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FATMAWATI R KADIR. 2022. Analysis of Higher Order Thinking Ability in Salt Hydrolysis
Material for Class XI IPA Students at SMAN 1 Telaga Biru. Chemistry Education Study
Program. Advisor 1 : Dr. Akram Lakilo, M.Sc. Supervisor 2 : Julhim S. Tangio S.Pd, M.Pd.
This study aims to find out the high-level thinking skills in salt hydrolysis material for class XI
IPA students at SMAN 1 Telaga Biru. This research is a descriptive research. The method used
in this study is a survey method. Data collection was carried out using questions, passive
participatory observation and documentation. The sample in this study were 75 students, taken
from all students of class XI IPA. The questions distributed consisted of 13 questions.
Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that high-level thinking skills in salt hydrolysis
material for class XI IPA students of SMAN 1 Telaga Biru seen in critical thinking skills
obtained an average percentage of 49.4% in the sufficient category. In the ability to think
creatively obtained an average percentage of 34.1% in the less category. In the ability to solve
problems, an average of 22.57% is obtained in the less category. From the results of this study it
can be concluded that students of class XI IPA SMAN 1 Telaga Biru have high-level thinking
skills in the low category.

Keywords: Higher Order Thinking Ability, Salt Hydrolysis

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