FS Company Client CRnum MatTaxClass

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Project - ABC Company



Name Anjali Aravind

Project ABC
Role SAP SD Consultant
Mail abc@xyz.com

Date Signature Name

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Version Control

Version Date Status Description / Changes Person responsible

0.1 12-01-2023 Draft Initial draft of requirements & solution logic Anjali Aravind

Table of contents

1.1 Background 4

2.1 Business requirement 4

3.1 Solution logic 4

1.1 Background :

Users contacted help desk regarding a change where they are facing a specific issue related to material's tax
classification while creating release orders with reference to a contract. Whenever a sales order is created
referring to a contract, the tax classification is being fetched from the sales contract by default. Problem arises
when the tax classification for the particular material being referenced is changed in the material master by the
user. Once that is done, user expects that a new tax category/percentage should reflect in the order/invoice but
due to the old tax being copied from the contract, same old tax is reflecting in the sales order.

2.1 Business requirement

2.1.1 AS-IS :

Currently, users are unaware that the tax classification for a material is getting copied into the sales order from
the referenced contract instead of the material master. Hence, once an invoice is getting created and accounting
entries are posted, users are cancelling the invoice, reversing goods issue, deleting the delivery and changing the
tax classification manually in the sales order once they realise that wrong tax percent is getting picked.

2.1.2 TO-BE :

Since the current process is really cumbersome and leading to large number of invoice cancellations, Business
wants that every time a sales order is created with reference to a contract, the latest tax classification should be
fetched from the material master record of the material instead of getting copied from the sales contract by

3.1 How to build the logic

This requirement can be fulfilled using Enhancements in RICEFW using the include - MV45AFZZ user exit -

The tables and the fields used at various stages are as below :

Table name Field name


During the processing of program SAPMV45A, when create with reference option is used i.e. program SAPLV45C
is used,

for each VBAK_POSNR or MATNR, in screen 4003,

VBAP-TAXM1 should pick the value from MLAN-TAXM1

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