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2/25/2021 MCQs of Tacheometry (Advanced Surveying-3340602) | GTU MCQ

MCQs of Tacheometry

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MCQ No - 1

A branch of surveying in which the horizontal and vertical distances of points are obtained by instrumental observations
is known as
(A) Tacheometry surveying
(B) Hydrographic surveying
(C) Chain surveying
(D) Plane table surveying


MCQ No - 2

Which of the following is propose of tacheometry ?

(A) Contouring
(B) Hydrography survey
(C) Topography map
(D) All of the above


MCQ No - 3

Tacheometry is generally preferred to if ground is

(A) Flat
(B) Undulating
(C) Mountainous
(D) Deserts


MCQ No - 4

Which of the instrument used for tacheometry survey

(A) Stadia road
(B) Tacheometer
(C) Chain
(D) Both A and B


MCQ No - 5

A stadia telescope, in a tacheometer, is tted with

(A) two additional vertical hairs
(B) two additional horizontal hair

(C) both A and B
(D) None of the above 1/2
2/25/2021 MCQs of Tacheometry (Advanced Surveying-3340602) | GTU MCQ


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 Advanced Surveying(3340602) (../Units)

1. Theodolite (../SpPv__lq54c6lDFFwL4ylw/MCQs)

1. Theodolite (Gujarati) (../TUcV-scPA4qOwwPFZNIqqg/MCQs)

2. Trigonometrical Levelling (Gujarati) (../zDzHOLle8JQt2HR2JZB75Q/MCQs)

2. Trigonometrical Levelling (../IyG2RgphFLYC3n_2kGoAGQ/MCQs)

3. Tacheometry (MCQs)

3. Tacheometry (Gujarati) (../BOTOap0sDwDQle3_Vxj8Dw/MCQs)

4. Curves (Gujarati) (../epigLgi1SXxRqNfdtBPG8Q/MCQs)

4. Curves (../Aa1MvhIDyXNEqa5YiEm2Sg/MCQs)

5. Advanced Survey Equipments (../-sm5BpMBHdXgvhbWw3gsIA/MCQs)

5. Advanced Survey Equipments (Gujarati) (../rPHs4IC-I9JxXWFQTN2Jsg/MCQs)

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