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 PAYROLL 02/02/2023

NIP :     1602001

Fullname :     Sayuti
Position :     Driver
Payroll Period :     2023-01
Bank Account :     BCA - 4500278558

Description Income Deduction

Basic Salary 3,441,854 0

Meals and Transport 1,380,000 0

Comm. and others Allowance 0 0

Overtime 0 0

BPJS KT. 423,329 470,947

BPJS KS. 245,090 245,090

Medical Reimburst 0 0

THR 0 0

Tax 0 0

TOTAL 5,490,273 716,037

TAKE HOME PAY 4,774,235

Authorized By

Nurul Adilla

1 of 1 2/2/2023, 10:46 AM

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