Formula B1 Test Package Answer Key DF

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Answer Key

Quick Diagnostic Answer Key

No Key Language Area

Task 1
1 B present perfect
2 B defining relative clause
3 A non-defining relative clause
4 B verbs and prepositions
5 B past continuous
6 B adjectives and prepositions
7 A past perfect
8 C used to
9 B articles
10 A quantifiers
11 C health vocabulary
12 C present simple passive
13 B comparative adjectives
14 A phrasal verbs
15 B comparative structures

Task 2
1 were able to modals of ability
2 suitable useful adjectives
3 don’t need to modals of obligation
4 is coming future forms
5 will win future forms

Placement Guidance:
• If students score fewer than 8 correct answers, they may not have the basic
language knowledge required for this level.

• If students score between 8 and 15, start at the expected level and assess scores
to check whether remediation is required.

• If students score between 16 to 20, assess scores and consider an additional oral
interview to decide whether the expected level or the next level up with some
remediation would be more appropriate.

• Students who scored over 20 should be started at the next level up.

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Full Diagnostic Answer Key

No Key Language Area

Task 1
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 for present perfect time expressions
2 where defining relative clauses
3 much quantifiers
4 a articles
5 should modals verbs
6 need modal verbs
7 makes make / let
8 keeps phrasal verbs with keep

Task 2
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 saw past simple
2 was waiting past continuous
3 is meeting / present continuous for future / going to
is going to meet
4 is going to help going to
5 will get will

Task 3
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 C non-defining relative clause
2 B adjectives and prepositions
3 A food vocabulary
4 C comparative structures
5 A modals of possibility
6 B education vocabulary

Task 4
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 for adjectives and prepositions
2 The articles / superlatives
3 who / that defining relative clauses
4 is passive form
5 must modals of obligation
6 while time expressions

Placement Guidance:
• If students score fewer than 9 correct answers, consider starting at the level
• If students score between 9 and 30, start at the expected level and assess scores
to check whether remediation is required.
• If students score between 31 to 40, assess scores and consider an additional oral
interview to decide whether the expected level or the next level up with some
remediation would be more appropriate.
• Students who scored over 40 should be started at the next level up.

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Unit 1 Answer Key

VOCABULARY: Verbs + prepositions

For revision, go to Coursebook: p5

VOCABULARY: Verb phrases

1 goes 2 makes 3 think 4 disturb 5 switch
For revision, go to Coursebook: p8

1 hire 2 keen 3 Sounds 4 forward 5 loads
For revision, go to Coursebook: p94

GRAMMAR: Present simple and Present continuous

1 am / ’m going 2 comes 3 does not / doesn’t like 4 are / ’re doing 5 go
For revision, go to Coursebook: p78

GRAMMAR: Present perfect

1 has / ’s never seen 2 Have (you) ever eaten 3 has / ’s bought 4 have not / haven’t been 5 have not /
haven’t visited
For revision, go to Coursebook: p78

GRAMMAR: Present simple, Present continuous and Present perfect

For revision, go to Coursebook: p78

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Unit 2 Answer Key

VOCABULARY: Adjectives
1 powerful 2 bright 3 weak 4 clear 5 tiny
For revision, go to Coursebook: p13

VOCABULARY: -ed or -ing adjectives

1 fascinated 2 amazing 3 disappointing 4 interested 5 annoying
For revision, go to Coursebook: p16

1 shocked 2 offer 3 worth 4 research 5 persuade
For revision, go to Coursebook: p96

GRAMMAR: Relative pronouns

For revision, go to Coursebook: p80

GRAMMAR: Defining and non-defining relative clauses

1 The reason why many people learn English is for work. 2 Stockholm is a city that I would like to visit.
3 The park, where we had a picnic last Saturday, is full of flowers. 4 My friend Sami, whose full name
is Samina, comes from the south of India.
For revision, go to Coursebook: p80

GRAMMAR: Defining and non-defining relative clauses

[Note: Students shouldn’t be penalised if they don’t cross out the incorrect relative pronouns]
1 where which 2 when which 3 what where 4 that who 5 when where 6 who which / that
For revision, go to Coursebook: p80

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Progress Test 1 Answer Key

Section 1
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 B (When I came down in the morning, there was a bike by the door for me!)
2 B (I think some neighbours were having a party. I could hear really loud music.)
3 C (I don’t have anywhere to put a set of drums though, so I decided on the guitar.)
4 A (We walked for ages in the forest and stopped for lunch near a beautiful waterfall.)

Section 2
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 B (L: … but I did get some nice meals out. I sometimes think tourist areas are very expensive, but in
small towns like that, things are much better value.)
2 A (Woman: Okay, well you get a 10% discount if you book and pay for your tour in advance. So, you
can do that with me today, and go later in the week.)
3 B (N: … but the main characters … well … they just don’t seem to be very believable. I don’t think
it’s the writing. It’s the actors. I don’t understand why they were chosen for the series.)
4 A (I am still quite confused about what I need to do though. It’s not a simple job, …)

Section 1
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]

Section 2
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 C (Come and learn about these and the other trees in the park from Dr Mel Jones, a biologist at City
University and expert in the plants and trees of the local area.)
2 D (This one-hour walk will explore the park’s small animals and insects. It’s suitable for children over
seven years old and is great for parents too.)
3 E (… different park runs. Some are for adults, but Sunday afternoon’s one is for children too. It’s a
great way for adults and children to get some exercise together.)
4 A (You don’t need an expensive camera – you can just use your smartphone!)

Sample answer
Everyone has their own personal ideas and feelings about music. What I like and what you like might
be very different. But one thing that’s definitely important is songs must be easy to remember. A good
singer knows this and tries to write songs with a tune that’s clear and simple. For some music fans the
words are more important than the music so some singers write music that has a lot of emotion. It can

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be like poetry and make people happy or sad. The type of music doesn’t matter – it just has to touch
our hearts.
(98 words)

Sample answers
1 I’m a student. I study maths at the Royal University in the city centre. I have classes four days a
week and I study at weekends. I’m in my third year. I want to do a business course when I finish,
maybe in a university in Australia. I like maths, but I don’t know what kind of job I can get from it.
2 I really enjoy lectures and I learn best, I think, when someone is teaching me. I think listening and
watching someone talk about the subject is great! It makes me interested. I learn a lot from books, but
I don’t always like it because if I have any questions, there is nobody I can ask. This makes me
annoyed. I think I need a teacher to learn well.
3 I’d like to be a businessman. I think it’s exciting and there are lots of different things to do. Also, it’s
a job where you can travel and make a lot of money! I think I’d like any job where I can make
decisions and do something exciting.


1 I speak to my family every day because I live with them. I see my friends at school most days, but I
have some other friends that I only see during the holidays. They live near my grandmother’s house,
and I spend my holidays there. I don’t see them very often, but we talk a lot.
2 I normally talk to my family every day and my school friends when I see them at school, but in the
evenings, I send text messages to some of my school friends. I usually have video calls with some of
my best friends at the weekends.
3 I think a good friend should be kind and honest. I think these are important things because you
should be able to tell your friends everything, and they should always help you and want you to be
happy. My best friend, Zelda, is like this. I tell her everything and she is always nice to me.

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Unit 3 Answer Key

VOCABULARY: Adjectives + prepositions

For revision, go to Coursebook: p23

VOCABULARY: Prepositional phrases

For revision, go to Coursebook: p26

1 equipment 2 connect 3 invention 4 upload 5 skills
For revision, go to Coursebook: p98

GRAMMAR: Narrative tenses and used to

For revision, go to Coursebook: p82

GRAMMAR: Narrative tenses and used to

1 was living had lived 2 was leaving left 3 have run had run / ran 4 use used
5 had studied was studying
For revision, go to Coursebook: p82

GRAMMAR: Past simple, Past continuous + Past perfect

For revision, go to Coursebook: p82

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Unit 4 Answer Key

VOCABULARY: Noun suffixes

1 possibility 2 communication 3 improvement 4 appearance 5 announcement
For revision, go to Coursebook: p31

VOCABULARY: Services and movement

For revision, go to Coursebook: p34

1 got 2 health 3 environment 4 take 5 go
For revision, go to Coursebook: p100

GRAMMAR: Articles
1 a 2 the 3 the 4 - 5 an
For revision, go to Coursebook: p84

GRAMMAR: Quantifiers
For revision, go to Coursebook: p84

GRAMMAR: Determiners
1 Each 2 Both 3 those 4 this 5 next
For revision, go to Coursebook: p84

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Progress Test 2 Answer Key

Section 1
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 £45 (If you’d prefer to study the course face to face it costs £95, but the online version is just £45.)
2 people (digitally) (There is also a special class where you study some of the techniques for drawing
people digitally.)
3 posters (For example, you could create your own posters to decorate rooms in your house.)
4 an exhibition (At the end of the course, we’re going to organise an exhibition so that people can
show what they learnt during the course.)

Section 2
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 B (It was so different to my life in England because we lived near a national park and we went
walking in the mountains a lot.)
2 A (I met my best friend on the first day of school. I talked to Rebecca on the bus to school because I
was sitting next to her.)
3 A (But the main problem was that my grandmother wasn’t in good health so she couldn’t travel by
plane much. They only visited us once every year …)
4 B (In the mountains there, you can walk and drive for miles without seeing anyone. … That is the
thing I miss most about Canada.)

Section 1
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 B (Today, many people have health problems simply because they don’t move around much.)
2 B (It is good for people who don’t exercise a lot because the movements are not fast.)
3 A (Going to the gym isn’t pleasant for everybody but you don’t have to go to the gym.)
4 A (… walk rather than catch the bus. Also, break with your old, unhealthy, routine - take the stairs
rather than the lift. Within weeks, you will feel so much better!)
5 C (It’s important to do things that you enjoy, but be careful. Too much time watching the TV can
make you feel worse, even if it is something you like doing.)

Section 2
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]

Sample answer

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Hi Pete
Thanks for the invitation, I’d love to come to your party! I’ll be at your house at 11 am on Sunday. I
can bring some bread and some burgers for the barbecue. I’ll bring some drinks too – do you like
lemonade or juice? I love games! I’ll bring a football! I’ve got a great present for you, too. I hope you
like it!
My brother can’t come because he’ll be on a school trip. He’s in France and won’t get back until
See you on Sunday!
(89 words)

Sample answers
Photograph 1
In the photograph we can see some young people dancing. They look like they are doing some
modern dance – maybe to pop music. Perhaps they’re at school or they could be in a club or class
after school. There are three girls and a boy. They all look about thirteen or fourteen years old. They
are wearing sports clothes and trainers and the boy is wearing a cap. They are doing the same dance
together and they all have their arms up in the air. I think they are in a gym or dance studio. They are
smiling and they look like they are having a lot of fun.

Photograph 2
In the photograph there are two men and they are in a gym. One man is a customer and the other
man works at the gym. He is probably a fitness teacher. The customer is doing some exercise on a
machine. He’s lifting something heavy. I think the fitness teacher is helping him – maybe giving him
some advice. Both of them are wearing sports clothes and trainers. In the background we can see lots
of other machines for doing exercise. It looks like the exercise is hard because the man is
concentrating a lot.

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Unit 5 Answer Key

For revision, go to Coursebook: p41

VOCABULARY: Verbs related to clothes

1 suit 2 took 3 tried 4 afford 5 fit
For revision, go to Coursebook: p44

1 taste 2 diet 3 recipes 4 disgusting 5 materials
For revision, go to Coursebook: p102

GRAMMAR: Passive forms

1 is not / isn’t used 2 is / ’s played 3 are (usually) eaten 4 are written 5 were given
For revision, go to Coursebook: p86

GRAMMAR: Passive forms

1 are is 2 isn’t wasn’t 3 grew grown 4 collect collected 5 wasn’t weren’t 6 is was
For revision, go to Coursebook: p86

GRAMMAR: Passive forms

1 Electric cars are bought by people under 30.
2 Who was the internet created by?
3 Sleep is not / isn’t completely understood by scientists.
4 These photos were taken at my birthday party.
For revision, go to Coursebook: p86

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Unit 6 Answer Key

VOCABULARY: Feelings verbs

For revision, go to Coursebook: p49

1 cheerful 2 stressed 3 realistic 4 glad 5 miserable
For revision, go to Coursebook: p52

1 spending 2 expected 3 succeed 4 shame 5 mistakes
For revision, go to Coursebook: p104

GRAMMAR: Comparatives and superlatives

1 less interesting 2 the worst 3 more modern 4 the most amazing 5 happier
For revision, go to Coursebook: p88

GRAMMAR: like, just as/like and such as

1 like 2 just as 3 like 4 just like 5 like
For revision, go to Coursebook: p88

GRAMMAR: Comparatives, too and enough, so and such

For revision, go to Coursebook: p88

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Progress Test 3 Answer Key

Section 1
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 B (In fact, I listen to classical guitar music on the radio most weekends.)
2 A (… but I think the best thing about it was that the staff treated us like we were special. They were
so friendly.)
3 A (… it takes me an hour to get to work, so I often listen on my headphones on the way in and
4 C (We had such a great time, making up dance routines to the latest pop music while your brother
and his friends played basketball.)

Section 2
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 B (… we didn’t play badly … Yes, when Davis and Stanford come back, I think our luck will change!)
2 B (The only thing is that it’s so early … I’d prefer an afternoon class … Me too.)
3 A (No, it just doesn’t fit. I nearly broke the zip trying to get it on! I think I need a bigger size.)
4 C (Do you know why? … I’ve no idea.)

Section 1
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 B (from the phrase to ‘make an effort’)
2 A (from the phrase ‘to try something new’)
3 A (a challenge is something new and difficult to do)
4 B (the answer must be a negative feeling)
5 C (the answer must be a negative verb)
6 B (the answer must be a positive adjective)

Section 2
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 was 2 on 3 to 4 too 5 have 6 went

Sample answer
As I was walking through the park, I heard a strange noise coming from one of the trees. It sounded
like a child was crying. I went closer and walked quietly around the tree, looking carefully among the
leaves. At first, I could not see anything. Then, I saw it! A tiny kitten was sitting high up in the tree. It
looked miserable and terrified. I was just about to climb the tree when suddenly the kitten stood up
and jumped. It fell through the air slowly and I was able to catch it. Right at that moment, two children

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appeared. ‘Thank you so much for saving her,’ they said. I’m really glad that that day had a happy
(120 words)

Sample answers
Photograph 1
The photograph shows people in a café. There are four people sitting at a table. There are two men
and two women, I think. They look like they are friends who are perhaps meeting each other in their
spare time. And there are flowers on the table. I think they are happy because I can see that two
people are smiling. They look like they’re having a nice time! The people at the table look relaxed.
The waiter looks like he is explaining something to them. Maybe he’s talking about the food they
might order because they already have drinks. The waiter has a pen and paper to write down the

Photograph 2
The photograph shows a family walking in a park. They are all dressed for going on a long walk – they
have jackets, jumpers and comfortable trousers on. The man and woman are wearing walking shoes
and are carrying bags on their back, and there is a young girl, who is maybe ten years old with a pink
top on, and a boy who is younger. He’s maybe six years old and he’s wearing a yellow top and has a
green jumper. The boy is showing his dad something that we can’t see. Maybe it’s an animal or a
river. And the girl is holding her mother’s hand. I think they’re having fun because they all look happy.

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Unit 7 Answer Key

VOCABULARY: Verb phrases

For revision, go to Coursebook: p59

VOCABULARY: Easily confused words and verb phrases

1 tell 2 trip 3 brought 4 remind 5 travel
For revision, go to Coursebook: p62

1 report 2 environment 3 permission 4 pile 5 set up
For revision, go to Coursebook: p106

GRAMMAR: Modals of obligation

1 should 2 don’t need to 3 must 4 shouldn’t 5 have to
For revision, go to Coursebook: p90

GRAMMAR: Modals of ability

For revision, go to Coursebook: p90

GRAMMAR: Make and let

1 I => me 2 to 3 let borrow your car me => let me borrow your car 4 her made => made her
For revision, go to Coursebook: p90

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Unit 8 Answer Key

VOCABULARY: Phrasal verbs

For revision, go to Coursebook: p67

For revision, go to Coursebook: p70

1 popular 2 amazed 3 suitable 4 smell 5 know
For revision, go to Coursebook: p108

GRAMMAR: Future forms

For revision, go to Coursebook: p92

GRAMMAR: Future forms

For revision, go to Coursebook: p92

GRAMMAR: Future forms

1 going to is going to 2 put are putting / going to put 3 will playing will play / will be playing
4 won’t to be open 5 are will need to
For revision, go to Coursebook: p92

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Progress Test 4 Answer Key

Section 1
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 heat (Humans are very bad at seeing things in the dark, but some types of snakes can do this
easily. They have a second pair of eyes which can ‘see’ the heat coming from the bodies of other
2 ground (Elephants can feel small movements in the ground from other elephants that are up to
15 km away.)
3 remember (If they feel full after eating a food, they learn that this is good, and they remember this
4 electricity (Sharks have little holes all over their faces which can detect the changes in electricity in
the water as fish swim around. This means they can find food even in deep water.)

Section 2
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 B (We went to the Scottish mountains on a school holiday … One day when we were out walking
some people came speeding past us on bikes.)
2 A (The following year I entered a competition and I won! That was when I decided I wanted to be a
professional rider.)
3 B (I practise mountain biking three times a week for about four hours, but I go to the gym daily.)
4 C (And then in August I’m going to a summer camp to teach kids riding skills.)

Section 1
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 B (… and have been used to treat illnesses …)
2 B (In fact, at one time, it was more expensive than gold!)
3 A (… but the reason flowers smell good is actually to attract insects.)
4 B (… flowers smell differently to different people. One flower might smell beautiful to some people,
while others will dislike the same smell.)
5 A (However, try not to get near one of these.)

Section 2
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 C (Why would we want to see a film about someone going to work and paying their bills? These
activities are not at all interesting …)
2 A (Special effects have developed a lot since the 1990s. Whether it’s dinosaurs or aliens attaching a
big city, or two heroes fighting in space, effects make the unrealistic too real.)

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3 E (Another reason why we love superhero films is that they often agree with our sense of right and
wrong. Most humans want good to win in the world, and these films follow this idea.)
4 D (Sometimes it seems like we have no ability to change things in the world, but when we think of
superheroes we can see that that’s not always true. Most superheroes start out as normal people who
were powerless until some experience changes them.)

Sample answer
Hi Penny,
It’s great to hear from you! I think learning a musical instrument is a great idea! What about the
electric guitar? I think it’s better than the drums, because you can take a guitar anywhere. You need a
lot of space for drums. I think you don’t need to take lessons. My friend learnt by watching YouTube
videos. You should try this first because it is free!
I’d love to meet up when you come to town. We could go to the beach. How about having lunch at my
house, too? Tell me when you’re planning to come!
See you soon,
(104 words)

Sample answers
1 I’m good at playing the violin. I love all types of music, and I can play the piano a little bit, but I can
play the violin a lot better.
2 Well, I started to learn the violin at school, but I was also interested in sport at that time so I didn’t
continue. I started to learn again at university and that was when I practised a lot and became good at
it. I joined the orchestra so there were lots of us playing and learning together.
3 Personally, I believe that it’s a very relaxing activity. For me, playing the violin helps in lots of
situations, for example, when I’m stressed or tired, or even nervous about something.
4 Yes, I would definitely recommend it. Learning to play the violin teaches you that some things take a
long time. But it is something that you will have for the rest of your life so it’s a good thing to do.


1 I like to watch athletics. I like it because I’m not good at athletics at all so I really admire people that
can do these sports well.
2 I go to a stadium to watch competitions a few times a year. It depends where the competitions are
and the cost of the tickets. Some of the international competitions are very expensive. If the tickets
cost too much, then I watch it on TV.
3 My mum often comes with me. She loves the atmosphere in the stadium and she’s very keen on the
throwing sports. She used to like these at school so now she likes to watch professional athletes. But
she doesn’t like watching it on TV because she says that it’s not the same experience.

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4 It would be amazing to be a fast runner, but I wouldn’t like to spend all my time training so overall,
no, I don’t think I’d like to do it myself.

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End of Level Test Answer Key


Task 1
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 with 2 off 3 fascinated 4 upload 5 route

Task 2
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 which 2 every/each 3 on 4 used 5 the

Task 3
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]

Task 4
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 moved 2 had / ’d read 3 have / ’ve made 4 owns 5 is / ’s teaching

Task 5
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]

Task 6
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 than 2 spend 3 by 4 should / must 5 to

Task 7
[1 mark for each correct answer for this exercise]

Task 8
[2 marks for each correct answer for this exercise]
1 have / ’ve had 2 kept 3 was broken / broke 4 am / ’m going to take (plan) // will / ’ll take (intention) 5
was able to

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