Writing Dayana

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Hi, my name is Karen Pinzón, I'm 22 years old, I live in Zipaquirá with my parents, my brother,

my sister and a dog named Maya. I like to exercise, to read, to draw sometimes, to cook and all
about the coffee since the cultivation until the preparation of different beverage made out of
it. I'm interested in working on this company because I considered that is a good oportunity to
learn more about the coffee process and to grow personally and professionally.

About my education, I studied a major in gastronomy at ECCI university, I did an associate

degree of english in 2018 and in this moment I'm doing an associate program on barismo.

My major weakness could be that I am not self confident enough.

Once I was called to work for a company that I didn't feel comfortable, I managed to work
there only two days and the next weekend I did not want to return, so I decided to call the
person of human resources and tell him what had happened and how I felt, to finally quit.

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