Unit-3 Periodic Classification of Elements

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Gsss fication OF BLeMeNTS AND fe REODTCITY In) PRoPFRTIES Restadiic Table + tt uu cheferecl as Hee teble which tlanifier allie known elemenks in actecdante wilh Hee eehies tn Such a O47 at element woth Rimes. properties are eal segether un-the Same veettcal telumn a Aissimilax elements are geparatesl fremene anchor Deebereiner!S Triads ¢ He axtangedh Similar elemens 2 groups oh 4hxoe 2 Showed tot Hove afemie wsecphls Wweee eithee neaely the Same oethe obemic woerghhe of tke middle, oldment uses ofybeeretmately the azzthmatic mean of the otter toe - These of tease elomenk Useee- calleol Deebhereines!é Teracls eealizafion wads palbol lous Of tetacls , SH Mie ey le aK |) Meene 12 a 23 329 pe DG, ah Beek sis 5 BSS Bo. ior, ee Bl 2ie Deawbarfc ¢ “Ths toutept of teiacls coal be appl; ody Jeo Limit nutbe. of toni ll ical Scale - This geneealipation used nomneah Si NSBR fae of Coa, 7 eq i Be Ge Main cle elon hang atomic Ott ufo Uou- Alss Usted olés over reble 9 vases aie properties of he etghth” element was no CX Simla. te thou &f the fect ene i Meroe: cevis PaRtonie LAL « “The plyeccal 2 themécal properties of element area peztcelic ction of theta afemec wseighti toe ushenthe elomenh ore ey of thee incera ting atomic wer , elanents Wilh Similor prepertics axe ap tee cetherin eg ud int «Ths, iow of prapertict of elements after Laehain Age lak boctetyols Ze jeg Meucleloor toot 63 caxcls 2 0on cath taxol, he ene element auch usecte clourn the propeetres 4 ee foenuloe of ils hyleiole 2 eneiole - Then he Sectecl euf He elements wl Similar peopeehes os pinnect toe cael one after efta, on aveebitol column d founcl Hott rietl 0} He atemahi attang in tho eeclex Seen ae ad He also tet He blanc Spaces foe toe olonicuts ushich usere not disteversof at Haftime- 29>. Bolk gottium Q gqeemeniw7 useee vet Known at Hof -= Hme,So he nam foes eloments 24 eka -cluminivm 2 eke. silicon besause he believect Hatthede wold be simi Lar ts alumuium 2 silicen - “Thede olemenls useea clizcovercol Jabot. 2 Nencleleews pecclictions Weer te he screest- Choxatheeistics of Modiftesl Henoleleey!s Peried “Table ; Shoei) 1 Nine veehical columns calleat ag! OL 11, IL IV,V, VIVE NIU of Vill » each op: 4s foster hircclesl nits Sas Cub groups O4A 2B Some oloments ustcck Hic on the Left haul sicle of each » Lowi bud Sub-geouh A ushile trede plaseot af, Aeght has stole Pom sub-goup 8. Centre loads of Ho lifeecnte inttarr peohertios ). a bose hontiins rine elements in Wace $4 cath forlaining thscee elements - he hog ne aub gees hoe 1 te 7 oe oh, Modified Meucleleeu!« Pexio dic ehh f BS of the eleme: J. Systemic 8 Stdy Di a es ve fhe properties ef of one exp Mm ae eles Na oftae tam be fee oa 2+ Peedlichion of neu clement! reo lan eee e ay apt ee Pie a Ceka- atamintn) 2 germanium (ela - ~silicon usheck weee unlinoun ot that time - When ewe cloments were Aéiscoversel Hace Properties wsexe enol ts he simifox ie Thee peeclictecl by Mencleloou - ) ae clowhl fart pee : ego Be wes alutyned 24 afomic wee vee MGnGueernn ction our i 2 en ga Behe Co). Te hon ot ing foe placeck ee aK) 1 Anemateus position of hyelrezen 0 The position of as rn af fable ul net fox Bee ee of beth ap 1A 2 gb VIA . 2 Anomoclous pares of elements + Some elements usctte ee atomic weighs precede ho elemerta uscth. Mowsee atone Ake eg Ax (Atuh. -39-9 ) les KK (Abus. = 3% "1 ) Co (Ar-ust-=58-9) precacles Ve (Aust 258-7 J 3+ foscthon of Tsctopes , fe Isotopes an element have not been iver oliffes- Y Some oltssimilas element aro gqeouped efor PW similat clment ato CE cflanl eau (ciy~ alba moldy bie nb, Kk che @f gp 1A) axe grouped tegcHar urithe mefelb euthas Cu, Aq 2Au CoP 18) Hanah Hark. properties ke Ythe olifézent . % Position of cloments of ap vinr + Ne proper pesHon has been elements of gb: Will < alfoleol 5 mane 6. Postion lonttanciol; 2 Ackin tals No Proper pouchion eames a. ee Ge aan Pe I fone. of tt Defect tn Henleleewls Peursdie Table : Feo hunen the Present 2 ) em of gah chi lets Ta Tt Lousist of eighteen vcebical aed Olam heeigonlal Lowe. eebtical ¢olumns are calhal Gtoapi o1 fmilces ushile fle Lerigqortal couss ca call pesto - (Clmenlt axe areayged on the o2dler, of Inctanding ahomic wumbees cn Suelo hot tha elomenta usitt Cimifor Bite OF? placed uncler each offae tn Same Ns Od configueatic veeF cal cole Greufis Be ee ios +, alban tong ben of 1-18) : edF 8 Ml { Ctouos acenumberad om 2 Periods + Serre peeteds a4 12,5 Uo 627. The period number EG prntifot quanhin wee Bas pettodie teble+ laut perio tontish ef tur olemout Ze Bt) . “38 ae ot Loe B00 [8 chemoenli TT php 2 chemita peofertics of te element ave [Ro ertoalsic iia Of Hade ortomue numbers - ie TUPAC Nomenclahire of Elemenhy ens Urofe ee he. Ziloo eee aa. ey, Te) 3) ame ofomic numletS tee usi ae Aooli fas 2 ruembees fom I- cdding Suffice atu) Z Digi ° Nee Oe Sh ee SMILES. 4-77, 8 Y wou be tes yaadk peut hex &pt Oct enn Abheeiohen NU b a y Pp LOTS Koes 9; Jn Some canes the names ore Shoelened - one lok tur 2 tes tum are Shoefened a4 2 triton 2 enn nih £4 Shesteneol As Carag sj On Sambo Of the element iy obleined an wfothe otemec number of He element me lo} Unnilunium Unn Jo2 On ni£L boi um Unb loy Un nil clum Un ok een a WS Onkinpertium Uup 11¢ Ununennium Vue )2o Un binttium Ubn Gue feriodicly r Accoedn 5 4a Hoeloen errodec ee “te pecs of te clmeal cep after kerbain Aegulae tntecval ushen : inthe o2dlex Of Hate incetasing A peiadticrly tan ed me Coeepa re eloeleonic Lon finusca Home offer certain eagle ery Elebeoute Coufeguaation of elements tn feecocks : RF Fleat Retod + betzeproricls te Heo Miteg of eleclious in fist enesay Shell Sigs eet Since it hag owty one Shell £-e one cebital Le- 1g oy deso - So tts period hay onl tae elements * — # Scconcl feriod + he & uy # gu Hoo gl oy, ee (bene) os LShelt) , Ts, Pc we oe ist Heo 2p EEIEU MC CUchen eels te Bes. Se LA percocl had 8 ebmenli - Can Ise) Oe Sie pin 12870 p! Ne — ist as? 2p © ) p Thizal Period : The <8 ate fillecl xx Hue gtal eon Shell (£e N23", H—-Shebl ) , Thes shell has “9 cebital (re one 38, thee 3p 2 five Bol) + Since the enxay 6f Gl-cebilals 14 ‘hee than HS- cebifal . ae etait fer Q+hen ao -oebi J cect iInvelve Ho fle oe ip tang po (ouxe 38 ge Fob oy "B clement bea ett anak es are MK u (Menesay see rm eas ou US, Hesece 4p (ie Yot_3 sai ey after ae Us oxbitel (ng Since yp -cebite ls | ae bd gol ea rag of Ul Suf Teebilals dow nof ocene, wa Pur 7 ee energies ate higher Hhauthop of ven 5S - ae J Groelves onl yotne Se _ So thet toed a ve Sol 2 Hee a U Bonn egHdeayelin (0 K (z2l9) te Ke ( 2-36) | Le vcs ol teauth fig bit ihie pas Senses TE alo tonkeins Lee Since Orc] elelteng Le One SS en Pea aeEe, (heheh : Z ats) alee jw fea fli um a fe eae The eee R Shochh ae” Cas ey) ee wo mee =<}, OU ciel) DemouaTa, Corman |. fim s¢ Sthese ép- Lt begins voit Cassium (eas) (enters in 8 ip wilt toden (2° en ae: i usu - ae nee: “a Ceteum (e258) 2 evrols wad butetizn (7 ») ee framaiton Se2t 2S co llod lanteanct Retnite! ee Saaliee ees Cites of sct- eebilel skated of hafnium (2212) te lartanum reetuay (22 8e)) one Gol teaistion Sed pebikels charts ot allivn The ie ie eas eT Reigol : (m= 7), coutains 32- cloner Rthece 7p). ehrent eet Cee The Te eo) a az neccls && Jnnex meee Fie pietieh oat ae, odin «(Te lene Ria fats te mn) touspitudle Gol- teandihon Sexier - La 2 Sheet feriods: 1%, al gtet eat 288 ekmenk . Periods + Ci) ee 6M Posie ok Hovtaining 18, 18,32 elements - er oS Gucenp wise eleeoute Lerfeguzation 1 Me elements in He Same Geax have Same yurmbet of elecleory on Hee otter oebilels 2 have similar properties . Be poe properties of ekmenli axe ax petiodic fraction of bere atemic numbers 2 not aferee weights 2 S= Block Clements ‘ Thede are he element wn which Ha Lou ebechon entess Re S-sebilal of “Beir culeemoat shell, It incluole the elements ob gp" 122 aud Helium - trenezal oubee elechoutc tonpegura tion of g-bleck elements 1&2 mshe Shower a alk: Chaxothsishes of s-blece elements = ac x2 Soff metal touth deus m pt: 2 b.pt . They howe, fous touisation enthalpies Q hig bly eleckeoporitive Tey Sede the valeneo eleutiony te pom +/ LFQ bod + ako asarctive melale 2 4h : Red jos 1 daaclivity Anteoades peel aes of s-bleelc clement Ce oon Cum). gh ae Bee eLIOn age ee ako. f Lonclurtos. of ic. EE beh Bo i10) impart elie colon Sofia Plone O imp « p—Bleck Ebrnents © : Theta, ate the elements in usbach tho Lott & enters ene of fe Heee p-erbilels of Hare ouleermoi Shell. Lt inclucles te cloments off Gb: 13,14, 8, 16,17 £18 (excedt He) - C Pe reties lel taut enon Sins Bind p 7oS /P et aspectively ) . Gib. c 4 Bian Oat olexe 30-257 16 —> calles ends Clementi of gp tone fe ens cc uN hn Rh He oy Et Bet 1B Noble geces- Chasacteristics ! | (es oO Re ig Qu Thy mostly fem covalent tompounds . 3. Be Show Laxiable exiclation slates vn 4 Theix exiclation Chorachee intecaucs ft hapa peiod a Ce Gera inteeaael em Tep ta better yn a: : 5? “Ths inelevale bet metals 2 nen—melaly - but non—metaly are meen than meferly » Helallic tharathes Incteases Rom teh tte & ead Rem Sift fe sty in 0. period - a ees i etd jn fro five dl-o: “ee ee Aa Tncludatre groups 3, UG, 6) WB ae ).2 a! Safe # (penultimate shells 4-e (n-l) el- oehitals) GUE =) (GneDeW@ience 2, y-7 Since the pespeeticy of thou elomeL are omntolusey en ee ef S-bleck 2 p-bleck elements Hey oxeatuc callch transition elements Tete one firther 5 os Tt trausibton Sesiey: (eutaing Io laments 9) Se SogZn in vokich aol eebilals ote “a teanaion sevied (ucl-getted) © TE coufains ten elem cal ame Co , im ushech Udl-eebétels are aro feansihton seriey (cl- Oe Tt coufuins . fo & bate 19 tn vaticl sc-sebilals axe transition Seeied (4ol geried) + Tt toutoins kes ahh a met” (e-u12 tn shock bd, Di bij bicone Greneeal Chasarheetshes : | ore hascl, malleable s luehilo mefals Ha hegh m-pt- 2 B pt - B They ase owl tonducter of heat t elecheicily oS variable excidaten Sates - = Bon bot covalent £ tome Gis L paramagnetic « “They pun Colpuctel complexes : Meat of He trancition metets Matt of He teansihon mefals Sueh a4 Vv, Ce, Mn, Fe, Coy Ake Cuebe 2 thai Comp are Udecl as j 1e. Zn Cd Dg wsharl hase Cn- -oti'ng a Ton , cle not Bheus mait of He peepestics on. elomenk - f- Blocfe Clements + aC cits ee ehed ine. lathe o ene eehifals es Soa! Of Poe onte-penultimote Shella (n-2) Sh 02. Geo hs owe” "ny Beta s7 als toualst of ture Bertie : : ae lowthansé i bt) AcHinecols ment axa art cextag 9 Ce STIL Since ofl thew clement; Cre clemerc follors Lauder qh Le | Sinecalll te 4esenbly fa H, ee ed) jolie ta Hie ed: athinium 2 cLoedly In Heese ae -oebi te sesemble axkinivn (Ac) ) aby have nish ™ pt QB. “fb - Qe mefals & Shour varteble S ealion td. 4u ae Tend eh was . &: Bee oy. elements eis ie! ® \ Fiztk Reece clomenths theeium (th), pecteactinium CPo) 2 uraniwn CU) Oteue jn nate buf he ee ad u Lapa Ve ie howe Ri 8 Be ey ei ao L transuranic Sic tae Spee BS of FE Gt ond Bleck of o gi ccrien LOA / a given omend + Cs ae a Period of an Oleic = Peincifoa ay ieee p Bleck of an eloments type of sehilal shirk Lerwyes ee eee ) Fer s-bleck clemenbs — Group ne. = ns- of valence cleckeons , melallix 7 eat A: Why the ofomic radlit cc atemic Size of the elements ucreais with thoineesmde gu akomec mumbet as use moue from Sep to ketem 2 0. 0 Ase fl ts better ou a gb: rene enerhy Be adldlool at earch Suttecding cloment 2 the valoure elockeonds tice onal fottox nN Peles pf8 a eeall ita SG of fhe hoe os ectanted 2 hence ; es ic Si7e ckecennues Oi- Why afemic tadlii oe afemic sige c os moue feom Aeft Ae ahh Nghe Periodic table - i exiock Aw, As use move om Lift te 29ht Sh anne ee jnéeoaues one Unit £u eath ¢ ind’ eloment Ae the numboek of Shells nemoins he Same - Due te ushech otteattion beluscen tha nucleus 2 the os : LZhente te sige cLecscaues - A eo atomic radius abruptly imcroaies ot we fem halogen (F) tothe inest gad (Ne) . Js + Because in carte of incet «4 all the cehifals one. jtompletely pillecl 2 ae oun ae seebulrions axe maxim - Akio in cote off finest gases tha cthomic Sige ts exbeescedl jy teems o vancle Waals sacliuy 2 Van lez Waals sachet ae. ez Hon Covalent aadléi so 1h. Ahoncec gf = Ge dn a. perioa 24 muck hawhee than teak ta Lhegen Br. explain He 1g cack of ahomoe Sige 1 Nao a sie afomic She of a O 4s gerates Han N a -then clecerzaaes © So F. : 4N = (sas ap" mw aw flat OR? wasp! TH no faa aie sos ap? AES ETT a ies Beso Bulaions Lhence atomic Size inttcaces N fe O- Nous Q4 use move Ca ee frodtee incerared ene Lol the game time Of the p-cebitels nour howe taro elections each ushich eepel earth offer» Hourcvet in cate F Qi- Me. Sige oA cation u allways Smaller than that of ih faserxt ator . ExeBloin Aus A cation 14 formed! by the lows of ome ot meee elections ‘feom hed nentia! gotneis Of He outamoct shell of electors - 9 oe ok tes (S2s pias! sacs of no- of Shells in ae ees", oe He size of cation 21 8malles Han pacenfalen,. Furtiee Ke no- of SS inthe cobion olecetaus but the nuclear seamain-the Lame OA of He parentalom AL a eeutt Re focce ote oteaction he nurlends onthe pacer tee QE We clan Sige oletteaaes ¢ Or- Al Size 6f Anion 44 ahways Larger Ran Hat-of. Us porent otem, frst An anion gs formed vshen a neural gaseous, atom gains one oe meee elecleous. Pez& incteases Ro numbee of Cs ru-fhe anion buf the nuclear je xemain tha Same | Qs hat on newleal Eterm -Nourtis Lame | Go te foece atteattion Mele ihe ea the, Alia acldition of one 62 meee olecheory inctoayes en B:- Exphin he cedar of wute tadit Mie INoowe Nol 4 F< OLN Augi- AS the nuclear sncecades , the atteaction by fie on tHe inceeaded -YQ6 foute : ge He tadii of iscclehowte Lous clereoxss With He Iresmnet onthe magnitude of he nuclear Ey as, Sa St Nuclear chixoe of °,O, EF Nal Me Al CRATE ON apne eae eee | Ancteases esis Bost eae eae Fete Nn? Tonigation En} (4: H) a) do hie Ml eeepc oe e elelion flor on isclotecl gaseous citer So Louveet if ivite gaseoud Aotien - @u- Jain Bet pei hon anal re ea RC ep tLe: a eee EEG Atte Auth 4 Udhen shen ene e 4s emoved 7 ee neuleal nasa aber , the effective ice mee eg i-e the eloctecalatic 10 befuseen He nucleus 2 Ro PemManing efacheons 2” He coten incecaued - eomovue Nous te encagy taquitcol te cart: a oniteat ay highee thanthe ft Ng After te aemoval ES /He eetios mirt loos e peas (8 zm ao he en 4 de tems Most ard et ae Yt eagh ies foe be ieemovel ie arde Heuce ppt, 7 Di, 7 AIM) Fartoes qoves wing tte tonisation Enttally : . Nuclease er LE: Ancteased wilh He inceda ae ec» Beternie ineeoauc gute Beste BE. wt geotet afeastion batons Rtn cutedmeds Shell w Se meee ; : 2 Atomic Sine +” ein | ENE Ceeecald oy io ; ae... usu he jneesaie © Fevetealion opel of tha eleebrons AS “ha penetestion i ee Pig om Le €8 of S-cebildt hos am a Le Bee es Pr nS ee, On i Y i een RST ot yy) Skielhe een} et of the inn h ) Taio oY effe of et S, Lh As Ha shielding The effect inctoourrs the Lf. dectencs . we face felt tee vallence Shell i cae ent in tha jnnee Shell pH, SN Si 4 Noe shielding ffs : neko’ areca Cox eee ee ee oc atom L NK atomic size Of B is Bmalhe Hew Be bub skll Re hou hgh LE tank. a y Be - IS patos On Sk 2s ae Betaudse of the cleckovic ehh de ee a.. DC keha te Jean ©. Avy , ss Is 26" 2p Ghd is* 267 ap! Since tHe elecheouic ‘gua Hon is exbielly nal ins te, oxtchem 3 go Sequieo ANeee eneeay - Or DE. leteases as we move olauon Hh2 geoup in a pesiselic fable. Explain - Aus» As use move lousy the the queen: 2 hence LE: cleetoases si Also Adldition of neur shell ‘eoasulty cu tntteato in fle Stecening oe, Cerlkeus becomes Weis 2 Desa fe helo Ha EE, GE OE IG Te by Qe Lk incecases as wre move Left Be vine in a. periocl . Explain Use | As Derause, a4 use move Peom te tight Te Re. ee rl e jnteooig olue to which ho of ion bebsean the nucleus 2-He ouber Shell & 5 tncteaces 2 hence [F-inceeases « Elertion Gain ErttaUpy 3 Et 24 ned cite eneagy ecbeatect ushen ees gaseeud atoms on exten. oy foun “te eee ae (ve 4on- C € gain erthol py wD Loy. fathers ov uchah—the & gain enttalfoy depercls: 1 Atomic size: As Ha afore &ige In be olislance befuseen the nucleus oul fhe lodf- Stoll < inceaases , due to ushich—He freee ain. befuscrn Ha nucle 2 Ha valense, 3 Elecbonic curation + As tte Ps Sy at 4 2 Subbliccl ts ackol Soe au exttalby Bice cae Ora EOE : E n enttel fy becomes Lead negative ean » €xfoloin ¢ + Is we move clousn group , both ite Babe fdr of income or alee spe much ee on of Hea nucleut foe Hea eoncing sie ath alg coed Ot Cheeleon m evttolhy becomes me2zo anol moze negative Teen tate oe Ae aight in @ perio - Aus + Ds use meve Le tight} he ofemic ee ee 4M Shell ef Be ee & goin enttabhy betemes ~™ 642. 2 meee negak Tre: ae howe mob negative = gain Avs ! Pee genceal elarkeonce yueabion if a a ail ete ie re np! ee eee to onrebt on additional La’ 5 es Cina pa ae highby negative : Qi tage tae ot athy of FP £5 Lows js? Betaure of tha Small Sige of F, tha €- oe 2M BP Subshell us Daege 2 henee fle TRE Ty i & not acceffect Eee icine © cate: as te case woth bo epain tcbctfy 4 Pus deus negative Han CL. Qi U9ky the € gain enthalhy of neble gaucd AA positive ? Audi. “Vgiiedee Hee fully fe gueabion ie ge Pie ci we e As a retulf, en Wy hot Le be subhliccl te od on addi ti € - Sette & gain ELeetionega live (23) 3 a Cleekondgaliv: ma ee ie Ge ees pale of clitleons towsasds Itself in a covalent bond On ELicBeouegahi Dn cecades a persion! fren deft Watt ducasuns tMlon te gach exploin Aun b> Be 08 te move along Be perioel fof bo tight nuclear M2892 in cBeados ie the of: chemic gadius a4 ice: As the oleckes-uity cacecases ite non -mefalll,; Haxaifee incteates 2 metylec Chozasfe a a A houdl beluseen Soo Similas ahena > eid Je be nen-pola& Sinea the Sharacl oale cl poe cUorpea coe he Se ig roca ae Ona sk) Gag cae age cea te hte olecbio-vity Gas obems in olifferent eo 4 aye ae fan A Aso acalt Hao mere claho- nee oe ape op ortoLnega hive Mokcecde is said t be e polar (292 H-F, Het, neh oniclalion Sta fe Slate : ire cota tal ors stofe oh on element tne paid Br nal as Re Bie. tir He ta ua of poly aboms inte molerele oe Ofg 2Na,0 bof , Pis meee elecho-ve Han O- cach Sf the tose Pofons Shares one & with He O atom 2 © Shores wo &s with F aferns- 80 Fur gives Bi eagle Se ot vohike O is Ls cbebe-ve is an orctidatsu. Sate of +2 i, NAO y, 1 Ss enone one from cath Na alors £ hour’ 0-8 of -2. 2 No. atquiee O'S 0f tH: pees cla tienship 3 Seme elements of toa Fee th» eae eee. uth the clomenl fe hl aa

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