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Descriptive Text kelas XI

I have a pet. It’s a dog and that I decided to name it Dolgy. Dolgy may be a Chinese breed.
It’s little, fluffy, and cute. It’s got thick black fur. after I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Dolgy
doesn’t like bones. Each day it chows soft food like steamed rice, fish, or bread. Every
morning I offer him milk and bread. Dolgy likes to play with my rabbit when I go to school.
Dolgy never chows shoes or barks loudly just like the other pet. Dolgy is a really sweet and
friendly animal.

1. The communicative purpose of this text is…..

A. to explain a specific animal
B. to share associate degree amusing incident with others
C. to give 2 points of reading regarding a problem
D. to tell the readers regarding the sweetness of Dolgy
E. to retell events for the aim of informing and diverting

2. However will Dolgy look like?

A. big, fierce, and cute
B. big, fluffy, and fierce
C. small, fierce, and stink
D. small, fluffy, and cute.
E. small, fluffy, and stink

3. Whom Dolgy plays with once the author goes to school?

A. the writer’s sister
B. the writer’s mother
C. the writer’s cat
D. the writer’s different dog
E. the writer’s rabbit

4. What will Dolgy eat each morning?

A. fish and rice
B. bread and milk
C. bone and milk
D. milk and fish
E. rice and bread

Paris is the capital town of France. It’s conjointly one of the foremost lovely and celebrated
towns in the world. Paris is termed because of the sunshine. Paris has become a global
fashion center. What trendy girls are wearing in Paris are worn by girls everywhere around
the globe.

Paris is additionally celebrated for its world center of education. For example, it’s the
headquarters of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, the UN
Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
There area unit different several different celebrated places in Paris, like the celebrated
deposit the Louvre further because of the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the foremost
celebrated landmark in this town should be the Eiffel Tower.

Paris is once a bunch of individuals called the Parisii. They engineered a little village on an
associate degree island within the middle of the Seine about 2 thousand years ago. This island
is termed Ile American state la Cite. It’s wherever Notre Dame is set. These days around
eight million individuals sleep in the Paris space.

5. What’s the communicative purpose of the text?

A. to give 2 points of view regarding Paris
B. to elucidate Paris, the capital town of France
C. to explain Paris
D. to retell Paris, the capital of France
E. to steer the readers to travel to Paris, the capital of France

6. What area unit celebrated places in Paris?

A. urban center Tower and therefore the museum
B. The cathedral of Notre Dame and urban center Tower
C. The museum, Eiffel Tower, and urban center Tower
D. The museum, Eiffel Tower, and therefore the cathedral of Notre Dame
E. urban center Tower and Eiffel Tower

7. What percentage of individuals sleep in Paris?

A. eight million individuals
B. seven million individuals
C. six million individuals
D. five million individuals
E. four million individuals
Cara Cepat Pintar Ngomong Bahasa Inggris

My name is Jonathan. I sleep in Cape Town, South Africa. Let me tell you about my daily
activities. I continuously visit faculty early in the morning, however, I rarely go back early as
a result of continuously visiting faculty and coming home on foot.
My faculty is seven kilometers from my house. The fare is just too big-ticket on my behalf.
Once faculty, most of my friends observe African dances, however, I cannot be part of them
as a result of which I have to assist my folks. I need to get water from a well and babysit my
sisters. I have 2 sisters. Sometimes, I do my prep within the evening, however, at different
times I am too tired to try and do it.

8. The text primarily discusses…

A. Jonathan’s activities within the morning
B. Jonathan’s daily activities
C. the big-ticket bus fares
D. Cape Town

9. isn’t the following statement isn’t true?

A. Jonathan has 2 sisters.
B. Jonathan lives in South Africa.
C. Jonathan continuously studies within the evening.
D. Jonathan’s faculty is away from his house.
10. What will Jonathan do once in school?
A. He practices recreation together with his friends.
B. He plays together with his friends.
C. He will do his prep.
D. He helps his folks.

11. Why will Jonathan continuously get through late?

A. He practices recreation together with his friends.
B. He returns home on foot.
C. He babysits his sisters.
D. He walks slowly.

Complete the text to answer questions 12 to 14.

I want to describe my father. He is about forty-five years old. He is about 170 cm (12)… He
has a round face and short, black hair. He has big eyes and a flat nose. My father likes doing
sports, especially (13). . . . His favorite is Tae Kwon Do. He has a red belt. My father usually
helps me when I find (14). .. in doing my homework. He is also nice to my friends. My father
is my idol.

12. _____________
A. short
B. thin
C. fat
D. tall

13. ______________
A. running
B. wrestling
C. martial arts
D. water sports

14. _____________
A. stories
B.  bonuses
C.  difficulties
D. information

Complete the text to answer questions 15 to 17.

Hello! My name’s Zahra. I’m a (15) . . . .I work in a laboratory. I wear a white lab coat,
rubber gloves and a hat to cover my (16) . . . Sometimes, I wear goggles to protect my eyes
and a mask too (17)…. my mouth and nose.
15. ______________
A. journalist
B. scientist
C. teacher
D.  cook

16. ______________
A. hair
B. eyes
C. face
D. hands

17. _______________
A. stay
B. see
C. open
D. cover

SMP/MTS Kls IX Super Coach Bahasa Inggris

Kunci Jawaban  Descriptive Text
1. A. to describe a particular animal
2. D. small, fluffy, and cute.
3. E. the writer’s rabbit
4. B bread and milk
5. C to describe Paris
6. D. The louvre museum, Eiffel Tower, and the cathedral of Notre Dame
7. A. eight million people
8. B. Jonathan’s daily activities
9. C. Jonathan always studies in the evening.
10. D. He helps his parents.
11. B. He returns home on foot.
12. D. Tall
13. C. Martial arts
14. C. Difficulties
15. B. Scientist
16. A. Hair
17. D. Cover

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