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Reading comprehension

Read the text and answer the questions below!

In ancient times, in a region of Rawa Belong, there was born a pious young man named Si Pitung.
He was a (1) ..... young man who studied at Haji Naipin and a very famous scholar of his time. In
addition he also trained silat for many years until his ability to master the science of religion and
martial arts is greatly (2) ..... Because of his talent in martial arts, Pitung's abilities were far above
the average of the (3) ..... in Betawi at that time.

Si Pitung lived in the Dutch colonial era, Si Pitung tapped his heart to (4) ..... of Indonesia. He felt
sorry for (5) ..... that the poor and weak people experienced. Meanwhile, the Company or the
Dutch people continued to rule as well as a group of Tauke and the (6) ..... Landlords, they were all
rulers who wandered in wealth. Their treasures include houses and fields (7) ..... by strong and
fierce strongholds.

1. .....
A. Strong D. Extraordinary
B. Diligent E. Happy
C. Healthy

2. .....
A. Amazing D. Poorly dissatisfied
B. Unspeakable E. Common person
C. Increased and extraordinary

3. .....
A. Fighters D. People
B. Scholars E. Warrior
C. Young man

4. .....
A. Help the human D. Ask the people
B. Attack the people E. Defend the people
C. Defend the dutch

5. .....
A. The hospitality D. The suffering
B. The wellcoming E. The humiliation
C. The terror

6. .....
A. Soldiers D. People
B. Warriors E. Kings
C. Landlords

7. .....
A. Guarded D. Helped
B. Burned E. Evaluated
C. Wasted

Man Jadda Wa Jada
“Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh maka akan mendapatkannya”
Reading Comprehension

Read the text and answer the questions below!

Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking (8) ..... the forest together. They
knew that anything dangerous (9) ..... in the forest. So they (10) ..... that they would always be
together in any case of danger.

Suddenly, they saw a (11) ..... getting closer toward them. One of them (12) ..... tree at once. But
unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common
sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a (13) ..... .

The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and (14) .....
because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came
down and asked his friend that was on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear whisper into your
ears?” The other friend replied, “Just now the bear advised me (15) ..... .

8. .....
A. Around D. Throught
B. Between E. In circle
C. Against

9. .....
A. Will never haappen D. Imposible to happen
B. Can happen any time E. Can dissappear
C. Is riddicullus

10. .....
A. Swear each other D. Promised each other
B. Make a pact together E. Dislike each other
C. Suspicious against other

11. .....
A. Big camel D. Amazing car
B. Small mosquito E. Beautiful girl
C. Large bear

12. .....
A. Jump to the D. Climbed a nearby
B. Running to a E. Smash into a nearby
C. Grab a

13. .....
A. Strong man D. Crazy man
B. Bear E. Dead man
C. Tree

14. .....
A. Slowly left the place D. Bite his neck
B. Eat him slowly E. Confuse
C. Crush his skull

Man Jadda Wa Jada
“Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh maka akan mendapatkannya”
Reading Comprehension

15. .....
A. Nothing, just looking at me
B. Not to believe a false friend
C. That I should never leave you behind
D. That we should leave this place soon
E. Bear cannot speak, you fool

Read the text and answer the questions below!

Caller : Hello. This is Michael Knight. (16) ......

Receptionist : (17) ..... , I'll check if she is in her office.
Caller : Thank you.
Receptionist : (after a moment) Yes, Ms. Sunshine is in. (18) ......
Ms. Sunshine : Hello, this is Ms. Sunshine. (19) .....
Caller : Hello, my name is Michael Knight, and I'm calling to (20) .....
Ms. Sunshine : Yes, the position is still open. (21) .....
Caller : Certainly, My name is Michael Knight and my number is 082133476651.

16. .....
A. Where is Ms Sunshine D. I want to speak to Mr. Sunshine
B. I want meet Mr Sunshine E. May I speak to Ms. Sunshine, please
C. Can you call her. Ms Sunshine

17. .....
A. Please call back later D. I am busy but okay
B. Okay, okay be patient E. Who are you telling me what to do
C. Hold the line a moment

18. .....
A. I will call her D. Where is her
B. I'll put you through E. I am sorry it is abit long
C. Here is her

19. .....
A. How can I help you D. How do you get this number
B. Who are you again E. Sorry took you so long
C. May I know you name

20. .....
A. Know each other because I am gonna be your employee
B. Inquire about the position advertised on
C. Ask information about the job you are offering
D. Is there a job that I can apply
E. Clarify about the detail of the job I am trying to apply here

Man Jadda Wa Jada
“Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh maka akan mendapatkannya”

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