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Md Abdul Jalil Lecturer in English

B A (Honours) in English Dhaka Residential Model College

M A in Applied Linguistics and ELT Cell- 01722-136093/ 01682-828505
University of Dhaka

English 1st Paper (Class 9) Dialogue, Half Yearly, DRMC

1. Write a dialogue between two friends about the benefits of early rising.
Laila : Hi, Meena, how are you?
Meena : I am not so fine, what about you?
Laila : I am quite well. But what is your problem?
Meena : I don’t know, I am going to a doctor to consult with him.
Laila : But why are you going to a doctor?
Meena : I feel drowsy all the time and I can’t concentrate on my studies.
Laila : I think you don’t get up early in the morning and that is why you don’t get enough time to read.
Meena : What do you mean early rising?
Laila : Early rising means the habit of getting up from bed early in the morning. It is a good habit.
Meena : But I usually go to bed late and I can’t get up as early as you want to mean.
Laila : You don’t know that there is a wise saying:
`Early to bed and early to` rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.'
Meena : But I usually have a lot of work.
Laila : You can do the work in the morning.
Meena : What is the significance of early rising?
Laila : This proverb contains the inner meaning of early rising.
Meena : What are the advantages and benefits of early rising?
Laila : An early riser can enjoy the fresh air and oxygen of the morning, which refresh both his body and mind. At the
same time he gets the opportunity of taking morning walk or physical exercise that makes his body strong and his
mind cheerful.
Meena : What are the demerits and disadvantages of late rising?
Laila : A late riser wastes a lot of his time in sleeping. So he doesn't have time to finish his works properly.
Meena : I will try my best to early in the morning as it has so many benefits.
Laila : Certainly, But I have go now, bye.
Meena : Bye and thank you.
Laila : Thank you too.

2. A dialogue between two friends about the uses and abuses of mobile phone:

Zafi : Hello, Zarif. How are you?

Zarif : I am fine and what about you?

Zafi : I am fine too. It is long time since I met you last.

Zarif : But we have kept constant contact only because of the mobile phone.

Zafi : Yes, this mobile phone has become a very instrumental device in our daily life. We cannot do without
it for a single day.
Zarif : Right. It has reduced uncertainty, doubt, anxious waiting and painful suspense. In fact, it has made our
life easy and comfortable in many ways.

Zafi : Besides, it has made our global communication dynamic and faster.
Zarif : But we must admit that it has some disadvantages too.

Zafi : You are absolutely right. It causes brain tumor, genetic damage and many other incurable diseases. It is
especially hazardous for the children and pregnant women.
Zarif : Yes, during conversation, the blood brain barrier may get damaged, the blood pressure may get high and
the red blood cells may get affected.

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Md Abdul Jalil Lecturer in English
B A (Honours) in English Dhaka Residential Model College
M A in Applied Linguistics and ELT Cell- 01722-136093/ 01682-828505
University of Dhaka

Zafi : Besides, it is doing a lot of harms to the teenagers. They can easily indulge in many obscene programmes
also. In this way it is spreading pornography.
Zarif : Absolutely. Moreover, it is helping young boys and girls to contact easily with their so-called lovers in
season and out of season.

Zafi : You are right. They are approaching negative way.

Zarif : It is high time we saved them from their moral degradation.

Zafi : Right you are. The criminals are also carrying out their operations with the help of it. It is also very
Zarif : All these are very true. Though we are getting immense benefits from it, we should use it with much care
and caution to avoid its demerits.

Zafi : Yes. Thank you so much. Good bye now.

Zarif : Good bye

3. Write a dialogue between two friends about the preparation for the ensuing examination.

Laila : Good evening, Meena

Meena : Good evening. How are you?
Laila : Very well. But I am afraid of the examination.
Meena : Oh, yeah. Our examination is very close at hand and I am also afraid of it.
Laila : But I am too much worried and at times it seems that I can’t answer anything.
Meena : Haven't you completed your courses? My preparation in English is not so well.
Laila : Don't worry. I am sure you will be able to cover up. How is your preparation in physics?
Meena : My preparation in physics is well. I am afraid I may not do well in English.
Laila : I have some notes on English, you can take them. The notes are easy enough.
Meena : Will I be able to learn them within this short period of time?
Laila : Of course, English is difficult to all. You have sharp memory and you will do well. But my preparation in physics
is not good.
Meena : Don’t worry; you know I am good at physics.
Laila : So what? You are good at physics but I am not
Meena : You can take help from me. Come to my room with your book and I will help you. Again, you will have to read
physics more and more.
Laila : Do you have any short suggestion on all subjects.
Meena : Laila, short suggestions are always bad. They will not help you to get good marks. But yet my cousin had sent me
some suggestions from Dhaka.
Laila : Can I get those?
Meena : Why not? You can take them though I had not seen them yet.
Laila : Thank you for your help and suggestion.
Meena : Thank you also.

4. A dialogue between Zafi and Zarif about the importance of tree plantation:

Zafi : Hello Zarif. How are you?

Zarif : Fine and what about you?

Zafi : I am also fine. Where did you go yesterday? I looked for you.
Zarif : I went to the Tree Fair to buy some saplings. Tree Fair has been going on for last five days. It will continue
for more two days.

Zafi : Who has organized this Tree Fair?

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Md Abdul Jalil Lecturer in English
B A (Honours) in English Dhaka Residential Model College
M A in Applied Linguistics and ELT Cell- 01722-136093/ 01682-828505
University of Dhaka

Zarif : The Department of Agriculture and Forestry organizes this Tree Fair every year in all towns and cities on
the occasion of Tree Plantation Week.

Zafi : Why do they organise this Tree Fair?

Zarif : It appears strange to me that you are not yet fully aware of the importance of tree plantation.

Zafi : Right you are. Please tell me about the importance of tree plantation. I want to know about it in detail.
Zarif : Trees are our best friends. Trees give us shade and shelter. We cannot think of our existence without trees.
They are a great source of our food, vitamins, and furniture.

Zafi : But do you notice that many unscrupulous people are cutting down trees at random? What might be its
Zarif : If they cut down trees indiscriminately, the country will one day turn into a desert. The temperature will
rise and it will cause greenhouse effect.

Zafi : I think this would not be harmful if people planted more trees after cutting trees. But they seem to be very
indifferent to planting trees.
Zarif : You are right. To save life and maintain the ecological balance of the environment, there is no alternative
to tree plantation.

Zafi : Now I understand why tree plantation is so important. I think people of all walks of life should come
forward to make tree plantation programme a success.
Zarif : Absolutely, let us make aware of our friends and motivate them to plant trees more and more to make our
country a land of greenery.

English 2nd Paper (Class 9) E-mail, Half Yearly, DRMC

1. Write an Email to your father informing your result.

To : Mokarram<>
Subject : About the result
Dear Father,
I have just received your email asking about the results of my annual examination of class VIII. I have been
awaiting the results and just today they have been out.

Father, you all will be glad to learn that I have stood third in the examination. I have obtained letter marks in
mathematics, science, and English. My total marks are 768. My teachers are very satisfied with the results.
Here my friends and relatives have congratulated me on my good position. I send you a copy of my mark-

But I have the determination to do much better the next year. For this, I will leave no stone unturned.

I am well here. I have decided to visit you during my Ramadan holidays. Convey my best regards to mother.

Your loving son


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Md Abdul Jalil Lecturer in English
B A (Honours) in English Dhaka Residential Model College
M A in Applied Linguistics and ELT Cell- 01722-136093/ 01682-828505
University of Dhaka

2. Write an Email to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the examination.
To : salib<>
Subject : Congratulation on brilliant success
Dear Salib
I have just heard of your result of the Final Examination. I would like to convey my heartiest congratulations
on your brilliant success. To secure GPA-5 is not a matter of joke. All your friends and relatives must be proud
that you have won such distinction. We are especially proud that you performed so well even though you had
fallen ill just before the examination.

I am sure this result will encourage you to do better in your higher studies. If you come out successfully of the
HSC Examination, I hope you will be able to choose either Medical or Engineering course. If it is Computer
Science, you should prefer BUET to SUET.

I think you are being flooded with letters and emails from your friends and relatives. No more today. More
when we meet. I wish you a more glorious future.

Yours ever,

3. Write an Email to your brother advising him to be regular in studies.

To : salib<>
Subject : About being regular in studies
Dear Salib
Yesterday I received alarming news from mother that you are not regular in your studies. She also wrote that
you are very much attracted to games and sports and you like the company of wicked boys. I am worried to
learn that you like to remain outside home most of the time and even stay outside late at night. All these are
very bad. You are our youngest brother and as such you are dearest to us all. You are gifted with good parts
and we cannot allow you to spoil good parts by falling in evil company.

Let me sound a note of warning to you. You must have fallen on evil ways. I am sure that you are moving about
with bad companions. In any case you should give up bad company. I am writing to your principal to place you
under the special charge of a professor. Please come to your sense, try to correct yourself and be regular in your
studies. I hope that these few words of advice will put you on the right path and you will apply yourself whole-
heartedly to your studies.

Your elder brother


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