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Top Ten Tips for Student Teaching in Kindergarten

Top ten tips for students tičing in kindergarten

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Kindergarten student teachers face many challenges as they want to help the needs of very young

Kindergarten student tičers fejs meni čelindzes as tej vanz to help d nids of veri jang čildren.

They are based on the authors’ many years of experience in working with student teachers placed in
kindergarten. Dej are bejsd on d meni jirs of ekspiriens in vokring vith student teačers plejsd in

Its very challenging being a kindergarten teacher because Kindergartners often have limited oral
language development and may not have the basic academic vocabulary a student teacher might expect
them know. Its veri čelendzing biing a kindergarten tičer bikaz kindergarteners ofen hev limited oral
lenguidz development end mej not hev d bejzik academic vokabulari a student tičer majt ekspekt dem
to nou.

Treci slajd

Tip 10

Its very important to find a lot of resources before you begin to student teach. There are several types
of sites that can make your life easier. Some, like, offer lesson plans and activities. Its veri
important to fajnd a lot of risursesbifor ju bigin to student tič. Ter are several tajps of sajts det ken
mejk jour lajf izijr. Sam like star fal dot com, ofer leson plens end aktivitis.

A site designed specifically for kindergarten teachers is the Kindergarten listserv.

A sajt dizajnd spesifikli for kindergarten tičers iz d kinderkarten listserv.

Tip 9

Try to connect with parents. After all, you will be serving their children and they have a right to know
who you are. Try to attend parent visits, and learn as much as you can about them

Traj to konekt vit perents. After al jou vil bi srving ter čildren end tej hev a rajt to nou hu ju ar. Traj to
atend perent visits end lrn es mač es ju ken abaut dem.

Cetvrti slajd

Tip 8

Review assessment data for each child. Talk to children about what they are learning and what interests
them. Ask questions and (later) make notes about what they tell you and what they observe.

Rivju assessment data for ič čajld. Tok to čildren abaut vat de jar lrning end vat intrests dem. Esk kueščns
end lejter mejk nouts abaut vat dej tel ju and vat dej obzrv.
Tip 7

Do not plan activities that last longer than 15 or 20 minutes. Use every-pupil-response techniques to
ensure engagement, to keep young minds from wandering, and to help you monitor their
understanding. Include every child.

Du not plen aktivitis det lest longer den fiftin or tventi minuts. Juze evri pjupl rispons Teknik to
enšuringejdzment to kip jand majnds from vandering end help ju to monitor deir anderstanding. Inklud
evri čajld.

Slajd 5

Tip 6

Be ready to help build fine motor skills. Children at this age are not yet automatic in many of the
everyday operations that adults take for granted. Be observant as they hold pencils and crayons, open
juice boxes and baggies. When you notice a problem, turn the help you provide into a teachable
moment as you model and explain.

Bi redi to help bild fajn motor skils. Čildren et dis ejdzar not jet automatic in meni ov d evridej operejšns
det adalts tejk for granted. Bi observant es dej hold pensils end krejons oupen djus bokses end begis.
Ven ju noutis a problem, turn d help ju provajd into a tičbl moument es ju model and eksplejn.

Tip 5

Learn about developmentally appropriate practice. Kindergartners are making their way past
developmental milestones in various areas and at different rates. No two children are alike, of course,
but it helps to gain a frame of reference for what to expect. Lrn abaut divelopmentali apropriet prektis.
Kindergarteners are mejking deir vej past developmental majlstouns in verius erias end at difrent rejts.
No tu čildren ar alajk of kors bat it helps to gejn a frejm of referens for vat to ekspekt.

Slajd 6

Tip 4

Spend some quality time reading the materials your school has adopted. You will be expected to use
these materials in your instruction, and the more familiar you become with the activities the better your
instruction will be. This is not easy, it isn’t light reading. It’s very important to implement the materials
according to you class.

Spend sam kvaliti tajm riding d matirijls jor skul hez adopted. Ju vil bi ekspekted tu juz diz matirijals in jor
instrakšn end the mor familiar ju bikam vit d aktivitis d beter jor instrkšn vil bi. Dis iz not izi it iznt lajt
riding. Its veri important tu impleinejt d matirijls akording tu jor klas.

Slajd 7

Tip 3
Teach social skills. Most of the activities in which kindergartners engage occur in social situations. This
means children will be required to interact, and they must do so with courtesy and respect. You need to
teach children to be polite, to say “please” and “thank you,” to take turns, to listen while others speak,
and to share.

Tič soušl skils. Moust of d aktivitis in vič kindergarteners ingejdz okr in soušl sićuejšns. Dis mins čildren vil
bi rikuajerd tu interact end dej mast du sou vit kurtesi end rispekt. Ju nid tu tič čildren tu bi polajt, tu sej
pliz end tenk ju, to tejk turns, tu lisen vajl oders spik end tu šer.

Slajd 8

Tip 2

Pay attention to routines. Kindergartners without preschool experience are confronted for the first time
with the necessity of working in small groups and with partners, of following complex directions, and of
learning classroom procedures. Research indicates that the most effective teachers take the time
needed to explicitly teach routines so that instruction is efficient and time is not lost during transitions

Pej atenšn tu rutins. Kindergarteners vitaut priskul ekspiriens ar confronted for d frst tajm vit d nesesiti
of vorking in smal grups end vit partners of foloving kompleks dajrekšons end of lrning klasrom
prosidzrs. Risrč indikejts det d most efektiv tičrs tejk d time nided tu eksplisitli tič rutins so det instrakšn
is efišnt end tajm iz not lost djuring tranzišns.

Slajd 9

Tip 1

And the last tip is about safety. Kindergartners are always in motion, always exploring their
environment. You need to take care of the children at all time, and think in advance to prevent
accidents. It is impossible to prevent everything but kindergarten teacher can prevent some injuries by
setting rules in the classroom.

End d last tip iz abaut sejfti. Kindergarteners ar olvejs in moušn, olvejs eksploring deir envajerment. Ju
nid to tejk ker of d čildren et ol tajm end tink in advans tu privent eksidents. It is imposibl tu privent
evriting bat kindergarten tičer ken privent sam indjuris baj seting ruls in d klasrum.

Slajd 10

Thank you for listening

Tenk ju for lisening

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