RunningClocks RPG Rules Screen v1.01

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CHARACTER CREATION The diagonal line (from top-left to

bottom-right) determines a char-

Creating their character is the first acter’s total Health Points, aka the
thing your players will do once you amount of damage they’re able to
1-3 failure: character fails attempt and suffer the consequence

have introduced the setting and their withstand before dying (or being re- 4-5 partial success: character succeeds but suffer consequence/complication
objective. Many aspects of their char- moved from the game in a different
acters like origin, race, profession, way). Add 6 to the number of filled
6 success: character succeeds without unforeseen consequences

will be dependent on the setting. It circles on the diagonal to get the multiple 6 critical success: character succeeds and the clock is set back by 1 segment
Running Clocks is a setting-agnostic RPG system designed for is up to you how much of the setting character’s max HP.
quick, action-packed one shots. Can the players complete their you want to let the players decide.
mission before it’s too late? Don’t hesitate to restrict some as-
pects if those would go against your
BEFORE WE START setting or story, but try and offer al-
ternatives and compromises so that
You will need 2-5 players, at least 3 six-sided dice and a Game Master (if
everyone can create a character they
you’re reading this, supposedly that’s you). As the GM you will set the game’s
are satisfied with.
setting, the player’s mission or objective and you will narrate the events and DAMAGE AND CONSEQUENCES
consequences around the players’ characters’ actions. Once a player has decided on the
broad strokes of their character’s Consequences are the result of the characters’ actions. They are events that
THE CLOCKS identity and personality, they should set the characters back in their quest. Most of the time, consequences will
define their character’s skills by dis- be the outcome of a failed or partially succeeded roll, but it doesn’t need to
Running Clocks is a game about running out of time. Whatever the characters be. If a character does something particularly idiotic, even if the action itself
tributing four points on the ‘charac-
are fighting for or against, they have limited time to do so before it’s too late. doesn’t require a roll of the dice, they still may suffer a consequence. As the
ter grid’ (example grid to the right).
During play, the passage of time is represented by the game clocks, which are GM, you are charged with determing the consequences of an action. In most
visible to all players at the center of the table. Each row or column represents the cases, a consequence will likely take the form of either advancing the clock or
character’s level in one particular a character (or several) receiving damage (losing HP).
skill. This is defined by how many
of the three circles are filled in this It is up to you how many HP a character loses when taking damage, but in
skill’s corresponding row or column. general, it shouldn’t be higher than 3 HP at once (unless the character was in
a particularly dangerous situation). As a rule of thumb, 3 damage is a grave
wound, 2 damage is a serious but non-fatal injury and 1 damage is a superficial
but somewhat incapacitating injury.
There is no way in Running Clocks to recover HP once it is lost. If a character
The skills listed on the default grid are meant to be general enough to fit any suffers damage that means they are hurt in a way that would require time
Think of every clock as an act in the players’ story. When the first clock fills setting, however a blank grid is provided as well in case you want to add your
up, you move on to the next and this marks a turn in the story. If the charac- to heal, time that the characters do not have. If a character’s HP reaches 0,
own skills that specifically fit your setting. they are removed from the game, often through death or other incapacitating
ters don’t succeed in their quest before the last clock is completed, they fail.
Charisma is for all actions that in- Perception Defines a character’s afflictions.
The first clock is the setup. It is the players’ introduction to your setting and volve the use of social intelligence, ability to observe and sense, useful
their mission. Let them use this time to better define their characters and get USING THE CLOCK
such as convincing, arguing, under- for noticing hidden things, aiming at
used to the game’s mechanics in a relatively low-danger situation. standing body language, intimidat- distant targets, recognizing smells or If you ask a player to roll the dice but they absolutely do not want to fail or risk
The second clock is when things start to heat up. Players should have a better ing… seeing through smoke and fog. complications, they can instead choose to ‘use the clock’ (advance the clock
idea of what they are up against and should start thinking of ways to accom- by one segment). If they do, their character automatically succeeds in their at-
Deftness is the character’s ability Reflection is One’s mental and ac- tempted action without consequences. Describe how their action causes them
plish their goal while exploring the area they find themselves in. to move with agility, care and ma- ademic capacities, from resolving to lose time and proceed with the story.
The third clock is the final showdown. Players have committed to a plan and nipulate things with precision, such enigmas to translating alien languag-
are trying to execute it before it’s too late. as sneaking, lock picking, climbing, es or understanding maps and blue- PACING THE GAME
dancing… prints.
Running Clocks is designed to make the story feel faster and faster the closer
ADVANCING THE CLOCKS Handiness is for all of your crafting Vigor is the character’s ability to you get to the end. For the pace of the game to increase with time, it is im-
and tinkering needs, from repairing overcome physical obstacles, such as portant that you, as the GM, do your best to ramp up the stakes as the story
To advance a clock, simply fill up one of its segments. There are a lot of rea- an airship to disassembling a watch heavy lifting, sprinting or punching progresses. The less time left on the clock, the harder the obstacles on the
sons to advance the clock, but it should always be tied to the players’ actions. or starting a fire in the wild. very hard. characters’ road should seem, the more rolls the players should make, and the
It could be the result of a failed roll, a character setting off an alarm, the party more tempted they should be to use the clock instead of risking a failed roll in
discovering an important clue… When you advance a clock, make it clear why ROLLING THE DICE a desperate situation. Just keep in mind that you are not the players’ enemy,
the characters’ actions makes their situation more pressing. you should seek to challenge them and provide an engaging story, not “beat”
Often times, players will attempt actions that are dangerous, difficult or oth-
Your attempt at hacking the console triggers an alarm, making your presence erwise challenging. When they do, you should ask them to roll the dice to them at the game.
known to the guards, it is only a matter of time before they find you. determine wether they succeed. Determine which skill makes the most sense One of the best ways to achieve this is to manifest the game’s running out
for the action that is being undertaken and ask them to roll as many dice as of time mechanic through a tangible element of the story, tied to the charac-
The only way to set the clock back (erasing one filled segment from the cur- they have points distributed for the corresponding skill.
rent clock) is for a player to get a critical success from a dice roll. When that ters’ objective. Something like an increasing radiation level, a virus infection
happens, explain how the character’s actions gives the players more time. The outcome of the roll is determined by the die with the highest value. spreading until it can not be contained anymore or a convoy that must be
stopped before it reaches a defended fortress. With the threat of their time
Sneaking past the guards, you are able to distract them by throwing a stone down If a player needs to roll a skill for which their character has a level of 0, they running out manifested in such a way, the mechanic will seem more organic
the hallway, diverting their attention and giving the group more time to explore. must instead throw 2 dice and take the lowest value. to the story and provide more satisfying tension and resolution at the end.
Inspiration and References: Dishonored, Blades in the Dark, Hood: Outlaws & Legends Inspiration and References: Hunt: Showdown, True Detective

For the first time in the better part of a decade, the Clarke Founda- The Year is 1841, you are members of an occult organization sworn
tion has open its doors to a public event. Reserved for the very finest to eradicate supernatural and evil forces from the face of the earth.
of the aristocracy, the gala will last the entire night, celebrating Sir You have been sent by your order to Rattle Pass, a small Louisiana
Ian Connor’s admission in the very secretive institution. The perfect town from which rumors of strange occurrences have originated. Your
chance for your band of thieves to attempt stealing the foundation’s mission is to determine whether infernal disturbances are at play and
most prized treasure: a golden apple. These are meant to help you when you have little time to prepare, lack if so, locate and destroy its source.
inspiration, or want a reference for crafting your own settings and stories.


Inspiration and References: Alien, Dread RPG, Sunshine, Dead Space

You are Space Junkers: scavengers of shipwrecks scouring the abyss of

space looking for salvageable material. You have just hit the jackpot:
the cold carcass of a mining hulk. Its systems are powered down and
there are no detectable life signs onboard. It seems you are just a few
hours from your biggest payday. Board the ship, restore its power and
make out with as much as you can carry.
After infiltrating the ceremony, wether through disguise, manipulation or A rift has emerged in Rattle Pass, forming a direct connection through which
sneaking, the players will learn that another crew of thieves - the Clock’s hell is seeping through, gradually corrupting all life around the town. The
Tooth - is also attempting to steal the apple when one of the rival crew’s weakest minds and creatures are the first to succumb to the evil forces, losing
members gets apprehended. With the guards now on high alert, the players all sense of self and becoming feral and aggressive.
must now locate the vault where the apple is kept without raising suspicions.
But when the characters first arrive, they are met by a seemingly normal town,
Once the players learn the location of the apple, through hearsay, discovering a if a bit hostile to strangers. The corruption is only beginning and only a few
plan of the building or deceiving someone into revealing this information, they minor events happened - attacks from feral animals, maybe a few ill inhab-
will need to get to the vault before the rival crew. If they succeed in setting ob- itants. Most residents don’t take kindly to the characters meddling in their
stacles and slowing the Clock’s Tooth progress, they will arrive at the apple’s town’s business though, and won’t share information without a lot of con-
location first and will need to disable the traps and security system protecting vincing.
the apple. If not, most of the traps will have already been deactivated by the
rival gang but the players will now have to retrieve the apple from them. Once they identify and locate the rift, players will need to find a way to close
SUMMARY it while defending against the increasing number of corrupted beings that will
With the apple in their possession, the players will need to escape the guards do anything to stop them, before it becomes a gate and hell starts pouring
and the rival crew in order to escape the building with it. The wreck is overrun by hostile aliens that feed on electricity. In hibernation into our world.
at first, they will wake when the players restore the power, which they need
NPCS to do in order to open a blast door that will grant them access to the rest of NPCS
Sir Ian Connor, Navy Captain Lord Clarke, City Councillor the ship. Their first encounter with an alien forces them to retreat deeper into Lazy Joe, Town Sheriff Max, Bartender
the wreck, leaving their ship guarded by enemies. The aliens operate as a hive
Known for running a tight ship, Ian Head of the foundation, Lord Clarke mind and once the players’ presence is noticed they will be hunted until the A sorry excuse for law enforcement, Works at the local saloon. Loyal to
Connor is a strict man with a lot of is a bitter man, holding on tightly to end. generally unconcerned with the sit- Grace, he also runs the less legiti-
convictions about authority and righ- an antiquated etiquette and way of uation. Joe doesn’t want strangers mate parts of her business and pro-
teousness. He won’t hesitate to ruth- thinking. Concerned with appearanc- Once they are aware of their predicament, players will have several options meddling in his business, especially vides muscle for her when needed.
lessly quash anyone who wouldn’t es, he will try to deal with the thieves to evade the infested ship: finding another way to their ship (sneaking past since he’s been receiving bribes from He will promptly report to Grace if
see the reception go perfeclty as quietly should he learn of their pres- the aliens or finding spacesuits to venture outside), finding and repairing an Grace O’Heart to keep his mouth questioned by the players. He has no
planned. ence. escape pod, restarting the wreck’s thrusters and sealing themselves on the shut about the strange happenings. idea of Grace’s occult ventures.
bridge until they reach help... All the while being hunted and attacked by an
Mélie and Arthur, Thieves Jeremiah, Butler increasing number of hostiles. Grace O’Heart, Proprietor Lucy, Inhabitant
Siblings, they are somewhat infa- Proud of his position as Lord Clarke’s NPCS She owns most of the town’s busi- Her aging mother has recently fall-
mous thieves leading a small gang, personal butler, Jeremiah is a mean, Diego, Mechanic Lisa, Ship A.I. nesses, from the local saloon to the en ill and her state is worsening by
“the Clock’s Tooth”. They fully in- calculating man, who has never hes- general store, there is no one around the hour. It won’t be long before her
tend to make off with the apple and itated to step on those lower than He is the only survivor of the miner As the ship’s Artificial Intelligence, that doesn’t depend on her ventures mother is fully corrupted. Though
won’t hesitate to throw the players himself to elevate his standing. Full ship’s crew. He survived by locking Lisa has access to all the ship sys- in some way. She is however also an Lucy has a sense that something is
under the bus if they are made aware of himself and somewhat socially himself in the armory. The players tems that are still functional. She adept cultist and is responsible for wrong in Rattle Pass, and will pro-
of their presence. Their methods lean limited, he will take easily to flattery may detect an SOS signal he’s been seems sympathetic to the players’ the opening of the rift, fully intend- vide assistance to the characters if
heavier towards sneaking and tin- and won’t suspect much when con- broadcasting, detailing his situation situation but will only help them if ing to open the gates of hell, whether asked to, guiding them to the loca-
kering rather than fighting or social fronted with dupery, disguise and and location. Trusting and desperate, they are able to override or disable by madness or thirst of power is hard tions where the latest strange sight-
manipulation. other forms of deceit. he will help the players if rescued. her security protocols. to say. ings have occured.

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