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The question of whether artificial intelligence should be used widely around

the world has sparked heated debate over the last few decades among people.
While it is apparent that the continuous growth in this field has both positive and
negative influences on our lives, I hold the view that artificial intelligence’s
benefits far exceed the drawbacks.
To begin with, AI models undeniably do wonders for human lives in various
aspects, especially in manufacturing. Humans tend to make mistakes in tedious and
repetitive tasks, whereas a correctly programmed computer can undertake them
with complete accuracy. By using AI, not only can factories reduce human error,
but they can also save time and resources as AI has the ability to continually work
at a brisk pace. Also, unlike humans, AI applications do not need any breaks or
vacations. With the help of algorithms, they can work nonstop for long hours
without getting distracted, which would accelerate mass production. Hence,
productivity in factories would be significantly increased.
In terms of AI’s drawbacks, the most noticeable one is that it may increase
unemployment rates in countries. If all conventional jobs are replaced by AI, an
enormous number of people would be jobless. This can lead to numerous social
issues. To illustrate, suppose all factory workers are superseded by AI, they will
not be able to afford the gradually rising cost of living with salary anymore. To pay
the bills, some may commit illegal acts such as burglary, theft, and shoplifting.
Consequently, the quality of life would deteriorate.
All things considered, AI impacts both positively and negatively on our
lives; however, I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

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