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The Use of Social Media in the Classroom

“Fewer than 20 percent of teachers use social media in the classroom, although most do
personally, ” (Bidwell, 1). US News reported on the controversial issue of teachers using
technological tools in the classroom, revealing that there are both positives and
negatives about incorporating teaching with social media. Social media usage is
increasing rapidly, and proponents for using it in the classroom argue that that it can
help connect the classroom to the outside world, and also keep up with technology.
Those arguing against the usage claim that social media should be limited for personal
usage, and conflicts may arise due to the unclear boundaries.
Technological tools, such as tablets, smart boards, and laptops, have been gaining more
popularity in classroom rather than social media tools. QfHowever, many ideas on how to
use social media as an educational tool in the classroom have emerged.

Social Media and Communication

Communication amongst individuals has become essential for human development and
interaction. Communication, whether it is in verbal, non-verbal, or written form, is a part
of every day life. Today, the word communication has a new meaning. We use social
media to communicate with people all around the world. Through this powerful tool, we
are able to meet new people, form new relationships, and keep those relationships
throughout life. Most importantly, we can use social media at our own leisure and
convenience. We can use social media as a way to connect, share, and collaborate
information. Social media can be used for computer-based interactions, such as
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. It can also be used as an information-sharing tool such
as Wikipedia, or sharing pictures or ideas such as Pinterest.
Social media has become an integral part of life. New Internet tools are constantly being
posted and updated, and it is a controversial topic to discuss if social media is taking
over society. It is important that we all keep up with innovative technology, including the
newest social media tools, to stay connected and informed in life. Some argue that we
should educate children about social media, while others believe that social media
should stay out of the classroom. The use of social media in education can be used
positively, while others say there is no need for the use of social media to carry over into
Arguments against the use of social media in the classroom

The argument that social media should not be used in education is based on the fact that
schools should be separate from technology. Some argue that social media is
dangerous, and school settings are designed to benefit students and protect them.
Schools take on the responsibility of giving knowledge to students that can be used in
and out of the classroom. Social media often publicizes a lot of information, and many
take it too far. Parents, teachers, and students often disclose information that cannot be
taken back once it is put on the Internet. Teens try to catch the attention of their peers,
emulate their behaviors, and often take it too far. They put themselves at risk to meet and
interact with strangers, and experience harassment or cyber bullying. Social media sites
often have age restrictions, however, they are not very strict. Many groups on social
media are unhealthy and can be accessed by unwanted users.

This argument that social media is unsafe is valid, however, there are many ways to
prevent the dangerous consequences involved. It is imperative that we inform students
of the potential risks of using social media, such as receiving messages or invitations
from strangers, receiving false information, and information disclosure. It is also
imperative that we inform students of ways to avoid the consequences, such as by
keeping profiles private, or blocking and reporting and harmful interactions. The goal of
social media is to allow others to communicate, share, and explore the Internet with
comfort and leisure. If we block social media use in classrooms to prevent danger, it
essentially blocks the opportunity for learning. Students will not have access to the
social web, and will not learn properly how to use the Internet safely. Cyber safety is an
important skill for all Internet users, and if we do not allow children to practice it in
schools, they can be exposed to danger. Many say that a teacher communicating with
their students outside of the classroom is inappropriate and dangerous. However, there
are closed systems described by Tomaszewski, in which schools operate the social
media sites. Only people within the school have access to these sites. Examples of these
include EdMoto and Saywire, which facilitates communication for learning, but protects
students and teachers at the same time.

Others argue that social media is solely designed for entertainment, not educational
purposes. In Edelman Value, Engagement and Trust in the Era of Social Entertainment
Survey,” half of the respondents to the survey responded that social media is a form of
entertainment. It is true that social media exposes users to an immense amount of
celebrities and gossip. This is a part of everyday life. However, faculty, teachers, and
parents use social media as tools to enhance their own learning. Celebrities and gossip
fill up social media, but so do informative articles.

Another argument against the use of social media in classrooms is that it increases
off-task behavior. Students will spend majority of their time on these sites rather than in a
textbook or conducting research. However, using social media can also be a way to teach
multi-tasking or time management. Social media is just an activity that needs to be used
for learning and leisure. The correct use of social media increases communication,
collaboration, and efficiency. It also allows students to be creative and expressive, such
as on their personal pages.

Perhaps the biggest argument against the use of social media in classrooms is that
schools are supposed to educate children on certain topics in the curriculum. However,
schools are also supposed to produce well-informed, educated students who can
become active participants in society. Our society is constantly using and keeping up
with technology, and it is important that we show them that we can incorporate academic
development with the real world.
Arguments for the use of social media in the classroom
Many teachers are using social media effectively in the classrooms, proving that this can
be a great tool. With the use of online guidelines, many useful resources, support
groups, and ideas posted on the Internet, teachers can learn from each other to use
social media as a tool in the classroom. “Social media is another tool that you can use to
make your classroom more engaging, relevant, and culturally diverse,” (Edutopia,1).
Many teachers actually create their own Twitter or Facebook accounts for the class.
Students, teachers, and parents can access these sites and tweet or post updates as a
class. It is imperative that teachers establish online guidelines prior to using these sites.
Students can comment and stay engaged with their peers, teachers, and the material.
Students can provide feedback and reflect on what happened in and outside the
classroom. It can become similar to a classroom blog, or it can be just for posting
questions and polls. It can be used as a study group as well.
A specific physics teacher, Michelle Gould Burgess, is an advocate of integrating social
media in the classroom. She calls her teaching method a “flipped classroom” because
high level thinking tasks are done in the classroom. More advanced level activities are
done in the classroom. Burgess keeps a blog, in which her students are subscribed to.
All homework assignments are emailed, and posted online. This encourages the use of
social media and the mastery of email. The students are learning the material, as well as
how to keep up with the 21st century and the growing use of social media.
“Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter are in the top 15 sites on the World Wide
Web.” Adam Renfro encourages teachers to make the classroom connected and
meaningful to all of their students. Using social media in the classroom allows real-word
experiences to be emulated in the classroom. It teaches them technological skills. He
recommends using Twitter to post calendar notices, tips, collaborations, and polls. He
suggests letting students tweet during class by creating a specific Twitter hashtag for
that class. Students will participate more! This can also be done with a Facebook page
for the specific class in which students are connected to. In fact, the Twitter and
Facebook pages can be connected!

The use of social media in classrooms is a controversial topic, however, effectively using
this tool is beneficial to both students and teachers. Teachers do not need to reconstruct
lesson plans to start using social media. Integrating social media into the classroom can
start small! It will encourage connectivity and participation, and will eventually start to
become just another tool in the classroom. Teachers will step out of their comfort zone
and students will become excited about learning. The use of social media in the
classrooms enforces that students are learning in and out of the classroom.

"8 Social Media Strategies for Your Classroom - Getting Smart by Adam Renfro - Edchat,
EdTech, PLN, Smchat, Social Media in Education." Getting Smart 8 Social Media
Strategies for Your Classroom Comments. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.

"A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom." Edutopia. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.

Bidwell, Allie. "Check Out That Selfie: How to Use Social Media in the Classroom." US
News. U.S.News & World Report, 17 Jan. 2014. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.

"How Teachers Can Use Social Media in the Classroom." - University of Phoenix. Web. 4
Nov. 2014.

"Social Media Is a Form of Entertainment, Say Users." - Internet. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.

"Social Media Made Simple." Rss. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.


"Teachers Have Mixed Feelings on Using Social Media in Classrooms - Denver Business
Journal." Widgets RSS. Web. 4 Nov. 2014.

Tomaszewski, Jason. "Social Media in the Classroom?" Education World:. 1 Jan. 2011.
Web. 4 Nov. 2014. <Tomaszewski>.

"Top 5 Social Media in Education Myths | #Edchat Recap." Educational Technology Blog.
Web. 4 Nov. 2014.

Why is Google Docs Important?

If you are reading this document, that means you have successfully ls too so loogged
into your Google Docs account. Google Docs is an amazing tool that allows you to type papers,
create digital presentations, and share documents. We will be using Googlegy Docs for all our
writing assignments, so it is very important you take lots of time to learn Google Docs.

Google Docs has three great features that will really help you become a better writer.
First, once you create a document, Google Docs will automatically save your document. That
means you don’t have to worry about your project being erased. It also means all your changes
are saved. Let’s say you erase a paragraph and type a new paragraph. However, you like your
old paragraph better. You can restore your old version of your document.

Second, you can share your documents with other Google Doc users. You will need to
share all your work with Mr. Siwek. This is also an important feature because you can example,
later in the year you will develop a newscast with a small group. Each person will write a story
and script for his/her story using the same document. You can actually see other people typing
on your document while you type. It also means people can offer you feedback to improve your

Third, since Google Docs requires the Internet, that means you can use Google Docs on
most computers that have Internet access. You don’t have to be at school or on a particular
computer to edit or create your document. For example, later you will need to write a detailed
summary over the book The Landry News. You can begin typing the summary at school and go
home later that evening and begin typing where you stopped at school.

Once again, please take some time to explore Google Docs, it be a useful tool inside
and outside the classroom.

Below, please carefully read each question below. Using the information from the article
to help you answer the questions. All responses must be in complete sentences.
1. What is this article mostly about
(main idea)?

2. Why is Google Docs important to your classroom?


3. What does the word “collaborate” mean according to the article?

4. What are the three most important features of Google Docs?

5. How do you think Google Docs will be helpful for you this school year?


1. The article is about the importants of Google Docs and how it works.

2. Google Docs is important because, it can be used for writing assignment s, also helps to
create digital presentations and also for sharing documents.

3. Meaning of "Collaboration" it means working with others or teamworking or cooperation.

4. (ii) Google Docs automatically saves documents meaning you don't have to worry
about your work or project getting erased or deleted.
(ii) Documents can be shared with other Google Docs users.

(iii) Google Docs requires the internet, meaning you can use Google Docs on most
computers that have internet access.

Name: Adokoh Essel Alberta

Group J4(Home Economics)

Index number: FSCE/ JHS/ 21/ 0046 .

Good morning. Please do the following immediately

1. Send your first YouTube link here
Send your class song to telegram and son the link here.
2. Do your second video on major word classes and send to YouTube by 5th August and
bring the link here.( if your first video was on major word classes, do one on rank scale
and shift, morphemes)
3. Your third video will be on clauses by 20th August and send here as well
4. Your audio too should be sent to telegram and send the link here
5. Remember to tag the links with your names and index numbers. Thank you.

Home Archives Vol 22, No 2-G (2022): Global Journal of Human Social Science Research
Mastering Adinkra Symbols: An Establishment of Positive Ghanaian Personality in the Next
Ruby Jecty
Adinkra symbols, one of the oldest of all art forms, reaching back to prehistoric times, are an
important determiner of cultural mutuality among Ghanaians. Adinkra symbols and their
meanings have a positive impact on instilling in Ghanaians the pride of identifying themselves
as Ghanaians and holding on to it. Well-meaning Ghanaians and important stakeholders in
education who are rooted in tradition are keen at being equipped with possibilities of providing a
re-orientation of the cultural values among learners if there is the need to present what was
good in ancient eyes and move forward undeterred to make a better tomorrow. Human beings,
as products of the many different cultures which surround us, can never be seen as culture free.
Adinkra symbols and their meanings, if embedded in any form of teaching, have the potential of
fostering emotional and cultural intelligence in alienated Ghanaians to return to the glorious past
so as to re-validate viable values, contextualize and consolidate them for today, avert the
mistakes of the past and confront tomorrow with such lasting eternal values that can make the
nation active in a world where values are no longer constant.


Questions 1 through 7 refer to the following passage:
In the 16th century, an age of great marine and terrestrial exploration, Ferdinand Magellan led
the first expedition to sail around the world. As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king of
Portugal, but he became involved in the quagmire of political intrigue at court and lost the king’s
favor. After he was dismissed from service by the king of Portugal, he offered to serve the future
Emperor Charles V of Spain.
A papal decree of 1493 had assigned all land in the New World west of 50 degrees W longitude
to Spain and all the land east of that line to Portugal. Magellan offered to prove that the East
Indies fell under Spanish authority. On September 20, 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain with
five ships. More than a year later, one of these ships was exploring the topography of South
America in search of a water route across the continent. This ship sank, but the remaining four
ships searched along the southern peninsula of South America. Finally they found the passage
they sought near 50 degrees S latitude. Magellan named this passage the Strait of All Saints,
but today it is known as the Strait of Magellan.
One ship deserted while in this passage and returned to Spain, so fewer sailors were privileged
to gaze at that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean. Those who remained crossed the meridian
now known as the International Date Line in the early spring of 1521 after 98 days on the Pacific
Ocean. During those long days at sea, many of Magellan’s men died of starvation and disease.
Later, Magellan became involved in an insular conflict in the Philippines and was killed in a tribal
battle. Only one ship and 17 sailors under the command of the Basque navigator Elcano
survived to complete the westward journey to Spain and thus prove once and for all that the
world is round, with no precipice at the edge.

1. The 16th century was an age of great ______ exploration.

common man
None of the above
2. Magellan lost the favor of the king of Portugal when he became involved in a political
None of the above
3. The Pope divided New World lands between Spain and Portugal according to their location
on one side or the other of an imaginary geographical line 50 degrees west of Greenwich that
extends in a _________ direction.
north and south
south east
north and west
4. One of Magellan’s ships explored the _________ of South America for a passage across the
mountain range
physical features
None of the above
5. Four of the ships sought a passage along a southern ______.
body of land with water on three sides
Answer not available
6. The passage was found near 50 degrees S of ________.
The equator
7. In the spring of 1521, the ships crossed the _______ now called the International Date Line.
imaginary circle passing through the poles
imaginary line parallel to the equator
land mass
Answer not available

Foncy Ocran
FSCE/ JHS/21/0061

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