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Every work of art have their value.

Example a painting is symbol for the

artistic eyes and auther’s talent or a statue like liberty statue is symbol for
human liberty. But In my mind music influence on people persrsonality and
people thinking more than ever. Music is the soul of life and sometime it help
relieve pressure. Moreover meaning of the songs is more important because
lyrics of the song reglect more or less human life style . I realy in to the song
named “ The Night” be create by Avicii, I very love avicii’s song because he
had composed meaningful song when nowadays a mount of song don’t have
meaning in their lyrics. The Nights is a song that encapsulates both thoughts on
death and life. Also taking the words of a father telling his son, Avicii gives the
message: "As you get older, your mind will drift back to the years of your
youth. Live life to the fullest while you're young and make your life become
more meaningful when you can. Don’t be deep into internet or game or other
social media, let start your day with full energy and finish your day with a
smile. That’s life, don’t be afraid you do somethings not well, you can do it one
more times but make sure you do it better the day before.

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