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February 10, 2023

Masters of Ceremony

Rod: A pleasant afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, we are very pleased today
with your presence for our general assembly for this second semester, school
year 2022-2023. Isn’t that right Tricia?
Tricia: Indeed, it is rod! Time really passes by so fast. It was just like yesterday
when we had our first general assembly in this similar spot and I guess, with
some similar people. Before we get started, I would like to ask everyone to
kindly put your phones on silent.
Rod: While waiting for others, let’s have a roll call.
Rod: Alright! I guess everyone is ready. Again, good afternoon, ladies and
gents! We stand in front of your eyes! I am Rod Mark Dominic C. Estabillo!
Tricia: And I am Tricia Mae Corpuz…
Both: and we are, your host for this day!
Tricia: Our presence here today is not an accident. It is our mark of excellence
because we all passed the rigors and the roller coaster ride of the first semester
for this academic year. This activity is truly a manifestation of compassion as
we continue to accomplish our objectives despite how bumpy our ride is.
Rod: Indeed! So once again, we are proud to see _____ students and ____
faculty here today for our general assembly for this school year 2022-2023. It’s
another semester full of achievements!
Tricia: excitement!
Rod: joy!
Both: and prosperity!
Rod: To give us blessing, let us all stand and bow our heads and give a moment
of silence as we begin this event with a doxology to be led by the level 2B
students. After which, may we remain standing for the national anthem.
Tricia: One semester has finally passed. And if you are here today, give
yourself a clap for being brave enough in surpassing all the struggles we had in
the past semester. It has been challenging year but we all got through it.
Proceeding to our program proper, we are delighted to welcome our ever-
supportive academic coordinator, ma’am Judith L. Villanueva, RN, MSN, as
she will deliver to us her welcome address.
Rod: Thank you, Ma’am Judith. Moving on, let us hear and be inspired from
our beloved dean, Ruby V. De Luna, RM, RN, MAN, as she gives her
inspirational speech that will surely help us see opportunities in moving
Tricia: Ladies and Gents, this time, let us take back and honor the backbone of
this great and respected institution to commemorate our educators (and also to
welcome the new clinical instructors) who continue to harness our skills and
talents to our optimum potential. Let us give them a warm round of applause.
Rod: Alright, now that we have already introduced to you the faculty and staff
of our department, again let us give them a round of applause. At this juncture,
may I call on again, Ma’am Judith L. Villanueva, RN, MSN, to discuss our
Academic Guidelines and Policies. Students, please listen well and you may
take down notes. Questions will be entertained after.
Tricia: Thank you so much, Ma’am Judith for letting us here those guidelines
we need to adhere to! As we move forward, may I then call our PNMSA
Adviser, Ma’am Kizzy Ann M. Penaverde, RN, LPT, to discuss the PNMSA
Constitution and By-Laws. Similarly, questions will be entertained after.
Rod: Thank you, ma’am Kizzy! Related Learning Experience is one of the best
experiences of a student nurse as it builds students competence in our actual
nurse-patient care. To discuss with us the RLE guidelines and policies, ladies
and gentlemen, I present to you one of our most talented faculty members and
our clinical coordinator, sir Kenneth George M. Cortez, RN.
Tricia: Again, for those who would like to raise their question or concerns after
the discussion (especially to our level 1 students), please feel free to stand up
for us to see and we will make sure to cater it all.
Tricia: Alright, let us now settle down. Celebrating student success is a
remarkable way to acknowledge the determination and effort they have
invested. At this point, hold on and let us now proceed to the awarding of
certificates for ________________________. *Read content of certificate and
call the Class Advisers, Level Coordinator, Academic Coordinator, Clinical
Coordinator, and the Dean at the center stage.
Rod: Congratulations to all the awardees! May we continue to be more and
achieve more, and of course be an inspiration to other students. As we come
end, may I call on our PNMSA Vice President Mr. Rey Discar Jr. to close the
Tricia: Thank you, Rey for those words. This time, let us give back all the glory
and honor to Almighty
Rod: again, ladies and gentelemen it has been a pleassure to be with you this
day. Once again, i am rod mark dominic c. Estabillo
Tricia: and ia m tricia mae a. Corpuz!
Both: and we are your host for today! Thank you and god bless us all!

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