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Vocabulary, should and have to/has to.

Read and learn the parts of the body

Exercise 1: Complete with the vocabulary about the body parts

Pecho ________________ Brazo _______________ Pelo ______________

Cintura _______________ Muslo _______________ Rodilla ____________
Hombro ______________ Cabeza ______________ Oreja _____________
Tobillo _______________ Boca ________________ Nariz _____________
Mano ________________ Cuello _______________ Dedos (pie) ________
Pie __________________ Dedos (mano) ___________ Pierna ____________
Muñeca ______________ Codo ________________ Ojo _______________
Diente ________________ Dientes _______________ Pies ______________
Espalda ______________ Huesos _______________ Cuerpo ____________
Frente ________________ Labios ________________ Lengua ____________

Exercise 2: Match the pictures with the words, writing on the line the correct number (ask
your teacher help).

headache _________ shore throat_________ earache _______ fever _____ cough ______
toothache ______ stomachache _______ measles_____ flu ______
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9

Modal Auxiliaries
Los auxiliares de modo son conocidos con diversos nombres, modal, verbos modales o también
verbos modificadores.


Cuando alguna persona utiliza Should debe entenderse que está dando un consejo, o expresando
opinión ó advertencia. La forma negativa Shouldn´t / should not se utiliza para indicar que algo no es
buena idea.
Se utiliza should, agregando la forma simple del verbo para todas las personas:

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

You You You
He He He
She Should + verbo She Shouldn´t + verbo Should She + verbo
It principal del It principal del It principal del
We enunciado We enunciado We enunciado
You You You
They They They

Afirmativo. You should study more. (Tú deberías estudiar más)

He should work harder (El debería trabajar con más empeño.)

Negativo. They shouldn´t speak Spanish in the English class.

You shouldn´t eat junk food.

Interrogativo What should I do? You should exercise more.

Exercise 3: Give advice in each situation.

Example: I don´t fell well. You should rest.

1. My friend has toothache He Should___________________________________________

2. My little sister is sick, and what should I do? ______________________________________

3. Our girlfriend didn´t come today. She is in the hospital _______________________________

4. My dad is in bed, he has fever. _________________________________________________

5. I have stomachache. _________________________________________________________

6. They forgot the homework. ___________________________________________________

7. My girlfriend is angry with me. _________________________________________________

8. My dog is dirty.______________________________________________________________

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences using should and the recomendations in the box:
call the dentist fire him rent a video

call the police hire her plant some flowers

1. My garden looks terrible! You should…_______________________________

2. Luis has a very bad toothache! __________________________________________

3. My boyfriend and I want to see a movie tonight. ____________________________________

4. A thief stole my daughter’s new bicycle! __________________________________________

Have to / has to

El auxiliar de modo “Have to” se utiliza para indicar obligación o necesidad. Se forma con have to / has
to y la forma simple del verbo principal. El cuadro siguiente muestra la estructura de los enunciados
comúnmente utilizadas

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I have to… I don´t have to… Do I have to…?

You have to… You don’t have to… Do you have to…?
He, she, it has to… He, she, it doesn’t have to… Does he, she, it have to..?
We have to… We don’t have to… Do we have to…?
They have to… They don’t have to… Do they have to…?

El auxiliar de modo Have to tiene la forma HAD TO para el tiempo pasado y para todos los pronombres
personales. Para el tiempo futuro se utiliza la expresión WILL HAVE TO
I have to learn English. (Yo tengo que aprender inglés).
She has to buy a new dress. (Ella tiene que comprar un vestido nuevo).
They didn’t have to read that boring book. (Ellos no tenían que leer ese libro aburrido).
I will have to go to the drug store. (Yo tendré que ir a la farmacia).

Exercise 5: Write sentences using have to / has to. As in the example

It is necessary for me to arrive on time to school.
I have to arrive on time to school.

1. It is not necessary for my friends to write all these letters.


2. Tomorrow I have an exam and its necessary for me pass


3. It is necessary for Carla to buy a dress for her party.


4. It is necessary to my friends to work to earn money.


5. It is not necessary for you to drive a car, I drive for you.


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