, for balustrade, not less than 5m while for steel ladder, not less than trun. 40 — Inspection method: See Table E.0.4 in Appendix E of this Code. 10.3.1 Allowable tolerance for the clearance of site matching of welds shall meet what specified in ‘Table 10.3.1 Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of node of same kind and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Measurement with a ruler. ‘Table 10.3.1 Allowable tolerance for Clearance of Site ‘Matching of Welds (mm) tem Allowable tolerance 3.0 Clearance without cushion plate 00 430 Clearance with cushion plate 20 103.12 Surface of steel structures shall be clean and key face of structures shall have no dirt of scars or mud - Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of elements of same kind and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection a 11 Installation of Multi-story and More Multi-story Steel Structures 11.1 Basic regulations 11.1.1 This chapter applies to quality acceptance of the installation of main structures, underground steel structures, secondary elements of purlin and wall frame, steel platforms, stee! ladders and protection balustrades of multi-story and more multi-story steel structures, 11.1.2 The works of installation of multi-story and more multi-story steel structures may be divided into one or several inspection lots according to floor or construction sectors while the works of underground steel structures may be divided into inspection lots according to different underground floors. 11.13. The length of elements of column, beam and support shall include the value of deforming of allowance for welding shrinkage. 11.1.4 When installing column, the positioning axis of each section of column shall be directly led upward from the control axis on ground and shall not be led upward from the axis of column of lower floor. 11.1.5 The floor elevation of structure shall be controlled according to relative elevation or design elevation. 11.1.6 The inspection lot of steel structure installation shall be accepted on the basis of qualified acceptance of items of material receiving, welding connection, fastener connection and fabrication, 11.1.7 The installation of multi-story and more multi-story steel structures shall be in conformity with stipulations of 10.1.4, 10.1.5, 10.1.6, 10.1.7 and 10.1.8 of this Code. 11.2 Foundation and Supporting Face I Key Items 11.2.1 The positioning axis of the building, the positioning axis and elevation of columns on foundation, the specification and location of foundation bolt (anchor bolt) and the tightening of foundation bolt (anchor bolt) shall meet design requirements, In case there isn’t design requirements, the stipulations in ‘Table 11.2.1 apply. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of column base and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual measurement with theodolite, balance level, and a steel ruler —a- ‘Table 112.1 Allowable tolerance for Positioning Axis of Building, Positioning Axis and Elevation ‘of Columns on Foundation and Foundation Bolts (Anchor Bolts) (mm) Item Allowable tolerance Legend Positioning axis of building {£20000 and not >3.0 Positioning axis of columns on foundation tevin of col bottom on a +20 foundation isplacement of foundation bolts Displacement a0 {anchor bolts) 11.22 In case the foundation top is directly used as supporting face of column or the pre-embedded steel plate or Support base on foundation top is used as supporting face of column for multi-story buildings, the allowable tolerance for the postions of the supporting face and foundation bolt (anchor bolt) shall meet what specified in Table 10.2.2. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of column base and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with theodoite, balance level, level gauge and a steel ruler. 11.2.3 When cushion plate with seated paste is used for multi-story building, the allowable tolerance for cushion plate with seated paste shall meet what specified in Table 10.2.3. Inspection quantity: Inspect all documents, Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of column base and not less than 3 pieces Inspection method: Actual site measurement with balance level, level gauge and a see! ruler. 10.2.4 In case cup-mouth foundation is used, the allowable tolerance for the size of cup-mouth shall meet what specified in Table 10.2.4. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of foundation and not less than 4 places Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection by measurement with a ruler. —a- T General Items 10.2.5 Allowable tolerance for the size of foundation bolt (anchor bolt) shall meet what specified in Table 10.2.5. Threads of foundation bolt (anchor bolt) shall be protected. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of column base and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with a stee! ruler. 11.3. Installation and Adjustment 1 Key Items 11.3.1 Steel elements shall meet design requitements and stipulations of this Code. Any deforming or peeling off of coating of steel elements caused by handling, storage and hoisting shall be rectified and repaired Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with pulling thread ora stee! ruler, or visual inspection, 11.3.2 Allowance error for installation of columns shall meet what specified in Table 11.3.2. Inspection quantity: Inspect all standard columns. Spot inspection of 10% of non-standard column and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with laser theodolite and a steel ruler. Table 11.3.2 Allowable tolerance for Column Installation (mm) so + | | ch | | 4 | Vertcatty oF ne sein column PED | | Sane 1133. For the nodes with design requirement for faying, the area of faying surface for closely contacting shall not be less than 70% and the maximum gap at sides shall not be larger than 0.8mm. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of node and not less than 3 pieces. inspection method: Actual site measurement with asec ruler and clearance gauge of 0.3mm and 08mm 11234 Allowable tolerance for verticality and side bend veetor height of steel main beam, secondary beam and forced member shall meet stipulations regarding steel roof Fame (supports) specified in Table 10.33 of this Code Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element of same type and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Actual site measurement with hanging thread, pulling thread, theodolite and @ steel ruler. 1134 Allowable tolerance for overall verticality and overall plane Pend of main structure of single-story stee! structures shall meet what specified in Table 135. Inspection quantity: Inspect all key elevations. For each elevation fo be inspected, apart from two commer columns, at last one arrange of middle columns shall be inspected Inspection method: For overall verticality, measurement may be done with laser theodolite and or by caleulation of accumulated sum (algebra sum) of allowable tolerance for verticality according to different Section works. For overall plane bend, calculation of accumulated sum (algebra sum) of allowable tolerance produced may be done ‘Table 11.3.5 Allowable tolerance for Overall Verticality and Overall Plane Bend (mm) item Allowable tolerance Legend eral verily of main Cen (72500 + 10.0) and not >50.0 xl structure I all plane bend of Cee ‘L/1S00 and not >25.0 main structure —as— I General Items 11.3.6 Surface of steel structures shall be clean and key face of structures shall have no dirt of scars or mud, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of elements of same kind and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection 11.3.7 Marks of centerline and benchmark of elevation of main structures of steel columns, etc. shall be complete, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element of same type and not less than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection. 11.3.8 Allowable tolerance for steel element installation shall meet what specified in Table E.0.5 in Appendix E of this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element of same type or quantity of node, in which, column and beam shall not be less than 3 pieces and the nodes connecting main beam with secondary beam shall not be less than 3. The length of stee! beam supporting extruded metal plate shall not be less than Sm Inspection method: See Table E.0. in Appendix E of this Code, 11.3.9 Allowable tolerance for total height of main structure shall meet what specified in Table E.0.6 in Appendix E of this Code. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of standard arrange of columns and not less than 4 arranges. Inspection method: Actual measurement with balance level and a steel ruler. 113.10 In case the ste! element is installed on concrete column, the error of the center of support to the positioning axis shall not be larger than 10mm. When large conerete roof slab is used, the error of distance of steel trusses (or beams) shall not be larger than 10mm, Inspection quantity: Spot is than 3 pieces. spection of 10% as per quantity of element of same type and not less Inspection method: Actual site measurement with pulling thread and a steel ruler. 113.11 Allowable tolerance for installation of steel crane beam or similar element beating dynamic load of multi-story and more multi-story steel structures shall meet what specified in table E.0.2 in Appendix E of this Code, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of steel crane beam and not less than 3 pieces. — 46 — Inspection method: See Table E.0.2 in “Appendix E of this Code. 113.12 Allowable tolerance for instalation of secondary elements of puslin and wall frame of multi sory and more mulistory see structures shall mest what specified in Table E.0.3 in Appendix E of this Code. inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% a5 Per quantity of elements of same kind and not less than 3 pieces. tnspection method: See Table E03 in Appendix E of this Code. 113.13 The installation of steel platform, ste! ladder and balustrade of multi-story and more mulistry steetstrutares shall be in conformity with stipulations of national standards in fore the Steel Straight Ladder of Fixed Type GB 4053-1, ‘tee! Inclined Ladder of Fixed Type GB 40532, Protection Tatustrade of Fixed Type GB 40533 and Stel Platform of Fixed Type GB 4053.4. The allowable tolerance for the installation of stel platform, stl ladder and protection balustrade shall meet what 4 in Appendix E of this Code. specified in Table Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as Pet quantity of total steel platform, and 10% respectively as quantity of total length of paustrade and total length of ste! ladder, but forsee platform, mot be les than 1. for balustrade, not ess than Sm while for stee! ladder, not less than Irun. Inspection method: See Table E.04 in Appendix E of this Code 113.14 Allowable tolerance for the clearance of site matching of welds of multi-story and_more sory ste! structures shall meet what specitied in Table 10.3.11. Inspection quantity: Spot inspetion of 10% as Per quantity of node of same kind and not Tess than 3 pieces. Inspection method: Measurement witha ruler a 12 Installation of Steel Net Frame Structure 12.1 Basic regulations 12.1.1 This chapter applies to quality acceptance of the installation of flat plate ype steel net grid structure (abbreviated as steel net frame structure) of buildings. 12.12 The works of installation of steel net frame structures may be divided into one or several inspection lots according to deformed joints, construction sectors or space rigidity units while underground steel structures may be divided into inspection lots according to different underground floor. 12413 The inspection lot ofthe installation of steel net frame structure shall be accepted on the basis of salified acceptance of items of material receiving, welding connection, fastener connection and fabrication BAbd The instalation of stet net frame structure shall follow stipulations of 10.14 101.5 and 10.1.6 of this Code. 122 Top Plate of Supporting Face and Supporting Block 1 Key tems 12.2.1 The position of positioning axis of supporting base of steel net frame structure and the specification of anchor bolt of supporting base shall meet design requirements, Inspection quanti *pot inspection of 10% as per quantity of supporting base and not less than 4 places. Inspection method: Actual measurement with theodolite and a steel ruler. 122.2 Allowable tolerance for position, elevation and level of the top plate of. supporting face as well 3 the position of anchor bolt of supporting base shall meet what specified in Table 12.22 Table 12.22 Allowable tolerance for Position of Top Plate of Supporting Face and Anchor Bolt of Supporting Base (mm) tem Allowable tolerance ] Position 150 0 Top plate of supporting face Elevation ofthe top “30 Level ofthe top 1/1000 Anchor bolt of supporting base Drit of center +50 _ Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of supporting base and not less than 4 places. Inspection method: Actual measurement with theodolite, balance level, level gauge and a stel raler. 122.3 The type, specification, position and direction of supporting blocks shall mest design ~~ stipulations. of relevant national standards in foree, Rubber blocks shall not be requirements an id blocks of different type: interchanged with rigid blocks neither the interchanges between re Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of supporting base and not less than 4 places. Inspection method: Visual inspection and actual measurement with asteel rater. 1224 ‘The tightening of anchor bolt of supporting base of net frame shall mest cesign r=Te™ents Inspection quantity: Spot inspetion of 10% as per quantity of suportng Base and not less than 4 places. Inspection method: Visual inspection. I General Items 12.25 Allowable tolerance for size of anchor bolt of supporting base shall meet what specified in Table 10.2.5. Threads of anchor bolt of supporting base shall be protected pect 10% as per quantity of supporting base and not les than 4 pieces Inspection quantity: Spo Inspection method: Actual measurement with ¢stel rules 12.3. General Assembling and Installation 1 Key Items 123 Allowable tolerance forthe smallest assembled rigid nit shall meet what specified in ‘Table 123.1 inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity of gt unit anc not Jess than, Inspection method: Actual measurement with auxiliary measuring tools of a stee! ruler and pulling thread, etc. 12.3.2 Allowable tolerance forthe intermediate assembled structure shall meet what specited in Table 123.2. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity al measurement with auxiliary measuring tools of a stee! Ter and puling Inspection method: Acti thread, ete. Table 12.3.1 Allowable tolerance for Smallest Assembled Rigid Unit (mm) Item Allowable tolerance Drift of center of node Deft ofnode of welded ball from steel pipe center 10 Bend vector height of axis of member 1/1000 and not >5.0 Length of chord #20 Smallest assembled rigid Height of cone 420 unit of conical type “ Length of diagonal line of upper chord £30 3.0 <24m “10 Length of span a 35.0 ‘Smallest assembled rigid “tao unit of plane truss type Height of span middle 43.0 Degree of arch at span | Haunch design required +47 5000 eae Haunch design not required +100 Note: 1, Lis length ofmember 2. Lis length of span Table 12.32 Allowable tolerance for Intermediate Assembled Structure (mm) Item Allowable tolerance Length of structure < 20m, length of | Single span +100 assembling Multi-span continuous +50 Single span +200 Length of structure > 20m, length of assembling ‘Multi-span continuous £100 12.3.3 For utility steel net frame structure with safety class of construction structure of Class | and with span of over 40m, and when it is required by the design, a bearing force test of following items shall be ‘made to the nodes and the test results shall meet following stipulations: 1 For welded ball nodes, a bearing force test by tensile and compression of the center of axis shall be made tothe test pieces, which are prepared with bas and matching steel pipes design specified. Ifthe test destructive load is > 1.6 times of design bearing force, itis qualifie 2 For bolted ball nodes, the test for guaranteed tensile strength load shall be made to the thread of biggest bolt hole of the ball design specified. If bolt holes and threads and sealing plate are still good ‘without any damage when the load reaches design load, itis qualified Inspection quantity: For each item of test, prepare 3 test pieces, 50 — inspection method: Test on univers tester and examine test repos 1234 On completion of general assembling of steel net frame structure and roof works, the demection shall be measured respectively. The value of deflection measured shall not exceed 1.15 times of design value. Inspection quantity: For stee! net frame structures witha span of 24m and below, measure one point atthe middle of Tower chord while for steel net frame strctures witha span of over 24m, measure one point a the middle of lower chord as well as quarter points on all directions of the span of lover chord. Inspection method: Actual measurement with a stel ruler and balance level. IL General Items 12.38 On completion of the installation of steel net frame structure, the nodes and the surfaces of embers shall be cian and shell not have table scar, mud or dr. For bolted ball nodes, all joints shall be closely filled with putty and surplus bolt hoes shall be sealed Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity of node and member, and not less than 10 nodes. Inspection method: Visual inspection. 123.6 On completion ofthe installation of steel net frame structure, the allowable tolerance for the installation shall meet what specified in Table 12.3.6 Inspection quantity: Spot all quantity Inspection method: See Table 12.3.6 ‘Table 12.36 Allowable tolerance for Installation of Steel Net Frame ‘Structure (mm) em Allowable tolerance Inspeetion method 112000 and not > 30.0 ‘Actual measurement with a steel Longitudinal and transversal length 112000 and not <-30.0__| ruler. ‘Actual measurement with a stec! Drift of enter of supporting base £3000 and not > 30.0 ruler and theodolite. Difference of elevations of adjoining supporting 1/400 and not > 15.0 ‘pases of side supporting net frame Maximum difference of elevations of ‘Actual measurement with a s! aaa th a steel supporting base ruler and balance level pitfrenoe of elevations of aljoining support ane L,/ 800 and not > 30.0 ‘pases of multi-point supporting nt frame Note: 1. /isloneitudinal, transversal length 2. yisdistanee between adjoining supporting bases sa 13 Extruded Metal Plate 13.1 Ba regulations 13.1.1 ‘This chapter applies to quality acceptance of site fabrication and installation of extruded metal plates. 13.1.2 The works of fabrication and installation of extruded metal plates may be divided into one or several inspection lots according to deformed joint, floor, construction sector, or roof, wall and floor. 131.3 The installation of extruded metal plates shall be done on the basis of qualified quality acceptance of inspection lots of installation of steel structures. 13.2. Fabrication of Extruded metal Plates 1 Key Items 13.2.1 ‘The base plates of extruded metal plates shall not have ay crack after forming. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of S% as per quantity of counted piece and not less than 10 pieces Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection with a 10-fold magnifier For extruded metal plates with coating and plating, the coating and plating, after forming, shall not have any visible defects of crack, peeling off or traces Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity of counted piece and not less than 10 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection. I General Items 13.2.3 Allowable tolerance for the size of extruded metal plates shall meet what specified in Table 13.2.3, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity of counted piece and not less than 10 pieces. Inspection method: Inspection with pulling thread and a steel ruler, 13.2.4 The surfaces of extruded metal plates, ater forming, shall be clean and shall not have notable concave or convex or wrinkle, Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 5% as per quantity of counted piece and not less than 10 pieces. Inspection method: Visual inspection. 32 — ‘tapte 132.3 Allowable tolerance for Size of Extruded Metal Plates (mn) tem Atoyabl tolerance Distance of wave #20 Height of section<70 £15 Height of wave Extruded stel plate Height of section70 220 Side bend Within range of measurement length fy 20.0 ‘Not: is measurement length, refers tothe acta gt ofthe length of late deducted 0.5m from each end (<10m) or ‘a Tength of 10m selected at random after deduction, 13.28 Allowable tolerance for site fabrication of extruded metal plates shall meet what specified in Table 13.2.5. trspetion qui: Spot inspection of 5% a5 per quay of coun piss and not Less than 10 ieee. Inspection method: Inspection with a stel ruler or angle ruler ‘Table 13.2.6 Allowable tolerance for Site Fabrication of Extruded Metal Plates (mm) Item Allowable tolerance Height of section<70 +1000, -2.0 Covering width of extruded metal plates Height of section>70 +60) 20 Length of plate 290 Bor for transversal shearing or cuting 60 Length of plate +60 Size of flush plate or comer covering plate of folding face | eso Included angle of folding face Y 133 Installation of Extruded Metal Plates I. Key Items 3.sc1_ Extruded metal plates, fash plates and comer covering plates shall Pe firmly fixed and reliable. “The application of anti-corrosion coat and the installation of sealing material shall be good in order. The quantity and space of connection piece shall meet design requirements and stipulations of relevant national standard in force. Inspection quantity: Inspection all quantity Inspection method: Visual inspection an spection with a steel ruler. 13.32 Extruded metal plates shall reliably overlapped on supporting elements and the length of overlapping shall meet design equiremens and not less than wht specified in Table 13.3.2 Arspeton quantity: Spot inspection of 1%4as pe otal leneth ‘of overlapped part and not les than 10m, Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection with tel ruler. —3— Table 13.32 Length for Overlapping of Extruded! Metal Plate on Supporting Elements (mm) Item Length of ovlapping, Height section > 70 315 Slope of rot < 1/10 250 Height of section<70 Slope of oof > 1/10 200 Wall 120 1333 The length of anchor supports of medium extruded steel plates of combined floor slab and the iain structures (beam) shall meet design requirements and not less than SOmm. The connection of anchor pieces at ends shall be reliable andthe arranged positions shall meet design requirements Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% of the length along longitudinal direction and not less than 10m. Inspeetion method: Visual inspection and inspection with a steel ruler General Items 133.4 The installation of extruded metal plates shall be flat, uniform and straight, The surface of the Plate shall not have any residuals of constuction or dirt Eave and wall bottom shall be straight line ‘There shall have no wrong drilled holes not yet treated. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as pet area and not less than 10m? Inspection method: Visual inspection. 133.5 Allowable tolerance for installation of exuded meal plat shall meet what specified in Table 13.3.5, Inspection quantity: For parallel of eave and ridge, spot inspection of 10% of the length and not less ‘han 10m. For other items, spot inspection of | place per 20m and not less than 2 places Inspection method: Inspection with pulling thread, hanging thread and a steel ruler, Table 133.5 Allowable tolerance for Installation of Extruded Metal Plates (am) i ttem Allowable tolerance | Parl of eave and dpe mo Verily of ave tine of exraed tal pie othe edge 1780 and at> 250 oot Displacement of ends of two adjoining extruded metal plates at eave 60 Maxinumbegh of wv of erin lee of el tl pas 40 Verily av in of al plas 100 and nt>250 watt | veraltyofcomer covering pao wal ie 00 and 12250 Disptent of bots two adonng exuded tl plates 60 "Note: 1. Lis length of half slope or single slope of roof 2. Hisheight of wall. —s4— 14 Coating of Steel Structures 14.1 Basie regulations 1411 This chapter applies to quality acceptance of the construction of anti-corrosion Gil paint type) coating and fireproof coating of steel structures, 1412 The works of costing of stel structures may be divided inlo one oF several inspection lots aceording to cortesjonding dividing principle for inspection lots of fbrcation, and installation of steel structures, L413 The conting of ste! structures with common coat shall be done after qualified quality acceptance of inspection lots of assembling, test assembling of elements of steel elements oF installation vrecue structures. The coating of steel structures with fireproof east stall be done afer qualified quality acceptance of inspection lots of installation of steel structures and inspection lots of coating of steel structures with common coat 1444 The ambient temperature and relative humidity for eoating shall bbe in conformity. with ineuetions of the product of coat In case there is no requirement in the instructions, the ambient temperature should be at 5~ 38°C. while the relative humidity, not> 859%. When coating, no dew shall be on surfaces of elements, 4h after coating, the elements shall be protected From raining, 14.2 Coating Steel Structure with Anti-corrosion Coat 1 Key Items 142.1 De-rust of surfice of stel structures before coating shall meet design requirements. and stipulations of relevant national standard in free. The surfaces of steel structures, afler treatment, shall vot have any welding slag, welding overlap, dust, oil dit, water or spur, ete, In case there isn’t design requirements, the class for de-rust of surface of steel structures shall meet what specified in table 14.2.1 inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element and not less than 3 pieces for clement of same kind. Inspection method: Inspection witha spade knife and visual inspection referring to pictures specified in national stand in fercethe Clas of Stee Surface Rus before Coating an Clas for Dest GB 9923. “Table 142.1. Minimum Class for De-rust of Different Primers and An(F-rust Paint —ss— 142.2 Coat, number of coat application and thickness of coating shall meet design requirements. When there isn’t design requirements for coating thickness, the dry paint film of coating shall be: 1501 m for exterior and 1251 m for interior with allowable tolerance of -25um. The allowable tolerance for dry paint film of each pass of coating shall be ~5u m. Inspection quanti + Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element and not less than 3 pieces for element of same kind. Inspection method: Inspection with a pachometer for dry paint film. Inspect 5 places for each element. The value shall be the average of thickness of dry paint film at three measuring points with distance of 50mm. T General Items 14.2.3 The surfaces of element shall not be wrong coated or coating missed. The coating shall not be peeled off or rust recover. The coating shall be even without notable wrinkled peeling, overflow, needle pot or bubble, ete, Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Visual inspection. 14.2.4 In case steel structures are in the environment of corrosive medium or exposed and itis required by the design, a test for adhesion of coating shall be made. Within the range for inspection, when the coating is completed by over 70%, the adhesion of coating shall meet requirements of Standard for qualified quality. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 1% as per quantity of element and not less than 3 pieces. For ‘each piece, measure 3 places. Inspection method: The national standards in force the Measuring Method for Adhesion of Paint Film GB 1720 or Checker Test of Color Paint, Clear Paint and Paint Film GB 9286 shall apply, 14.2.5 On completion of coating, marks, symbols and serial numbers of elements shall be clear and complete. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Visual inspection 14.3 Coating of Steel Structures with Fireproof Coat 1 Key Items 143.1 De-rist of surface of steel structures before coating with fireproof coat and the coating with anti-rust primer shall meet design requirements and stipulations of relevant national standard in force. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% as per quantity of element and not less than 3 pieces for element of same kind Inspection method: For surface de-rust, inspection with a spade knife and visual inspection referring to pictures specified in national standard in force the Class of Steel Surface Rust before Coating and — 56 —~ Class for De-rust GB 8925. For coating of primer, inspect with a pachometer for dry paint filn. Inspect S places for each ferent. The value shall be the average of thickness of dry paint film at tree measuring points with distance of 50mm. 143.2. The binding strength and compression strength of fireproof coat of steel structures shall meet stipulations of national standard in fore the Applicaton Technical Regulations for Fireproof Coat of Steel Structures CECS 24:90. The inspection method shall meet stipulations of national standard in force the Test Method for Performance of Fireproof Spraying and Coating Materials of Construction Elements GB 9978, Inspection quantity: For each 100 tons of thn-coating type of fireproof coat or below, one spot inspection for binding strength. For each 500 tons of thick-oating type of Fireproof ena or below, one spot inspection for binding strength and compression strength. Inspection method: Examine test reports. 1433 The coating thickness of thin-coating type Mreproof cvat shall meet design requirements for relevant fire resistant limit. The coating thickness of thick-coating type, over 80% of the aren shall meet design requirements for relevant fie resistant limit and the thickness at thinnest place shall not be less than 85% of that the design required. Inspection quantity: Spot inspection of 10% of element of same kind andl not less than 3 pieces for all kinds, inspection methods: Inspection of thickness of coating with a pachometer, measurement needle and ‘a stee! ruler, ‘The inspection method shall meet what specified in national standard in force the ‘Application ‘Technical Regulations for Fireproof Coat of Stee! Structures CECS 2490 as well as Appendix F of this Code. 1434 The width of crack on surfaces of coating of thin-coating type fireproof coat shall not be larger than 0.5mm while for thick-coating type, not larger than Imm. Inspection quantity: Spt inspection of 10% of element of same kind and not less than 3 pieces for all kinds. Inspection method: Visual inspection and inspection with a ruler. II General Items 143.5 The bose for applying fireproof coat shall not have any ol dirt, dust or mud. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity Inspection method: Visual inspection. 143.6 Fireproof coating shall not be wrong coated or coating missed. The coating shall be close and without visual defects of lamination, hollow, notable concave, powdering loose or overflow, any mastoid shall be removed. Inspection quantity: Inspect in all quantity. Inspection method: Visual inspection. 3 — 15 Completion Acceptance of Section works of Steel Structures 15.0.1 In accordance with stipulations of national standard in force the Unified Standard for Quality Acceptance of Building Construction GB 50300, when the steel structures is one of main structures, it shall be completed and accepted as sub-section works. When main structures are all steel structures, they shall be completed and accepted as Section works. Large steel structures may be divided into several sub-section works to be completed and accepted. 15.0.2 For inspection of relevant safety and function of Section works of steel structures and witness items of inspection, see Appendix G of this Code. The inspection shall be done after qualified acceptance of items, 15.0.3 Visual quality inspection of Section works of steel structures shall implement Appendix H of this Code. 15.0.4. Standard for qualified quantity for Section works of steel structures shall meet following stipulations: 1 Quality of each section shall meet standard for qualified quality; 2 Documents and documentation for quality control are complete; 3. The results of inspection and witness inspection of relevant safety and function shall meet requirements for corresponding standard for qualified quality of this Code; 4 Relevant visual quality shall meet requirements for corresponding standard for qualified quality of this Code. 15.0.5 For completion acceptance of Section works of steel structures, following documentation and records shall be submitted: 1 As-built drawings and relevant design documentation of steel structures; 2 Records for inspection of quality management of construction site; 3 Records for inspection and witness inspection of relevant safety and functions; 4 Records for visual quality inspection; 5. Records for quality acceptance of each item of Section works; 6 Records for quality acceptance of inspection lots of items; 7 Records and supporting documents for inspection items of compulsory provisions; 8 Records for inspection and acceptance of covering items; 9 Certificates, marks in Chinese and performance test reports on raw materials and final products 10 Records for treatment of unqualified items and records for acceptance; 11 Implementation scheme for key issues of quality and technology and records for acceptance; 12 Other relevant documentation and records. — 58 — 15.0.6 Records for quality acceptance of ste! structures shall meet following stipulations: 1 Records for inspection of quality management of construction site may implemen! APpendix A of national standard in force the Unified Standard for Quality Acceptance of Building Construction GB 50300; 2 Records for acceptance of inspection lots of items may implement Table J.0.1~ Table J.0.13 in Appendix J of this Code; 3 Records for acceptance of items may implement Appendix E of national standard in force the Unified Standard for Quality Acceptance of Building Construction GB 50300; 4 Records for acceptance of Section works (sub-section works) may implement Appendix F of national standard in force the Unified Standard for Quality Acceptance of Building Construction GB 50300. — 59 - Appendix A — Standard for Visual Quality and Allowable tolerance for Size of Welds AO. Standard for visual quality of Class Il and Class III welds shall meet what specified in Table AOL Table A.0.1 Standard for Visual Quality of Class [1 and Class 111 Welds (mm) Item Allowable tolerance ‘Type of defect Class Ih Class Insufficient welding. (not up to design requirements) $0240.02, and <1.0 0.2 + 0.04, and <2.0 Total length of detect per 100.0 welds=25,0 Root shrinkage $0240.02, and <1.0 0.2 + 0.044, and <2.0 No limitation for length Over eut $0,051, and <0.5; continuous length = 100.0.and total length of over cut at both sides of welds <10% of total length of welds 0.1, and <1.0, no limitation for length, Crack of are concave Individual crack of are concave with length <5.0 isallowable ‘Are damage Individual are damage is allowable Bad connection Depth of gap 0.051, and <0.5 Depth of gap 0.1%, and <1.0 ‘Not more than 1 per 1000.0 welds Surface slag inclusion Depth <0.2¢, length:<0.5r, and <20.0 Surface air bubble Two air bubbles, with diameter<0.4r, and <3.0, and bubble distance 26 times of bubble diameter are allowable per each welds length of 50.0 "Note: is thickness of thinner plate at connection place -a— ‘A.0.2 Allowable tolerance for size of butt wel specified in Table A.0.2 2. Allowable tolerance for Size of Butt Welds and Full Penetration Combined Welds Js and full penetration combined welds shall meet what ‘Table, (mm) Seria stem Legend Allowable whrance No Class 1,1 Class mt surplus eight of butt welds © Sener Same 0.154, 420.156 ere and <2.0 and <3.0 a A.03 Allowable tolerance for profile size of partial penetration combined welds and fillet welds shall meet what specified in Table A.0.3, Table 4.0.3 Allowable tolerance for Size of Partial Penetration Combined Welds and fillet Welds (um) Serial tem Legend Allowable No. tolerance heS6-0-15 1 | Size of fot hy y>6:0-30 Sy | sre st se roe fillet welds C i->6:0-3.0 Note: 1. For fillet welds with f;>8.0mm, its local size of foot is allowable to be lower than design value of 1.0mm, however the total length shall not exceed 10% of welds length; 2. For welding H beam, at both ends ofthe welds of horizontal legs and vertical leg, within the range of 2 times ‘of width of horizontal leg, the sizeof foot of the welds shall not be less than the design value ~e-

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