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CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 88S, United Kingdom ‘One Liberty Plaza, 20th Foor, New York, NY 10006, USA 477 Wiliamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia 4843/24, 2nd Foor, Ansar Road, Daryagan, Delhi~ 110002, India 78 Anson Road, #06-4/06, Singapore 073505 (Cambridge University Press is part ofthe University of Cambridge. It furthers the University’s mision by dsseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research atte highest international levels of excellence wawcambridge 019 Information on this tile: www.cambridge org/9781 107465947 (© Cambridge Univesity Press 2016 This publication iin copyright. Subject to statutory exception and 1 the provisions of relevant cllecive licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written ‘permission of Cambridge University ress First published 2016 2019 18 17 16 15 1413 12 11 1098765432 Printed in Malaysia by Vivar Printing ‘A catalogue record fr this publication is avalable fom the British Library |SBN_978-1-107-46596-1 Starter Student’ Book with Online Assessment and Practice, and Online Workbook ISBN 978-1'107-46605-0 Starter Student’ interactive eBook ISBN 978-1-107-46607-4 Starter Student’ interactive eBook with Online Assessment and Practice, and Online Workbook ISBN 978-1-107-46609-8 Starter Teacher's Book ISBN 978-1-107-46597-8 Starter Class Audio CDs (4) ISBN 978-1-107-46601-2 Starter Class DVD ISBN 978-1-107-46608-1 Starter Presentation Plus DVD-ROM ISBN 978-1-107-46614-2 Starter Workbook with Ansivers, with downloadable Audio ISBN 978-1-107-48871-7 Starter Werkbook without Answers, with downloadable Audio Additonal resources for this publication at www. cambridge orglempower Cambridge University Press has no responsiblity for the persistence or accuracy (of URLs for external or third-party internet websites refered to in ths publication, ‘and does not quarante that any content on such websites is, or will main, ‘accurate or appropriate 8.8 CAMBRIDGE @p UNIVERSITY PRESS EMPOWER gTupeNT’s BOOK Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones with Rachel Godfrey Lesson and objective Em Cor Coen Soe Geting started Tak about counties and fags 1" my tei yaulwe counties 1B Takabout people you know ba he she they Nabonaltes; sis / these 1 ane pret now ps Geting started Tek about how many objects people Nave 2A Talcaboutyourhometawn be t5/ tists mon acces Possessive adjectives in! near 28 Talc about posession and Plural nouns: have, Common objets Is common objects alan Numbers 1 20 Ask or ana ave personal Goting stared Ta about the food in a fee 3A. Say what you eat and drink Present spe. Food L ityout wel they 38 Tak about food and meals ‘Adverbs oftequency Food 2: Time: What tine! Woon .. ? ‘30 Order and pay ina Getting staid Tak about who peoole are anc what they do 4A Tac about yur ile andl ask abeut others 48 To about your family Preset simple: Common verbs: study Wn cuestons| Present spe het she # postive Family ard people Numbers 2; Howold.? 46 As and talk abou oh Geting started Talk about an unusual hoe 5A Deserie a town theres! thee are Places ina town postive a te, bis of 5B Tak about hotels and hostels thereis/ thee are: Hotes egalve and questions 5c A about and say where Sour and speling: Long and Syl and word stress | Greeting pert; Meeting new peocke ‘yables and word ste; Main sess, Tene und and spling: hy Sound and sping Doyou...? Main stress in questions Tone in questons Asking fr and ging personal mation Slabs anc word sess; Sound are spling: i, Sour and slg ordering inacate Syladle Sentence Sentence sess Sound ane spling a } Astong and taking, about pcos ‘Sound and speting: fad ty there ist there are, Sound and spel: fn and Sound and speting: Word stress Emphasisng what you say 1 Asking ané saying wher paces are Geting started Tak stout people end obo jobs and routines ; 6A Talk about peo obs Preseat simple: het shed i negative obs; werk ob 88 Tak about daly routines and hobs 180 Make and accent Preset spl: fhe sho/tquestens Daily routine or, fram. 20. Unt cffers Main stress in compound Sou aed pe Corconat grup | Sentence sess Enoasing wat you say 2 ing and accesting cfr ern oo or Wy ‘Aconversaton about who you are Tivee conversations meeting Who you are and where youe fom ther dente ‘Ncanvetstion about peopl in People ina picture tures Fest cay at work ‘Anonine profile Greeting and meeting new people An online prefle; Cepia eters and fll sons pinion Tee conversations about home Thee posts: Our homes Homes and home towns My nome town: towns. ‘inend’s home ‘eanversaton athe airport Possessions; ‘Whats in the bag? Fang 2 new fa ‘personal information form Asking for and ging personal ‘personal nfermaten fer: information ting ‘Aeanversation about fod kes and Thvee fails’ weekly food: Foad Food tkes and dikes opines farone week Thee corversaions about dinner Ante: The number one Saying thet braaiast in ‘Meal times and what you eat nacate Atox message Ordering and paying ina café ‘tent messape Contractions ‘conversation about work rd tavel Ace: Breakfestin Barcelona Work, home and study About you tovork {and lunch in London Pris famous paople and the Photo captions: Your fail ‘amis ‘An international arly Taking about faily photos ‘photo caption Photos ‘Noarersaton aout laces in a town ‘Anatcle: Very bot Vary cout! street in your town ‘Reanversaton ta hostel ecepton A hose review Hotes and stole ‘Questions outa town Looking for astop Anemall Places ina town ‘About your town, andand but it Progre Four peopletak abouttheirjots website: Js intematonal People's obs (Questions about bs envio sbaxikinepines Anata Anau nt stop eens yous andhabts Questor abot ayes rh Avsito the new fat ‘An email about daly ie (Offering to pay for food ard crink An erail about daly life; ‘escauseand also ers Be CEE Vocabulary Poy Soe Geting tated Talk about the clothes on a market sal 7A Talk about things you want o buy this, that, these, those Common objects 2; Sound and spelng af Prices and fi ‘Sound and spetig tis, tat these and those ‘7 Takk about clothes that people Possessive’s ‘otis; Colours: Sound and spel: fan lds) wear Revison of adverbs dark! ight TE Ask about and pay for thins in Joining words ‘Gong shopping shop Geting started Talk about your ast re year BA Tak about post ents Pct cml be Pasttime expressions was! weve ‘8B Descrbeevents inthe past _—~Pastsimple:posive Freetime actnies Sound and spelng: t/a i! '8C Make and respond to suagestions ‘Main stress and tone Making and responding to suggestions ‘Getting started Talk about an interesting holiday ‘9A Tak about evel and holdey Past simpe: negate Transport: go ‘Sound and speting te eter 2; experiences Sentence sss (98 Tak about past holidays Past simple: questions The seasons; Sound and speing: the kiero The weather: he 9¢ Make and respond to requests Sylbles and sping (eting started Tak about communicating on the Internet YOR Tak about your home Present continuous: The home; in/nr ‘Sound and speling postive Sentence sress 108 Ask where people are and whl Preset cotnuous: Pace phrases with Suu ard Spal a they'e doing negative and questions prepostons Main sress in questions 10 Ask oc travel information ‘Sound and speling: a andes! Asking fr travel ‘information (Geting started Tak about a cers expenence IA. Tak about peopes ves Object pronouns Lie events; Years Sound and sping 11 Te about things you know how cantor acy ois; cans cant todo (ery qute) well 1G Tak about opinions Main stress; Consonant groups Taking about opinions (etng started Tak about holiday sans ‘2A Tak about future plans ‘gong to pestve and Months and future time Sentence stress; gong | negative ‘expressions; Ordinal numbers; The date 128 Ask and answer about future gogo questions "Common verbs ana Sound ane spating: ana iw! lens colcatans 20 Make and accept invitations Sound and sping: 0 Making and accepting invitations ‘ramimar Focus p14 Wrting Pas p15 Contents Ee Reading ST iting ‘oonversaton ata market stall Places to go shooping ‘Ata market stall ‘Acomersaton about dé clhes An arc They make colourful The clothes you wear ‘Aaqueston about clothes lth . Inashop ‘An advertisement and an email Going shooping ‘An email reply toan advertisement (Commas, exclamation marks and question marks ss: Tyee conversations about oast events Peoole who trav! for wark Past events Sentences abeut pas even Jane Whites morning aces ‘Astor: Who kiled Lady Grey? Yesterday’ activities Sentences about free time acivies Monday maring at work ‘tank you note Making plans ‘thank you not, Wiring short emai, eters and ites. ‘conversation about a tip to ‘Avebst: Garden camping A past travel experience Sentences about your lst holiday Comba ‘conversation about summer holidays Ady entry: New Year down A past holiday Questions about a past olay tnder AAday tp to Henley Anonline post Asking fr help and responding ‘An oniine post about a tip; Making the oder clear Cities 3 ‘monologue about fla Text messages Present activites ‘text message to fend ve phone cones aul ‘Alain ts your phone always A phone conversation fo make plans An ahi forum comment resent aces on? Ate tain station Ammessage ta tiend ‘Aconvessaion about travel information A message asking for information, Word order in questons ‘Acmersaton about Vatertna Anartce: They ware the fst! Past fe events Sentences about past fe events Tereshhcxe ‘Nconversaliat ata ad ‘An ari: Rea ie Xen Your abana ‘auestons about abies axerisorent Sophias fat Anemal toa frend Interesting paces to vist in Anemal toa frend; town ty Pronouns ai [Tice comesations about summer ATV programme review: Outside Your next oldey Nis about holiday plans and hoicay pans the comiort zone ‘everyiay actives ‘Tho conmerssions about weekend An article: Uniy 400 wackends Your future plans Questions about future plans ans in your ite ta cine party Invitations ana replies Inviting teen ‘An inutation and a rep, a Phonemic symbols and regular verbs p. 165 ‘Board game p.165-167 Classroom language Listen and read. Read = ‘ei = = c -= 1: Look at the pictures. = Work in pairs. —— een ed fy MURA Met reer rer the sentences in the table, be: I / you / we positive and ae yeu questions mit. (= !am land? We from the USA How —— you? Listen, Then say Hi, I’m ... 0 Hello, I'm ... and say your name. = Now go to Grammar Focus 1A Part 1 on Hi, rm Ruben. Long and short sounds 1 fo the words, Notice the long (—) and short alm bWere ctom the 2 2 Practise saying the words. Practise the conversations in 1b. t= Workin ston oe wT fork in groups of th e Conversation 2. = Work with a new partner. Practise Conversation 3, Read and listen to conversations 1-3. Match the conversations with groups Practise the conversations in 1b again. Use your of people a-c in the picture below. own name — 1 2 3 V Hi, 'm Vilma. What's your H Hell, I'm Haru L Hi, Ruben, How are you? name? K Him Katy R Hi Li Im fine. How are your? ae eee Eee V Hi, Camila. Nice to meet you H Ave you from England? ) sounds. unit 1% PALISTENING AND GRAMMAR be: 1 / you / we negative on alistsaito b Complete the sentences in the table. the conversation. Choose the z as correct answers. Positive (+) Negative ABA gfueiynu Sasha? Tima student. (= (am) im. a-student. (= /am nat pe es het et We trom England. (= we are) | We arent fem England, (= we are nat CLARA Hi, I'm Clara SASHA Oh, hi Are you a student here? aSRA) No ick @ staderds liye © B Now go to Grammar Focus 1A Part 2 on p.114 teacher! ‘SASHA Oh ... sorry. Read the sentences. Make them true for you. 1 Sasha is: 1 I'ma student. 4 tim Laura, ‘a astudent, b a teacher. 2 We're teachers. 5 We're from Tokyo. 2 Clara iss 3. I'm from England. a astudent. b a teacher @ © Tell a partner your sentences in 2d. Are they the same? VOCABULARY AND READING Countries a @NWA Match the countries in the box with maps 1-8. Listen and check “the UK China the USA Spain Japan Russia Brazil Mexico b @ima Complete the sentences with the correct country. Listen __¢ > Now go to Vocabulary Focus 1A on p.132 and check. Choose a city and a country in 3a. Write it STUDENT GROUP ona piece of paper. OU Moscow, Russia @ 2B Give your piece of paper to the teacher and take a new one. Try to find the student with the information on your piece of paper. ‘Are you from Russia? No, 'm not. tm from Mexico. EASPEAKING B Communication 1A Student A go to p.103, Student B go to p.108. 1 34 ee Le VALET Nationalities Do you know the people in pictures a-h? ‘Ask your partner. ‘Do you know Maria ‘Sharapova? Match the nationalities with pictures a-h. Almerlijean Chinese Mexlijcan Ru|ssian Spa|nish Britlish Japlan|ese Bralzillilan isten to the words in 1b. re in each word? a Almer|ilcan = 4 sylables Listen and notice the stressed syllable. Listen to the words in 1b again. Underline the stressed syllables. Then listen and repeat go to Vocabulary Focus 18 on EAGRAMMAR be: he / she / they positive @ @IMA Match 1-3 with a-c. Listen and check. Maria Sharapova isa tennis player. Shinji Kagawa Is a football player. Bob and Mike Bryan are tennis player, He's Japanese They're American. She's Russian b Complete the table. ie she is she's hes 1 they are © D/Now go to Grammar Focus 1B Part 1 on p.114 d Write two sentences about 1-3, 1 Rafael Nedal 2 LNe 3. Javier Hernandez and 10 Ochoa ¢ (Tell a partner your sentences in 2d. Are they the same? LISTENING a @iE Read and listen to Liz talk about the people on her winter holiday. Complete 1-6 with the words in the box. American Alexander Penny Russian Mexican Anna Uz Thisis! MARK Is she Spanish? UZ No, she isn't Spanish. She's MARK OK. And who's this? Uz Thisis® MARK Is he Brazilian? UZ No, he isn't Brazilian, He's“ MARK Oh, really. UZ And these are my friends, *__and Simon. They're married, MARK Are they English? UZ No, they aren't English. They're ® from New York. unit 1% Ea GRAMMAR be: he / she / they negative and questions @ Complete the tables with the words in the box, they isn't is are She's Russian She Russian. Theyre Chinese. | They Chinese | b B Now go to Grammar Focus 1B Part 2 on p.114 ¢ @HEM Complete the sentences. Listen and check. 1A he Mexican? §—-3 A he Chine B No, i 20 they aa they Brazilian? American? B No, B Yes, DA he British? B cs, d Cm Practise saying 1-5 in 4c with a partner. Language Plus this / these e Tis is Ana A tia one penn © © 4 Meese ryions Peary ant sin an aa these = two or more people EA SPEAKING B Communication 18 Student A go to p.103 Student B go to p.108. Everyday English ATR ORUCT8 0) EELISTENING Look at picture a, Is she in a new place? b @ea Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your answer in 1a, sentences with words in the box. Hi Good morning RECEPTIONIST ____, Electric Blue Technology. SOPHIA —_, my name's Sophia Taylor, It's my ist day EAUSEFUL LANGUAGE Greeting people @ Complete 1-3 with the words in the box. ‘evening morning afternoon b @lEa Pronunciation Listen. How many syllables are in) he words anid expressions? bi) goad |morlning ood levelning © GHEE Listen to the words and expressions in 2b again. Underline the stressed syllables. d CW Look at the times with a partner. Use the correct expressio 1 8pm 3 1am 2 3pm 10 pm 5 6am Good moming. IED Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Complete the eee aca cons eons EI LISTENING AND USEFUL LANGUAGE Meeting new people 1 @ GHB Watch or listen to Part 2. Sophia meets the manager of Electric Blue Technology. What's his name? 1 dane Ci oarren Ol vavia b Clea Listen to the sentences. Underline the words you hear. Are both options in 1-2 possible? 1m My name's Sophia Taylor. 2 Fm! My name's Davi © ©E Pronunciation Listen and notice the main stress. A How are you? B im good, thank you. And you? A Tm fine, thanks. 4 Ch Practise the conversation in 3c with a partner, € @\EW Put the expressions in the table. Listen and check tm fine, thanks. 'm OK, thank you. Oh, not bad, thanks. I'm good, thank you [no Er) f CW Practise the conversation in 3c again, but change roles and use expressions in 3e to reply. ALISTENING AND USEFUL LANGUAGE Meeting new people 2 a @IIEIM Watch or listen to Part 3. Are Sophia and Megan friends? b Cx the correct MEGAN WN 2 2 DAVID So, 3 MEGAN OK. So, .. this is wer. hi ¢ @IIEA Put the conversation in the correct or Listen and check. [UMEBAN Nice tom [Bi sopaia Nice to meet you, ] DAVID. This is Megar d CB Work in groups of three. Practise the jersation in 4c. Use your names. This is Hassan. EXPRONUNCIATION Tone J 2 @©am Listen to phrases 1-5. Does the tone ange or stay the same >? Hel 3m wel 5 Thank you et yOu. b @uEH Listen to the phrases in 5a again and repeat Watch or listen to Part 3 again. Underline Nice to meet you, Hassan. unit 1° GA SPEAKING ‘a @HED Complete the conversation. Listen and check. LARISSA Hi AMIRA Good evening KARL Helo. LARISSA I'm Larissa and this |_ Amira KARL Nice to meet you. I'm Karl AMIRA Nice to” you too. How are you? KARL I'm good. A 2 MIRA nf LARISSA I'm b (2B Work in groups of three. Practise the conversation in 6a. Use your names. WRITING @ Read Sophia's profile. What information about her is new? ELECTRIC BLUE TECHNOLOGY: era ce ec Hi, my name's Sophia Taylor. I'm from Toronto in Canada. I'm in an office with Megan Jackson. b B Now go to Writing Plus 1C on p.154 for Capital letters and full stops, © Write a profile about you and your English class. Here are some ideas: HiHello. my Ir Read other students’ profiles. Is everyone from the same place? BAO tia scr U N IT 1 b Complete the nationalities. Review I GRAMMAR @ Underline the correct answer. _ re 1 Hello, m/are Anna. 3 You am not/ ar ‘a teacher. = Se eeetenael 5 Where are you / you are? SS Pe Sea ansitars ae HS b Add is, isn't, are or aren't 1 ‘s your name Sandy? ‘No, it___ 2 “Are aver Hernandea and Gullrmo Ochoa from Mexico aE “es, they 3 ‘Is Rafae! Nad: 3 Amer ents tea a SOUND AND SPELLING a ©MEM Do these words have long (~) or shot (") sounds? Write — or. Precise saying the words : Yes, they are. Are your friends football players?” ‘No, the your teacher English?” ‘No, she ¢ CW Ask and answer the questions in 1b, 1 were ais 7 trom 4 Correct the sentences. ‘ 2 he 5 you're 8 she > They’ Spanish They/rs Speci 3it 6 rot 1 No, he arent from China. 4 What your name? 2 You are 0} 5 Inot am Brazilian b ©lBEA Look at the information in the table, 3 Yes, |are 6 Who she? | i fans Russia are | Flvocasutary us ae | Write the names of the countries. ee oe room morning | right atternoon | Bra chait © MEA Tick (¥) the sentences with a /r/ sound. Practise saying the sentences. 1 tm right 5 [she's trom Braz 2 E)He'sa teacher 6 [1 The chairs are small 3 [Good morning 7 E)How are you? 4 Ey This is my room 8 []laure’s American. meal RC ea ayy How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective. 1 itnaBir 3=very well 2=well 1 = not so well 2 asiRsu 3 ipSans ase z 4 hican say my name and country ee talk about people | know ESHA) 1 Talk about your home town SRR ee Ly uct Dee ea is Aaa yy eR Ce aa Pes ae) ee Coe sa EELISTENING a @IEA Match the words in the box with pictures a-c. Listen and check. city » nich are you from? b ma Listen and mat the names in the box. h pictures 2 ¢ with “Katia Yuri Carlo ¢ ME Listen again. Complete the sente with the words in the box. i502) it its init (2) Conversation 1 Al: abig city B No, no. it acity Conversation 2 A a big city B Yes, Conversation 3 AS itaciy B No,it EAGRAMMAR be: it’s / it isn’t @ Complete the table with itor i's 0 isin Italy in = | Ravello isnt in Russi Ri fh Complete the sentences with ha’s, she’s ar it's 1 a's from Ravello inlay. a village near Napk Yale's from Vyborg 3 Ricardo's Spanish i 4 Akito's from Soka in Japan small city near Tokyo. Selim’s from Bursa in Tu __ big city near Istanbul © @MEM Listen and ct dB Now go to Grammar Focus 2A lon p.116 Language Plus in/ near Naples isin tat. Ravello is mear Naples. @ Write sentences about you. fron lesa (ul EA READING AND VOCABULARY Common adjectives a @im Read and listen to Our homes. Complete the table. home ae 5 Migue! Carlo Pietro and yuri Nina Sound and spelling hi 1 CEB Listen tothe words, Which word has no hv sound? home i who what how hotel 2 2 Practise saying the words with /h ¢ @lEH Complete the sentences with the the box. Listen and check ords big small old new 1 B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 2A on p.13: EAGRAMMAR Possessive adjectives @ Read Our homes again. Complete the table. Pronoun | Possessive adjective you My flat is in a new part of Santiago. It's very big. My friend Miguel is from Pomaire. It’s a beautiful village near Santiago. This is his home - it's a small house. KATIA Coe a) eee acs ee Eu) eee a a Peeeierneed My home is a ‘small house in an old part of \Vyborg. My friend Nina is from St Petersburg, This Isher nome. I's a ‘small flat and it's old and beautiful, ‘YURI b Complete the sentences. 1 Javier is from Barcelona, me isin a 2 Are you from Berlin? Where's flat 3 Wette from B 4 is from England, 1m Mexico Ci f Pedro and Eva are © B Now go to Gram d Complete the-sentences about a friend. My friend is from His / Her home i @ Cire a partner about your trend's nome SPEAKING 1B Communication 2A Student A go to p.103. Student B go to p.109. Student C go to p.113. x es ||) NONE eee ee ee al yeaa Common objects 1 Plural nouns Match in the M O in picture a with the box. Listen mplete the table Singular (= 1) Plural (= 24 in the box in 1a. Ask a partner jects in the picture. ‘What's this? tsa watch. abulary Focus Most nouns add -s in the plural. How are the plurals on of and knife different? d Sound and spelling /s/, /z/ and /rz/ 1 @MHEA Listen and practise these sounds. Which word fas an extra sylabe in the plural? 1 is/books 2 /2/keys 3. /tz/ watches 2 HEB Listen to these words. Which word has an extra glee n he plura? Listen again and repeat knives bottles tickets apples villages phones ¢ CB Work in pairs. Student A: Say a singular word, Student B: say the plural Then swap roles. f B/Now go to Grammar Focus 2B on p.116 GRAMMAR have a @NED Look at the X-ray picture and complete the conversation. Listen and check. A Whats in your bag? B Mm, thave a'b, ‘and my k___s, and an 1k Do you have a p__? 8B Yes, On, and a%____of w. Sony! fei: b @HED Listen to the forms of have. [ita book lg you havea bac? © © Pronunciation Listen again. Do the words do and you have a long (—) or a short (%) sound? Practise saying the sentences. 1 SB Ask a partner about objects 1-5 in 3a. Ask about: 1 bern cls 2 athome Doyounave en ING umbrella here? Do you have an umbrella athome? unit 2° VOCABULARY Numbers 1 a © Listen and repeat the numbers. En Ea gs Big mh go mm b Match the words in the box with numbers 1-12 in 4a, three two nine four eight eleven six one ten twelve five ¢ CW Work in pairs. Student A: say a number. Student B: say the next number The swap tules. d B Communication 2B Student A go to p.104. Student B go to p.108. @ B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 2B Numbers 1 on p.146 SPEAKING @ Write three things you have in your bag. a b SX Guess what is in your partner's bag. mreenen se Dovainecsiats! EE CAA What's your address? Think about a good home for you. Tick Cahouse 300 fk ina viloge 4] near a park inacity (Fi near shops Tell a partner about your home in 1a. ‘A good home for Watch or listen to Part 1. Answer the questions. 2. What kind of home does Sophia need, a Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Tick (¥) the correct answe me a D1 Talor > C1 Tayor 2 Her address in Lond 2 C1] Alpha Hotel > C1 Alta Hote! 3” Her phone number: s (] 07832674893» [1] 07832647893 Asking for and giving personal information Underline the correct answer. Listen and check. 1A What's your surname? B fts/ IMF Aa B f's/ tS on 7 King Street 3. A What's your phone number? 8 50124 A What's your ema a 8 Listen to the answers to question in 2a again. Tick (¥) the correct answer. 1 a [1] ch-ene-twofourth » Fy] on-welve-fourt » Ci enrsobi ceca Underline the correct word, Listen and check your answer. RACHEL SOPHIA TAYLOR, and 4 ive-wo-seven-three-eigh five-wo-seven-three-cigh hia Taylor. What! Howdo you spel that? 20 Listen to the questions. Notice the main stress in each question. 1. How do you spell that? 2 Can you spel that? Listen again and repeat, Now go to Writing Plus 2C Part 1 o for The alphabet. ‘Ask a partner his / her surname, Then ask how to spell it. Student A go to Student B go to LISTENING 4 ©§HH Watch or listen to Part 2. What does Sophia think? Tick (/) the correct sentence. 1 [1 The fat’ realy nice. 2 Ey The fiat in’ very nic. PRONUNCIATION Tone in questions ‘@ iE Listen to the questions. Does the tone go up Zor down Wat the end? 1 What's your surname? 2 Whats your phone number © Listen again and repeat the questions ¢ © Practise asking the questions with a partner. Then listen and check the tone 1 What's your address? 3. What’ the spelling? 2 Where are you from? EASPEAKING 4 Ch Talk to different students, Ask about: * names (frst name and surname) * phone number = address = email address ‘Write down the information. Ask about the spelling. What's your uaa I's Mishkin, an you spell that, please? unit 2° b @imrs Watch or listen to Part 2 again. Tick (7) the correct information about the flat. 1D smal! Obie 2 v0 fo 1 000 fortwo people 3 [near a supermarket [J near a park ‘one person writing @ Read about Sophia. What's the new information? Local Rentals: customer information Fistaane: Sumame: ee ipha Hotel High Street meetin em 07632 647803 cd ophiat@electricbluecom 'b BD Now go to Writing Plus 2C Part 2 on p.154 for Spelling. © Complete the form with your information. Local Rentals: customer information Berean rane Cd od — — — UNIT 2 Review GRAMMAR @ Correct the underlined word. Its big houses. They're This is Kata and this is she hi Excuse me! Is this you bag?" Yes, itis! Thank you 3 Hiro’s from Soka, She's a small ity i Japan 4 Itnot a big fiat. 5 They live in Madrid, This is they home. 6 ‘Hi, we're from New York. We city is big b Complete the sentences with the plural form of the nouns in brackets. 1 Theyre my (key) 2 Ave they your ___? (knife) 3 Ihave two (watch 4 Ave they ol ? (battle of water) 5 Oxford and Cambridge are in the UK. (city) 6 ere are the 7 (book) © Complete the sentences with the words in the box. are his is th they'te it’s isn’t 1 I'm from Ravello. in ttaly 2 Themen 3 ‘Are they big houses? ‘Ye avilage ____ my books. 2S Ea 6 This is John and this is eat 7” 'Is Madtid in Italy? ‘No, it EA VOCABULARY @ Match 1-6 with the opposite adjectives in the box. ng difficult good happy old smeH wrong > big emai 1 easy 2 bad 3 right ae 4 sad interesting 6 new b Complete the crossword with the objects in pictures 1-8. SOUND AND SPELLING @ @HWA Look at the words in the box. Is the final sound /si, ia or /iz/? Complete the table. Practise saying the words. ‘phones villages keys addresses houses flats umbrellas tickets books computers i b @ilkia Tick (V7) the words with a /h/ sound. Practise saying the words, O hetto Os how waten her i home (who ( rapoy lor CJhouse El she Oi rent Bhs Cwnere 5] phone Beal ACU ea Ut aSy How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective. 3=very well 2=well 1 = not so well ICAN... talk about my home town talk about possessions and common objects ask for and give personal information ooo fi) Do you like fish? Lear to say what you eat and drink ee ea rel EE VOCABULARY Food 1 a Gla Match pictures 1-7 with the words in the box. Then listen and check. “fruit rice meat bread vegetables eges fish b © Pronunciation Listen to the words in 1a again Which word has more than one syllable? Underline the stressed syllable. ¢ CB Say two things you like ©. {ike fruit and | like fish Sound and spelling fi, '/ and /av 1 @IMRA Listen and p ise these sounds, 1 fiymeat 2 Avfish 3 fau/Tm 2 ©MEA What sound do the marked letters have in the words in the box? Listen and add the words to the sound groups below. big eat nine sister its me China is teacher Hi Sound 2// | Sound 3 /au 3 Clb Practise saying the words, © BD Now go to Vocabulary Focus 3A on p.142 24 EAREADING AND GRAMMAR Present simple: I / you / we / they positive and negative @ Which words in 1a can you see in pictures 1-3? Which word isn’t in the pictures? b @itmm Read and listen to texts a-c. Match them with | the families in pictures 1-3, | FOO FOR ONE WEEK @ by ‘Pney oat alot of trust and vegetables every. ay. And they eat meat ‘with rice. They like ‘They eat meat ana 66s every day, but they don’t eat fish. ‘And they don’t eat eggs, but they don’t ‘vegetables, but eat bread or fish. They) they eat fruit. They’ don’t Like Ash. really like bread. |) “/) _ hey eat a lot of rice and ‘vegetables. They like fruit and they | eat bread. They don’t eat fish or meat. They are vegetarians, unit 3 eet te table LISTENING AND GRAMMAR Present simple: Fr 1/you / we / they questions 1 | eat | meat. | | cat | meat,| _@ GAED Listen to a conversation with Rajit Beh ika) tohe | Yet tke | sh Tick (¥) the food he eats. Beis ne The J Wives LD vegetabies Oy mest Ditisn Orie Chit a Underline the correct words. yrs 1 The Tang family eat f don’t eat fish. b GEA Listen again. Complete the } 2 The Ruz amily ext/ con't eat bread conversation. 3. The Donat family lke don't ke meat Aaj, what do you eatin a week? 44 The Tang family eat/ cont eata lt of ees. B Oh lots of things, | eat rice every day, and bread. | eat alot of 5 The Donati family ike don't ike vegetables fruit. eat fish At you eat @ CB Which family’s food would you like to have for a B No, | don't like meat, week? Why? ‘A Doyou*___ vegetables? B Ohyes, like vegetables. | cata lot of vegetables, ‘A Do you’__ them every day? B Yes. They'te very good for me, ¢ © Complete the questions in the table. Then listen and check eat fish Vdontteat ish. | —_you—_—_fish? | We like tru. | We don'tike tut. you mut? d B Now go to Grammar Focus 3A on p.116 @ CW Practise the conversation in 3b witha partner. | a Clb Ask and answer questions with a partner. Complete the table with their answers EASPEAKING Do you eat meat? Yes 1d) Do you eat bread every “CER Do you like fish? Ee [rerner | evey day? | We? | bread | | vegetables i = T (eas z ae b CB Write words for three drinks. Then ask your partner questions, Do you drink cola? © Bo you tke mike V 25 Ee jae ioe eee ee ley eet oy Cm aN es | For my breakfast, | have Tick (V) the boxes about your breakfast. i No YES NO | Talk about your answers in 1a with a w Fines Bread ‘rit Ihave coffee | don't have Ice cream. a | v old pizza nothing 2 | Vie Look at the pictures. What's the | number one breakfast in the UK? z Food 2; Time Match sentences 1-3 with pictures ane 1 Thave lunch at twee fo 2. They have dinner at sit / seven oclck 3: In my family we have breakfast at seven ight o'clock | Dirt = Fuk, 2 € : | So @ Di toast Dieses Read the text and find the answer to lc. ‘TLE NUMBER ONE BREAKFA‘ Inthe UK, people lke different food for breakfast. They sometimes eat a hot breakfast with eggs, but toast is the | number one breaktast food. The number two breakfast food is cereal with cold milk and number three is fruit. What's the number one breakfast food in your country? What's the number one drink? 26 b B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 3B Food 2 on p.143 ¢ @lMEA Listen to sentences 1-3 in 2a. Underline the correct words. 1 @Ama Watch the clocks with the times. Listen and check [1 te) quarter past four Li fouro'tock 1 ta) quarter to five ha past four @ (2 Point to a clock in 2d for a partner to say the time. f B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 3B Time on 9.146 Sound and spelling /a:/ and /o:/ 1 GHG Listen and practise these long sounds. 1 fay’ past naif = 2 /otf four quarter 2 @IED What sound do the marked letters. have in the words in the box? Listen and add the words to the sound groups below. class all father afternoon water daughter Sound 1 ia Sound 2 iat! past four 3 OB Practise saying the words h Communication 3B Student A go to p.103. Student B go to p.108. | LISTENING a MM Listen to three people talk about dinner. Match 1-3 with a country in the box. Poland Spain the USA Russia Mexico China b © Listen again. Complete the table. Name | Dinner time He Julie Misha Bianca ¢ CW Do you like the same food as Julie, Misha and Bianca? GRAMMAR Adverbs of frequency a @IKA Listen and complete the sentences with the words in the hax ‘always usually sometimes never 1 JULIE We ___ have rice with meat and vegetables, 2 MISHA | have dinner early 3 BIANCA People have dinner early in Spain. 4 BIANCA | have bread and cheese. b Complete 2 and 4 with words in the box in 4a. 1. always (100%) 3. sometimes (60%) 2 Ene) Bee 0s) © B Now go to Grammar Focus 3B on p.118 d Put the words in brackets in the correct place in the sentences, 1 | have breakfast at 9:00 at weekends. (sometimes) 2 Ihave a sandwich for lunch. (usually) 3 Ihave breakfast. (never) 4. In the evening, | have dinner at about 7:00. (always) @ © Which sentences in 4d are true for you? Language Plus What time ... ?/ When .. ‘What time do you have dinner? = When do you have dinner? EA SPEAKING Answer questions 1~4. Write another question with your awn idea, 1. Inthe morning, do you eat breakfast? 2 Inthe evening, do you eat a big meal? 3 What time do you have lunch? 4, What do you eat for lunch? b (Ask and answer the questions in 5a with other students, Who has the same answers 2s you? ARDEA aU I'd like a cup of tea, please Sentence stress What food on the menu do you like? Tell a Listen partner. the same? 3. Is the pronunciation of of ia é ae = Cm Listen otese press. Wich oer word SANDWICHES: SN a cup of coffee a piece of banana cake ee | 9 Practise s ying the phrases in 2b. Pres eae Ko Work in pairs. Practise more phrases with a cup! aglass | a piece of ... . Use the menu in i pe la or yo fees see Listen. This word has two syllables: fle Which words have two syllables? Listen and dl sandwich banana orange tomato Listen to the words in 1b again. Underline stressed syllable, Practise saying the words in 1b with a partner. Find 1-3 in pictures a 1 apiece of chocolate cake 2 Watch or listen. Put pictures a-c in the correct order Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true or false? Sophia has a new flat 2 Sophia has a cup of tea Sophia likes her ta 4 The text message is from Sophia's cousin, 28 EX USEFUL LANGUAGE Ordering and paying in a café a ©M Listen and complete the sentences. 1 MEGAN 2 SOPHIA up of coffe a cup of tea, a cup ofc and a piece af chocolate cake, © Listen again and repeat. NED Put the words in the correct order. Listen and check 1 have/1/ cup of can / coffee / please ? 2 please / an egg sandwich, /' lke 3 two/ can / have / we /lomato sandwiches ? Practise saying the sentences in 3b with a partner. © Put the conversation in the correct order. Listen and check LA cheese sandwich, pease 7 of course. Thats £6.00, please. certain, And to eat? TD Here you are. 5] can 1 have a ass of cola, please? 1) Thank you 2 Practise the conversation in 3d with a partner. Change the drink, food and price. Can have @ cup of tea, please? unit 3% a] EA SPEAKING a Cb Work with a partner. Student A: you work in a café, Student B: you're a customer. Use the menu on .28 and the conversation map below. A 8 GO reo rains (2 drink) can. ? —“e Here you are. b Ca swap roles and repeat the conversation. EA WRITING @ Read the text message. Who is it from? Who is it for? Hi, James. I'm ina café ‘with Sophia. She's b B Now go to Writing Plus 3C on p.155 for Contractions. © Write a text message to a friend. Here are some ideas: Hi I'm ... (atschool/ at work in a café in @ restaurant) with He's/ She's .. (Spanish / a student/ very nice) Talk (to you) / See you soon J later. 1 Read a partner's text message. Who does he / she write about? UNIT 3 Review EE GRAMMAR 4 Write present simple sentences and questions with the words and phrases. > (© M/have / lunch at home. don’: have lunch at hom 1 Q) you/like / eggs 2 (+) we /eat / bread every day. 3 ()1/ drink juice 40) wa Feat / mest 5 (+) you tke / fruit 6 () they /eat /fish b Underline the correct answer. 1 Always 1/ always have a sandwich for lunch. 2 drink someti 3 eat usu ly eat lunch 4 | never! never don't drink milk 5 Never !have! | never have dinner al 6 I dort sureties | sureties dou ave breahlast sometimes dr ¢ ©2® Are the sentences in 1b true or false for you? Tell a partner. Correct the sentences. > 1 ot ke i Idonttlke rice No, we nat do, Always | have breakfast. We not eat fish, drink usually water 5 You like tea? Yes, do | EA VOCABULARY @ Complete the groups with words in the box. coffee dinner fish cakes juice banana 1 water, milk, 2 tea, 3. orange, appl, 4. breakfast, lunch see 5 meat, og, 6 ‘ice cream, biscuits, b C2 Which is your favourite group in 2a? 30 © Look at 1-6 in the picture and complete Une [vod word b ae SOUND AND SPELLING (IMD Which sounds are the marked letters — i, i or /ai/? Tick (V) @ or b. Practise saying the sentences > Wsa 1 Tea, please. 3 We drink milk a Oli 2] saw fa i o Dari b Diva 2 Ud ke icecream 4 Rice is nk Jai a fal i a) fav ja te Ey iv fi i fa b Dy fv haf SIAM Tick (/) the words with the /at/ sound. Practis saying the words. 1 C1 water 5 C1 potato eae 6 DJ orange: 3 LD glass 7 D auarter 4 Cl morning a Oal Bea AAC aaa) How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective 3=very well 2=Wwell 1 1 CAN say what leat and drink talk about fod and meals arder and pay ina cae 1t 50 well ae VBI M Is) ae Ey 1 Talk about your life and ask about others’ 4 —— N HT Pee Le ie cry U Ase aas gtd ere ee | mH EVO SC eg Common verbs Match sentences 1-5 with pictures 2-e. Listen and check. 1 | study at university 4 We live in Landon 2 work in an office 5 We gp to the gym 3. | speak Japanies ety ay. Which sentences in 1a are true for you? Now go to Vocabulary Focus 4 on Read Matt's blog. Which sentence is true? 1 ‘ive and | work in Lona: 2 ‘Vive in Barcelona and | wor 3 ‘I speak Spanish very well Read Matt's blog again. What does he say about these things? 1. fats in Londor 4 number of days at work 2 flats in Barcelor (in Barcelona} number of days at work 5. Spanish classes (in London 6 Barcelona What do you think of Matt's life? study = study Write sentences about you. v ork / etud lay Enalioh Tell a partner your sentences in 2d. 32 TTS Wae ea HERE'S HIS STORY: | work in London. Flats are very expensive there. In Barcelona, in Spain flats aren't very expensive and they‘ nice and big. So | workin London, but live in Barcelona fly from Barcelona to London on Monday. | work there for three days and | stay with my sister. Then | ly to Barcelona again and | work at home two days a week. | don't speak Spanish very well, so! study Spanish ata language school and | goto classes on Saturday. | love Barcelona ~its a beautiful city and i's great to lve here! EALISTENING 4 ©HM Listen to Tom and Miriam. Who lives in ‘Auckland but works in Wellington? again. Underline the correct answers. b Om |i She is isn't martied, 5 Miriam and Bernardo speak English / Portuguese togeth GRAMMAR a @EM Complete the questi Yes\No questions work at hon Wh- questions Wher you live? When you have dinner What you study at university and check: 1 you work /do in an office ? 2 do! where / you work stressed words 4c again and repeat. 10% Oe EA SPEAKING Communication 4A Student A go to p.104. Student B go to p.109 Present simple: Wh- questions b DB Now go to Grammar Focus 4A on p.118 ¢ ©iBMa Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Listen d @iEMD Pronunciation Listen to the questions in 4c again. Notice the @ @EMD Tick (v) the words we stress. Then listen to the questions in { Cb Ask and answer the questions in 4c with a partner She has a sister and PRUs Match sentences 1-6 with pictures a-f 1 stars and brothers, Liam and is Hemsworth, ‘olombian pop otball player Cristiano Ronaldo {8 @ boy with his father and his two Sister. 4 Hillary Clinton with her husband, Bill Clinton, and their daughter will Smith with his wife, Jada, and ee childres 1ge Clooney as a chil ister, Adelia, and his ar Shakira with 6 Listen and check. What other things do you know about the people in the pictures? Family and people Complete the table. Use words from 1a Now go to Vocabulary Focus 4B Family and people on 1 Usten and practise this sound, mothe father ae wie 2 usually spelled th, Listen to the words and repeat. this that father they brother the Which word in the sentences in 1a means ... ? tise saying the words, 1_mother and father 2 Look at the family tree. Which people ... 2 have a brother 4 have a child / children Work in pairs. stu fom the family tree ‘Student 8: ask questions to guess who Student A is A: choose a persor Then swap roles ‘Are you married? Do you have children? 34 @ Read An international family. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Pablo and Alicia have two small children, 2 Maria is married and lives in Turkey. 3 Only Pablo and Alicia live in Mexico. Pablo and Alicia Moreno are married. Pablo is from Spain ‘and Alicia is from Buenos Ares, in Argentina, but they live in New York. Their family is very international! ‘Alicia has a sister and a brother. Her sister Daniela is 46. She lives in Buenos Aires and her mother lives there too. Her brother Carios is 37. He lives in Brazil and he works in S80 Paulo, Alicia and Pablo have two children. Their son Alex is 19, He's at university in Mexico ‘and he lives there too. Their daughter Maria i824. She lives in Istanbul with her Turkish husband, Mehmet. unit 4% b Where do they live? Write the names of countries. 4 Mai 5 Mehme! © Daniela is forty-six. How old are ... ? (Write the numbers in words.) 1 Carla 2 Alex 3 Maria Language Plus How old ... ? How old is she? She's 25. How old are hor chron? They're three and five Note: We use be not hae toa about ope n 4 D Now go to Vocabulary Focus 4B Numbers 2 on p.146 €¢ CW Write the names of three famous people. How old are they? If you don't know, guess! Read out the names. What do other students think? Madonna. EA GRAMMAR Present simple: he / she / it positive Look at the verbs in the table and answer the questions. Te How aie ais dnt in! af ees? 2 Hows has diferent we youTiney [Re she A 8 {work nan ofc. | He work in Sto Paul | Weave wo chicren. | Shetae a sister end a RH |S eae cae b Complete the sentences with verbs from 4a, 1 He inan office, 2 He ‘at home with his parents. 3 Her mathe: tin New York © DB Now go to Grammar Focus 4B on p.118 d B Communication 4B Student A go to p.103. Student B go.to p.109. EASPEAKING a ©} Tell your partner about your family. Use the verbs in the box. Listen, but don’t make notes. have go study live work » Ca say what you remember about your partners family re you corect? 35 SUNS ri aT Cm AUN Look at picture a and answer the fatch or listen to Part 1. Are your ideas Watch or listen to Part 2. Answer the questions. atch or listen to Part 2 again and check your answers. cousin teacher hotel make puters Jackie has two gil, Kylie an Megan has a brother, Mike. He works with & _. Meg: ne's the manager of @ Talk about a favourite photo of your family Who's in it? USEFUL LANGUAGE Asking and talking about photos Look at expressions 1~7 from Part 2, Do we use them to... ? a. ask about photos b talk about your photos ¢¢ talk about another person's photos, 1 This is my mother. 2 Doyou have photos of your family? 3 Nice picture! 4 Can |see them? 5 Who's this? 6 They're lovely 7 This is my sister, Jacke. (© Look at expressions 1-4. Are they in group a, b or c in 2a? Listen and check your answers in 2a and 2b. 1 This isa picture of my town, 2 Ws realy rive. 3 Do you have any pictures of your home? 4 These are my friends, Sayeed and Mona SEEM Pronunciation Listen to the sentence. Answer the questions. Listen ‘again and repeat. ‘This is my mother. 1 Do the first two words join? 2 Is the pronunciation of sthe same in this and is? (BEI Complete the conversation with expressions in the box. Listen and check. Great photo! He's funny. o you have any photos of your friends? Can | see them? Yes, I do ‘And this is me with my friend, Emilio. Yes, 1 know Emilio, B You're right — he's really funny. A E a B Sure. This is a photo of my friend, Marco. A 8 A © CW Practise the conversation in 2d. Take turns to be A and B. EX PRONUNCIATION Sound and spelling: /if/ and /¢5/ @ ©HEA Listen and practise these sounds. 1 Aff teapher picture 2 (gi ma b @lBEH Listen to the marked sounds in the words. Which one is different in each group? 1 chips jeans question 2 large jod choose 2 orange cheap match 4 page cheese Germany © CW Practise saying the words in 3b. ‘SPEAKING BD Communication 4C Student A go to p.105. Student B go to p.109, EAWritiNG Read Sophia's information about her sister. What information is new? This is my sister Jackie with her two beautiful daughters, Kylie and i's very nice, Her They're a great family ‘Amanda, They live in a new house in Toronto — husband Tom ig't there, because i's his photo! b BD Now go to Writing Plus 4C on p.155 for Word order. © Write about your photo from 1f. Here are some ideas: He's / She's / Theyre This is my... with They live... I's nice / lovely / great! Read about your partner's photo. How many people does he / she write about? ———————— Beta cya od UNIT 4 Review GRAMMAR Look at the words and write present simple questions. where /you sive Where doo) what / your name when f you / have lunch 3. what time / you / go to work where / your friends / from what / you / study where / your scticol ‘Clb Ask and answer the questions in La. Correct the underlined words. > My son lke football. kee 1 Yoshi work in Beri. 2 Our daughter eat rice every d 3 My city haves two univer Naif go to school at 8:30. My dad teachs Spanish. My brother studys Russian. nderline the correct answer. 1 When are/ 's/ do you work? 2 Marla is five five lives in Istanbul 3. Where are/ is do you from? 4 What are/S/ do you have for breakfast? What are/ is/ do thelr names? 6 What time do you gos / go goesto school? VOCABULARY Cross aut the answer which is NOT possible. > work in a factory! in an office | nis 1 I meet my friends for coffee / o the ey 2 play home fot 3 live in tatiana smal 4 teach at university sh / at university ta school 6 | speak Spanish / Russia/ Chinese b QB which information in 2a is true for you? Tell a partner, © Complate the numbers. 96 ee 63 nree 4g eight 67 seven 100 d Match 1-6 with the words in the box. “baby boy iel_men woman women at £4 EX SOUND AND SPELLING a BEA Underline ONE or TWO /0/ sounds in each sentence. Practise saying the sentences, These are my friends, 5 They teach atthe study there University 3. This is my father. 6 like their daughter. 4 Theyre at the cinema, b GIBB Look at the information in the table. if Re ee teach mana study picture gm office child Julia cinema ‘© WBE Are the marked sounds the same (S) or different (0)? Practise saying the sentences. Wee on page seventy-two. The office's number sity-three. Gary is a manager John speaks German. Its a picture of the gym. isthe university nie? it a question about ehildren. Ws small cinema, mea PU eat ahy How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective = very well 2=well 1 = not so well ICAN... talk about my life and ask about others talk about my family ask and tlk about photos aren Sete peed old houses pied otdes EB READING a CB Look at the pictures of Esperanza Base. Which place is iadames and hadames is a beautiful old city in Libya. The lots of old houses, shops and cafés - so what's different? Ghadames is in the Sahara. It’s very hot in the day (sometimes 55°C). The houses have very thick walls and they're always cool. In the old town there b Read about the t © Are the sentences about Ghadames (G) 0 Esperanza Base (EB)? are streets for men ant streets (on the roofs of the houses) for women. Now, there's a new town with new houses and flats, but in summer lots of people go to live in the old houses because they aren't hot. | d are nice places to live? Why / Why not? Language Plus a few, lots of cor a few houses lots of houses ‘speranca Base is Argentinian andits in Antarctica It's cold In summer (0°C) and very cold In winter a GRAMMAR (10°C), There are homes for about 100 people there Ther are ton fails with chien, there's a schoo and there are two teachers. There's also a bank and but thers nly one Complete the sentences. Check your answers il the texts in 1b. | a hospital. There are a few road = i's 1.5 km long! ‘anew town /a school are 1 houses /two teachers : b @ Pronunciation Li write the sentences. How many words are there in each? © B Now to Grammar F d Write two true eerie @ (28 Tell a partner your ser Esperanza Base there is / there are: positive Places in a town Match the words in the box with the places in pictures a-f. Listen and check. café shop restaurant school bank hotel Which places in 3a are these? My daughter goes there y day from 8.00 to 4.00, 1 2 "We go there for dinner every Saturday night 3 ‘loften drink coffee there with my friends 4 "You're in room 305. Here's your key. 5 ‘They have fruit and vegetables and also newspapers and magazine 6 ‘Id like £500, please. Now go to Vocabulary Focus 5A on and isten and practise these sounds, 1 /uy/ echo) What nd add finch und do the marked letters have in the words in the box? Js to the sound groups below. Lis Russia food new two who mother umbrella beautiful sometimes Sound 1 ul Sound 2 3 SB Practise saying the words. Listen to a conversation about places in a town. Look at the map and match 1-5 with the words in the box. false? 3. The café is Italian. 4 The coffee and cakes in the café aren't good 5 It's Chinese restaurant. 6 The restaurant is cheap, What is the same about the town on the map and your town? OLD STREET ‘Think of a street in the town where you are now. Make notes. Use words from this lesson. Describe your street, but don’t say its name. Do other students know the name of the street? at eee] hostel in eee eae oer Pee Samy ig Hits EE VOCABULARY Hotels EAREADING a ORE Na rds in the box with pictures 1-5. 4 AP Look at pictures 1-3 of Turkey. Choose adjectives Listen and check talk about them. Compare your ideas with your partner, | ~ + beautiful + great nice © boring bath room bed TV. shower E ecting ROnbRne | Sale to ne b Read Sandra's revie of a hostel in Turkey. Does Sandra like the hostel? } © Read the review again, Tick (/) what's in the hostel ‘secondtioor |] smattcons ) tigrooms C1) calé fisttion | [restaurant — J Wren smalroons ground, | C) cate Citeten EW rvom ¢ C2 Would you like to stay at the hostel? Why / Why not? bb Sound and spelling /f 1 ARE Listen and practise this sound. 1) shower 2 ©IBWH Listen to the words in the box. Underline the / 1 sound in each word shop fish sure Russia 3, 2B Practise saying the words. © D Now got bulary Focus 5B on p.149 d @zeH Pronunciation Lis stressed syllables. Pra 0 the words. Notice the nt saying them. The Cave Hostel This isa great hostel in Goreme, in Turkey. Is in Cappadocia, a very old part ofthe country. You can do lots of things here. My favourite thing is going in hot air balloon. You can see realy beautiful places from the ai. @ CB Which things in pictures hostel room? in la aren't ina The hostel has ditferent rooms with different prices. On the first floor, there are small rooms for two people: with baths, On the second tloor, tere are big rooms with six beds in them. They're very cheap, but there isn't a shower or a bath in the big rooms. There aren't any biankets or pillows ~ you pay for those. There isn’t a restaurant or café in the hostel, but there's a kitchen. ‘on the ground floor. There aren't any TVs in the rooms, but there's free wifi. I's a very simple place to stay, but its clean. And the people are very friendly. Faruk, the ‘manager, sings karaoke really well! Sandra there is / there are: negative Complete the sentences with isn't or ar Listen and check. 1 There ____any 2 There____a res ankels, taurant Find more examples of there isn't and there aren't in Sandra's review. Think about the town or city you're in now. Tick (¥) the sentences that are true, Correct the fase sentences. 1 [J There's big museum in is town city 2] There are lt of shops hoe 3 [I] There arent any 4 Ey There are two stations 5 [1 There arent any parks. Read y ss and listen to your partner's sentences. Are they the same? There aren't any museums in thistown. __ NO, there is a museum in this town — on Cromwell Road. Listen to a hostel receptionist and Barry, a guest. Is Barry happy with the hostel? Listen again. Tick (¥) the things in the hostel. Lttee rooms 1 cate Ow car park 1 kitenen 1 showers Why do people like hostels? Why do people like hotels? there is / there are: questions Complete the questions. Listen and check. 1. Singular: a car park here? Yes, the ar park nete 2 Plural ‘any cafés near here? near here Now go to Grammar Focus 5B on Write questions using Is there ... ?and Are there about your partner's town, city or street. Here are some ideas: ts ienming 2 supermarket + hospital restaurants ‘Ask your partner about their town, city or street, ‘Are there any cafés in roo Yes, there are two cafés, Is there a supermarket in your street? No, but there ae two shops. | Student A go to Student B go to TNT EN Bel otstale coat ae Is there a supermarket near here? brian nea ‘Ask and answer the questions. tat food shops or markets are the ar your home? to these shops or markets? How often? Watch or listen to Part 1. Answer the questions. | 1 Does Megan like Sophia's fat? 2 What does Sophia need? | 3. Does Sophie know where to buy food near her flat? ala Emphasising what you say 1 Listen to the sentence. Lister to the sentences. Underline one word MEGAN It’ a really nice fat, Sophia with strong stress in each sentence, 1 My country is very hat in sume Listen to the sentence again. Is really more 2 James's new car is really fast, of less stressed the second ti : te 3. This film is so boring. | Tick (7) the correct rule, Listen again and repeat. y really with a strong stress to: speak loudly ake the meaning stronger Watch or listen to Part 2. Answer the Watch or listen to Part 2 again. Are the questions sentences true or false? 1 Sophia thinks a café isa shop, 2 James sees Megan and Sop 3 James lives in the next street There's a supermarket in the There's a shop near James's fat 1 Do Sophia and Megan find a 2 first. EAUSEFUL LANGUAGE Asking and saying where places are a @BE Complete the questions with words in the box. Listen and check. 's your flat? market near here? re any shops. here AIEL Match the two possible answers in a-c with questions 1-3 in 4a. Listen and check ‘Yes, there are. There's ane inthis street No, sory, there aren't Yes, there's one near my flat. / No, sorry, here isnt Itsin the next street. / I's this street ¢ EM Put the conversation in the correct order. Listen and check. AL] Great, thank you. Andis thore a good restaurant inthis par of town? Ryle A] Ok, thanks for your help. A (_] Are there any afés near here? B 1 Yes, there's one in the net trot 8 [1 No. 'm sory, thee aren't any restaurants near here. But there's one near the station 8 1 Yes, of course 8 [J No probiem d Cm Practise the conversation in 4c with a partner. EW SPEAKING D Communication 5C Student A look at the information below. Student B go to p.111. @ Conversation 1. You're on a street you don't know. Ask Student B about: + ahotel » cafés b Conversation 2. Now you're on a street you know. Use the information to answer Student B’s questions. ‘+ a bank: in the next street ‘* shops: not near here — near the hospital EAWeiTiNG Read part of an email from Sophia to her parents. She writes about her new flat. Does she unly write about the good things? My new flat is great. It's big and it’s in a nice part of town. The flat is near my office and there's a beautiful park in the next street. There isn’t a supermarket near me, but there's, a shop in the next street. b BD Go to Writing Plus 5C on p.156 for and and but. © Write about your part of town. Use there's/ there isn't/ there are / there aren't. Use and and but. Read about your partner’s part of town, Is it the same? * Unit Progress Test U N IT 5 b Write the words. Review GRAMMAR Correct the sentences, ~ > There an italian restaurant. There's an [allan restaurant 1 There is a museum in this street? 2 Yes, there's 2 werhos 6 wote 3 There are a shower, 4 There arentta free rooms, 5 Isthere swimming poo! in the hotel? 6 No, thers not oo 3 ipowll 7 iwit b Complete the sentences. 1's a bank near here? 2 Are there bottles of water in the room? 3 ____ there a supermarket in this street? : 4 Isthere. Vin the room? 4 tha We oi ni oleae dt! aaa there any cafés near cher in the 6 Isthere. Eq SOUND AND SPELLING a @BEA Complete the table with the words in the box, Practise saying the words. © CM Ask and answer the questions in 1b. VOCABULARY @ What are these places? Use the words to complete h the crossword. - up you umbrella lovely Russia beautiful new brother schaol mother museum pool b GIBB Look at the information in the table. a Ta ep oa pier ee [ese tome tee [ra = ha ©XEEA Are the marked sounds the same (S) or different (D)? Practise saying the words. > town - shop ¢ hott 4 opin 1 2 shower — how 5 hot towel 3.0K ~know 6 flower — hospital Beal a MCU eats) How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective. 3=very well 2=Wwell 1 = not so well I CAN... describe a town talk about hotels and hostels ‘ask about and say where places are Leam to tall about people's jobs A OT Maem eee raed | aa NU eA Welcome to Jobs international. Our people go around the world and help others. Meet two I'ma doctor I'ma teacher at a from Brazil and | work in a small schoo! in Samoa, but I'm from hospital in Ghana. | love the work 4 Australia. | teach English here here because it's very interesting. and after school | play sports with I do different things every day. And the children. They love rugby and the people are so friendly. Life isn’t volleyball. The children are really always easy here, but it's great to happy a lot of fun, This isa realy help people. = © EEREADING a C2 Look at the pictures. What places are in the d Write questions for Luiza and Fred pictures? What jobs do people do there? oo pee 1 Wher b Read about Luiza and Fred on the Jobs internati 2 lik Website. Are your ideas in 1a correct? 3 lke © Read the website again, Are the sentences true or @ (ab You are Luiza or Fred. Ask and answer the false questions in 1d, people dor't workin their home countries, big hospital Ce ima teacher. Fred goes home atter classe Language Plus work / job Ses ee She works in 2 hospital, ko my work, "4g W'32 good job, job = noun (doctor, teacher) UNIT 6 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY Jobs a Match the words in the box with pictures a-h football player student receptionist walter taxi driver factory worker office worker shop assistant b @lHEM Pronunciation Listen to the d © Listen again. Complete the sentences with the words in two-word jobs in 2a. Which word is the box, stressed? 1 Ei the rst wora study play (2) sit meet (x2) 2. the second word 1 UNA |___ _ some teresting people and oto i Practise saying the words. z ene 2 FELIPE 1___ ina team andthe weckend isthe mestimpodant time © @IREEI Listen to four people talk about eee ee eee Bie aiabesihst; do they day 3 FATIMA | business at university. It's really interestin 4 SHONA | work ina shop and 2 lot of different people. @ CB Which job do you like in 2c? Which job don't you like? Say why. £ B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 6A on p.151 GRAMMAR Present simple: he / she / it negative 4 EEA Complete the sentences with does or doesn't. Listen and check. DIANA | don't work at right. She work at night FELIPE | don't play games inthe week 2 He area ieee 2 @ERA Listen to the words in the box. Which words have the sound Sound and spelling /sx/ 1 @XERA Listen to the words. Do the marked letters sound the same? work university b B Now go to Grammar Focus 6A on p.120 first verb near girl receptionist world © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 3 Which letter often comes after the vowel to spel the verbs in brackets, sure in ‘Alex isa taxi driver, He in the morning. (not werk) 4 Cl Practise saying the words with /al = n 4 Matteo is a waiter. He ‘on Monday. (nat work) a SPEAKING > Communication 6A Student A go to p.105. Student B go to p.110, ——————————— =H eT | EL GR ele at) five or sleep twice ev Lear to talk about daily routine and habits enc eaod peas recor | always wake up at about 4:00 in the morning. | don't want to sleep, so | get up and | do yoga. Then | go to bed again. Then I get up at 8:00 in the morning and | go to ‘work. | feel fine ~ | never fea! tired. I finish work at 6:00 in the evening and | arrive home. at 6:20. | read a book (90 to bed for thee hou TI READING AND VOCABULARY Daily routine a (2B Talk about when you do these phrases in the box. things. Use the in the ing_in the afternoon int rk b Read about Beatriz and Anneli. Match what they say with pictures a and b. © Match the marked words in the text with pictures 1-3. d Complete the verb phrases with the words in the box. Then read the text again to check your answers. have watch arrive / get finish 1 wotk 1 3 Jinner € B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 6B on p.137 "50 evening at night phone a friend. Then | f CW Ask and answer the questions with a partner, 1 Do you sieep neous fo «twice every night up + astup 3 When do you usu + go towork or school finish work or schoo! get home in the evening Language Plus for, from... fo... , until hous eee seeseleniliental 11009m 10am J sleep for eight hours. 29 fram 11.00 t0 7:00. & Sound and spelling Consonant groups 1 @IRRA These words start with two consonant sounds together. Listen and practise saying them, sleep breakfast twelve 2 @\BRA Listen to the words in the box. Underline the two consonant sounds that are together. play small bread fruit flat study speak 3 Ql Practise saying the words. Listen to an interview with Paul. What are his answers to the questions? 1 Doyou goto bed ea 3. What do you do thers 4 What about your wife? Does she wake up Talk about the questions with a partner \Wrat do you think about Paul's daily routine? 2. What do you think about tos? Think of adjectives Ik about ther Present simple: he / she / it questions Complete the questions in the table with do or does you he/she Fit Now go to Grammar Focus 68 on Listen to the questions with when in 3a and notice the stressed words. Tick (7) the words we stress. 10 30m jon word (when) Write questions about Beatriz and Ani page 50, nat time / Beatriz (finish work? here / er husband on hat time / he f get eel in the morning? Ask and answer the questions in 34 with a partner. I take photos at night. ad ha = Ask about your partner's routine, When do you get up? Work with a new partner. Ask questions about their first partner's routine ‘When does Liza get up? Everyday English pe - Peete rs UR URC) ues Ce It's your first week in a new flat Tick (¥) four things you need. 1 Da bow 4 Ca spoon 2 Elagess 5 Laks Gacup 6 Claplate Tell a partner your ideas in Ja. Do you need the same things? Watch or listen to Part 1 Answer the questions. 1 Who do Megan and Sophia meet? 2 Where do they al go? Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Underline the correct word. 1. The flowers are for 2 Meagan nd dares wa 3 Sophia needs anothe 4 Soph Making and accepting offers 1 Complete the conversations with the words Put A’s questions in the correct order in the in the box. Listen ad check, conversation. Listen and check. A ike a f would you / cup of tea B Yes, please, [A piece of cake /you lke a /and would ? B No, it’s OK, thanks, thanks please like (x2) 1 SOPHIA Would you ___a cup of coffe JAMES 2 SOPHIA... have biscuits! Would you one, Megan? MEGAN No, its OK, Practise the conversation in 2c with a partner. Ask about different food and drinks. Listen to the mini- Would you lke a glass conversations in 2a again. Do you hear of orange juice? Yes, please, ai or a /di sound in would? Listen again and repeat. Would you like 3 ‘sandwich? LISTENING AND USEFUL LANGUAGE Making and accepting offers 2 4 CEA Watch or listen to Part 2. Answer the questions. 1 Wat does James want to uu? 2 Do Sopa and Megan want him to help? b @IBEA Complete the sentences with words in the box. Listen and check. can help ll 1 -g0 with you. MW you buy things. ‘come with you, 1 2 == ¢ GM Do these replies answer yes or no? Listen and cheek. “Thats great, thanks. Thanks, but I'm fine. Don't worry, it's OK Thank you, that's very kind. 1d FEA Complete the conversation withthe words in the box. Listen and check. great can help right supermarket _ ‘A I need to goto the B 12___ come with you. A Thats ! And | need t9 make dinner. Brie you. ‘A All __ thank you very much. @ 2 Practise the conversation in 3d with a partner. { CW Use different words and expressions to make 2 new conversation need to go to Te aeen I go with you. PRONUNCIATION Emphasising what you say 2 @ GIG Listen to the sentences and notice the strong stress. Then listen again and repeat, 1 Lean gowith you. 2 1i.come with you, ‘(@HMA Listen to the mini-conversations. Underline the strong stress. Conversation 1 A I can'tdo this exercise, B Joe can help you Conversation 2 © I need to get to the station this afternoon, D drive you. ‘a Practise the mini-conversations in 4b with 2 partner. EA SPEAKING a Q® You're in a café with your partner. Use the ideas below to make a conversation. a wesc) — — es won ) writing 4 Read part of an email from Sophia to her sister. She writes about a day in her life in London. Where do Sophia and Megan have coffee? Why? | walk to work every day because my flat is near the office. start work at 8:30 and | finish at 5-20. | work with Megan. We go out to a café for coffes every day because the coffee machine in the office isn’t very good. We also have lunch there. They have nice sandwiches and chocolate cake - my favourite! Megan always says, ‘ll pay.’ She's very nice. BD Now go to Writing Plus 6C on p.156 for because and also. Write ahout a day in your life. Uise berause and alsa Read about your partner's day. Do you do the same? * Unit Progress Test UNIT 6 Review GRAMMAR Tick (V) the sentences that are correct. Correct the mistakes. > My sister doesn ves at home. My sloter doesn ve at > EZ) I dant study Russian 1 [1] She dont ike cake Marcus doesn't meets ma 2 y people. 3 [E] ths town doesnt have a university 4 [FJ twork not on Fridays 5 [Ey We dont talk much at work 6 Ly Isabela speaks not French, b Complete the sentences with do, don’t, does or doesn't your sister work in a bank? No, she you meet people at work? you and your friends play football? No, we’ © Write present simple questions with the words and phrases. > what time /you / get up What time do you get up? what / you / eat inthe moming where / your brother / work yu / speak / English your teacher / speak / French what time / the k when /t/ finish d CQ Ask and answer the questions in Lc. VOCABULARY @ Complete the job words. 54 1 Complete the table with the words and phrases inthe box. arrive get start tobed lunch shower to-sehoo! wake work nish breakfast" /dinner_ fee home eet ¢ (2B What do you do every day? Tell a partner. Eq SOUND AND SPELLING a © Look at the information in the table. SE a up, lunch, cup, rugby | sper, bering came, lovely, wary cour |[ small, always b GIR Are the marked sounds the same (S) or different (D)? Practise saying the words. 1 always — boring 4 four — cups: 2 small— lunch 5 sport — worry 5 lovely —rugoy © come up (¢ @EKA Match the words that start with the same consonant group. Practise saying the words. yea cheeeit rere terrae era aT STS > flat _flowers 1 twee 4 clock - eracerer breakfast = 6 spon Bea aa aaah) How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for each objective. 3 = very well 2=well 1 = not so well ICAN... ‘talk about people's jobs ‘talk about daily routines and habits make and accept offers oo eR Seas) Talk about things you want to buy es 1 Ask about and pay fr things in a shop 7A How much are these Da ITLL AH |G echmeragcin rn Common objects 2 about three places to shop. Which an is in the picture? 1e words in the table, They are all common objects. Which place is good for these people’ Sound 2 Sound 3 1 ‘Iwan for my fll Jant 3. ‘lalways fi 4 “I think old lamps Look at the picture and read about The different ways in the table! Saturday Market again. Find the words 5 ¥ for objects a-f Talk with other students about which object you would like to buy in the picture. Say why. Which object do ‘most people want? Do you sell guitars? No, sony. Now go to Vocabulary Focus 7A on Do you have glasses? Yes, do. Here you are, Places to go Books & Co. Open 9 am—6 pm ‘Avery interesting bo« ‘They sell old and new books and they also have magazines, Pictures, old photographs and music. If you lke old books and pictures, this is the place for The Saturday Market Open 6 am—& pm Here you can buy something for your home or you ean just look around. They sell ios of old things, You can buy clocks, fads, suitcases, lamps, Pictures, chairs. anything The Mega Home Store Open 8 am—8 pm Agreat place to buy tings for your home. They sell beds, billows, tables, chars and lamps. Everything is new, but it isn't expensive. There's eso a good cate with drinks, pizzas and sandwiches, LISTENING AND GRAMMAR this, that, these, those a @IB Sue and Mike are at a market stall. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions. 1 Who kes the picture a the Uleis? 2 Who likes old objects, Sue or Mike? 3 How much isthe radio? 4 Does Mike think its a good price? b @IEU Listen to Sue. Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those. 1 ‘ike picture. What do you think?” 2 ‘Or___ chairs. They/ee really nice 3 ‘Oh, look. books are interesting.” 4 “Look at. radio. That's so cool © Complete the table with the words in 2b. Singular | ¢ Plural Which words mean ... 2 1 here, near me 2 there, not near me Sound and spelling this, that, these and those 1 ©lBH Listen to this, that, these and those. Which words ... ? = havea short vowel sound ‘= have a long vowel sound ‘end ina! sound = end in a // sound Ab Practise saying the words. € B Now go to Grammar Focus 7A on p.122 f You and your partner are in the shop below. Talk about the objects in the box with this, that, these or those. bags plates guitar picture chair books lamp Look at those bags. unit 7% EX VOCABULARY Prices @ @IEH Listen to the prices. Tick (¥) the phrase you hear. 1 £3.80 ilove pour eighty [1 three pounds eighty © [1 three pound and ciety 2 25 2D] twenty-five eure bE twenty-five euros [twenty ve of euros Practise saying the prices below. Listen and 1 £599 2 si ©IEMM Read and listen to the conversation. ‘Then complete the gaps. A Excuse me. Bi___€1350. ‘A Hmm. And B ‘eS each, is that elock? aaetow? 2 Practise the conversation in 3c with a partner. Change the marked words and the prices. @ CW How much are these things in your country? ‘+ akilo of apples + abotie of water ‘= a cup of coffee in a café = a phone EASPEAKING 1D Communication 7A Student A go to p.106. Student B go to p.111 4 It’s Greg’s T-shirt fVKeeneo Clothes Look at the pictures of the models and the fashion designers, Which clothes do you like? Match the words in the box with a-g in the pictures. Listen and check. jacket coat shirt skirt trousers Tshirt dress Which clothes do you often wear together? and 1 Listen and practise these sounds, 1 (fishirt 2 /d3/ jack 2 What sound do the marked letters have in the words in the box? Listen {and add the words to the sound groups below. German international fashion large language village suger ~_ | Souna 2 shit er saying the we Student A go to Student B go to 58 Pane ed (Ce ees Read about the fashion designers, What is the same about them? Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Cor false sentences, boxing Tor Ford never wears a black jacke Carolina Herrera often wears a whi lothes. 4 Alexander Wang usually wears a jacket Is it a good idea for fashion designers to wear their clothes? Why / Why not? Colours Look at the picture of Tom Ford. Complete the sentence about him with colours in the box. black @ grey @ whiteO Tom Ford often we: Shirt and unit 7* EA GRAMMAR Possessive ’s; Revision of adverbs 4 @EKD Complete the sentences with a name from 4b. Listen and check. 1 GIUSEPPE. Is this my old T-shirt KATE No, its shirt. (= It's his T-shirt.) 2 GIUSEPPE Are these your jeans? KATE No, they're 's jeans. (= They're her jeans.) b B Now go to Grammar Focus 7B on p.1 ¢ CW Look at the picture of Greg, Sara, Giuseppe and Kate, Ask and answer questions about the Costa family. Who's Giuseppe?” 1. kates = 1d @BAM Kate talks about the people in her office. Put the word in brackets in the correct place in the sentences. Listen and check. Everyone wets diferent trousers (always). “She wears a skirt (never) ~ sh ulin we rousers (someties).°A she wears jeans (usualy sat work, *My boss wears a blouse a joes hike them. 1 white shit (usuelly), “bul he weaks Black 4 Fran wears a dress (often), Sout on Fridays @ QW Think of people you work or study with. What do they usvally wear? Tella partner. Language Plus dark / ight EA SPEAKING Heer ise ete tue @ Put the words and phrases in the correct order to make [Beers creo tate areon questions. Write another question with your own idea far | at work (or sched) / do you / what colour clothes ? b B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 78 on p.152 3. your brother's (or sister’, father's, mother’) clothes / do you /wear? in your home / do you / wear shoes ¢ Cl Work with a partner. ons in 6a, Add extra b CQ Ask and answer the que Sheen: chases ete a. Drtelyuraret Gemat foeuaners Stusen ges the ichure your pane aks about aes. Then swap roles What do you wear back cress and dark shoes. ‘at work? like dark colours. EALISTENING @ @IEM Listen to Kate and Giuseppe Costa. Tick (7) the clothes you hear. Orshit | ski Cstoes Cieans trousers shit b @iEMA Listen again and complete the information. who? | what clothes? | why? oy Everyday English eee te ee Connected speech MR eee etre arnt HELLISTENING ‘@ Number the things you can buy from 1 to 4. 1 = I like going shopping for this / these very much. | 4 = I really don't like going shopping for this / these. i| (tood 2 olotnes [things tor the home [1] 1r things b Qo Talk with a partner about your ideas in 1a. Do you like shopping for the same things? ¢ GERI Watch or listen to Part 1. Answer the questions. 1 Who sees some nice cups? 2 Who buys something? . d ©EM Watch or listen to Part 1 again. Complete the { information about the cups with a number. 1 Price: 3 Sophia needs: 2 Number in the shop: 4. Megan wants BA USEFUL LANGUAGE Going shopping 1 EX PRONUNCIATION joining words a © Listen and notice the extra s these sentences, ids in a © Who says each expression — the customer (C) or the shop assistant (S)? Listen and check 1 Wey only have three, 2 dike twowof these cups. | 11 How much are these cups? Enea eee eee : ' eee ee alee eres jj 5 Can I look around? b Complete the rules with the sounds in the box. || 6 Can I help you? ih 7 Of course. “2 i ? l b G@iEA Put the conversation in the correct order, We add a ____ sound between words ending | safc check ‘ahh and word tng vn 6 vx ; Ng asl aa ater garg ite pore CD Its ten pounds for the small one. [7] Cant help you? ¢ GEER Listen to these sentences. Which extra And how much i the small bo i/ of w/ sound can you hear? Listen again and [1 ok, then Vike the lrge bow, please re Yes, you can, How much is this large bow? 1 Would you like two_or three 2 These are for me and you 3 Would you like three or four? 4. Are they for you_or me? i ¢ Be Practise the conversation in 2b with a partner C2 Practise the conversation in 2b again, but 4 Qe Practise the sentences in 3c with a partner. ask about glasses. Change the prices. ) 60 LISTENING AND USEFUL LANGUAGE Going shopping 2 a @EEQ Watch or listen to Part 2. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Megan pays five pounds. 2 Se uses a cara to pay. 3 Sophia doesn't buy anything. SEEM Complete the sentences with words in the box. Listen and check. at's here's you no wo pounds, please. PIN, please. problem your receipt © @EEA Complete a conversation between a shop assistant and customer. Use phrases in 4. Listen and check. © How much ... ? (shoes) S Twenty pounds. C Here Senta © OK S And... receipt d © Practise the conversation in 4c with a partner. Change the things you buy and the Price EASPEAKING B Communication 7¢ Student A go to p.105 Student B go to p.112. EAWRITING @ Sophia saw an online advertisement. Chairs, lamps, small tables, a big bed ~ all in good condition. Not expensive! Email me for more information: jack@icemail.com Read her email. What information does she want to know? Dear Jack, You have an online ad for things you want to sell. I need a chair, a bed and a lamp. How old are these things? How much are they? Can | pay online by credit card? Thank you! Sophia 1b B Now go to Writing Plus 70 an p. 157 for Commas, exclamation marks and question marks. © You see these online advertisements. For sale CDs — lots of different music - old and new: pop, techno, jazz, classical and more. Cheap prices! Email me for more information: harry@antiques.co.uk For sale Books for learning English ~ dictionaries, grammar books, ccoursebooks. All in good condition, Email me for more information: Write an email to ask about one of the advertisements. Here are some ideas: You have @/ an / sume How much ..? m1 Can | pay ..? How old ..? d_ Read a partner's email. What objects does your partner ask about? Do you ask about the same things? BAS Bocce tg GRAMMAR @ Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. these this those that's 3 _—anexpensivecar. 4 flowers in the b Underline the correct answers to complete the JO Hi Lee, Do you know Kate? ‘This / Th Lee to meet you, gil. 10 2 Amy. ANNA And I'm Anna LEE {like your bag, Anna ANNA Oh, thanks, It's my ‘dads /dads'/ dad's. Amy and | hhave 2 swimming lesson today 10 Yes, the *giris/ girls girls’ lesson ANNA And then we go to the café! o's who? arts at nine, ¢ 2® Practise the conversation in 1b in groups of three. EAVOCABULARY @ Complete the names of these common objects. se L e 2 ag r i] 3 ac r ages ier sale Sep. 6a Complete the descriptions using the colours and clothes, ight brown red green dark blue white light blue shirt coat skit jeans shoes agrey ¢ (2B How many hats / coats / jackets / shoes do you have? What colour are they? Tell a partner. SOUND AND SPELLING a @EEA Answer the questions. Practise saying the words. 1 Which words have the /k’ sound? Underline them, suitcase clock place chair cup _jacke at dak 2 Which words 1ave the /b’ sound? Underline them. blue black brown blouse bed bow! 3. Which words have the /p/ sound? Underline them. pink lamp photograph picture pillow plate plant 4 Which words have fg! sound? Undertine them. magazine bag light grey green thing b HEM Complete the table with the words in the box. Practise saying the words. dress shoes sugar Spain international jeans large fashion Tshirt jacket Germany this skirt i How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2, or 1 for wach objective. 3=very well 2=well 1 ICAN... talk about things! want to buy {alk about the clothes that people wear ask about and pay for things ina shop | ESA II Tg with Leam to talk about past events eee ad Te ee MEREADING a CB Look at the events in pictures a-d. Ch Hi Jenny, and one you don't like. Tell a partner. Say ¥ Thanks for your email. 'm Cara, Antonio ai bout? xts again. Which ci y name's Antonio Marotto. m the doctor tor our team. isa great job — ke helping our players. | often go away with te team. We were in fe two weeks ago fora game and we were in Bristol last week ‘In this photo we were in Mil unit 8 FAGRAMMAR Past simple: be positive LISTENING AND GRAMMAR Past imple: be negative and questions ‘a Complete the table. Find examples of the past simple PaRe pelt q ‘of be in the texts about Cara, Antonio and Ava. a @IEEM Listen to Cara, Antonio and Ava talking to _ friends. Write the correct name in each conversation. = ' - — Conversation |__— " = Conversation 2 ssiateinal you were you were Conversation 3 me th Bee ioe seces ey ne b © Match events 1-3 with adjectives a-c. Listen again and check. b GEA Pronunciation Listen to sentences 1-4 vas Se ‘re was and were stressed? Practise saying the Sane Seeieere sentences. 3 the game ¢ fun 1 We were in Munich. 3. We were in Newcastle. 2 was in Madi. 4 was in New York. ¢ @EED Listen to Conversation 1 again. Complete the conversation with the words in the box. ¢ B Now go to Grammar Focus 8A Part 1 on p.124 d Write sentences about where you were: ‘this morning» lastnight «yesterday afternoon @ CB Compare your sentences in 2d with 2 partner. Were you in the same places? was (x2) were (2) wasn't VOCABULARY Past time expressions LARRY you at work yesterday? a Today is Friday of week 3. Put the number of GARA Yes, |____, but |__here in the office. sentences 1-4 in the correct place on the timeline. LARRY Where you? CARA | vas at a meeting in Dublin, week 1 2 | week LARRY 01) it interesting? Monday Sskny Wedestoy Tr GARA Yes, it was really interesting. 1 We were in Munich on Wednesday DB Now go to Grammar Focus 8A Part 2 on p.124 2 We were in Newcastle two weeks ago. 3... we were in Bristol last week, @ GEKA Complete the conversation with was, were, 4. was in Dublin yesterday. wasn't or weren't. Listen and check Look at the underlined words in 3a. Change them A You eee with words in the box. Ne eryeueaie vs A Nice you at home all day? Fei ana Tome B No! 1 intown in the morning and then A |__ ata party ast right. A the party good? © B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 8A on p.144 fer oe d Work in pairs. { Cl Practise the conversation in 4e with a partner. Sludent A: say a past ime expression. Change some of the information. Student B: say where a person you know was. | footbal Then swap roles. err actin a ve | ‘cinema last night. SD oe ‘ese ee Mo veas a0 EASPEAKING DP Communication 8A Student A go to 9.106. Student B go to p.111. Student C go to p.113. ——E——————— CRE: Leam to describe events in the past ee eae! TE READING AND LISTENING and answer the questions with 10 killed Lady Grey? and underline the corr Lord and Lady Grey ive in a big house in London. Lady Grey has some very expensive diamonds. They are always in ‘a bag under her bed. (One weekend, Lord and Lady Grey had quests at their house for lunch. After lunch, Lady Grey was tired, so she went to her bedroom to sleep. Lord Grey stayed withthe {uests unti'3:00 and then they went home, At3:15 he went tothe bedroom with some tea for his wife. Lady Grey was on the floor. She was dead. There was a krife next to her and a bag ... but no diamonds. th Lord Grey to the living room and we had coffee. We saw Jane White through v. She was in the garden with a book. At 3:00 I went home w ‘After lunch, | went w Jane White in the garden and we went for a walk together until 3:00. Then we all went home. James Green lives near me, so went with him in his car. ¢ @REH Re interviews. ¥ jisten to the police ich people are A, B and C answers, hink killed Lady ne White ‘After lunch, | went into the garden. Sue Black was with me. ‘She said ‘Oh, my phone is on the table!’ and she went back into the house. | stayed in the garden and read a book Until 2:00, then I stayed in the living ith James Green. We had coffee together and we talked about business. At 3:00 the guests went home. 4 Read the police interviews again and find the past simple forms of the verbs in the table. watch Answer the questions about the table in 2a. 1 What do we adg to the verbs in A to make the past form? 2 Do the verbs in B all change nthe same way or in. ‘Sound and spelling /t/ and /d/ 1 GID Listen and practise these sounds. 1 it/taked 2 dl killed 2 @XEKA Listen to the past forms in the box. Which -ed endings sound ..? © more ike ft? rote line Stayed watched finished worked played 3 C2 Practise saying the words. d CQ Cover the table in 2a. Test a partner. Student A: say a verb, Student B: say the past form Then swap roles. Now go to Grammar Focus 8B on p.124 Past form unit 8 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY Free time activities DEED Complete the sentences with the correct past simple verbs. Listen and check JAMES 1W. SUE Wew___for a walk JANE |°r_a book in the garden. At home | w. WV. LORD GREY We. business. home with Sue Black, coffee together. We about Match verbs 1-6 with a word or phrase in the box to make more past simple phrases. ‘a@urink Waal athome breakfast a film shopping to my friends the newspaper 1 went 4 had 2 read 5 watched 3 stayed 6 talked _ (© Listen to Jane White talk about what she did before she went to Lord and Lady Grey's house for lunch. Put pictures a-e in the correct order. rma Complete what Jane White says with phrases in 3b, Then listen again and check, ___atabout $00. Aer hat |? ___ Then wet town andi? Aer that "near Lord a Lay Gres hose A Tow of my fiends were tee takes tomy fends and ve "gah. € B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 88 on p.138 f Complete the sentences about free time activities. 1 When | was a child, After work / university often __. 3. At weekends | ike to 4 {your idea) Cb Tell other students your sentences in 3f. What free time activities were / are popular ... ? ‘2 whon everyone was a child b after work / university at weekends SPEAKING 1B Communication 8B Student A go to p.106. Student B go to p.111

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