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Student: 1º Bachillerato - 3rd term mock exam

1. Tenses - Fill in the gap with a correct form of the verb in brackets. [10x0,125 > 1,25]

(1) The artist _____________ (paint) a graf ti and he got sunburnt. (6) She __________________ (become) the head teacher one day.

(2) Robe _________________ (release) his new album next month. (7) My mom ______________ (relax) while my dad was tidying up.

(3) The car stopped as the pedestrian _________________ (cross). (8) Davide ____________ (not arrive) until we were about to start.

(4) She’s just decided she ______________ (jog) for 3 hours next. (9) The ad ______________________ (not nish) when I skipped it.

(5) Pupils ________________ (study) pretty hard since September. (10) Maybe we ______________ ( nish) using face masks by 2030.

2. Relative clauses - Join the sentences below using an appropriate relative pronoun. [6x0,25 > 1,5]

(1) The stalker hacked my Instagram account. I have private information in my Instagram account.

(2) The teacher is mad at us as we have taken his marker. The teacher’s marker is so precious.

(3) Liam studied at Trinity College. Trinity College is such a prestigious education centre.

(4) The police has arrested the robber. He dropped his ID card on the bank’s oor.

(5) Some people are Covid19 denialists. Their parents must be cousins.

(6) Next summer we might visit Egypt. In summer we will have a private jet.

3. Reported speech - Turn the following direct sentences into reported speech.
[5x0,3 > 1,5]

(1) “My said to me that he may come here tomorrow.”, Matthew said.

(2) “When did you start laughing at me?”, Lara asked

(3) ”Last night I was having a shower when my grandson phoned”, Joy said.

(4) “Don’t laugh at me!”, Chris yelled.

(5) “Have you brought the comic I asked you to lend me yesterday?”, Henry wondered.

4. Direct speech - Turn the following reported sentences into direct speech:
[4x0,25 > 1]

(1) The actor confessed that she had wasted money in plastic surgery the previous year and he was broke then.

(2) My brother told me to lend him some money so he could start up his canyoning company the following month.

(3) Tom asked Pat how long she had been suffering from migraines.

(4) The university reported that the results of its students were increasing as students had been clearly cheating.

units 0-8 2020/21




5. Conditionals - Complete the following conditional sentences:

[6x0,25 > 1,5]

(1) If we used more green energy…

(2) I wouldn’t have lent you any money if…

(3) My computer might get infected by a virus if…

(4) If I had been bullied at school…

(5) If we were abducted by aliens…

(6) Unless you have enough money…

6. Passive voice - Write sentences including perfect modals addressing the given information.
[7x0,25 > 1,75]

(1) Spanish engineers have invented a new instrument.

(2) People think medical research greatly reduces the number of deaths.

(3) The police are investigating him.

(4) People believed ghosts inhabited the castle.

(5) The scientists will complete the project in 2005.

(6) The director of the show didn’t choose me at the casting.

(7) Spain won the World Football Championship in 2010.

7. Active voice - Write sentences including perfect modals addressing the given information.
[6x0,25 > 1,5]

(1) It is said that Trump won’t be awarded the Nobel Prize.

(2) Although help has been offered by some non-pro t organizations, the situation of the newly arrived immigrants is very poor.

(3) The passport can be collected from the pilgrim’s of ce.

(4) Journalists are claimed to be part of the ma a.

(5) I should have been given instructions before using the machine.

(6) A new computerized system for lie detection has been designed by scientists.

units 0-8 2020/21



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