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Table of Contents

Startup Screen ..................................................................................................................... 3

Saving the Parameters......................................................................................................... 5

RadioSecure IVM Device Password................................................................................... 6

Changing Device Password ................................................................................................ 6

Reset the IVM ..................................................................................................................... 7

Reboot IVM ........................................................................................................................ 7

Stop IVM ............................................................................................................................ 7

Parameter Setting ................................................................................................................ 8

Firmware Upgrading......................................................................................................... 17
Startup Screen

1. Connect the PL2303 Programming Cable to the RadioSecure IVM and plug it into
a free USB Slot on the computer. The PC will recognize the COM Port if the
Prolific‐PL2303 windows driver was installed on the PC.

2. Next launch the Envotech IVM‐2 Basic Programming Tool. Select COM PORT and
choose the port corresponding to the PL2303 cable.
3. Read Settings File: Select Read Settings from File and click on the adjacent File‐
R/W Button. A dialog box appears to select the corresponding setting file. Ex:
Envotech RadioSecure IVM Settings.ini. Select the File, then OK. The settings will
be loaded on the screen.

4. To program all the settings put the R/W mode button to the Right (Read & Write
Position) and hold the program button to the right (All Position) until the Test

5. To Read settings from device without writing, R/W mode button should be to the
Left (Read Only Position)

6. In case any read or write settings failed on the first execution, the Tool
automatically tries a second time.

7. In case any particular settings failed even after second trial, select
the particular button to re‐read or re‐write the setting.

8. Each setting can be programmed to the RadioSecure IVM and can be Read from
RadioSecure IVM to verify the settings. While it writes/reads the settings for
APN, IP, GPS, GPRS etc.. the corresponding tab Page will be displayed briefly.

9. Uncheck the Checkbox (refer to Parameter) on the left to disable programming

any particular Setting. Only if a checkbox is checked the corresponding setting
will be programmed when we press the Program all button.
10. While the test is in progress the Serial Port Data String Boxes shows us the Data
being read. When all settings are done an indicator appears to show if all
settings were done as intended or not!

Saving the Parameters

It is advisable to save the changes made to the check‐box’s or any parameter values
to the initial settings file or create a new setting file.

To do this select Write Settings to File, then click the R/W button .

A dialog box appears asking for the password. The password is envotech . (This
password cannot be changed by the user).

If entered correctly a standards windows file dialog box appears so that we can
select/create a settings file.
RadioSecure IVM Device Password

Do remember the password which you have changed. You are advised to save any
changes to the settings file once you changed the password or any other

Changing Device Password

When you click the change button beside the Password text box, a popup window at
the center of the screen prompts you to enter the Password. The default password is
envotech. Kindly be reminded that this is case sensitive.

Enter the password correctly, then OK. Enter the existing RadioSecure IVM Device
Password and the new password in the new window, then OK. Correct old password
and reconfirmation of the new password will write the new password into
RadioSecure IVM.

The new password is automatically set to the main window as well.

Reset the IVM

To reset the device to default settings please click on the default settings button at
the bottom of the main window. It takes a while to do the Reset.

Note: If the device fails to write a setting the first time it will retry thrice before a red
light is shown.

Reboot IVM

Click the button to Reboot IVM if required at the end of the programming. Normally
it is not necessary to use this button.

Stop IVM

The stop button at the button of the screen is to stop the program from running.
However it is not really necessary to stop after programming the IVM. We can
change and put new IVM while the Tool is running.

SW to load on the PC before running the application:

1. PL‐2303 Windows Driver

2. NI‐LAbviewRuntime8.5
3. NI‐Visa 5.0.1 or later.
Parameter Setting

1. RF

1.1 Check the box 2 to enable RF parameter programming.

1.2 RF_ON_TIME – set the period RF is active or wake up. Unit is in second and range
from 0 to 99. For IVM not configured to work with SLx, enter 0.
1.3 RF_OFF_TIME – set the period RF is inactive or sleeping. Unit is in second and
range from 0 to 99. For IVM not configured to work with SLx, enter 99
1.4 RF_INTV – Set the interval to clear RF data in IVM buffer. Unite is in minute and
range from 0 to 3000. For IVM not configured to work with SLx, enter 0.
2. APN

1.1 check Box 3 and Box 4 to enable reading/writing the respective parameter group
1.2 APN1 correspond to the SIM card holder on the bottom side of PCB (further from
the label)
1.3 APN2 correspond to the SIM card holder on top side of PCB (nearer to the label)
1.4 Leave USER NAME and PASSWORD blank if no user name and password is
required by the Telco
3. DNS

3.1 Check Box 5 to enable reading and writing of DNS parameter

3.2 Enter 0 when connection to server is through DNS, otherwise enter 1
3.3 Enter DNS1 and DNS2 provided by Telco that provide the service or known public
4. IP1/ID1

4.1 Check Box 6 to enable reading and writing

4.2 Enter your server’s IP address or DNS name
4.3 If your server connection is via fixed IP, enter 0 to “Choose IP1/DN”, else enter 1
4.4 Enter port number to “port” field
5. IP2/DN2

5.1 check Box 7 to enable reading/writing the respective parameter group

5.2 Provision for alternate server, enter alternate server data as 4 above
5.3 In the absent of alternate server, it is recommended that you enter the identical
parameters as in 4 above
6. GPS

6.1 Check Box 9 to enable reading/writing the respective parameter group.

6.2 PDOP_ ‐ Position Dilution Of Precision, a complex formula is used to derive this
value. You may refer to for
reference. The smaller the value the more precise the position will be. Range
from 1 to 99. Default is set to 5 which is generally yield acceptable accuracy. This
parameter governs the GPS fix accuracy when the vehicle is in motion
6.3 Shake_INTV – – this is one of the two parameters to jointly determine if the
vehicle is stationary. It is the period in second where there is no change to it
state. Unit is in second and range is 1 to 99
6.4 Speed – is the GPS speed, unit is KM/hr and range is 0 to 99. When “shake_INTV”
is met and “Speed” is less than or equal to the set parameter, the vehicle is
deemed to be not moving
6.5 ST‐PDOP – this PDOP value determine the GPS fix quality when vehicle is
stationary. Range is 1 to 99.
6.6 GPS_Tout – This is the time out period set for GPS to acquire the fix to the
required PDOP value in ST‐PDOP. Unit is in second and range from 1s to 240s.
6.7 Multiple ‐ This is the multiplication factor for GPS _Interval (refer 8.2 and 8.4). If
“GPS _Interval” during Engine On is set to 60, GPS and “Multiple” is set to 2, GPS
will acquire a fix in every 120s. Range is 1 to 200. Likewise, with Engine Off.

7.1 Check Box 10 and Box 11 to enable reading/writing the respective parameter
7.2 GPRS_Mode – This parameter select GPRS socket connection modes, enter 0 for
UDP (User Datagram protocol and 1 for TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
7.3 GPRS_Enable – These parameters enable or disable the GPRS function. Enter 1 for
enable and enter 0 to disable the GPRS function
8. GPRS 2

8.1 Check box 12 to enable reading/writing of respective parameters.

8.2 GPRS_INTV ‐ This is the GPS fix acquisition interval, units is second and range
from 0 to 90000
8.3 Number – number of messages accumulates before sending during engine ON.
8.4 GPRS_INTV 2 – This is the GPS fix acquisition interval, units is second and range
from 0 to 90000.
8.5 Number – number of messages accumulates before sending during engine OFF.
9. Misc

9.1 MISC tab is provision for customized function. Not applicable to Standard IVM.

10. FW‐Ver

10.1 FW‐Ver. – These are not programmable parameters, these are read only. Enable
the read by checking box 13 and 14 for their respective functions.
10.2 IMEI – International Mobile Equipment Identity, this is a unique number to
identify the GSM module
10.3 Firmware Version – This is the RadioSecure IVM firmware version
10.4 GSM Ver. Num – This is the GSM module firmware version
10.5 Battery Voltage – this is the RadioSecure IVM battery voltage
Firmware Upgrading

1. This setting required for programming cable build in with Profilic PL230
1.1 Install the PL2302 Profilic Driver
1.2 Connect IVM Programming Cable to computer USB port. Check in Device
Manager if Profilic driver is properly installed. Fig.1 shows a correctly
installed driver.

Figure 1

2. Follow the instructions below carefully to upgrade the IVM 2 Firmware

2.1 Connect the IVM to PC with the programming cable
2.2 Power ON IVM
2.3 Launch HyperTerminal and a pop out box as Figure 2 will show. Choose
COM Port, then OK.
Figure 2
2.4 A dialogue box as Figure 3 is shown. Configure parameters as follow, then
2.4.1 Bits per second : 115200
2.4.2 Dada Bits : 8
2.4.3 Parity : None
2.4.4 Stop Bits : 1
2.4.5 Flow control : None

Figure 3
2.5 Press and hold onto the Boot Loader button while Power OFF then Power
ON IVM. IVM in boot loader mood when three LEDs ON. Refer Figure 4.1.
Screen is now as Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.1

Figure 4.2
2.6 Select Transfer Æ Send File. Refer Figure 5.

Figure 5
2.7 Select Browse then choose the Firmware binary file and set the Protocol
to Xmodem, then Send. Refer Figure 6.

Figure 6
2.8 Firmware binary file is being loaded into IVM. Refer Figure 7.

Figure 7
2.9 Once complete, Select the Telephone Icon to disconnect. Refer Figure 8.

Figure 8
2.10 Power OFF the IVM.
2.11 Firmware upgrade completed.

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