Set A MS

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Set A



Q.No. Question Marks


1 (b)Zygote is collected from a female donor and transferred to the fallopian tube. 1

2 (c)Large loops held by the proteins. 1

3 (a) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2 1

4 (c) Escherichia 1

5 (c) A bacterium producing a large amount of carbon dioxide 1

6 (b) II and IV 1

7 (c)A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(i) 1

8 (d) Enzyme P – Restriction endonuclease and Enzyme Q - Ligase 1

9 (d) P 1

10 (c) One species is benefitted and other is unaffected. 1

11 (b) Second productivity 1

12 (c) Keeping animals in zoological parks 1

Question No. 13 to 16 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason

(R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
C. A is true but R is false
D. A is False but R is true

13 A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A 1

14 (C)A is true but R is false 1

15 A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A 1

16 B. Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A 1


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17 1. F, Secondary oocyte (1) 2
2. Ovarian hormone –Estrogen Pituitary hormone –LH (1)

18 (a) This is because presence of more than two alleles of gene I that 2
produces glycoprotien govern the human ABO blood group
inheritance (1/2)

(b) The cross exhibits co-dominance. When two alleles IA and IB

are present together, both the alleles express each other equally
forming the blood group AB. (1/2+1)

19 I. Liver cells, sporozoites.(1) 2

II. Parasites reproduce sexually in RBC / multiply, Rupture of RBCs
is associated with release of toxic substance called as hemozoin.

20 Non-recombinant can be differentiated from recombinant on the basis ½*3

of color change (from colorless to blue), when grown on a
chromogenic substrate, whereas the recombinant will not be able to
show any color change(due to insertional inactivation of the gene
responsible for  galactosidase).
Non-cumbersome procedure/does not require simultaneous plating
having different antibiotics/single step/easy process.

21 The given ecological pyramid is the inverted pyramid.Inverted pyramid of biomass 2

in a lake: Phytoplankton -> Zooplankton -> Fishes.
Inverted pyramid of number: Tree -> Insects -> Birds.

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1,000,000 joules sunlight. If plants use 1% then producers will have
10,000 joules and according to 10% law –


22 (a) Fimbriae are present at the end of infundibulum of fallopian tube. It helps in 3
collection of ovules after ovulation.
(b) Placenta provide nutrients and oxygen to the developing embryo. It act as
endocrine gland.
(c) Oxytocin is the hormone generated at the time of parturition, whichacts on
uterus muscles and cause stronger contraction.

23 Self-incompatibility, Unisexual flower, Dichogamy 3

24 (a) M is the repressor. (1) 3

(b) When repressor binds with the operator, transcription stops. (2)

25 (a) Analogous structures 3

I. These are anatomically not similar butperform similar functions.
II. They are a result of convergent evolution.

Homologous structures
I. These are anatomically similar but perform different functions.
II. They are a result of divergent evolution.(2)

Wings of butterfly and birds.
Tubers of sweet potato and potato.(1)

26 (a) Biological control of pests and pathogens is preferred because: 3

I. The chemicals cause pollution of water bodies as well as ground water,
besides getting stored in the plants.

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II. The chemicals are toxic thus extremely harmful to human beings and
other animals.(1)
Bacillus thuringiensis: Bacillus thuringiensis is available in sachets as dried
spores, which are mixed with water and sprayed onto vulnerable plants. When
they are eaten by the insect larvae, the toxin is released in the gut where it
becomes active and kills the larvae.(1)
(b) Nucleopolyhedrovirus: These viruses are excellent candidates for species-
specific, narrow spectrum insecticidal applications. This is especially desirable
when beneficial insects are being conserved to aid in an overall integrated pest
management (IPM) programme.(1)
(a) Clot buster : Streptokinase from Streptococcus (1)
(b) Immuno suppressant bioactive molecule : Cyclosporin A from
Trichodrema polysporum (1)
(c) Blood cholesterol lowering bioactive molecule : Statins from Monascus
purpureus (1)

27 DNA fragments separate according to their size. Fragment D is of smaller size 3

B is the anode which attract negatively charged DNA molecule (1)
DNA fragments are stained with ethidium bromide and then visualized by UV
rays. (1)(

28 (a) zoological parks are a part of ex situ conservation while tiger reserves are a 3
part of in situ conservation.
In situ conservation Ex situ conservation

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Differences –
It is the process of protecting the It is the process of protecting the
endangered plants or animals species, in endangered species of plants and animals
the natural habitat either by protecting or by removing it from the unsafe or
by cleaning up the habitat by defending threatened habitat and placing under the
the species from predators. care of humans.
It helps in recovering populations in the
surroundings where they have developed
It helps in recovering population or
their distinctive features.
preventing their extinction under
simulated conditions that closely
National parks, biosphere reserves and
resemble their natural habitat.
wildlife sanctuaries
Botanical garden, Zoos, Arboretta,
Seed/pollen banks and Gene bank.

(b)Using cryopreservation techniques-

I. Gametes of threatened species of animals can be preserved in viable
and fertile condition for long.
II. Eggs can be fertilized in vitro.
III. Plants can be propagated by tissue culture method (1)

29 a) Down’s syndrome -Trisomy of 21 st chromosome number(1) 4

b) Any two symptoms (1)
c) Aneuploidy-Gain or loss of chromosome due to failure of segregation of
chromatids during cell division e.g Down’s syndrome
Polyploidy-increase in whole set of chromosomes e.g plants (2)
Mendelian disorders-Alteration or mutation in the single gene e.g Heamophilia
Chromosomal disorders-absence or excess or abnormal arrangement of
chromosomes .e.g down’s syndrome(2)

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30 a)2005,2011,2012 any two (1) 4
b) HIV has the enzyme reverse transcriptase that forms DNA on RNA template (1)
c) It enters macrophage. Macrophage act as HIV factory. then they enter helper T
cell and destroy them. So, it reduces the immunity (2)
NACO and NGO are doing a lot to educate people. Making blood safe from HIV,
ensuring disposable needles ,syringes, controlling drug abuse (any other point) (2)

31 Refer to page no 26 and 27 of NCERT , Figure 2.8 5

Figure 3.5 page no 47 NCERT (2)
Spermatogenesis -Figure 3.8 a /page no 47 explanation (3)

32 a) Messelson and Stahl’s experiment, DNA replication is semiconservative. 5

b) Two molecules were separated by CEASIUM CHLORIDE density
centrifugation. E.coli samples were taken at definite intervals to know the
progress of experiment as the generation time is 20 minutes.(2)
c) After 80 minutes the proportion of hybrid and light DNA will be 1:7 (1)
d) Same experiment was done by Taylor on Vicia faba (1)
I. Transcription unit (3)

II. RNA strand transcribed from the above transcriptional unit (1)

III. RNA polymerase I transcribe rRNAs

RNA polymerase II transcribe precursor of mRNA (hnRNA) (1)

33 a) Bacillus thuringienesis (1/2) 5

b) Cry IAc, CryIIAb CryIAb (1+1/2)

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c) Toxin is released in inactive form as protoxin (1)
d) When toxin is ingested by insect ,it become active in alkaline Ph of gut. Active
toxin binds to surface of midgut epithelial cell thus creating pores death of cells
and then insect. (2)
a) Adenosine deaminase ,it help immune system to function (1)
b) Bone marrow transplantation . Enzyme replacement therapy (1)
c) Lymphocytes of patient are grown outside in culture ,functional ADA Cdna
by using retrovirus is introduced in lymphocytes ,these are returned to
patient. (3)

Answers in lieu of diagram based questions for visually impaired candidates only

Question Marks
(d) All of the above 1

(b) BothAandR are trueandRisnotthecorrectexplanationofA. 1



Luteinising hormone (LH) is responsible for formation of corpus leteum. It has a 2

surge during mid cycle and results in surge of progesterone from corpus luteum,
which is responsible for thickening of endometrium.

21 Productivity is the rate of biomass production. GPP is rate of production of organic 2

matter during photosynthesis.


Where NPP is biomass available to consumers for secondary productivity.

Secondary productivity is rate of formation of new organic matter by consumers.


The hnRNA undergoes the following processes to form mRNA: 3


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I. Capping: Addition of methyl guanosine tiphosphate at 5’-end.

II. Tailing: Addition of 200-300 adenylate residues at 3’-end.

III. Splicing: Removal of introns and rejoining of exons.

(a) PCR
Expansion – Polymerase Chain Reaction
Application – Amplification of gene of interest/In forensic study

Expansion – Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent
Application – Diagnostic test for AIDS


1.Chromosome number =16 (1) 4


2.Mitosis (1)

3.When queen visit drone, it lays eggs but seminal receptacle fail to release sperms.
When queen visit workers sperms are released from seminal receptacle (2)


Development of individual from unfertilized egg is called parthenogenesis.

Nutrition during larval stage determine to develop into queen or worker.

1. Papaver sominiferum (1) 4


2. Nicotine (1)

3. Nicotine stimulates adrenal gland to release adrenaline in blood which increase

blood pressure.


Cigarette smoke causes cough which reduce surface area of alveoli causing
difficulty in breathing. (2)


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Methodology and Technique: 5

I. DNA is isolated and extracted from the cell or tissue by centrifugation.

II. By the process of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), many copies are
produced. This step iscalled amplification.

III. DNA is cut into small fragments by treating with restriction endonucleases.

IV. DNA fragments are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis.

V. The separated DNA fragments are visualized under ultraviolet radiation after
applyingsuitable dye.

VI. The DNA is transferred from electrophoresis plateto nitrocellulose or nylon

membranesheet. This is called Southern blotting.

VII. VNTR probes are now added which bind to specific nucleotide sequences
thatarecomplementary to them. This is called hybridisation

VIII. The hybridised DNA fragments are detected by autoradiography.They

areobserved as Darkbands on X-ray film


NCERT Page no 101-102 , fig 6.5

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