Earth and Life Science

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Module 1.

Evaluation (Expository Essay)

1. Our planet Earth has evolved and have been sustaining organic life for years,
not only that but the way our planet evolved back then until the present day is
different from other planets. If we compare our planet Earth to other planets in
the solar system or even in the universe, scientifically our planet has the capacity
to sustain organic life than other planets in the universe.

2. The alter of the Earth system is us human who over the years has been making,
building, innovating new things that has big impacts to our Earth System. Such as
making plastic bottles and bags that are harmful for the environment or for
example the making of vehicles and using it to travel to other places, this of
course have the consequences because it contains harmful chemicals that spread
to our environment and those are byproducts like nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide,
hydrocarbons, benzene, and formaldehyde. This are harmful to our Earth system that
we must take action against it.

3.. Streak is the color of a crushed minerals powder, although the colors of the minerals
is not always the same as the color of the mineral, since the surface of the mineral is
affected by weathering conditions while the streak of the mineral is not affected of the
weathering conditions therefore the streak is more reliable than the color of the minerals
in rock identification.

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