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Modelling and Control of Thermal system

Aim: To obtain the model of thermal system from the open loop response. Implement and
analyse the effect of P,PI and PID controller for controlling the temperature of the system using
Zeigler-Nichols method.
Apparatus Required:
1. Temperature controller module
2. Electric Oven.
System description
Temperature control is one of the most common industrial control systems that are
employed in present scenario. The plant to controller is an electric oven, the temperature of
which must adjust itself in accordance with the reference. The temperature of the oven is
measured using the solid state IC temperature sensor with the operating range of -50℃ to 150
℃ like AD590. These sensors are linear and have a good sensitivity i.e. 1𝜇A/K.
Identification of oven parameters:

1. Connect the oven to temperature controller module.

2. Before switch ON of the controller keep toggle switch in SET position and other
toggle switch in PAUSE position and connect P output to the driver input.
3. After Switch ON of the controller keep P-amplifier knob at 50% and adjust reference
potentiometer to read 50 on the DVM.
4. Keep toggle switch to MEASURE and note down room temperature.
5. Keep oven switch in HEAT position and other toggle switch in RUN position and
note temperature readings every 10 sec.
6. Plot the graph as shown in model graph (Figure 1) and obtain the approximate First
order plus time delay (FOPTD) transfer function of the oven.

Ambient temperature =

Table 1: Experimental Data

S.No Time(sec) Temperature of oven(°C)
From this experimental data given in Table 1, plot the graph between Time (sec) Vs
Temperature (℃). The model graph is given as below
Model Graph:

Figure 1: Open loop response plot

The FOPTD transfer function of the thermal system which relates the temperature T (℃) output
to the rate of heat flow (𝜑 -Joule/sec) as input is given by

𝑇(𝑠) 𝐾𝑒 −𝑠𝑇2
𝐺 (𝑠) = 𝜑(𝑠) = -----------------------(1)
T1 & T2 in sec
Constant K for Oven plus driver controller is given by
𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒−𝐴𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒
𝐾= ----------(2)
𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑠

Steps to obtain T1 and T2 from the graph:

1. Draw a line parallel to X-axis at maximum temperature value on the graph.
2. Draw a tangent at the linear portion of the curve.
3. Measure the time from starting of X-axis to the point at which tangent cuts the line
mentioned in point 1.The measured time will be T1.
4. T2 is the delay time for which system is not responding to the input which is shown in
model graph.
Table 2: PID controller coefficients from Ziegler and Nichols method

Type of controller KP KI KD

P 1 𝑇1 - -
( )∗( )
𝐾 𝑇2
PI 0.9 𝑇1 1 -
( )∗( )
𝐾 𝑇2 3.3𝑇2
PID 1.2 𝑇1 1
( )∗( )
𝐾 𝑇2 2𝑇2 0.5𝑇2

Procedure for controlling oven temperature using P, PI and PID controller:

1. Proportional Controller:
 Before switch ON of the controller keep toggle switch in SET position and other toggle
switch in PAUSE position and connect P output to the driver input and short feedback
 With calculated value of KP from table 2 and KPmax of 0.2 calculate P potentiometer %
setting and adjust P potentiometer to obtained value.
 After Switch ON of the controller adjust reference potentiometer to required
temperature say 60.
 Keep toggle switch to MEASURE. Keep oven switch in HEAT position and other
toggle switch in RUN position and note temperature readings every 10 sec.
 Plot the graph of time versus temperature (Figure 2) and obtain time response
performance characteristics as given in table 3.
2. Proportional-Integral Controller:
 Before switch ON of the controller cool the oven keep toggle switch in SET position
and other toggle switch in PAUSE position and connect P and I outputs to the driver
input and short feedback terminals.
 With calculated value of KP & KI from table 2 and KPmax & KImax of 0.2 & 0.036
respectively calculate P and I potentiometers % settings and adjust P and I
potentiometers to obtained values.
 After Switch ON of the controller adjust reference potentiometer to required
temperature say 60.
 Keep toggle switch to MEASURE. Keep oven switch in HEAT position and other
toggle switch in RUN position and note temperature readings every 10 sec.
 Plot the graph of time versus temperature (Figure 3) and obtain time response
performance characteristics as given in table 3.
3. Proportional-Integral- Derivative Controller:
 Before switch ON of the controller cool the oven and keep toggle switch in SET
position and other toggle switch in PAUSE position and connect P , I and D outputs to
the driver input and short feedback terminals.
 With calculated value of KP, KI & KD from table 2 and KPmax, KImax & KDmax of 0.2 &
0.036 and 23.5 respectively calculate P,I and D potentiometers % settings and adjust
P,I and D potentiometers to obtained values.
 After Switch ON of the controller adjust reference potentiometer to required
temperature say 60.
 Keep toggle switch to MEASURE. Keep oven switch in HEAT position and other
toggle switch in RUN position and note temperature readings every 10 sec.
 Plot the graph of time versus temperature (Figure 4) and obtain time response
performance characteristics as given in table 3.

Add the following figures in the record (Denote the specifications in the plot itself)
Figure 2: Closed loop response with Proportional controller
Figure 3: Closed loop response with PI controller
Figure 4: Closed loop response with PID controller

Table 3: Performance Specifications

Controller used KP KI KD Settling Peak Rise Steady state
time (sec) overshoot (%) time error



Sample Calculations (NOTE: Consider the case of settling time for P case, Rise time for PI,
Peak overshoot for PID- Dont include this red highlighted portion in the record)

Results and Conclusion (Should corroborate the aim/objective )

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