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Nama: Two enty fevi natalia

No: 34
Kelas: 11 ips 1
1. Population
Chart and table of Indonesia population from 1950 to 2023. United Nations projections are also
included through the year 2100.
 The current population of Indonesia in 2023 is 277,534,122, a 0.74% increase from 2022.
 The population of Indonesia in 2022 was 275,501,339, a 0.64% increase from 2021.
 The population of Indonesia in 2021 was 273,753,191, a 0.7% increase from 2020.
 The population of Indonesia in 2020 was 271,857,970, a 0.84% increase from 2019.

Indonesia - Historical Population Data

Tahun Populasi Pertumbuhan
2023 277,534,122 0.74%
2022 275,501,339 0.64%
2021 273,753,191 0.70%
2020 271,857,970 0.84%
2019 269,582,878 0.94%
2018 267,066,843 0.97%
2017 264,498,852 1.01%
2016 261,850,182 1.06%
2015 259,091,970 1.12%
2014 256,229,761 1.17%
2013 253,275,918 1.22%
2012 250,222,695 1.26%
2011 247,099,697 1.26%
2010 244,016,173 1.26%
2009 240,981,299 1.28%
2008 237,936,543 1.31%
2007 234,858,289 1.32%
2006 231,797,427 1.31%
2005 228,805,144 1.27%
2004 225,938,595 1.28%
2003 223,080,121 1.35%
2002 220,115,092 1.38%
2001 217,112,437 1.42%
2000 214,072,421 1.46%
1999 210,996,910 1.51%
1998 207,855,486 1.58%
1997 204,628,007 1.62%
1996 201,373,791 1.63%
1995 198,140,162 1.65%
1994 194,928,533 1.66%
1993 191,737,287 1.69%
1992 188,558,416 1.72%
1991 185,361,228 1.76%
1990 182,159,874 1.79%
1989 178,949,174 1.85%
1988 175,694,647 1.90%
1987 172,421,390 1.94%
1986 169,135,273 2.02%
1985 165,791,694 2.13%
1984 162,331,962 2.23%
1983 158,790,611 2.29%
1982 155,228,658 2.34%
1981 151,686,337 2.37%
1980 148,177,096 2.41%
1979 144,693,087 2.44%
1978 141,250,964 2.46%
1977 137,861,540 2.48%
1976 134,521,025 2.52%
1975 131,213,215 2.55%
1974 127,945,196 2.59%
1973 124,709,058 2.64%
1972 121,504,145 2.67%
1971 118,347,135 2.71%
1970 115,228,394 2.75%
1969 112,149,246 2.76%
1968 109,138,723 2.71%
1967 106,260,749 2.61%
1966 103,561,105 2.38%
1965 101,157,868 2.52%
1964 98,675,061 2.83%
1963 95,962,527 2.80%
1962 93,345,489 2.78%
1961 90,816,938 2.75%
1960 88,382,881 2.71%
1959 86,047,674 2.66%
1958 83,818,754 2.60%
1957 81,690,984 2.55%
1956 79,661,837 2.47%
1955 77,741,502 2.39%
1954 75,925,325 2.31%
1953 74,207,986 2.26%
1952 72,570,827 2.18%
1951 71,019,347 2.09%
1950 69,567,619 0.00%

1. Pendidikan  
Adult literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15 and above who can both read and write
with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.
 Indonesia literacy rate for 2020 was 96.00%, a 0.34% increase from 2018.
 Indonesia literacy rate for 2018 was 95.66%, a 0.28% increase from 2016.
 Indonesia literacy rate for 2016 was 95.38%, a 0.16% increase from 2015.
 Indonesia literacy rate for 2015 was 95.22%, a 0.1% increase from 2014.
Indonesia Literacy Rate - Historical Data
tahun  Angka literasi Perubahan
2020 96.00% 0.34%
2018 95.66% 0.28%
2016 95.38% 0.16%
2015 95.22% 0.10%
2014 95.12% 2.30%
2011 92.81% 0.23%
2009 92.58% 0.39%
2008 92.19% 0.21%
2006 91.98% 1.60%
2004 90.38% 8.86%
1990 81.52% 14.21%
1980 67.31% 14.21%

1. Ekonomi

GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the
economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the
products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for
depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data are in current U.S. dollars. Dollar figures for
GDP are converted from domestic currencies using single year official exchange rates. For a few
countries where the official exchange rate does not reflect the rate effectively applied to actual
foreign exchange transactions, an alternative conversion factor is used.
 Indonesia gdp for was $0.00B, a NAN% decline from .
 Indonesia gdp for was $0.00B, a NAN% decline from .
 Indonesia gdp for was $0.00B, a NAN% decline from .
 Indonesia gdp for was $0.00B, a NAN% decline from .
Indonesia GDP - Historical Data
Year GDP Per Capita Growth
2021 $1,186.09B $4,292 3.69%
2020 $1,058.69B $3,871 -2.07%
2019 $1,119.10B $4,135 5.02%
2018 $1,042.27B $3,894 5.17%
2017 $1,015.62B $3,838 5.07%
2016 $931.88B $3,563 5.03%
2015 $860.85B $3,332 4.88%
2014 $890.81B $3,492 5.01%
2013 $912.52B $3,624 5.56%
2012 $917.87B $3,694 6.03%
2011 $892.97B $3,643 6.17%
2010 $755.09B $3,122 6.22%
2009 $539.58B $2,261 4.63%
2008 $510.23B $2,167 6.01%
2007 $432.22B $1,860 6.35%
2006 $364.57B $1,590 5.50%
2005 $285.87B $1,263 5.69%
2004 $256.84B $1,150 5.03%
2003 $234.77B $1,066 4.78%
2002 $195.66B $900 4.50%
2001 $160.45B $748 3.64%
2000 $165.02B $780 4.92%
1999 $140.00B $671 0.79%
1998 $95.45B $464 -13.13%
1997 $215.75B $1,064 4.70%
1996 $227.37B $1,137 7.82%
1995 $202.13B $1,026 8.22%
1994 $176.89B $912 7.54%
1993 $158.01B $828 6.50%
1992 $128.03B $682 6.50%
1991 $116.62B $632 6.78%
1990 $106.14B $585 7.22%
1989 $94.45B $530 7.79%
1988 $84.30B $482 5.63%
1987 $75.93B $442 5.00%
1986 $79.95B $475 5.77%
1985 $85.29B $517 2.46%
1984 $84.85B $525 6.84%
1983 $81.05B $513 4.40%
1982 $90.16B $584 2.25%
1981 $85.52B $567 7.88%
1980 $72.48B $492 10.00%
1979 $51.40B $357 7.14%
1978 $51.46B $366 6.87%
1977 $45.81B $334 8.26%
1976 $37.27B $278 7.08%
1975 $30.46B $233 5.61%
1974 $25.80B $202 7.23%
1973 $16.27B $131 8.10%
1972 $11.00B $91 7.04%
1971 $9.33B $79 7.02%
1970 $9.15B $80 7.55%
1969 $8.34B $75 6.82%
1968 $7.08B $65 10.92%
1967 $5.67B $54 1.38%

1. Gdp per kapita

GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population. GDP is the sum of
gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any
subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for
depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data are in
current U.S. dollars.
 Indonesia gdp per capita for 2021 was $4,292, a 10.88% increase from 2020.
 Indonesia gdp per capita for 2020 was $3,871, a 6.4% decline from 2019.
 Indonesia gdp per capita for 2019 was $4,135, a 6.2% increase from 2018.
 Indonesia gdp per capita for 2018 was $3,894, a 1.47% increase from 2017
Indonesia GDP Per Capita - Historical
Year GDP Per Capita (US Annual Growth Rate
$) (%)
2021 $4,292 10.88%
2020 $3,871 -6.40%
2019 $4,135 6.20%
2018 $3,894 1.47%
2017 $3,838 7.71%
2016 $3,563 6.94%
2015 $3,332 -4.58%
2014 $3,492 -3.65%
2013 $3,624 -1.91%
2012 $3,694 1.41%
2011 $3,643 16.68%
2010 $3,122 38.08%
2009 $2,261 4.36%
2008 $2,167 16.50%
2007 $1,860 17.00%
2006 $1,590 25.85%
2005 $1,263 9.83%
2004 $1,150 7.94%
2003 $1,066 18.38%
2002 $900 20.30%
2001 $748 -4.09%
2000 $780 16.26%
1999 $671 44.65%
1998 $464 -56.38%
1997 $1,064 -6.48%
1996 $1,137 10.82%
1995 $1,026 12.52%
1994 $912 10.18%
1993 $828 21.40%
1992 $682 7.94%
1991 $632 7.98%
1990 $585 10.39%
1989 $530 10.01%
1988 $482 8.95%
1987 $442 -6.87%
1986 $475 -8.14%
1985 $517 -1.59%
1984 $525 2.41%
1983 $513 -12.11%
1982 $584 3.02%
1981 $567 15.26%
1980 $492 37.73%
1979 $357 -2.46%
1978 $366 9.66%
1977 $334 19.95%
1976 $278 19.34%
1975 $233 15.12%
1974 $202 54.55%
1973 $131 44.18%
1972 $91 14.77%
1971 $79 -0.67%
1970 $80 6.85%
1969 $75 14.68%
1968 $65 21.51%
1967 $54 21.51%

1. Perkembangan industri
Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is without work but available for and
seeking employment.
 Indonesia unemployment rate for 2021 was 4.41%, a 0.13% increase from 2020.
 Indonesia unemployment rate for 2020 was 4.28%, a 0.66% increase from 2019.
 Indonesia unemployment rate for 2019 was 3.62%, a 0.78% decline from 2018.
 Indonesia unemployment rate for 2018 was 4.40%, a 0.52% increase from 2017.
Indonesia Unemployment Rate -
Historical Data
Year Unemployment Rate Annual
(%) Change
2021 4.41% 0.13%
2020 4.28% 0.66%
2019 3.62% -0.78%
2018 4.40% 0.52%
2017 3.88% -0.42%
2016 4.30% -0.21%
2015 4.51% 0.46%
2014 4.05% -0.29%
2013 4.34% -0.13%
2012 4.47% -0.68%
2011 5.15% -0.46%
2010 5.61% -0.50%
2009 6.11% -1.10%
2008 7.21% -0.85%
2007 8.06% 0.51%
2006 7.55% -0.39%
2005 7.94% 0.64%
2004 7.30% 0.64%
2003 6.66% 0.06%
2002 6.60% 0.52%
2001 6.08% 0.00%
2000 6.08% -0.28%
1999 6.36% 0.90%
1998 5.46% 0.78%
1997 4.68% -0.18%
1996 4.86% 0.26%
1995 4.60% 0.23%
1994 4.37% 1.59%
1993 2.78% 0.05%
1992 2.73% 0.11%
1991 2.62% 0.11%

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