ASQSE2 Social Emotional Development Guides

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Social-Emotional 2
Development Guide Months
Learn what types of behaviors to expect from your growing baby.

Your baby: uses different

cries to tell you
is not crying as when he is hungry,
much as she was uncomfortable,
a newborn. or sick.
is really smiling
at you and “talks” to you
others now. with noises and
lets you know
she is happy by
looks at your
cooing, smiling,
face and may look
laughing, and
in your eyes, but
only for a few
seconds at first. will sometimes
be fussy only
because he
likes to be with wants your
people and is attention.
becoming more likes to be
interactive with is learning about
eating and sleeping
picked up,
you. hugged, and
times, but it will
take a few months cuddled by
for him to know people she
the routine. knows.

likes to play can recognize

with her fingers, familiar people by
hands, feet, and their voices.
feels safe in
your arms and
enjoys your hugs.

ASQ® is a registered trademark and the ASQ:SE-2 logo is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Adapted from ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Twombly, M.S.
© 2015 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Social-Emotional 6
Development Guide
Learn what types of behaviors to expect from your growing baby.

Your baby:
responds to
your soothing and responds to
comforting and your affection and
responds to loves to be
may begin to show
your smile and touched or has improving
you signs of vision, and she is
sometimes laughs held close.
affection. getting more curious
when looking about what she sees.
at you. She enjoys watching
other babies and
focuses on children.
your voice and
turns his head
toward your voice.
He may turn to will some-
you when you times stop crying
call his name. sometimes
when you talk to
him rather than sucks on her
pick him up. fingers and hands
may be to calm herself
frightened by down.
loud or
unfamiliar enjoys
noises. learning
simple games
such as sometimes
Peekaboo. likes quiet and
being soothed.
plays with sounds Other times, she
and may babble by likes talking
putting sounds together and playing.
such as “ma-ma-ma,”
“ba-ba,” and wants you and
no one else, a
lot of the time!

ASQ® is a registered trademark and the ASQ:SE-2 logo is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Adapted from ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Twombly, M.S.
© 2015 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Social-Emotional 2
Development Guide Months
Learn what types of behaviors to expect from your growing baby.

Your baby:
is interested in shows many
other babies emotions, such
and children. as happiness,
responds to sadness, anger, may have fears,
her name when and discomfort. such as fear of
you call her. falling, darkness,
large animals, loud
sounds, or changes
may be shy
in routine.
around new people
or seem jealous if you pay
attention to someone else.
He may need some time responds
to watch and warm up differently to
up to new people and is becoming
strangers than she
new places.
does to family more independent.
members and She may seem
friends she sees stubborn or
wants you in a lot. frustrated when she
his sight all the cannot do some-
time. He may get thing herself.
upset when you
imitates other
leave him with
children and
someone else.
adults. She may
imitate sounds,
actions, and facial gives affection
expressions. by hugging and
kissing. He may hug
or kiss you, familiar
watches other children and adults,
people. She may pets, or stuffed
respond to some- is beginning to animals.
one’s pain by crying show his likes and
or showing dislikes. He may push
distress. things away that he
does not like. He may
feel attached to a
special toy or

ASQ® is a registered trademark and the ASQ:SE-2 logo is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Adapted from ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Twombly, M.S.
© 2015 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Social-Emotional 2
Development Guide Months
Learn what types of behaviors to expect from your growing toddler.

Your toddler:
likes to talk likes to
and is using show affection is showing
is generally more words and give hugs different emotions
happy and smiles every day! such as fear, guilt,
and kisses. sympathy, modesty,
at people, or embarrassment.
including other
likes to do likes to
things by
help with
himself. He may turns to
simple house-
seem stubborn, you for
but this is hold tasks.
help when she
is in trouble.

enjoys likes to say,

playing near “No!” He may
have a quick
other children but
temper and
not with them likes to be
may hand sometimes hits
just yet. toys out to other when frustrated. the center of
children, but he attention.
does not understand
how to share and loves to
wants the toys imitate
right back. others.
herself in
can play pictures or
by herself for mirrors.
short periods of
time. loves to be held
has specific and read to and
likes and becomes upset
dislikes. when separated
from you.

ASQ® is a registered trademark and the ASQ:SE-2 logo is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Adapted from ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Twombly, M.S.
© 2015 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Social-Emotional 24
Development Guide Months
Learn what types of behaviors to expect from your growing toddler.

Your toddler:
wants to do
everything by likes to use
himself, even has many
likes to the words emotions, and her
imitate you, though he mine, no, and emotions can be
other adults, can’t! me do it. very “big.” She can
and her get angry and
have temper
friends. tantrums.
likes to
imitate you doing
loves to try
household tasks. He
new things and
can put some of his
explore new places.
toys away with help is very
But she wants to
from you.
know you are interested in
nearby to keep other children.
her safe. He is still learning
how to play
will play with them.
nearby other
has a
children but not hard time
really with them. waiting and knows her
She does not name and knows
understand how
wants things
what she likes and is learning
to share her right now. dislikes. She may be about the
things yet. very attached to routines in your
certain things, such
as a special book,
home but often
toy, or blanket. does not
remember rules.
affection by
loves attention returning a hug
from familiar or kiss. He tries to
adults and children comfort familiar
but may act shy people who are enjoys
around strangers. in distress. simple pretend
play. He may like
pretending to cook
or talk on the

ASQ® is a registered trademark and the ASQ:SE-2 logo is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Adapted from ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Twombly, M.S.
© 2015 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Social-Emotional 30
Development Guide Months
Learn what types of behaviors to expect from your growing child.

Your child:
is beginning
to understand
is getting
others’ feelings. louder and
He is learning bossier at times.
to identify when He may talk with
another child is a loud, urgent
likes using angry or happy. voice.
her growing
imagination. She
likes to play with enjoys hearing
puppets, dress-up
songs and stories—
clothes, dolls,
and play figures. sometimes over
and over again.
is beginning
to learn about
sharing. She does
can follow
simple routine
not always share
greets familiar but can some-
directions such as
“Bring me your cup”
adults and is times.
and “Please go in happy to see
your room and friends.
get your socks.”
likes to be
hugged and
not in the
middle of
screams and
throws temper wants to be
tantrums. independent some-
times but also wants
you nearby. She will now
easily leave your side
if she is in familiar

ASQ® is a registered trademark and the ASQ:SE-2 logo is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Adapted from ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Twombly, M.S.
© 2015 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Social-Emotional 36
Development Guide Months
Learn what types of behaviors to expect from your growing child.

Your child: now plays

briefly with other
is still children. She is
learning to follow still learning about
is more simple rules,
independent and sharing and
although he some- taking turns. likely has a
can do many special friend that
times needs gentle
things for herself. he prefers playing
Your child will tell with. Boys may
you, “I can do prefer playing with
it myself!” boys, and girls
with girls.
is becoming has emotions
more independent. that may shift
When you go on suddenly, from happy
outings, she will not to sad or from mad
always hold your to silly. He’s learning
hand or stay by how to handle his can some-
your side. emotions. times use words
is beginning to express her
to think about feelings.
other people’s
feelings and
learning to identify sometimes bosses
their feelings, people around and makes
demands. This shows that
too. he is independent and
uses imagination values himself. He
might do something
to create stories that he is asked to do,
through pretend play but he is more willing
with dolls, toy if he thinks it is
his idea.
telephones, and
may be fearful
action figures.
and sometimes has
nightmares. Scary
images and sounds,
even cartoons, can has an increasing
give her attention span. She
nightmares. often stays with
an activity for at
least 5 minutes.

ASQ® is a registered trademark and the ASQ:SE-2 logo is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Adapted from ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Twombly, M.S.
© 2015 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Social-Emotional 48
Development Guide Months
Learn what types of behaviors to expect from your growing child.

Your child:
is beginning extreme emotions
to share. He at times—happiness,
likes to play takes turns but sadness, anger, silliness. often uses
is possessive of She may be able to real-life situations
with other label her own
favorite toys. when he plays, such
children and has feelings. as going to the store,
favorite games
school, and gas
and playmates. station.
may have
imaginary friends
when playing games, is starting
sleeping at night, to understand
and going to now danger. She knows
preschool. when to stay away
from dangerous
short and simple
rules at home. loves silly
is beginning
jokes and has
to control his
a sense of
feelings of
may use her
imagination a is becoming
lot, and she can more independent
be very creative. and adventurous.
He may like to try
new things.
can be boastful
and bossy at times
with her new
independence. shows concern
and sympathy for
younger siblings and has an
playmates when they are
hurt or upset. His ability increasing attention
to empathize—to put span. She often stays
himself in someone with an activity for
else’s shoes—is
at least 10

ASQ® is a registered trademark and the ASQ:SE-2 logo is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Adapted from ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Twombly, M.S.
© 2015 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Social-Emotional 2
Development Guide Months
Learn what types of behaviors to expect from your growing child.

Your child: now plays

simple games may play
likes to choose
such as Candy with small
likes to play his own friends
Land and groups of
best with one and may have
Go Fish. children at the
or two other a best friend.
park or at
children at a school.
is now very
independent and likes
understands is sensitive to
to make his own choices
other children’s
and can follow about clothes to wear,
foods to eat, and feelings. She can
simple rules at activities in which to identify other
home and at be involved. people’s feelings:
likes to school. “She’s sad.”
talk with familiar
adults and
children. shows a
variety of emotions. feels adult
understands She may be jealous of
other children at times,
approval is very
how to take turns important. Your child
especially of a younger
and share at home looks to adults for
brother or sister who
and at school, but he is getting attention. attention and
may not want to praise.
all of the time.

is beginning to
is showing some understand the
self-control in group meaning of right and
situations and can wrong. She does not
wait for his turn always do what is has an
or stand in a line. is usually able increasing attention
right, though.
to respond to span. She is able to
requests such as focus her attention for
“Use your quiet a necessary length of
voice” or “Inside is time, such as listening
for walking.” to directions or
a story.

ASQ® is a registered trademark and the ASQ:SE-2 logo is a trademark of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Adapted from ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Diane Bricker, Ph.D., & Elizabeth Twombly, M.S.
© 2015 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

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