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Name:_____________________ If you think both answers are correct, choose both!

Maybe sometimes you are A and sometimes B. 

What type of personality do you have?

Introvert or Extrovert?

1. Study Environment
a) Prefer to study in a group, talking
b) Prefer to study alone, quietly

2. Thinking
a) Speaking helps me to think
b) Being quiet helps me to think

3. Speaking
a) I like speaking quickly, moving my hands, showing emotion
b) I often speak quietly and slower than others

4. Silence
a) Being silent can be uncomfortable, especially with others
b) I enjoy silence - even when others are around

5. Energy
a) Spending time with people usually gives me more energy
b) Spending time with people can make me tired

1. A B

2. A B

3. A B

4. A B

5. A B


Extraversion / 外向 Introversion / 内向
Name:_____________________ If you think both answers are correct, choose both!
Maybe sometimes you are A and sometimes B. 

How do you do things?

1. Packing for a trip

a) Finish packing the night before (at the latest)
b) Pack right before you leave

2. Making choices
a) Prefer to finish making choices
b) Prefer to wait before deciding

3. Planning
a) Enjoy having a schedule and routine
b) I do not like having to follow a schedule

4. Different type of day

a) I want to be prepared for my days
b) I hope every day is different and I can change my mind

5. Working
a) Work before play
b) Play while working

1. A B

2. A B

3. A B

4. A B

5. A B


Planned Spontaneous
Name:_____________________ If you think both answers are correct, choose both!
Maybe sometimes you are A and sometimes B. 

Hands-on or Theoretical

1. Strengths
a) I’m good at building things
b) I’m good at having creative ideas

2. Senses
a) I only trust what I hear, smell, touch, or taste
b) I like using my imagination

3. Putting things together

a) I like putting things together one thing at a time
b) I like putting things together from all directions

4. Understanding
a) The way things look is the way they are
b) It is important to look for hidden meaning

5. Outlook
a) I prefer enjoying the present
b) I enjoy thinking about the future

1. A B

2. A B

3. A B

4. A B

5. A B


Hands-on Theoretical
Name:_____________________ If you think both answers are correct, choose both!
Maybe sometimes you are A and sometimes B. 

Objective or Subjective

1. Logic or feelings
a) I use logic to make choices
b) I use feeling to make choices

2. Needs
a) I need to think and improve
b) I need to know that others care how I feel

3. Perspective
a) I often debate or argue with others
b) I often accept others’ opinions

4. Movies
a) I hate seeing mistakes in a movie
b) I enjoy a movie even if there are mistakes

5. Approach
a) I think being objective is more important
b) I think understanding the subjective is more important

1. A B

2. A B

3. A B

4. A B

5. A B


Objective Subjective
Name:_____________________ If you think both answers are correct, choose both!
Maybe sometimes you are A and sometimes B. 

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