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A Prospective Study to Investigate Predictors of Relapse

among Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Treated with

Leen Naji1, Brittany B. Dennis2,3, Monica Bawor2, Carolyn Plater 4, Guillaume Pare3,
Andrew Worster 4,5, Michael Varenbut 4, Jeff Daiter 4, David C. Marsh4,6, Dipika Desai7,
Lehana Thabane3,8,9 and Zainab Samaan3,7,10,11
Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. 2St. George’s University of London, London,
United Kingdom. 3Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, ON, Hamilton, Canada. 4Canadian Addiction
Treatment Centre, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada. 5Department of Medicine, Hamilton General Hospital, Hamilton, ON, Canada. 6Northern
Ontario School of Medicine, Sudbury, ON, Canada. 7Population Genomics Program, Chanchlani Research Center, McMaster University,
Hamilton, ON, Canada. 8Centre for Evaluation of Medicine, Hamilton, ON, Canada. 9System Linked Research Unit, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. 11Peter Boris Centre for Addictions
Research, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, Hamilton, ON, Canada.

Introduction: Concomitant opioid abuse is a serious problem among patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) for opioid use
disorder. This is an exploratory study that aims to identify predictors of the length of time a patient receiving MMT for opioid use disorder remains abstinent
Methods: Data were collected from 250 MMT patients enrolled in addiction treatment clinics across Southern Ontario. The impact of certain clinical
and socio-demographic factors on the outcome (time until opioid relapse) was determined using a Cox proportional hazard model.
Results: History of injecting drug use behavior (hazard ratio (HR): 2.26, P = 0.042), illicit benzodiazepine consumption (HR: 1.07, P = 0.002), and
the age of onset of opioid abuse (HR: 1.10, P , 0.0001) are important indicators of accelerated relapse among MMT patients. Conversely, current age is
positively associated with duration of abstinence from illicit opioid use, serving as a protective factor against relapse (HR: 0.93, P = 0.003).
Conclusion: This study helps to identify patients at increased risk of relapse during MMT, allowing health care providers to target more aggressive
adjunct therapies toward high-risk patients.

Keywords: opioid use disorder, substance abuse, methadone, opioid substitution treatment, opioid relapse

Citation: Naji et al. A Prospective Study to Investigate Predictors of Relapse among Correspondence:
Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Treated with Methadone. Substance Abuse: Research
and Treatment 2016:10 9–18 doi: 10.4137/SART.S37030. Copyright: © the authors, publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Limited. This is
an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
TYPE: Original Research 3.0 License.
Received: October 28, 2015. ReSubmitted: January 05, 2016. Accepted for  aper subject to independent expert blind peer review. All editorial decisions made
publication: January 07, 2016. by independent academic editor. Upon submission manuscript was subject to anti-
plagiarism scanning. Prior to publication all authors have given signed confirmation of
Academic editor: Gregory Stuart, Editor in Chief agreement to article publication and compliance with all applicable ethical and legal
Peer Review: Seven peer reviewers contributed to the peer review report. Reviewers’ requirements, including the accuracy of author and contributor information, disclosure of
reports totaled 3056 words, excluding any confidential comments to the academic editor. competing interests and funding sources, compliance with ethical requirements relating
to human and animal study participants, and compliance with any copyright requirements
Funding: The study is supported by the Peter Boris Centre for Addictions Research of third parties. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
and the CIHR Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network (DSEN) grant (grant number:
126639) and the Chanchlani Research Centre. The authors confirm that the funder had Published by Libertas Academica. Learn more about this journal.
no influence over the study design, content of the article, or selection of this journal.
Competing Interests: Authors disclose no potential conflicts of interest.

Introduction illicit opioids strictly from the “streets”.7 The Diagnostic and
Opioids are commonly prescribed medications for the mana­ Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, defines
gement of pain.1 USA and Canada are the world’s highest OUD as a chronic psychiatric disorder characterized by per­
consumers of prescription opioids.2 In Canada, there has been sistent use of opioids, increased tolerance, repeated with­
a 203% increase in the prescription-use of opioids between drawal symptoms, and sustained behavioral changes.8,9 OUD
2000 and 2010.3 According to a national survey, 16.7% of poses harmful consequences to both individuals and society,
the general Canadian population aged 15 years or older were including infections (hepatitis and human immunodeficiency
reported to use prescription opioids for pain relief in 2011.4 virus (HIV)), social adverse consequences, criminal activities,
Despite their indication for pain relief, these medications are and death.10–18 The prevalence of OUD is rising worldwide.19
also highly liable for abuse and addiction.5 In 2012, 2.1 mil­ In 2010, 26–36 million people were estimated to suffer from
lion people were estimated to suffer from opioid use disorder OUD, leading to 9.2  million global disability-adjusted life
(OUD) secondary to prescription-use in the USA alone.6 In years,16 which is a 73% increase from 1990.19 A recent inves­
addition to those acquiring it through physician prescrip­ tigation based on American, Australian, and Canadian data
tions, a significant number of patients with OUD obtain has projected that the total cost of opioid addiction hovers

Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2016:10 9

Naji et al

around €2,627 to €60,665 per-person per-year, with €21,904 onset of opioid abuse, source of obtaining opioids, duration of
per-person per-year being the most generalizable estimate MMT, injecting drug use behavior, hepatitis C status, chronic
accounting for the most comprehensive scope of costs. 20 pain, diabetes, and days of illicit benzodiazepine, cocaine,
Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) is the most and cannabis use over the last month prior to enrollment into
commonly used intervention for OUD patients, consisting of our study.
supervised prescription of methadone, a long-acting synthetic
opioid, to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and reduce drug- Methods
seeking behavior.21 Most studies evaluating the efficacy of This study utilized patient data collected for the Genetics of
MMT have focused on identifying risk factors that are nega­ Opioid Addiction (GENOA) Research Collaborative between
tively associated with treatment retention, including younger the Population Genomics Program at McMaster University
age and criminal justice involvement.22–30 However, relapse is and the Canadian Addiction Treatment Centre (CATC, for­
a common problem among OUD patients, with many patients merly known as the Ontario Addiction Treatment Centre and
continuing to use illicit opioids during and after MMT, irre­ home to the largest network of methadone clinics in North
spective of whether this is preceded by an initial period of absti­ America) and the Peter Boris Centre for Addiction Research.
nence or not.26,31,32 In fact, concomitant use of illicit opioids in The methods of the GENOA pilot study have been previously
combination with MMT stands as the largest risk factor for described.41 Briefly, the complete GENOA study is a prospec­
increasing the incidence of abnormal cardiac conductivity, 33,34 tive cohort investigation focusing on the genetic determinants
overdose, 35–37 and death.35,37,38 In addition to its health impli­ of methadone treatment response. Participants were recruited
cations, abstaining from illicit opioid use is a patient-important from 13 clinical sites throughout southern Ontario, Canada.
outcome, as many patients seek MMT in order to overcome All clinical sites are managed centrally and follow the same
their addiction and improve other aspects of their lives, such treatment protocols. Information on medical history, metha­
as by enhancing social functioning, maintaining a job, and done dose, duration of MMT, number of MMTs, and origi­
regaining custody over their children.4 Evidently, treatment nal source of opioid use were collected during a face-to-face
retention alone in the presence of continued opioid abuse is interview with all study participants. The baseline assessment
a limited measure of treatment response. Additionally, it has also included the M.I.N.I. International Neuropsychiatric
been shown that patients who continue to use illicit drugs dur­ Interview version 6.0,42 and Brief Pain Inventory to capture
ing MMT are three times more likely to drop out of treatment the severity and amount of interference pain has on a patient’s
and relapse post-treatment.26,39 As such, it seems reasonable daily activities.43 Weekly urine drug screens were performed at
that treatment should also be tailored toward lowering the risk fixed intervals throughout the study period as part of routine
of continued opioid abuse (relapse of OUD) during treatment, clinical care at the CATC recruitment sites using the iMDx™
so as to improve treatment outcomes, as well as reduce the risk Prep Assays.44 These assays identify mu-opioid receptor ago­
of detrimental side effects associated with concomitant use of nists and differentiate between specific types of opioids, such
illicit opioids during MMT.26,33–36,39 as synthetic (eg, oxycodone) and naturally occurring opioids
However, there is a paucity of research focusing on the (eg, heroin, detected as morphine).44
duration of abstinence from illicit opioid use during MMT, Study participants. Patients presenting at 13 clinical
and data from the available studies are insufficient to iden­ sites throughout southern Ontario were approached consecu­
tify predictors of the length of time a patient remains relapse- tively by the clinical staff for involvement in our study. This
free during MMT.2,9,40 For instance, a lower methadone dose study included a sample of 250 MMT patients. In order to
and male sex have been associated with increased frequency be included in this study, participants must be 18 years of age
of opioid-positive urine samples during MMT.2,9,40 Although or older, able to provide written informed consent, receiving
this points to an association between the two variables, it does MMT for OUD at the time of enrollment, and have com­
not account for the amount of time a patient remains abstinent pleted a 3-month stabilization period on MMT. Additionally,
before relapse. patients were required to provide urine samples for at least
Acknowledging that some patients will continue to use 6 months, or until the point of opioid relapse, so as to allow for
illicit opioids during their treatment course, since OUD is a calculation of the primary study outcome, the time until opi­
chronic, remitting, and relapsing disorder, we seek to identify oid relapse. However, patients who discontinued therapy were
factors associated with a longer duration of abstinence from not required to continue providing urine samples after discon­
illicit opioids among relapsing patients. The objective of this tinuation of MMT and were still included in the analyses. Of
exploratory study was to conduct survival analyses by evalu­ the 250 participants eligible for inclusion in this study, those
ating key clinical and socio-demographic characteristics that with missing values for one or more of the covariates analyzed
serve as predictors of the length of time until opioid relapse were dropped from the analysis (n = 17). Figure 1 shows the
among OUD patients on MMT. Variables assessed for inclu­ participant inclusion diagram.
sion in our exploratory model were current age, sex, marital Statistical methods. We used descriptive statistics
status, employment, smoking status, methadone dose, age of to summarize the participants’ demographic and baseline

10 Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2016:10

Relapse predictors among opioid use disorder patients

Preliminary screening for GENOA:

Men and women, age ≥18 years who are able to
provide written informed consent, are on MMT
for treatment of OUD, have completed a 3-month
stabilization period, and have provided 6 months
worth of urine samples (except if relapsed or
discontinued therapy)

Resulted in 250 participants

4 participants excluded for having a missing value

for age

Resulted in 246 participants

9 participants excluded for having a missing value

for age of onset of opioid abuse

Resulted in 237 participants

2 participants excluded for having a missing value

for days of illicit benzodiazepine use over last

Resulted in 235 participants

2 participants excluded for missing value for

methadone dose

Total number of participants included: n = 233

Figure 1. Eligibility screening and inclusion flow diagram for participant selection.

characteristics. Continuous variables were expressed using for management of chronic pain) were removed from all anal­
mean (standard deviation) and categorical variables using per­ yses to avoid bias of considering them as having relapsed, since
centage. We employed t-tests (for continuous variables) and their urine results will be positive for opioids.
Pearson’s chi-square tests (for categorical variables) to com­ We assessed 16 clinical and demographic characteristics
pare participant characteristics between relapsing and nonre­ that may serve as risk-predictors of time until opioid relapse
lapsing patients. The impact of certain factors on the survival in our exploratory model. This model was built using available
outcome (time until opioid relapse) was determined using clinical and demographic data, and the covariates included
both visual and statistical methods. First, we compared the were as follows: current age, sex, marital status, employment,
survival patterns of patients visually by assessing the Kaplan– smoking status, methadone dose, age of onset of opioid abuse,
Meier (KM) curves for all categorical and binary variables.45 source of obtaining opioids (eg, from prescription or street
We then compared the differences between the groups sta­ supply, the former referring to patients that developed OUD
tistically by employing log-rank tests and a Cox proportional following an initial prescription for a pain-inducing condi­
hazard (PH) model.2 We defined a relapse event as the use of tion, for example, following a musculoskeletal injury, where
illicit opioids while on MMT for the treatment of OUD. The patients were first exposed to opioids and then continued use
study outcome, time until opioid relapse, was measured based beyond the initial intended purpose of the opioid prescrip­
on the first opioid-positive urine screen during the study’s tion), duration of MMT, injecting drug use behavior, hepatitis
6-month follow-up period, from the point of entry into the C status, chronic pain, diabetes, and days of illicit benzodiaz­
study. Patients who did not experience the event (relapse) dur­ epine, cocaine, and cannabis use over the last month prior to
ing the 6 months of follow-up or who had dropped out of ther­ enrollment into our study. These are defined in the Supple­
apy altogether were excluded from the analyses. It is worth mentary materials. While maximum daily methadone dose
noting that although patients have been on MMT for vari­ (mg/day) is provided as a continuous variable, we have cho­
able lengths of time at the point of inclusion, all analyses were sen to model it as a categorical covariate. Studies have shown
adjusted for duration of MMT (months). Patients who were better treatment responses, as measured by reduction in illicit
prescribed opioid medications while on MMT (for example, opioid use, for instance, to be associated with a methadone

Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2016:10 11

Naji et al

dose of $80 mg/day.46 As such, for the sake of the analyses in a past history of injecting drug use behavior, as it is the only
this study, methadone dose was modeled as a binary predictor, categorical variable included in our final model. The vertical
split into two categories (,80 mg and $80 mg). gap suggests that at any one point, the proportion of nonin­
In order to build the Cox PH model, we evaluated all jecting drug users surviving (abstaining from illicit opioid use)
covariates using a backward stepwise selection with the sig­ was greater than that of injecting drug users. This is consistent
nificance level for removal from the model set at P  =  0.20. across all time points as the KM curves do not visually cross
We assessed the model using additional interaction terms for over (Fig. 2). The log-rank test resulted in a chi-square statistic
age and methadone dose (mg/day) (age × methadone dose), of 5.62 (P = 0.02), indicating that the difference between the
as well as age and hepatitis C status (age × hepatitis C). The survival curves is statistically significant.
interaction terms were selected as an exploratory means to II. Modeling time until relapse (Cox PH model). Results
evaluate the mediating effects of age on two important prog­ from our univariate Cox regression analysis show that illicit
nostic variables; methadone dose and hepatitis C status.47,48 use of benzodiazepines 1 month prior to enrollment into the
Exploratory univariate Cox analyses were conducted on all study (HR: 1.06, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.01, 1.10,
included variables. P = 0.009) and injecting drug use behavior (HR: 2.25, 95%
The PH assumption for the covariates selected for inclu­ CI: 1.12, 4.47, P = 0.022) are associated with earlier relapse.
sion in the Cox PH model was evaluated using the KM Results from our multivariable analysis suggest that 1)
and log–log survival curve visual assessments, as well as the participants with an injecting drug use history are at 2.26
Schoenfeld residuals tests.49 We evaluated the goodness of fit times higher risk of relapsing during the methadone pro­
using the Cox–Snell residuals method.49 All analyses were gram than participants without such history (HR: 2.26,
completed using Stata 13.50 95% CI: 1.03, 4.97, P = 0.042), 2) for every year increase in
the age of onset of opioid abuse, the risk for relapse is 10%
Results greater (HR: 1.10, 95% CI: 1.04, 1.15, P , 0.0001), 3) for
Participant characteristics. A total of 233 participants every year increase in current age, the risk for relapse is 7%
were eligible for inclusion in our analyses. The mean age of less (HR: 0.93, 95% CI: 0.89, 0.97, P  =  0.003), and 4) for
participants was 38.64 years (SD  =  10.9), with a mean age every day increase in reported illicit benzodiazepine use in
of onset of opioid abuse of 32.41 years (SD = 9.7). The cor­ the past month, there is a 7% increase in the risk for opioid
relation coefficient of these two variables was 0.85. Half of relapse (HR: 1.07, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.12, P = 0.002). The sig­
the participants were men (50.2%), and only 6.4% reported nificant interaction term (age × hepatitis C) suggests that the
injecting drug use behavior in the month prior to enroll­ relationship between age and opioid relapse varies based on
ment into our study. Participants in our study had been on a patient's hepatitis C status (HR: 1.01, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.03,
MMT for an average of 51.91  months (SD  =  45.9). Those P  =  0.020). We assessed the results of the stepwise back­
who relapsed were receiving MMT for a significantly shorter ward selection, while adjusting for duration in MMT in a
duration of time than participants who did not relapse separate Cox regression model, and found that the results
(P  =  0.0307). The mean methadone dose across all partici­ remained unchanged.
pants was 78.99 mg/day (SD = 39.6). The mean length of time
participants remained abstinent throughout the 6 months of
follow-up was 99.04 days (SD = 74.4). Use of cannabis, ben­ Kaplan–Meier survival estimates
zodiazepine, and cocaine over the last month was reported by 1.00

122 (48.8%), 17 (6.8%), and 17 (6.8%) participants, respec­

tively. These illicit substances were specifically asked about 0.75

(self-reported), as they are measured in the commonly used

addiction assessment tool, the Maudsley addiction profile, for 0.50

assessing treatment outcomes.51
Clinical and patient characteristics associated with 0.25
shorter and longer opioid-free periods. The backward step­
wise selection method outlined in the Statistical methods sec­ 0.00
tion identified current age, injecting drug use behavior, days of 0 50 100 150 200
illicit benzodiazepine use over the last month, age of onset of Analysis time
opioid abuse, and the additional interaction terms for age and No injecting drug use behaviour Injecting behaviour

methadone dose (age × methadone dose) and age and hepatitis

Figure 2. KM curve separated by past history of injecting drug use
C status (age × hepatitis C) as significant prognostic charac­
behavior, presented as probability of survival (no relapse) plotted against
teristics impacting response to methadone treatment. time until relapse in days.
I. Modeling time until relapse (KM curves and log-rank Note: *The y-axis and x-axis labels are probability of survival and time
test). In this section, we present the KM curves separated by until opioid relapse (days), respectively.

12 Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2016:10

Relapse predictors among opioid use disorder patients

Table 1. Baseline participant characteristics (total N = 250).

Participant Characteristic Mean (SD) P-Value*

Total Relapse (N = 125) No relapse (N = 125)
Current age (years) 38.64 (10.89) 38.63 (10.78) 38.65 (11.04) 0.9874
Methadone dose (mg/day) 78.99 (39.56) 74.58 (35.42) 83.43 (43.02) 0.0787
Age of onset of opioid abuse (years) 32.41 (9.69) 33.61 (10.08) 31.22 (9.16) 0.0557
Duration of MMT (months) 51.91 (45.93) 45.46 (35.42) 58.36 (53.85) 0.0307
Days of benzodiazepine use over last month 0.62 (3.38) 0.91 (4.32) 0.34 (2.04) 0.1807
Days of cocaine use over last month 0.62 (3.37) 0.90 (4.31) 0.34 (2.04) 0.1846
Days of cannabis use over last month 8.68 (12.44) 7.72 (11.76) 9.64 (13.06) 0.2231
Length of time patient remains abstinent (days) 99.04 (74.37) – – –
N (% of Total) N (% of Relapse) N (% of No Relapse) P-Value†
Sex Women 125 (50.0) 68 (54.4) 57 (45.6)
Men 125 (50.0) 57 (45.6) 68 (54.4) 0.164
Marital status Married or living with partner 78 (31.2) 42 (33.6) 36 (28.8)
Other 172 (68.8) 83 (66.4) 89 (71.2) 0.413
Employed Yes 86 (34.4) 42 (33.6) 44 (35.2)
No 164 (65.6) 83 (66.4) 81 (64.8) 0.790
Smoking Yes 209 (83.9) 107 (85.6) 102 (81.6)
No 40 (16.0) 18 (14.4) 22 (17.6) 0.473
Methadone dose ,80 mg/day 124 (49.6) 66 (52.8) 58 (46.4)
$80 mg/day 126 (50.4) 59 (47.2) 67 (53.6) 0.312
Injecting drug use Yes 16 (6.4) 11 (8.80) 5 (4.00)
No 234 (93.6) 114 (91.2) 120 (96.0) 0.121
Source of opioid From a prescription 112 (44.8) 62 (49.6) 50 (40.0)
Other 138 (55.2) 63 (50.4) 75 (60.0) 0.127
Hepatitis C Yes 57 (22.8) 33 (26.4) 24 (19.2)
No 193 (77.2) 92 (73.6) 101 (80.8) 0.175
Chronic pain Yes 75 (29.6) 34 (27.2) 40 (32.0)
No 175 (70.0) 91 (72.8) 85 (68.0) 0.406
Diabetes Yes 17 (6.8) 9 (7.20) 8 (6.40)
No 233 (93.2) 116 (92.8) 117 (93.6) 0.802

Notes: *T-test was used for comparing means of continuous variables. †Pearson’s chi-square test was used for comparing means of binary variables. Refer to
Supplementary Data for an outline of the definitions and measurements for each variable.

Evaluation of the KM curve for history of injecting drug a treatment strategy for specific subpopulations of MMT
use behavior (Fig. 2), the only categorical variable included in patients. While acknowledging that patients will continue to
our analyses, the log–log survival curve, and the Schoenfeld abuse opioids throughout MMT is important, identification
residuals tests (Supplementary Fig. 1) reveal that our variables of the characteristics governing patients’ opioid abuse patterns
meet the PH assumption. Additionally, we evaluated the fit is pivotal for proper risk stratification and treatment tailoring.
of the model using the Cox–Snell residuals method, wherein The fact that our analyses show that patients report­
the model appeared to show a good fit for the data. ing injecting drug use behavior experience shorter periods of
abstinence is understandable, as patients exhibiting inject­
Discussion ing drug use behavior are typically more difficult to manage
Findings from this study suggest that injecting drug use on MMT.52 This may largely be due to the fact that OUD
behavior, illicit benzodiazepine consumption, and the age of patients who engage in injecting drug use behavior require
onset of opioid abuse are important indicators for accelerated higher levels of opioids and suffer from a more severe degree
relapse among patients receiving MMT for treatment of of social marginalization, which is inevitably more difficult to
OUD. These findings highlight clinical and socio-­demographic overcome.53,54 Patients with injecting drug use behavior are
characteristics that clinicians should consider when developing also among the highest risk patients in MMT, as they are

Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2016:10 13

Naji et al

Table 2. Univariate and multivariable Cox regression analyses containing main and interaction effects of potential covariates on time until opioid

Covariates Univariate Analyses Multivariable Analyses*

Hazard Ratio (95% CI) P-Value Hazard Ratio (95% CI) P-Value
Current age (years) 1.00 (0.98, 1.02) 0.982 0.93 (0.89, 0.97) 0.003
Days of illicit benzodiazepine use (days) 1.06 (1.01, 1.10) 0.009 1.07 (1.03, 1.12) 0.002
Age of onset of opioid abuse (years) 1.02 (1.00, 1.04) 0.115 1.10 (1.04, 1.15) ,0.0001
Injecting drug use behavior 2.25 (1.12, 4.47) 0.022 2.26 (1.03, 4.97) 0.042
Age *Methadone dose (mg/day) – – 0.99 (0.98, 1.00) 0.063
Age *Hepatitis C – – 1.01 (1.00, 1.03) 0.020

more likely to engage in risky behavior, such as needle sharing patients receiving treatment for opium addiction (HR: 1.30,
and unsafe sex, thus increasing the probability of contracting P = 0.046).61 This may be justified by the fact that patients who
viral infections such as HIV and hepatitis C.55,56 The nature of have experienced multiple treatment episodes are more likely
their risk behavior and its associated medical comorbidities, in to adhere to a subsequent treatment episode.62 As such, it is
addition to other aspects of social marginalization associated reasonable to believe that patients in our sample, who began
with injection drug use (such as homelessness and unemploy­ abusing opioids at a younger age, may have been previously
ment), are likely to contribute to the barriers encountered by enrolled in addiction treatment programs, which may be hav­
these patients, when attempting to adhere to the MMT regi­ ing a positive impact on their current treatment.
men.53–56 These findings are also supported by existing lite­ The interaction variable between current age and hepa­
rature that has shown that the duration of abstinence from titis C status also appears to cause a contraction of survival
opioids while on treatment for OUD is shorter among those time, suggesting that there are differences in survival time
with injection drug use behavior and is inversely proportional influenced by age across hepatitis groups. This has not been
to the frequency of injecting drug use.53,57–59 previously reported and suggests that age acts as a mediator
Our analyses also show that an increased use of illicit among patients depending on their hepatitis C status, such
benzodiazepines in the month prior to enrollment into our that older age will increase risk for accelerated relapse among
study was associated with accelerated relapse. Several studies patients with hepatitis C and that such effect depreciates in
have found that benzodiazepines may be illicitly used concur­ patients without hepatitis C. It is important to note, how­
rent to MMT in order to alleviate symptoms of physical (eg, ever, that according to our analyses, these effects were found
tremor) and psychiatric (eg, insomnia and anxiety symptoms) to be minimal. Nevertheless, these findings are relevant and
comorbidities.39 In fact, those who suffer from more severe suggest that patients with hepatitis C may benefit from close
anxiety disorders have been shown to abuse longer acting ben­ monitoring, particularly within older cohorts of methadone
zodiazepines at higher doses and to experience more severe maintenance patients.
benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms.60 As such, it is reason­ Furthermore, our model shows that an increase in cur­
able to believe that patients who abused benzodiazepines more rent age has a protective effect against relapse. Data investi­
frequently prior to study enrollment may suffer from more gating the association between age and continued opioid use
pronounced symptoms of anxiety and other comorbidities, during MMT are limited. One study showed that younger
for which they continue to self-medicate throughout MMT patients on MMT were more likely to use illicit methadone
in order to alleviate their symptoms and ameliorate the more than older patients (odds ratio: 8.93, 95% CI: 1.60, 49.72).63
severe effects of withdrawal they experience. 39,60 Therefore, Another study by Tran et  al investigated the association
use of benzodiazepines while receiving MMT should be care­ between older age and abstinence during MMT, although
fully evaluated to ensure the identification of comorbid anxi­ this association was not significant (adjusted odds ratio: 0.97,
ety disorders and for providing treatment for these comorbid 95% CI: 0.94, 1.00).64 An association that has been well
disorders and adjusting methadone dose accordingly (for documented in the literature is that between older age and
example, to accommodate drug–drug interactions) to avoid retention in MMT. 26,29,30,34,59,65 Provided that abstinence
OUD relapse. from illicit drug use during MMT serves as a predictor of
Moreover, our study shows that an older age of onset of retention in treatment, a parallel trend between abstinence
opioid abuse is associated with accelerated relapse. Current and retention in treatment is expected. 39 The results of our
data studying this relationship are controversial.58,61 How­ study have important implications for treatment outcomes
ever, Hosseini et al have found a similar association between in MMT patients. Specifically, clinicians managing patients
age of onset of opium abuse and relapse in a cohort of 100 with OUD should consider stratifying treatment groups

14 Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2016:10

Relapse predictors among opioid use disorder patients

depending on the age of onset of abuse, illicit benzodiazepine to acknowledge that we were unable to include every possible
use, and injecting drug use behavior at baseline interviews. covariate that may predict relapse in our analyses, as the power
In doing so, they could target additional interventions such of our study is limited by our sample size. For instance, our
as adjunct psychosocial therapies toward high-risk patients, study did not take into account the status of all comorbid
including enhanced outreach counseling, contingency man­ medical or psychiatric disorders for which opioids may help
agement, and behavioral couples therapy.66,67 Although these in symptom mitigation and would therefore more likely be
therapies may be needed and are beneficial for all patients abused sooner for self-medication reasons.39 We did, however,
receiving MMT, such therapies may be costly and time con­ attempt to account for any potential biases this may pose by
suming.66 As such, in a setting where resources are limited, excluding all patients receiving prescription opioid medications
they may be considered as targeted interventions for high- from our analyses.
risk groups, such as patients with injecting drug use behav­ Moreover, information regarding use of illicit benzodi­
ior, patients using illicit benzodiazepines, and those having azepines in the month preceding enrollment into the study
an older age of onset of opioid abuse. and frequency of injecting drug use was collected by self-
It is important that we acknowledge the potential reports from participants and was thus subject to social bias,
limitations of the generalizability of our study. First, we possibly causing the reported values to underestimate the true
acknowledge the fact that patients’ varied duration on MMT values.68 However, we aimed to measure variables in an objec­
is a limitation of the GENOA study, provided that patients tive manner as much as possible. For instance, urinalysis was
beginning MMT will likely abuse substances at a higher rate used to determine relapse during the study’s 6-month follow-
and possess a different treatment characteristic profile than up period and the patients’ electronic medical records were
those at a later stage in therapy. However, it was important used to confirm the presence of physical comorbidities. It is
for the purpose of this survival analysis that we only include also important for us to point out that all methadone admini­
patients who have been stabilized on MMT (ie, patients that stration facilities offer psychosocial services to all patients,
have completed a 3-month stabilization period), so as to exclude albeit to varying degrees, potentially influencing the results.
patients who are likely to relapse as a result of breakthrough Nonetheless, confounding variables and other unknown
withdrawal symptoms. Recognizing that the adequate thera­ biases may influence the study findings in keeping with the
peutic dose is achieved following a tapering process, evalu­ observational nature of the study. Not withstanding the limi­
ating relapse among patients prior to stabilization will likely tations, this study used rigorous methods to identify predic­
confound our ability to identify predictors among patients tors of relapse in a well-characterized cohort of patients with
receiving therapeutic methadone doses. Upon applying the OUD receiving MMT.
inclusion criteria described above, we are confident that our
findings highlight the important predictors of relapse among Conclusion
patients receiving therapeutic doses of methadone. In conclusion, results from the present study reveal that inject­
Additionally, as this is an observational study, our findings ing drug use behavior, older age of onset of opioid abuse,
may be subject to selection bias, whereby patients who agree increased use of illicit benzodiazepines in the month prior to
to participate in our study may not necessarily represent the enrollment, and the interaction variable between age and hep­
target population.68 More specifically, those who agree to par­ atitis C status are associated with accelerated opioid relapse
ticipate tend to be healthier than the actual population being in MMT patients. Conversely, current age has a protective
represented by the sample, as per the healthy volunteer bias.68 effect against relapse. This is the first study to employ a sur­
This would mean that our results underestimate the relapse vival analysis investigating the impact of clinical and socio-
rates in high-risk patients and that the need for adjunctive tar­ demographic factors on the length of time a patient remains
get therapies in these more marginalized patients with OUD abstinent from illicit opioids during MMT. There was a wide
would be greater. Nevertheless, we sought to compare demo­ variability in the length of time patients remained opioid free
graphic characteristics of participants in the GENOA study throughout the 6-month duration of this study, and this is
with those of a sample of CATC patients receiving MMT an important characteristic that aids in the categorization of
from four geographically and economically diverse locations. patients into groups according to risk for relapse. The identi­
The demographic variables compared included the following: fication of MMT patients at high risk for opioid relapse dur­
mean age, sex, mean methadone dose, percentage of HIV- ing MMT allows for improved treatment tailoring, whereby
positive patients, and marital status. Our results showed that health care providers can target more aggressive adjunct
there were no statistically significant differences in any of the therapies within these high-risk populations. Improvement
aforementioned variables between our study participants and in the duration of abstinence from illicit opioid use will ulti­
the population of patients attending the CATC clinical ser­ mately serve to increase treatment retention rates39 and lower
vices for the treatment of OUD, with the exception of there the risk of comorbidities associated with concomitant use
being more women in the GENOA study (47%) compared to of illicit opioids during MMT, including abnormal cardiac
nonparticipant MMT patients (33%).69 It is also important conductivity, 33,34 overdose, 35–37 and death.35,37,38

Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2016:10 15

Naji et al

Acknowledgments This variable is measured as a dichotomous variable rep­

We would like to thank all parties involved in the GENOA resenting smokers and non-smokers
and CATC clinical sites that helped in making this proj­ Methadone Dose
ect possible. First, we would like to thank the participants This variable identifies the patient’s methadone dose
of our study for donating their time, information, and sam­ measured at baseline interview
ples for analyses; without their generous contributions, this This variable is measured as a continuous variable, in
study would not have been possible. Additionally, we sincerely mg/day
appreciate the GENOA and CATC clinical staff and investigative Methadone Dose Categories
teams for their hard work and dedicated efforts in patient inter­ Patient methadone dose measured at baseline interview
viewing, participant recruitment, and data collection. We extend This variable is measured in milligram per day, and is cat­
our special gratitude to Jackie Hudson and Sheelagh Rutherford egorized into a binary variable:
for their commitment and dedication to the GENOA collabora­ Category 0 (reference category: ,80 mg/day)
tive. We also extend our sincere appreciation to the undergraduate Category 1 ($80 mg/day)
and medical students of McMaster University Faculty of Health Age of Onset of Opioid Abuse
Sciences, who dedicated their time to collect and clean the data Age when participants began to abuse opioids
for the GENOA project. These students include Anuja Bhalerao, Opioid abuse is defined as the persistent consumption of
Andrew Kampius, Tea Rosic, and Julia Woo. illicit opioids, or over consumption of prescribed opioids, to a
point at which their drug-use behaviors interfered with rela­
Ethics tionships and social/physical activities of daily living
This study was approved by the Hamilton integrated Research This variable is measured as a continuous variable
Ethics Board (HiREB). The research was conducted in accor­ Origins of Opioid Abuse
dance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. This variable measures whether participants began abus­
ing opioids secondary to the overuse of opioids prescribed to
Author Contributions them for a medical condition
Conceived and designed the experiments: LN, BBD, LT, ZS. This variable is measured as a dichotomous variable
Analyzed the data: BBD, MB, LN, ZS. Wrote the first draft Duration of Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT)
of the manuscript: LN, BBD, MB, ZS. Contributed to the This variable identifies the length of time patients have
writing of the manuscript: LN, BBD, MB, MV, JD, GP, AW, been on their current course of MMT
DD, CP, DCM, LT, ZS. All authors agree with manuscript This variable is measured as a continuous variable,
results and conclusions. All authors reviewed and approved of in months
the final manuscript. Days of illicit benzodiazepine use over the last month
This variable was measured during the participants base­
Supplementary Materials line interview and reports the number of days the patient used
Variable definitions. illicit benzodiazepines in the month preceding their entry to
Current age (years) the GENOA study
Current age of GENOA Participants This variable is measured as a continuous variable
This variable is measured as a continuous variable. Days of cocaine use over the last month
Sex This variable was measured during the participants
Biological sex baseline interview and reports the number of days the patient
This variable is measured as a dichotomous variables rep­ used cocaine in the month preceding their entry to the
resenting male or female categories GENOA study
Marital Status This variable is measured as a continuous variable
This variable identifies whether the participant is cur­ Days of cannabis use over the last month
rently living with and participating in a relationship with a This variable was measured during the participants base­
partner (married or common-law) line interview and reports the number of days the patient
This variable intends to determine the participants cur­ used cannabis in the month preceding their entry to the
rent access to a social-support GENOA study
This variable is measured as a dichotomous variable This variable is measured as a continuous variable
Employment Injecting drug use behavior
Participants current employment status This variable was measured during the participants
This variable is measured as a dichotomous variable baseline interview and reports if the patient was inject­
Smoking Status ing drugs in the month preceding their entry to the
This variable identifies if the participant is currently an GENOA study
active smoker This variable is measured as a dichotomous variable

16 Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2016:10

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