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SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS Vol.28, No.3, 160-168, Sept.

Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering





The finite difference method is applied to numerical analysis of the effectiveness of gravel
drains constructed to prevent liquefaction of sandy soils due to earthquake motion. The basic
equation used here is the axisymmetric diffusion equation which includes the generation of
excess pore water pressure. The arcsin function of the equivalent cycle ratio formulated by
Seed and Booker is used as the pore pressure buildup curve under undrained conditions. A
comparison with the results of in-situ experiments reveals that the well resistance of the
drain wells should be considered in the gravel drain design, and that the numerical method is
valid for the pore pressure prediction.
The analytical results are summarized as a set of diagrams in order to provide a convenient
basis for the drain spacing design which takes well resistance into account. These diagrams
permit drain spacing to be directly decided without the need for a computer. The application
range of these diagrams is markedly wider than those of several existing diagrams currently

Key words : design, drainage, (gravel drain), in-situ test, liquefaction, permeability, pore
pressure, sandy soil, soil stabilization (IGC : E 8/K 6)

ed, however, because gravel with finite per-

INTRODUCTION meability is used as the actual drain materi-
Gravel drains have often been installed to al. Onoue et al. (1987 a) quantitatively con-
prevent liquefaction of loose sandy deposits firmed that well resistance must be considered
during an earthquake. The diagrams pro- in the drain spacing design.
posed by Seed and Booker (1977) are general- Previous to the latter paper, several dia-
ly used in the drain spacing design, although grams, equations and numerical analysis
they do not take well resistance into account. methods which take well resistance into ac-
The effect of well resistance cannot be ignor- count have been proposed. Okita et al.

i) Senior Research Engineer, Institute of Technology, Shimizu Corporation, No. 4-17, Etchujima,
3-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo.
Manuscript was received for review on December 11, 1987.
Written discussions on this note should be submitted before April 1, 1989, to the Japanese Society
of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Sugayama Bldg. 4 F, l Kanda A waji-cho 2-23,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan. Upon request the closing date may be extended one month.

This is an Open Access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license.

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(1986) presented a nomograph which incor~ yields a comparatively simple design proce-
porates well resistance for reading Seed and dure, their diagrams always produce an un-
Booker's diagrams. The use of their nomo- derestimated pore pressure ratio. This is
graph, however, is limited only to a coeffi- especially so when the earthquake duration
cient of well resistance of 1. 0 and a pore is equal to or less than twice the duration
pressure ratio of 0. 5. Tokimatsu and Yoshi- required to cause liquefaction under un-
mi (1980) proposed a diagram concerning the drained conditions.
pore pressure ratio in the case where the In spite of the above-mentioned studies,
value of the shear stress ratio is 1. 3. however, there has not yet appeared an effi-
Though the method proposed by Ishihara cient way of deciding drain spacing taking
(1982) which involves the equivalent coeffi- well resistance into account. This paper,
cient of permeability is a procedure clearly therefore, presents a previously developed
considering well resistance, it requires a numerical analysis method based on the finite
seepage flow analysis for each value of the difference method which considers well resist-
slenderness ratio of the drain well. ance. The method uses the same model
Tanaka et al. (1983) offered a simple pre- for the pore pressure generation curve as that
diction equation for the pore pressure ratio used by Seed and Booker (1977). Usefulness
using the assumption that the relationship of the analytical method is verified by com-
between the pore pressure ratio and cycle paring the analytical results with the in-situ
ratio is linear for the pore pressure genera- experimental results. The design diagrams
tion curve in undrained cyclic shear tests of for reading the most suitable spacing for
sandy soil. Although Tanaka et al. (1984) gravel drains are next presented for the wide
and Tanaka (1986) also proposed a more gen- ranges of design pore pressure ratios, cycle
eral equation using parameter f3 for the pore ratios and coefficients of well resistance.
pressure buildup curves under undrained con- These ranges cover all values required in
ditions, it is necessary to perform liquefac- ordinal design work.
tion tests in order to determine the value of
f3 in advance of the spacing design work.
Onoue et al. (1987 a) have expanded Tanaka ANALYTICAL METHOD
et al. 's simple equation with respect to the Basic Equation
linear pore pressure buildup curve by com- When generation and dissipation of pore
bining their equation with Hansbo's equation pressure occurs simultaneously, the basic
for centripetal consolidation taking well re- equation for excess pore water pressure, u,
sistance into account. After having verified is described by the axisymmetric diffusion
the validity of their equations through corn- equation (Seed and Booker, 1977),
paring the predicted values and the actual
au+ au)- au- aug_

measurements, they presented a detailed r ar az at at2 -

design procedure. Currently, however, the (1)
arcsin function given by Seed et al. (1976)
Here, OUgj ot is the generation velocity of
is generally being recommended, e. g. by
the pore water pressure due to cyclic loading
Sasaki and Taniguchi (1982), as the experi-
under the undrained condition, and is rewrit-
mental formula for the pore pressure buildup
ten as
curve for various kinds of sandy soils in the
undrained condition. (2)
Iai and Koizumi (1986) presented drain
spacing diagrams using parameter Tz, which The continuity condition along the drain
is the time factor with respect to the dura- periphery is given by Eq. (3), which was
tion of earthquake shaking required to cause presented by Yoshikuni and Nakanodo
initial liquefaction. Though their method (1974) :

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( fJr +~~(~) -0 (3)
r=rw 2 ks fJz 2 r=rw-
In an earlier work, Onoue and Mori (1987
b) reported that the effect of gravel drains
in multi-layered ground can be accurately
predicted by the numerical analysis based on
Eqs. ( 1 ), ( 2) and ( 3 ). This conclusion
was drawn from a comparison of the calcu-
lated time histories of the pore pressure ratio
and the measured ones. The outline of the
in-situ experiments will be mentioned later.
In their calculation process for obtaining the
analytical results, the time histories of the
equivalent number of cycles, Neq, measured
in each experiment on one drain pile, and Impermeable
the relationship between the pore pressure
ratio, rw and Neq measured in unimproved,
Fig. 1. Drain well and boundary
i.e., undrained, ground, were respectively
used as the function Neq of t, and as the
function Ug of Neq. are carried out according to the numerical
In order to widen the applicability of the analysis procedure explained by Onoue
.analytical results, however, a more general- (1988).
ized Ug""Neq relationship should be adopted
in the analysis. According to Seed and Initial and Boundary Conditions
Booker (1977), the pore pressure buildup The initial condition is u=O when t=O,
curve is formulated in terms of the number and the boundary conditions are shown in
of cycles, Nz, required to cause initial lique- Fig. 1. Both the coefficient of permeability
faction as of ground for horizontal water flow, kh, and
Ug 2
. ( N )1/(2a:) (4)
that for vertical flow, kw are assumed to be
<1vo' 7t Nz equal to the same value of k 8 when both the
horizon tal flow toward the drain well and
Here, <1vo' is the initial effective stress for
the vertical flow toward the upper surface of
the simple shear conditions. Eq. ( 4) with
the sand layer are taken in to consideration .
.a typical a value of 0. 7 is considered to be
On the other hand, the value of kv is assum-
the best fitting formula for various kinds of
ed to be equal to zero when the vertical water
sandy soils at the present time (Seed et al.,
flow is neglected.
1976 ; Sasaki and Taniguchi, 1982).
Also assuming that a linear relationship
Difference in Pore Pressure Ratio Dependence
exists between an equivalent number, Neq,
on Vertical Water Flow
.and the duration of time, td, of earthquake
When vertical water flow in the sandy
motion for practical purposes, Eq. ( 2) IS
ground is taken into account, the pore water
reduced to
pressure ratio varies with the value of the
!_l!_rz_=_!_{ 2<1vo' arcsin( N )1/(2a:)} slenderness ratio of the drain, l ( = H/ dw).
fJt f)N 7r Nz ta Since the installation length, H, of gravel
(5) drains having a diameter of 40,.-..,.,50 em ranges
This is also the same procedure as Seed and 5,..__,15 m in general, the ordinal value of l
Booker used. In the present numerical anal- ranges from 10 to 37. 5. The value of l in
ysis, Eqs. ( 1 ), ( 3) and ( 5) are then solved this analysis is therefore presumed to be
.as a continuous equation. The calculations equal to 20. The time factor for the verti-

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cal water flow, T av' and that for the hori- presentation of the design diagrams concern-
zontal flow, Ta, are defined as Tav=k 8 ·taf ing this overall average value Yumax·
(mvrwH 2) and Ta k 8 ·taf(m~rwdw 2 ) respec- Fig. 2 is a radial direction distribution of
tively in which ta is the earthquake duration the maximum pore water pressure ratio,
of time. The value ofT av then ranges 0. 00125 rumax' at a nondimensional depth, z/H, of
.......,0. 25 when the value of T a ranges 2,....,_,400. 0. 5 for various values of the coefficient of
According to numerous calculations, the well resistance, Lw. Here, the value of r 8
greater the value of T a is, the larger the is equal to 0. 3, that of rN is 1 and that of
effect of the vertical water flow becomes.
Especially in the case where the value of Nondimensional radius, (r-rw)/(re-rw)
the cycle ratio, rN, is equal to 1. 0, the great- X 0.0 0,5 1.0
er the value of T a is, the more significant E 1.0.-~~-r~--r-T-~~~--~
the difference becomes between the analytical :.:: (rs=0.3,rN=1,Td=10)
results when considering the vertical flow and 10.0
those when disregarding it.
On the other hand, in the case where the
value of rN is equal to or greater than 2, no
difference in the pore pressure ratio in the
ground is recognized between the calculated
results derived when considering or when dis-
regarding the vertical water flow. There-
fore, two kinds of diagrams are obtained in
Radial direction
the case where rN=l : one which considers ~ average of ru max,
~ (ru ave)max, at Z::::H/2
the vertical water flow and one which dis- Q 0.0~---=---------------------·
regards it. Conversely, only one diagram
Fig. 2. Radial direction distribution of
is obtained in each case when rN=2, 3 or 4.
maximum excess pore water pressu:re
and its average value at a depth of
Radial Direction Average and Overall Aver- Radial direction average of excess
age of Maximum Pore Water Pressure pore water pressure ratio,(ru ave)max
Pore water pressure in the ground gradual- 0.0 0.5 l.0
ly rises according to the cyclic loading of the 0.0.-.-T-~~~~~~~~
shear stress, and finally reaches a certain
maximum value. The pore water pressure :c
produced at the final stage is called the maxi- N

mum excess pore water pressure, Umax· This £

maximum pressure is divided by the initial (J)
effective stress in the vertical direction, ·avo', ro O.Sr------------r~~~~~--4
to define the maximum pore water pressure 0
ratio, rumax· The rumax is a function of time (J)
.as well as of the coordinates r and z. :0
In the spacing design of gravel drains, z

there are two ways to define. the design pore

pressure ratio, rud : one uses ruma:x: and the I . 0'---'--....J.---'--__,£,.114...
·other uses the overall average of rumax> i.e., - - {Cru ave)maxat Z/H=O.Jf- {(ru ave)maxat Z/H=O.sf;:;;;;o.l
rumax· The mutual relationship between ......... {(ru ave)maxat Z/H=O.l} - {(ru ave)max at Z/H=O.Sl ;:;;;;0,05

both of these values will be estimated first Fig. 3. Vertical distribution of the radial
in the rest of this section, followed by a direction average value, (

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T d is 10. The broken lines in the figure are as the design pore pressure ratio, and is
the radial direction average value, (ruave) max' selected under 0. 6. Fortunately, the design
for each distribution curve. According to pore pressure ratio is generally selected to be
this figure, though the pore pressure ratio less than 0. 6 since the coefficient of volume
at the outer boundary of the effective circle, compressibility and stiffness of sand do not
i.e., r=re, is slightly larger than the value change greatly when the value of ru is less
of (ruave) malO the difference between their than 0. 6 (Seed et al., 1976).
values is less than 0. 05 in the (ruave)max~
0. 3 range. Comparison Between In-situ Experimental
The vertical direction distribution of Results and Analytical Results
Cruave) max is given in Fig. 3. As is clear In order to evaluate the validity of design-
from the figure, the less the depth is, the ing by using fumax and of the numerical anal-
greater the pore pressure ratio becomes. In ysis proposed here, the analytical results
all vertical distributions of (ruave) max calcu- should be compared with the in-situ experi-
lated for all of the combinations .of r 8 =0. 1, mental results reported by Onoue et al.
0. 2, ... o. 6, rN=1, 2, ... 4, T d=2, 5, ... 400 (1987 a). In the experiment, steel pipes
and Lw=O, 0. 1, ... so, the vertical distribu- having a diameter of 120 em, a length of 12m
tions having a difference of 0. os . . . . . o. 1 be- and a thickness of 12. 7 mm were driven into
tween the values of Cruave)max at nondimen- the reclaimed sandy ground to a depth of
sional depths ( =zf H) of 0. 1 and 0. 5 are 11m. A gravel drain having a diameter of
drawn by broken lines. The distributions 30, 40 or 50 em was formed at the center of
presenting a difference of more than 0. 1 are the in-pipe ground in each pipe. Vertical
shown by solid lines. All other distributions vibration was applied at the pipe head with
whose differences are less than 0. 05 are not a vibrohammer. The respective values of
shown. the drain spacing ratios, r~n were thus 0. 25,
According to Fig. 3, the values of 0. 333 and 0. 417.
(ruave)max at z/H=O. 5 of all solid and broken
One of the experimental results, borrowed
lines are greater than 0. 536. In other from the previous paper (Onoue et al., 1987
words, the value of (ruave)max at a nondi- a), is indicated in Fig. 4, where the value
mensional depth of 0. 5 can be qualified for of rN is equal to 2. The curves in Fig. 4
use as a representative index for all values
of (r uave) max at any nondimensional depth
since the underestimated pore pressure ratio
Me au red ru Read ru .... *
Cd 1.0
is within o. os if the value of Cruave) max at E
zf H = 0. 5 is less than 0. 536. Therefore, as ~ 0.8
seen from Figs. 2 and 3, wherever the value
of (ruave)max at z/H=O. 5 is less than 0. 536,
it can be used as a representative value hav-
ing an underestimation probability of less (lJ
than 0. 1 for any value of rumax at an arbi- :::::s
trary point in sandy ground.
~ 0.2
Design Pore Pressure Ratio o~--~--~~~--==
The overall average value of the maximum 0
pore pressure ratio, rumax> is always nearly Spacing ratio, rs
equal to or slightly less than the value of Fig. 4. Read values from diagram presented
Cruave)max at z/H=O. 5. Therefore, the by Seed and Booker (1977) and measured
value of rumax at an arbitrary point does not values of excess pore water pressure
exceed 0. 7 if the value of r umax is adopted ratio (Onoue et al., 1987 a)

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were initially presented by Seed and Booker curves are plotted using the * mark in the
to show the relationship between ru and the :figure. Onoue et al. concluded from this
spacing ratio, r 8 , where well resistance was :figure that disregarding well resistance Is
disregarded. The values of ru read from the improper since the values of ru read from
Seed and Booker's diagram were considerably
smaller than the measured values.
Fig. 5 presents the relationship between the
0.8 overall average value of the excess pore water
pressure ratio, r umax' and the spacing ratio,
where well resistance is considered when rN is
)( 0.6 equal to 2. Figs. 5( a), (b) and (c) cor-
respond to each experimental case where the
I~ 0.4 value of Lw equals 8. 8, 4. 9 and 3. 1 respec-
tively. The experimental results shown in
0.2 these figures agree well with the respective
pore pressure ratios indicated by the * marks
which are read directly from the curves.
Therefore, using diagrams derived from this
analysis method is clearly appropriate to drain
spacing design.

I~ 0.4 Figs. 6( a )'"'-'6( d) indicate the relationship
between the spacing ratio and the coefficient
of well resistance when both dewatering
through the drain well and through the up-
per surface of the sand layer are taken into
account. On the other hand, Fig. 7 gives the
relationship for 1 in the case where de-
watering only through the drain well is con-
sidered. As previously mentioned, the dia-
grams for rN=2, 3 and 4 in this case agree
with Figs. 6( b), (c) and (d) respectively.
More specifically, the relationships between
)( 0.6
<0 r 8 and Lw for 3 and 4 are not at all
affected by whether the vertical water flow
~~ 0.4 is involved or not.

o.o~--~--~--~--~.--~--~ When the design pore pressure ratio is 0. 5,
0.1 0.2 0.3 0~4 0.5 0.6 for instance, the value of r 8 read from Fig. 6
Spacing ratio, rs =dw/de (b) is 0. 48 under the conditions that rN=2,
Fig. 5. Relationship between spacing ratio Ta=25 and Lw=5. If Lw=O, the value of
and overall average of maximum pore r 8 is 0. 23 under the same conditions. There-
pressure ratio fore, the number of drains necessary increas-

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v · .. Td = 2 o · · · Td = I0 o · .. Td = 50
x···Tct= 5 .t.oo•Td=25 .... Tct=IOO v·"Td=200

~ 0 •4:t--'""'--t--17r+++Jm·:;;4---:J.L~t4--i"':r-:+*'f-H'-h~-.4+!,LJ
::_ 0.3;;r-~±--~·~f.:~+W~
,_ •2 :t:.::;:;;;;;:;.::,~~r

<75' 0. I

Coefficient of well resistance, Coet'fioient of well resistance,


........ o;;r
·~ 0. 3 ~;:::..<.j=~-Ft:

0.1 0.2 0.5 I 50 20 50

Coefficient of well resistance, Coefficient of well resistance, Lw(= 3 ~~ (1L)2)
1r kw dw

Fig. 6. Relationship between coefficient of well resistance and spacing ratio

es more than four times if well resistance

is taken into account. In another instance,
the value of r 8 read from. Fig. 6( c) is 0. 24
v .. •Tct =
2 o .. · Tct = I0 o .. · Td = 50
x.. •Td= 5 A•"Tct=25 •"'Td=IQQ 'V•"Td=200 for the rumax value of 0. 5 under the condi-
0.6 tions that rN=3, Td=lOO, and Lw=O.l.
The same r 8 value is obtained for the Yuma.x
value of 0. 6 under the conditions that rN=3,
Td 100 and Lw=O. 2. In other words, even
when the value of Lw is less than 0. 2, dis-
regarding well resistance results in an under.-
estimation of the pore pressure ratio by
around 0. 1. Because this underestimated
value is significant, there is no limit beyond
which the well resistance can be ignored.
0, I 0. 2 0. 5 I 2 5 I0 20 50
Coefficient of well resistance, Lw(=~ ~(d~~ 2 )
Fig. 7. Relationship between coefficient of
well resistance and spacing ratio in Gravel drain spacing diagrams have been
the case where vertical direction de- proposed taking well resistance into account.
watering is disregarded These diagrams provide a convenient basis

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for determining proper drain spacing. The earthquake induced excess pore water pressure
less the time factor T a value is, the greater for gravel drains," Proc. 7th Japan Earthquake
the influence of well resistance becomes. Eng. Symposium, pp. 679-684.
2) Ishihara, K. (1982) : "Liquefaction and coun-
However, even for a large T a value, e. g.
termeasure," Preprint of Lectures on Recent
100 or more, a slight increase in well resist-
Problems Concerning Soil and Foundation,
ance brings about a considerable increase in
JSSMFE, pp. 215-225 (in Japanese).
the pore water pressure ratio. Since there is 3) Okita, Y., Yunoki, T., Ito, K., Nakajima, Y. and
no limit at which well resistance can be con- Shimaoka, H. (1986) : "Effect of drain permea-
sidered negligible, it follows that well resist- bility on nomograph of gravel drain system, ,.
ance should always be considered in drain Proc., 21th Nat. Con£. SMFE, Vol. 1, pp. 737-
spacing design. 738 (in Japanese).
4) Onoue, A., Mori, N. and Takano, J. (1987 a) :
"In-situ experiment and analysis on well resist-
NOTATIONS ance of gravel drains," Soils and Foundations,
(de, dw)=diameter of (effective circle, drain well) Vol. 27, No.2, pp. 42-60.
H=drain length 5) Onoue, A. and Mori, N. (1987 b) : "Liquefac-
(kft, kv)=(horizontal, vertical) coefficient of per- tion preventive effect of gravel drains for sandy
meability of ground deposits," Proc. 8th Asian Regional Con£..
(ks, kw) =coefficient of permeability of (ground, ICSMFE, Vol.1, pp. 257-260.
drain well) 6) Onoue, A. (1988) : "Consolidation of multilayer-
Lw =coefficient of well resistance ed anisotropic soils by vertical drains with well
(.!!_) 2)
32 .!:.E._
( rt 2 kw dw
resistance, " Soils and Foundations, Vol. 28,
No. 3, pp. 75-90.
l=slenderness ratio of drain well (Hfdw) 7) Sasaki, Y. and Taniguchi, E. (1982) : "Shaking
N=number of uniform stress cycles table tests on gravel drains to prevent liquefac-
Neq=equivalent number of uniform stress tion of sand deposits," Soils and Foundations,
cycles during time ta Vol. 22, No.3, pp.1-14.
Nz=number of uniform stress cycles required 8) Seed, H. B., Martin, P. P. and Lysmer, J.
to cause liquefaction (1976) : "Pore water pressure change during
(re, rw) =radius of (effective circles, drain well) soil liquefaction," J. Geotech. Eng. Div.,
rN=cycle ratio (Neq/ND ASCE, Vol.102, No. GT 4, pp. 323-346.
r 8 =spacing ratio (dwfde) 9) Seed, H. B. and Booker, J. R. (1977) : "Stabili-
ru=excess pore water pressure ratio (uf(Jv 0 ') zation of potentially liquefiable sand deposits
as a function of r, z and t using gravel drains," J. Geotech. Eng. Div.,
fu=overall average of ru at arbitrary time t ASCE, Vol.103, No. GT 7, pp. 757-768.
rua=design excess pore water pressure ratio 10) Tanaka, Y., Kokusho, T., Esashi, Y. and Matsui,
rumax=maximum value of ru at time ta I. (1983) : "Effects of gravel piles on stabilizing
fumax=maximum value of fu a sand deposit susceptible to liquefaction-Part
(ruave)max=radial direction average of rumax 2 : On the designing method of gravel piles
T a= time factor (4k 1/d/(mvrwdw 2)) with finite permeability-," Rep. Cent. Res.
T av=time factor for vertical water flow Inst. Elec. Pow. Ind., No. 382058 (in Japanese).
(ksta/CmvrwH 2)) 11) Tanaka, Y., Kokusho, T., Esashi, Y. and Mat-
ta=earthquake duration of time sui, I. (1984) : "Effects of gravel piles on sta-
(u, u) =(excess, overall average of excess) pore bilizing a sand deposit susceptible to liquefac-
water pressure tion-Part 5: On the designing method of gravel
ug=excess pore water pressure generated by piles for stabilizing liquefiable level ground-,"
earthquake motion Rep. Cent. Res. Inst. Elec. Pow. Ind., No.
(Jv 0 ' =initial effective stress in vertical direction 384002 (in Japanese).
12) Tanaka, Y. (1986) : "A study on practical de-
sign method of gravel pile systems (Part 1) Im-
provement in calculating formulas for excess
REFERENCES pore pressure and settlement and verification
1) Iai, S. and Koizumi, K. (1986) : "Estimation of tests," Rep. Cent. Res. Inst. Elec. Pow. Ind .•

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No. 385056 (in Japanese). Natural Disasters, pp. 643-655.

13) Tokimatsu, K. and Yoshimi, Y. (1980) : "Ef- 14) Yoshikuni, H. and Nakanodo, H. (1974) : "Con-
fects of vertical drains on the bearing capacity solidation of soils by vertical drain wells with
of saturated sand during earthquakes," Proc. finite permeability," Soils and Foundations,
Int. Con£. on Engineering for Protection from Vol.14, No.2, pp. 35-46.

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