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Salute solar imp Lo Sela ee pica jergy Generation Per Kwp/Day sverage Oc Energy ° 5-60 Generation perDay | KWhrs average ACEnergy 6 4.25 | Generated per Day After Losses KWhrs ‘Average ACEnergy ° 1,550.0 Generation perYear | KWhrs Salare< Inverters ia ts © Modules- its depends on Sale [Net metering ystems are primarily aimedat providingan opportunity to consumers to offset their electricity bills, wherein a single ‘moter records both import of conventional ‘energy from distribution grdland export of solarenergy into distribution gr, Thus, net -meteringallows the final user to eredit produced energy inthe grid and is also promotedas a preferred option, > Solar How can you benifit from Solar? Reduced Electricity Bill Feed-in Tariffs and Rebates pee’ Sete 5 +Years Payback Period Low Maintenance SE... mg 4OO electricity monthly (@.5kW=2,40,000) CashFlow Down payment ‘Down payment Proiestions, Monthy ¢.40,000 12008 aes ‘Solar With Loan™ Soler Power Generated agg on ° Naame Uease |Z 45 eae Net Eleetrely Bi 200.00 £200.00 3206.00 Emi 0.00 32,700.00 0.00 Morpiynaaintenanes: | 250.00 £250.00 0.00 Monthly Out etPocket | 450.00 3230.00 3208.00 “Loan completely patd aff by Year 7. Assumes a7 yrs. 10an we @ 10.00%. okt Maintenance costs start year 2 LOC = eure Protect Yourself from Escalating, Energy Costs Sex * South facing wall, Roof or Balcony required + Approximately 120 sq. ft. space required = 10’ X 12’ + System cost without Battery = Rs. 0.90 lakhs + MNRE Subsidy @ 15 % = Not considered + Estimated generation per day = 4 units per day + Estimated sunny day per year = 300 days + Estimated net generation = 1200 per year + Avoided Cost/ Saving = 1200* Rs. 9#= Rs. 10800 per year + Payback without Depreciation benefits = 6.5 years * Total estimated Plant life = 25 years # Approximate Industrial / commercial Tariff rate @ Rs. 9.00 angehgy ahex Cx VC,

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