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Muhammad Khan Peerzada(51151)

Assignment 1
Why Studying Sociology is Important?:
Sociology would be beneficial because it guides people different ways to get
out how could they adjust in the world and how others perceive them. By looking at
yourselves and society from a sociological way helps people to check where they
connect to different types of groups based on the many different ways they classify
theirselves and how society categorize them in turn. It provides sensibility of how
those classifications such as economic and status levels, education, ethnicity, or
sexual orientation affect perceptions.

Sociology teaches people not to accept easy explanations. It teaches them a way to
manage their thinking so that they can ask better questions and formulate better
answers. It makes people more aware that there are many different kinds of people
in the world who do not necessarily think the way they do. It increases their
willingness and ability to try to see the world from other people’s perspectives. This
prepares them to live and work in an increasingly diverse and integrated world.

How We can relate sociology with our Daily life?:

We can relate sociology in society to the operation of any living organism.
According to this organic analogy, society works similar to a body comprising
multiple organs in sync. A single organ such as the heart can only be studied by
looking at its relationship with the rest of the body. Similarly, functionalist theorists
stated that society must be studied by investigating the relationships of different
institutions. Multiple social institutions such as education, legal and family systems
work together to maintain order in society. For example, in our daily lives, we adhere
to many laws that are stated in the Pakistan constitution. The Motor Vehicles Act
passed in 1988 provides laws that regulate traffic on roads. These are guidelines
stated for our safety and protection. Each time we step onto the road with our cars,
we must keep in mind to wear our seatbelts, not drink and drive and follow speed
limits. Without these rules, there would be chaos on the streets, and our normal
everyday life would be largely disrupted. Hence, the legal institution of Pakistan is
one of many that helps to maintain order in society by socializing citizens to obey
Muhammad Khan Peerzada(51151)

Sociological Imagination in Everyday Life:

To study sociology, an individual must be able to break away from their
familiar routines to look at their daily lives from a new point of view. The best
example of the sociological imagination is to look at something millions in the world
do every day, drinking a cup of coffee. One must look past drinking coffee as a simple
refreshment and understand its symbolic value in our culture. While drinking alone,
coffee may be a part of your personal routine, often an essential step to start a day.
Later on, individuals may gather at coffee shops or cafes to grab a cup of coffee. Here
one must recognize that the act of socializing or catching up is far more important
than the coffee itself. The next interesting aspect of coffee is that it contains caffeine
and is a habit forming drink. Yet, most societies are accepting of coffee and thus do
not frown upon its consumers. Finally, drinking coffee is a hugely social act since it
links people across the world. Coffee is mainly grown in poorer countries like
Colombia and Brazil and consumed by relatively more affluent countries such as the
United States. Hence, the next time you pick up your cup of coffee, stop and think
about how you are participating in various social relationships and interactions

Stereotypes: A stereotype is a fixed general image or set of characteristics that

a lot of people believe represent a particular type of person or thing. ... If someone is
stereotyped as something, people form a fixed general idea or image of them, so
that it is assumed that they will behave in a particular way.

Stereotypes in Pakistan:
Pakistan remains one of the most male dominated societies in the world, and
women still tend to be portrayed or stigmatised as subordinates. In the patriarchal
culture of Pakistan, women are often limited to doing domestic work and forced to
hide the talents and skills they possess.
Recently, however, more and more women have been breaking stigma and
stereotypes by doing and achieving things traditionally seen as being ‘only for men’.

1. People who can’t read English: They usually called Paindoo although
English is just a language and you cant judge his knowledge and literacy by
not knowing of any language.
2. Dark skin: Not shaadi material and all other slangs usually used for black
3. Men with beards: Shareef, Maulvi OR terrorist.

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