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Planning a birthday party is too exciting.

But it's very cool

because personally, for me, giving gifts is better than receiving

Firstly, it will be my friend's birthday. We have known each

other for two years, we often communicate and have a lot in
common. And I really want to plan everything as best as
possible, because she is worried about entering the university
and moving to another city, so I really want to distract her from
her worries.

Secondly, choosing the right place for the celebration is very

important. I plan this birthday with the sister of the birthday
person. And we consulted with their mother and she said we can
spend the celebration in the backyard of their house. And We
invite only friends.

What to entertainment and food. I think we will play cards and

Truth or Dare. The mother of the birthday girl will prepare
meals. we buy pizza and sushi because we like them a lot.

I really hope that it will be as good as possible and that the

birthday girl will like the celebration.
Ex 1

Ex 2

Ex 3
1) pay for
2) pick out
3) wrap up
4) save up
5) shop around
6) splash out

Ex 4
1. Save up
2. To sell out
Ex 5
1) To buy in- to buy up
He buys up all the magazines about animals in the surrounding area. We buying
in flour and sugar in winter.
2) To sell off – to sell out
We had to sell off the land just to keep the company alive. The flight was sold
3) To splash out – to save up
They splashed out a lot of money on a holiday. I'm trying to save up for school.

Ex 6
1) I queued up for almost an hour and then the seller said that women's shoes
were already sold out.
2) If you want to save up you should splash out less money on small things.
3) Do not buy up so many clothes for the child, she will grow out of them.
4) Let's make an agreement: I will pick out the gifts and you will wrap up
5) I like to go shop around and choose products, but I hate to queue up.

1) A
2) C
3) A
4) B
5) B
6) C
7) A
8) A
9) C

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