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Inter-Linking of Purchase

urchase Requisition to Purchase Order

Document Type
Contributed by

Under the guidance of SAPGURU INDIA

What is Inter Linking of Purchase

urchase Requisition to Purchase Order Document Type?

In this, Purchase Order can be saved /created only with particular Purchase Order
Document Type when Purchase Requisition
equisition is raised in a Specific Document Type. i.e,
If PR is raised in ZRPR (Document
nt type) the Purchase Order can be created only through ZRPO
document Type.

Business Scenario

Assume a Manufacturing Company has R&D Team and Pr Production

oduction Team. Where R&D
team and Production
oduction team both are rising PR is Same Document Type. This will lead to confusion
in Top Level & Management
nagement regarding expenses incurred in R&D and Production
oduction team.

Few issues
1) Where procuring price for R&D will high and once it is converted to Produc
duction the price
of the parts has to reduce.. But many ttimes Purchase team will release Purchase Order in
Higher price
ice without cross verifying whether it is a R&D or Pr Production
oduction Purchase
2) Management always tries to keep Inventory Half of it Sales and ask production
pr to
re required material for that particular Monthly only and will block the advance
ocurement. Where in R&D pr procurement
ocurement is unexpected and can’t be predetermined.
pr If
both teams raise Purchase Order in same Series it will be problem
oblem to identify & to avoid
advance procurement.

To avoid the confusion between R&D and PrProduction PO, Inter-linking

linking of
o PR & Purchase
Order Document Type is done with different Number series.
Inter Linking of Purchase Requisition
equisition & Purchase Order Document Type

Initially we need to have customized PR & Purchase Order Document Type (As per Requirement).
Here are the steps to create Purchase
urchase Requisition & Purchase Order Document Type.

To Create Purchase Requisition Document Type

Use T-code OLME  Purchasing  Purchase Requisition  Define Document Types

sition and Search Document Type NB (Standard Purchase Requisition Document Type)
Go to Position
Select “NB” Document Type and Select “Copy As”

Give your Own Document Type & Description (ZRPR –R&D PR DOC TYP)

Make sure always Customized Document Type should start From “Z” or “Y”
And select the Number range for the Document Type
Press Enter  Click Copy ALL

Make sure Customized Purchase Requisition

equisition Document is visible
Press Enter  Click Copy ALL  Enter
Click on save button to save New Documents Type
To Create Purchase 0rder Document Type

It is similar to Purchase Requisition Document type creation

Use T-code OLME  Purchasing  Pu Purchase Order  Define Document Types

sition and Search Document Type NB (Standard Purchase Requisition Document Type)
Go to Position

Select “NB” Document Type and Select “Copy As”

Give your Own Document Type & Description (ZRPO - R&D PO DOC TYP)

Make sure always Customized Document Type should start From “Z” or “Y”
And select the Number range for the Document Type

Inter linking of Purchase Requisition

equisition & Purchase Order
Now we need to Configure Purchase
urchase Requisition with respective Purchase
se Order (required
Document type).

Go to OLME  Purchasing  Purchase Requisition  Define Document Types

Search your Customized Document Type in po
position (ZRPR)

Select “ZRPR - R&D PR DOC TYP”  Click Link Purchase Requisition – Document Type
ZAUT, ZBB, ZDB, etc. are list of Purchase Order Documents under which ZRPR can be converted into
Purchase Order

Now Select all the Purchase Order Documents Type and Delete it

Click on “New Entries”  Enter the Purchase Order type for which Purchase Requisition to be linked.

Next add the required Item Categories for which Purchase Order has to trig.

Note: All types of Category will be copied if Purchase Requisition / Purchase Order Documents are copied
from Standard Document Type
Select your Document Type and click on “Link Purchase Requisition – Document Type “

Here, initially all types of Purchase Order Documents will be linked to Purchase Requisition document
Type (So we will be able to convert Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order in any Document type)
We need to retain the Purchase Order Document with Item Category which is required.
We can delete all the entries and add manually or we can select
elect all and deselect required one and delete.

After retaining the necessary Purchase Order Document Types, click on “Save“

Check weather required Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order is maintained or not.

So, Required PR it linked with Purchase Order

Cross Check the same in Purchase Order Document Type.
OLME Purchasing  Purchase Order  Define Document Types

Select and Click on Link Purchase Requisition and search ZRPR.

Now You Can

an Run P To P Cycle to Check.

Result should be:

When Purchase Requisition is created in “ZRPR

“ZRPR” Document, the Purchase Order can be made only
in “ZRPO” Document Type only.
This is applicable for Item Categories too.


The copyright in this work is vested in SAPGURU INDIA. Please note
and abide by copyright laws. This prpresentation
esentation is for educational
ses only. All logos, photos and information etc., used in this
esentations are the pr
property of SAPGURU INDIA.

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