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Reading and Writing 4th Quarter

Hypertext and Intertext

What I know

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. D
14. D
15. C Checked

What’s New

1. Alludes Allude is a word with playful roots—literally. It comes from the

Latin alludere, which means "to play with," and shares the root of
Latin ludere ("to play") with other English words, such
as ludicrous and delude."). To emphasize, alludes means to speak of or
mention (something or someone) in an indirect way. One of the former
meanings of allude was "to engage in wordplay": this sense is now long
obsolete. Although some people think that allude must always specifically
entail an indirect reference, this is not the case; people have been
using allude in the sense of "to refer to directly" for well over a century (as
in "The Man Without a Country," the short story by Edward Everett Hale
from 1863: "He never alluded so directly to his story again.
Synonym: suggest, hint, imply, hint at,
Example: I'm interested in hearing more about the technology you alluded
to a minute ago.

2. Hypotext Hypotext is an earlier text which serves as the source of a subsequent piece of
literature, or hypertext.[1] For example, Homer's Odyssey could be regarded as
the hypotext for James Joyce's Ulysses.
The word was defined by the French theorist Gerard Genette as follows
"Hypertextuality refers to any relationship uniting a text B (which I shall call
the hypertext) to an earlier text A (I shall, of course, call it the hypotext), upon
which it is grafted in a manner that is not that of commentary." So, a hypertext
derives from hypotext(s) through a process which Genette calls
transformation, in which text B "evokes" text A without necessarily
mentioning it directly. The hypertext may of course become original text in its
own right.[3] The word has more recently been used in extended ways, for
example, Adamczewski suggests that the Iliad was used as a structuring
hypotext in Mark's Gospel.[4]

James Joyce (February 1882 – 13 January 1941)Is a novelist, short story writer, poet,
teacher, and literary critic from Ireland. Ulysses is his most famous work. He
was an key figure in the modernist avant-garde movement and is widely
recognized as one of the twentieth century's most influential and significant
Joyce is best known for Ulysses (1922), a landmark work in which the episodes
of Homer's Odyssey are paralleled in a variety of literary styles, most famously
stream of consciousness. Other well-known works are the short- story
collection Dubliners (1914), mainly focused upon Dublin life’s sordidness, and
the novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and Finnegans Wake
(1939) a universal dream about an Irish family, composed in a multilingual
style on many levels and aiming at a multiplicity of meanings, but, although
seemingly unintelligible at first reading, the book is full of poetry and wit,
containing passages of great beauty. His other writings include three books of
poetry, a play, his published letters and occasional journalism. Joyce’s other
works—some verse (Chamber Music, 1907; Pomes Penyeach, 1927; Collected
Poems, 1936) and a play, Exiles (1918)—though competently written, added
little to his international stature.
Ulysses Ulysses is a modernist novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It was first serialized
in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to
December 1920 and then published in its entirety in Paris by Sylvia Beach on 2
February 1922, Joyce's 40th birthday. It is considered one of the mostn
important works of modernist literature and has been called "a demonstration
and summation of the entire movement." According to Declan Kiberd, "Before
Joyce, no writer of fiction had so foregrounded the
process of thinking”.
Ulysses chronicles the itinerant Leopold Bloom's appointments and encounters
in Dublin on an ordinary day, June 16, 1904. When James Joyce began writing
his novel Ulysses, he had in mind a creative project that brought together
aspects of h
is two major works Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, while
at the same time incorporating aspects of Homer's epic The Odyssey. The
novel Ulysses encompasses a total of eighteen chapters, tracing the actions of
various Dubliners beginning at 8 am on the day of June 16, 1904

Homer The assumed author of Iliad and the odyssey, two epic poems that are the
foundational works of ancient Greek literature.
The Iliad is set during the Trojan War, the ten-year siege of the city of Troy by
a coalition of Mycenaean Greek kingdoms. It focuses on a quarrel between
King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles lasting a few weeks during the last
year of the war. The Odyssey focuses on the ten-year journey home of
Odysseus, king of Ithaca, after the fall of Troy. Many accounts of Homer's life
circulated in classical antiquity, the most widespread being that he was a blind
bard from Ionia, a region of central coastal Anatolia in presentday Turkey.
Modern scholars consider these accounts legendary.
For centuries, people have been trying to discover who was behind the timeless
tales of the Odyssey and its predecessor, the Iliad. Homer, the name attached to
the two poems, remains a mysterious figure. Was he a man? Was ‘Homer’ a
group or lineage of poets? Was Homer a woman? The late-19th-century
novelist Samuel Butler was convinced that the author of the Odyssey, at least,
was female. For most people in antiquity, however, the two epics were the
products of a single male mind.
Both The Iliad and The Odyssey conform to the diction of a purely oral and
unwritten poetic speech that was used before the end of that century. Indeed,
some scholars believe the name “Homer” was actually a commonly used term
for blind men who wandered the countryside reciting epic poetry.
Odyssey The Odyssey, Odysseia, Attic Greek: [o.dys.sej.ja]) is one of two major ancient
Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is one of the oldest extant works of
literature still read by contemporary audiences. As with the Iliad, the poem is
divided into 24 books.
It follows the Greek hero Odysseus, king of Ithaca, and his journey home after
the Trojan War. After the war itself, which lasted ten years, his journey lasted
for ten additional years, during which time he encountered many perils and all
his crew mates were killed. In his absence, Odysseus was assumed dead, and
his wife Penelope and son Telemachus had to contend with a group of unruly
suitors who were competing for Penelope's hand in marriage.
Odysseus was a legendary hero in Greek mythology, king of the island of
Ithaca and the main protagonist of Homer's epic, the “Odyssey.” The son of
Laertes and Anticlea, Odysseus was well known among the Greeks as a most
eloquent speaker, an ingenious and cunning trickster. the main sources on
Odysseus’ life and deeds are, unsurprisingly, Homer’s two epics: the “Iliad,”
which covers his partaking in the Trojan War, and, especially, the “Odyssey,”
which focuses on his journey back home. A summary of the latter can be found
in the final chapters of the epitome of Apollodorus’ “Library.”
Angela Carter’s Angela Olive Pearce (formerly Carter, nee Stalker; 7 May 1940 – 16
February 1992), who published under the name Angela Carter, was an
English novelist, short story writer, poet, and journalist, known for her
feminist, magical realism, and picaresque works. She is best known for her
book The Bloody Chamber, which was published in 1979. In 2008, The Times
ranked Carter tenth in their list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945".
[1] In 2012, Nights at the Circus was selected as the best ever winner of the
James Tait Black Memorial Prize.[2

Her novels, all of which have received considerable critical acclaim,

include Shadow Dance (1965), The Magic Toyshop (1967), Heroes And
Villains (1969), Love (1971), The Infernal Desire Machines Of Dr
Hoffman (1972), The Passion Of New Eve (1977), Nights At The
Circus (1984), and Wise Children (1991). She also published three collections
of short stories, The BloodyChamber (1979), Fireworks (1984), and Black
Venus (1985), and two works of non-fiction, The Sadeian Women: An Exercise
In Cultural History and Nothing Sacred: Selected Writings, translated the fairy
tales of Charles Perrault, and edited collections of fairy and folk tales as well
as Wayward Girls And Wicked Women: An Anthology Of Subversive
Stories (1986). She wrote the screenplay for A Company Of Wolves, based on
her own short story..
Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast (French: La Belle et la Bête) is a fairy tale written by
French novelist Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve and published in 1740
in La Jeune Americaine et les contes marins (The Young American and Marine
Tales).[1] Its lengthy version was abridged, rewritten, and published by
Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont in 1756 in Magasin des enfants[2]
(Children's Collection) to produce the version most commonly retold[1] and
later by Andrew Lang in the Blue Fairy Book of his Fairy Book series in 1889.
It was influenced by Ancient Greek stories such as "Cupid and Psyche" from
The Golden Ass, written by Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis in the 2nd century
AD, and The Pig King, an Italian fairytale published by Giovanni Francesco
Straparola in The Facetious Nights of Straparola around 1550.[3]

A simple synopsis: An arrogant prince is cursed to live as a terrifying beast

until he finds true love. Strangely, his chance comes when he captures an
unwary clockmaker, whose place is then taken by his bold and beautiful
daughter Belle. Helped by the Beast's similarly enchanted servants, including a
clock, a teapot and a candelabra, Belle begins to see the sensitive soul behind
the fearsome facade. But as time runs out, it soon becomes obvious that Belle's
cocky suitor Gaston is the real beast of the piece.

Imitation Imitation of natural sounds may also be used for purposes other than
shamanism, such as luring in the chase. Shamanism in various cultures shows
great diversity.[1] In some cultures, shamanic music may intentionally mimic
natural sounds, sometimes with onomatopoeia.[2] Imitation of natural sounds
may also serve other
functions not necessarily related to shamanism, such as luring in the hunt; [3]
and entertainment (katajjaqs of the Inuit).
Imitation is an act or instance of imitating; something produced as a copy; a
literary work designed to reproduce the style of the author; the quality of an
object in possessing some of the nature or attributes of a transcendent idea
Synonym: carbon,  carbon
copy, clone, copy, dummy, dupe, duplicate, duplication, facsimile,
Parody A parody, also called a spoof, a send-up, a take-off, a lampoon, a play on
(something), or a caricature, is a creative work designed to imitate, comment
on, and/or make fun of its subject by means of satiric or ironic imitation. Often
its subject is an original work or some aspect of it — theme/content, author,
style, etc. But a parody can also be about a real-life person (e.g. a politician),
event, or movement (e.g. the French
Revolution or 1960s counterculture). Literary scholar Professor Simon Dentith
defines parody as "any cultural practice which provides a relatively polemical
allusive imitation of another cultural production or practice".[1] The literary
theorist Linda Hutcheon said "parody ... is imitation, not always at the expense
of the parodied text." Parody may be found in art or culture, including
literature, music, theater, television and film, animation, and gaming. Some
parody is practiced in theater.
Pastiche It is a piece of visual art, fiction, theatre, or music that mimics the theme or
character of another artist's work. A pastiche is a work of visual art, literature,
theatre, or music that imitates the style or character of the work of one or more
other artists.[1] Unlike parody, pastiche celebrates, rather than mocks, the work
it imitates.[2] The word pastiche is a French cognate of the Italian noun
pasticcio, which is a pate or pie-filling mixed from diverse ingredients.[1] [3]
Metaphorically, pastiche and pasticcio describe works that are either composed
by several authors, or that incorporate stylistic elements of other artists' work.
Pastiche is an example of eclecticism in art. 4] Both allusion and pastiche are
mechanisms of intertextuality.
Synonym: imitation, copy, assortment

What’s More

Activity 1. Going Webby

My Chosen Website:

Name of Link URL (Web Address)

1. Vaccine
2. Adaptive Immune
3. Severe Acute
4. COVID-19
5. Coronavirus
8. Vaccine Types
9. DNA Sequencing
10. Viral Vector
11. mRNA Vaccine
12. Inactivated
13. Avian coronavirus
14. Drew Weissman
15. Katalin Kariko
16. Imunologic
17. Clinical Research
18. Stringent
19. Phases IV
20. Antigen

What I Have Learned


Hypermedia, hypertextual, semantic, ontology, metadata, textual, text based, sgml, xml, annotation,
transclusion, information server, information superhighway

Definition (nasa pp 6 ang sagot) Hypertext is text displayed on a computer display or other
electronic devices with references to other text that the reader can immediately access.
Hypertext documents are interconnected by hyperlinks, which are typically activated by a mouse
click, keypress set, or screen touch.  a database format in which information related to
that on a display can be accessed directly from the display.


In a hypertext system, the reader is free to navigate information by exploring the connections provided.
 Hypertext is very different way of presenting information than the usual
linear form.
 Text no longer flows in a straight line through a book. Instead, it is broken down into many smaller units
(lexias, to borrow a term from literary criticism), each addressing a few issues
 It acts as a bridge between two basic, opposite, and complementing elements that may be called gender of
knowledge representation: tree and shortcut
Hypertext incorporate color, graphics, multimedia sound and video clips, animations

It has the ability to make large quantities of information accessible.

Hypertext permits readers to explore to a breadth and depth topics by simply clicking the link, pictures, or

Example: if reader still needs more background on a particular item that a text is discussing, the reader can
choose to highlight that term and access a page that defines the term and describes.

It has storage system such as file system or a database system.

What I Can Do
My insights that I’ve gained by exploring the information I found as I accessed the link is that child bullying in
the Philippines pervading all over our society. This article emphasizes the issue of social media misconduct and
how it impacts an individual on a wider scale. I see that no one deserves hate and we must educate and teach
every person about this issue. We should always think when we do something to people because it might affect
not only the person who you bully but also yourself. We should always think about the consequences of every
action that we make. We must be observant, listen to our children, and consult with school authorities to prevent
this kind of act.

Social media has had both positive and negative effects on everyone's lives. Social media has shed people's
sensibilities and has made hate on different genders, embarrass each other, make hateful comments and even
spread fake lies about each other. In the article we see how the Philippine government has taken legal
implications by forming laws that condones this cyber bulling acts.
Some of this laws the government has formed are:
1) The anti-bullying act of 2013 (RA 1062). This law is mostly school based. Any individual that inflicts pain to
another either physically or on social media will have committed a crime against the law.
2) Revised penal code and the cybercrime prevention act- One who publicly or maliciously imputes to another a
crime, vice, defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status or circumstance tending to cause
the dishonor, discredit or contempt of a natural or juridical person, or blacken the memory of one who is dead
may be liable for libel under this Code
3) The civil code on damages. One who is aggrieved by a defamatory post in social media may find refuge in
the provisions of the Civil Code on Damages. (Art. 2176, Civil Code) One who posts in social media, causing
damage to the reputation of another may be liable to the subject for damages and this can be a valid cause of
action under the law. 
4) The labor code on just causes for termination- An employee who spreads rumors or intrigues against a co-
worker or his superior or vice versa, or who does any act similar to cyberlibel, slander, intriguing against honour
or even prying into the privacy of another may be a just cause for termination if embodied in the company
policy in addition to all other causes of action available to him under the laws mentioned. (Sec. 5.2(g), D.O 147-

I was able to explore and read an article that tackles about cyber bullying. It has now become a platform for
people of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities to malign others and propagate misleading and malicious rumors
at the detriment of others. The platforms of social media must be used in a proper way rather than becoming one
of the reasons why someone would cause harm unto themselves. Furthermore, People should be informed that
the country has legislation in terms of protecting everyone from vile comments and online trolls. According to
the law, cyberbullying anyone on social media will result in imprisonment and/or legal charges. To conclude,
cyber bullying is a serious crime for which you can be punished if you are captured, and it is also despicable
behaviour that can have a major influence on someone's mental wellbeing.

Assessment- Answers are same as what I know but base it on numbers

Additional Activities

I am who I am, and I am a hero

I am who I am, no matter what you think of me.

I am here, living the best I can. I am a hero.

I love who I am and I’m proud of it.

My life is full of wonderful things.

I am a hero. I bravely stand in the middle of a storm.

even in the darkness, I remain strong.

I am molded by the struggles.

like everybody, I am happy to cope with it.

I am a hero. I am the person who strives for the best.

there are failures that make me weak.

but even if failure exists, I still fight for it.

this is me, and I am proud of being me.

I am a hero. I believe in the greater good, the love of God.

I am a hero. I love my family, my country,

I also know that when the time comes, I will be willing to sacrifice for others.

for people, for God, and for all of humanity because I am a Hero

Now I'm here, stronger than ever, for I am a hero in my life.

I am more confident than ever, and happier than ever.

whatever obstacles God has in store for me,

I'll be ready with open arms.

To love myself, embrace myself, and simply be a hero of myself

I may not make everyone happy, but at the end of the day, that doesn't matter.

Because I make myself happy, and for me,

That is reason enough to be awesome and grateful

Because to me, I AM MY OWN HERO.

I imagine myself as a stack of books on a shelf.

In a quest for character, I search for myself.

I do not doubt that I am someone

This is me, choosing to be the best version of myself

Me, Myself & I


Highlighted Word/s URL (Web Address) Related Poem

My Life
I Am My Own Hero
Sacrifice for others
Me, Myself, I
My Family
Embrace myself
Myself Happy

What I know

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. D

Whast’s New
1. Connection
2. Between
3. Texts

Elaboration on Intertextuality

Questions Used to Validate Intertext

1. Yes
2. The text shows an indirect connection to another piece of work.
Note: If the reader has affirmation towards these questions, the texts he/she is
dealing with contains intertext.

What I can do
1. Victor Magtanggol is a fantasy series based on Norse mythology of Europe.
A. Are there two or more stories involved?
- Yes, there are two stories involved.
B. If yes, what are they?
- Victor Magtanggol and norse mythology of Europe
C. Is there connection between these texts?
- Yes, there is a connection between these texts.
D. What type of text development is this?
- The type of text development is Intertext.
2. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a horror novel. It is also called “The Modern Prometheus”
because it is believed to be inspired by the story of Prometheus found in a Greek myth
showing a lesson that we should not go beyond the boundaries intended for humans like
restoring the life of someone who is already dead.
A. Are there two or more stories involved?
- Yes, there are two stories involved.
B. If yes, what are they?
- Frankenstein and Greek myth
C. Is there connection between these texts?
- Yes, there is a connection between these texts.
D. What type of text development is this?
- The type of text development is Intertext
3. Indio written by Suzette Doctolero is a drama epic fantasy. It is created out of the
influence of both Philippine history and Filipino mythology.
A. Are there two or more stories involved?
- Yes, there are two stories involved.
B. If yes, what are they?
- Indio and Filipino mythology.
C. Is there connection between these texts?
- Yes, there is connection between these texts.
D. What type of text development is this?
- The type of text development is Intertext

What I have Learned

1. Intertext means G. relationship between or among texts.
2. Intertextuality occurs with allusion, pastiche, quotation, and C. retelling.
3. Pastiche is the opposite of A. parody.
4. In the retelling method, there is E. restatement of story.
5. It is better to have loved and lost than to never loved at all? My answer is an absolute yes
(Mark 2012, 1). This is an example of D. contrast.

What I can do

Precious Moments
Friday morning and it is the day that my teacher gives our scores in our final examinations, I feel
excited and contented but when I saw the results of my final examinations, I feel disappointed to myself and I
feel the wetness of my eyes about 1 hour and in just as nap my legs and body become shaky and started to
tremble. Everything went black and all that I can hear is the chirping of the birds outside. I crashed in the bottom
line of agony. When I entered in our classroom, our teacher said something, “It is not our abilities that show
what we truly is our choices,” that is what he said in the whole class. I got goose bumps when I heard the
remarkable line of Dumbledore in Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets. “Failure is success if we learned from it” he
added. This is also a famous quotation written by Malcom Forbes, a famous entrepreneur. Little by little my
eyesight become normal and I see him smiling at me. In that moment I knew I was about to cry. He give me a
intrinsic motivation that I never felt before. Yes, I failed but what matters to me now is that my teacher didn't
see me as a failure and yet he see me as a man who always striving for the best. That day, I tell to myself that I
must strive for the best in my study because as Nelson Madella once said “Education is the most powerful
weapon which you can use to change the world” as I open my eyes with spear and shield I face all the
challenges in my educational journey.
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. D
15. C

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