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Why is doing academic writing essential in scientific and investigatory

endeavors in the Philippines?

Academic writing is evident all over the world today, even in the
Philippines, for its vital purpose. As a student and a researcher, academic
writing helps me express ideas and opinions on a variety of economic, social,
and scientific issues. As well as, it provides students with practical experience
in dealing with the use of scientific method and helps to stimulate their interest
in scientific problems. Given these benefits, society can see from academic
writing that these destinations are significant in the Philippines. By that, the
ability to write academic papers is critical and because of the prevalence of
false news on social media, the authenticity of a published work must now be
called into question.

The result of this professional academic writing is often a discovery that

improves the lives of those around us and preserves the place we currently live
in. The use of academic writing appears to be an increasingly popular and
widely used teaching method. According to Ekan (2017), academic writing was
done to improve the writing skills of the students. According to Jaype in her
blog "Academic Writing in the Philippine Context," the objective of academic
writing is to train each student's intellect. It is critical in broadening not just
the students but also the peoples' perspectives and understanding.

Also, I think that it is a successful method that encourages students to

build an analytical mind in order to seek scientific truth, which require
integrity and honesty. It also serves a crucial role in making sure that students
in the Philippines acquire critical thinking and communication skills on
problems that are relevant to them. Students also use critical thinking skills in
gathering data and analyzing information, as well as synthesizing it (Gomez,
2013). This means students are able to set goals related to learning. In the
Philippine context, it is more prevalent in the upper levels of society, such as
those with various professions, rather than the general people.

Academic writing is essential specifically to the scientific and

investigatory venture in the Philippines because I think it helps us build our
own system for acquiring knowledge. According to Team Leverage Edu (2021)
on their article “Essay on Scientific Discoveries” stated that to arrive at a
conclusion and explain any natural event, we need observations and
experiments. It helps us provide useful information by doing scientific
research. By that, we can establish our own foundations in science. Science is
the methodical study of or information obtained by experiments, observations,
and some acknowledged truths. With that said, there are many scientific
breakthroughs that have accomplished many things in people's lives. And I
think it will further our limitations in development and advancements in the

In academic writing, we can communicate and share knowledge and

truths based on accumulated facts and that makes us an advanced species.
Scientific writing is based on the demands of scientific investigation, it must
reflect the same accuracy as the research method. With the help of academic
writing in our scientific investigation, we discovered many things especially in
the field of medical science. According to Ambag (2018), with the discovery of
the first antibiotic called Penicillin by Fleming in 1926, many people, including
the Filipino scientist Dr. Abelardo Aguilar, pursued this road to discovery and
with that said, he discovered the bacteria that would lead to the first ever
development of erythromycin in 1949. An antibiotic that is used to treat many
respiratory tract infections.

In conclusion, academic writing is essential for us to continue grow and

further develop as a human species, to evolve and become better. With new
scientific breakthroughs with academic writing and with continuous effort of
the people around us, we can achieve and unfold many things that will surely
help us in the long run.

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