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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Caraga Region
Schools Division of Cabadbaran City

Third Quarterly Examination in Science 5

S.Y. 2022-2023
Name: _______________________ Gr./ Section: ______________________Score: __________
1. How many meters are there in 1 kilometer?
a. 1 c. 100
b. 10 d. 1000
2. If Usain Bolt finished a 200- meter race in 20 seconds, What was his speed?
a. 0.01 meters/second c. 400 meters/ second
b. 10 meters/second d. 40000 meters / second
3. How many centimeters are 10 kilometers?
a. 10 000 c. 1 000 000
b. 100 000 d. 10 000 000
4. Which unit is preferably used to measure the distance between two cities?
a. Centimeters c. meters
b. Kilometers d. mile
5. Which does not demonstrate motion ?
a. Ball rolling on the floor
b. Ballerina dancing on stage
c. Mother walking in the street
d. Pencil on the table
6. Which of the following is the standard unit of measurement used for distance or length?
a. Foot c. minute
b. Meter d. second
7. What do you call a material that allows electricity to pass through it?
a. Conduction c. insulator
b. Conductor d. metal
8. Your mother wants to cooks egg faster, Which of the following materials will she use?
a. Aluminum pot c. plastic pot
b. Clay pot d. rubber pot
9. Why are cooking utensils made up of metal and the handles are made of plastic ?
a. Metal is hard while plastic is soft.
b. Metal is expensive while plastic is cheaper.
c. Metal is not brittle while plastic brittle.
d. Metal is a good conductor of heat while plastic is a poor conductor of heat.
10. Which of the following consists of objects that are good conductors of heat ?
a. Steel, paper, towel
b. Gold, pencil, tape
c. Iron wire, thumbtacks, steel ruler
d. Aluminum cup, wood,cloth
11. Which is a good conductor?
a. Fruits c. plastics
b. Metals d. wood products
12. Which is an example of conductor?
a. Book c. copper wire
b. Cloth d. paper plate
13. What do we call a material that does not allow the electricity and heat to pass through it
a. Conductor c. iron
b. Insulator d. wire
14. What is the difference between a conductor and insulator ?
a. An insulator is durable, while a conductor is not.
b. A conductor is durable, while an insulator is not.
c. An insulator allows heat to flow through it easily while a conductor does not.
d. A conductor allows heat to flow through it easily while an insulator does not.
15. Which of the following is a good conductor?
a. Cloth c. plastic
b. Metal d. wood
16. All of the following statements are correct, EXCEPT one, Which one is it?
a. Metals are non- ductile while non- metals are ductile.
b. Metals are opaque while non- metals are transparent.
c. Metals are lustrous while non- metals are not lustrous.
d. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity while non- metals are poor
conductors of heat and electricity.
17. What do we call the transfer of heat in solid ?
a. Conduction c. insulator
b. Conductor d. radiation
18. What is the primary source of light?
a. Moon c. stars
b. Planets d. sun
19. What do you call the taking in of light and not reflecting it back ?
a. Absorption c. refraction
b. Reflection d. transmission
20. What’s bending of light that passes through different materials?
a. Absorption c. refraction
b. Reflection d. transmission
21. It is the bouncing back of light when it hits an object.
a. Absorption c. refraction
b. Reflection d. transparent
22. Objects that block are called _____________________ materials.
a. Opaque c.. translucent
b. Optics d. transparent
23. The light that your eyes react to is called _______________.
a. Infrared c. ultraviolet
b. Invisible light d. visible light
24. Objects that allow some light to pass through them are __________ materials.
a. Transparent c. opaque
b. Translucent d. optics
25. Objects that allows all light to pass through them are ____________ materials.
a. Opaque c. translucent
b. Optics d. transparent
26. The following are examples of opaque materials except ______________.
a. Hollow blocks c. water
b. Paper d. wooden table
27. Which of the following is an example of translucent materials?
a. Books c. reading glasses
b. Frosted window d. wood
28. Which is the study of the refraction, reflection, absorption and transmission of light?
a. Optics c. visible light
b. Spectrum d. electromagnetic
29. How many days does the moon take to complete its cycle?
a. 30 days c. 28 days
b. 29 ½ days d. 27 ¼ days
30. Why does moon seems to change its shape?
a. The moons deforms it shape as it moves around the earth.
b. The moon breaks some its parts when it reflects light from the sun.
c. Only the lighted part of the moon is seen from the earth as it moves.
d. All the above.
31. The lighted part of the moon that we see on earth at different times is called_________.
a. Illuminated moon c. shapes of the moon
b. Phases of the moon d. structures of the moon
32. When the moon seems to be growing it is called ______________.
a. Crescent c. waning
b. Gibbous d. waxing
33. Why do some people have superstitious beliefs about the moon?
a. Some people don’t believe on modern technology.
b. Some people long time ago
c. Some people has proven that moon affects their lives significantly.
d. Ancient people believe that moon has a direct influence on their lives which passed
on from generation to generation.
34. What is the phases where you see half of the lighted side of the moon after the new
a. First quarter c. full moon
b. New moon d. last quarter
35. Which is of the moon changing from new moon to full moon?
a. Waxing moon c. first quarter
b. Waning moon d. last quarter
36. Which is of the moon changing full moon to new moon?
a. Waxing moon c. first quarter
b. Waning moon d. last quarter
37. What phases when the moon is not visible?
a. New moon c. first quarter
b. Full moon d. last quarter
38. What phases where you see the whole lighted side of the moon?
a. Full moon c. first quarter
b. New moon d. last quarter
39. What is the color of the hottest star?
a. Blue c. red
b. Orange d. yellow
40. Why does the sun seem to be the biggest star in the universe?
a. It is a yellow star.
b. It is the hottest star
c. It is the brightest star
d. It is fixed star which always points at the north.
41. What is the name of the star closest to earth next to sun?
a. Betelgeuse c. Proxima centauri
b. Polaris d. Rigei
42. Why is Polaris helpful in finding directions ?
a. It can be seen both day and night.
b. It is the biggest star in the universe.
c. It is the most visible stars I the night sky.
d. It is fixed star which always points at the north.
43. Which constellation has a shape of a mythical hunter ?
a. Cassiopeia c. Pegasus
b. Orion d. Ursa Major
44. The longest known star is called _____________________.
a. Arcturus c. Polaris
b. Betelgeuse d. VY Canis Major
45.It is an imaginary belt or path in the heavens that includes the path of the planets.

a. Asterism c. star
b. Constellations d. Zodiac
46. Big Dipper and Little Dipper are examples of ___________________.
a. Asterism c. Star
b. Constellation d. Zodiac
47. It is also called as the North star.
a. Betelgeuse c. Reddish star
b. Polaris d. Sirius
48. Rigel is called as the _____________________.
a. Bluish- white star c. reddish star
b. Bluish star d. yellowish star
49. IAU means International ________________ Union.
a. Astronomical c. sociological
b. Physiological d. mythical
50. The distance of the star is measured in terms of _________________.
a. Light year c. whole year
b. Mid- year

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