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PHA N D(lc CHIN H (T6n g Chu bien) (Gen eral Auth or)
T6N THA N (Chu bien) (Chie f Auth or)

. PMO. T
Song ngv Vi~t - Anh
(Tai ban ldn th(I nhdt)

M A T H E M A T IC S 8
(First Edition)

Nguai djch (Translated by): NGU YfN VAN DUNG - HUY NH
Nguai hi~u dinh (Revised by): TRAN CAO B(H NG() C








§ 1. Nhan don thuc vai da thuc

Multiplying a monomial by a polynomial

Chang khac gi nhan m9t s6 voi m9t tong !

No difference from multiplying a number by a sum!
A(B + C) = AB + AC.

1. Quy tac

m- Hay viet m<)t d(ln thuc va m<)t da thuc tuy y.

- Hiiy nhdn d(ln thuc d6 v6i titng hgng tu cua da thuc vua viet.
-Hiiy c<)ng cac tich tim du<7c.
- Write any monomial and polynomial.
- Multiply the monomial by each term of the above polynomial.
- Sum up all found products.
Chfuig h~, neu don thuc va da thuc vira viet Hin hr(Jt: la 5x va 3x - 4x + 1 thi ta c6 :
For example, if the given monomial and polynomial are 5x and 3x 2- 4x+1 , then we have
5x.(3x - 4x + 1) = 5x.3x2 + 5x.(-4x) + 5x.1
3 2
= 15x - 20x + 5x.
3 2 2
Ta n6i da thuc 15x - 20x + 5x la tich ctia don thuc 5x va da thuc 3x - 4x + 1.
15x3- 20x2 + 5x is called the product of monomial 5x and polynomial 3x - 4x + 1.

T6ng quat, ta c6 guy tac nhan m9t don thuc v6i m9t da thuc nhu sau :
In general, we have the rule for multiplying a monomial by a polynomial as follows

Muon nhan m~t dun thuc voi m~t da thuc, ta nhan dun thuc voi tung htJ,ng tu cua
da thuc roi c~ng cac tich voi nhau.
To multiply a monomial by a polynomial, we multiply the monomial by each
term of the polynomial then sum up all the founded products.

2. Ap d1:1ng

Lam tmh nhAn Multiply: (-2x\ ( x 2 + 5x -½).

Gidi. Ta co Solution . We have:

(-2x\ ( x +5x-~ = (-2x\x2+ (-2x\ 5x + (-2x\ (- ~)
5 3 4
= -2x -10x + x .

II Lam tinh nhan Multiply :

3 12 l ) 3
( 3x y - X + xy . 6xy .

m M<)t manh vuim hinh thang co hai day bang (5x + 3) met va (3x + y) met, chie'u cao being 2y
-Hiiy viet bieu thuc tinh di¢n tich mdnh vuim noi tren theo x va y.
-Tinh di¢n tich mdnh vuim nlu cho x =3 met va y = 2 met.
A trapezium garden has two bases (5x+3) m and (3x+y) m, the altitude 2y m.
- Write the expression for evaluating the area of the above mentioned garden in terms of x and y.
- Calculate the area of the garden, given x =3 m and y =2 m.

1. Lam tinh nhAn Multiply:
a)x2(sx -x-½);

2 2 2
b)(3xy-x +y)-xy;
c) (4x -5xy + 2x>(-½xy).

2. Thl!C hi¢n phep nhAn, rut gc;m r6i tinh gia ttj cua bicfo thuc :
Multiply, simplify then find the value of
a) x(x - y) + y(x + y) tl;li X =-6 va y =8 ;
2 2 2 . 1 '
. x = -2 va y =- 100.
b) x(x - y) - x (x + y) + y(x - x) ta1

a) x(x - y) + y(x + y) at x =- 6 and y =8 ;

2 1
b) x(x - y) - x2(x + y) + y(x2 - x) at x =
2 and y = - 100.
3. nm X, hilt Find x:
a) 3x(l2x - 4) - 9x(4x - 3) = 30;
b) x(5 - 2x) + 2x(x - 1) = 15.

4. Do. Doan tu6i

B;µ1 hay liy tu6i cua m'inh : Try out. Predicting age

- C¢ng them 5 ; - Add 5 to your age;

. bao nhieu dem nhAn v6i 2 ·'

- Duac - Multiply the result by 2;

- Uy klt qua tren c¢ng voi IO ; - Add 10 to the result;

- Nhan k€t qua vira tun dugc vm 5 ; - Multiply the result by 5;

DQC klt qua cu6i cimg sau khi da trir di 100. - Subtract 100 from the result and state il

Toi se doan duoc tu6i cua ban. Giai thich tai sao? I will show you your age exactly. Explain why?
. . .
5. Rut g9n bieu thuc :

a) x(x - y) + y(x - y) ;
b) xn-l(x + y) _ y(xn-1 + yn-1).

6. Danh Mu x vao o ma em cho la clap s6 dung :

Mark x in the cell that you think is the right answer

Gia ttj cua bi~u thuc ax(x - y) + /(x + y) ~ x = -1 va y = 1 (a la hang s6) la

The value of expression ax(x - y) + y3(x + y) when x =- 1 and y =1 (a is constant) is

§2. Nhan da thuc voi da thuc

Multiplying a polynomial by a polynomial

1. Quy tic

Vi d1;1. Nhan da thuc x - 2 vm da thuc 6x 2 - 5x + 1.

Example. Multiply polynomial x - 2 by polynomial 6x 2 - Sx + 1.

G<Ji j. - Hay nhan m6i h~g tir cua da thuc x - 2 v6i da thuc 6x 2 - 5x + 1.
- Hay c¢ng cac klt qua vira tun duqc (chu y diu cua cac h~g tir).
Hint. - Multiply each term of polynomial x - 2 by polynomial 6x 2 - 5x + 1.

- Sum up found results (noticing the signs of terms) .

2 2
(x -2)(6x -5x + 1) = x .(6x -5x + 1)- 2.(6x 2 - 5x + I)
6 2
= x. x + x .(-5x) + x. I+ (-2).6x2 + (-2).(-5x) + (-2).1
= 6x - sx2 + x - 2
12x + lOx - 2
= 6x3 - 17x2 + llx - 2.
Ta n6i da thuc 6x3 - 17x2 + l Ix - 2 la tich cua , , 2
Polynomial 6x3 _ 17x2 +
. . da th uc x - 2 va da thuc 6x - 5x + I.
6x 2 - Sx + 1. x - 2 1s said to be th d
e pro uct of polynomial x - 2 and polynomial

T6ng quat, ta c6 quy tic nhan da thuc v6i da thuc nhu sau:
In general, we have the rule for multiplying a polynomial by a polynomial as follows

Mufin nhan m9t da thuc voi m9t da thuc, ta nhan moi hf:lng tu cua 4a thuc nay voi
tirng hf:lng tu cua da thuc kia roi c9ng cac tich vui nhau.
To multiply a polynomial by a polynomial, we multiply each term in one
polynomial by each term in the other polynomial, add those answers
together, and simplify if needed.

Nh~n xet. Tich cua hai da thuc la m◊t da thuc.

Note. The product of two polynomials is a polynomial.

m Nhan da thuc .!_ xy - 1 v6i da thuc x3 - 2x - 6.

Multiply polynomial ~ xy - 1 by polynomial x3 - 2x - 6.
► Chu j. Khi nhan cac da thuc mqt biln avid~ tren, ta con c6 thi trinh bay nhu sau :
Note. When multiplying polynomials in one variable as in the above example, we can have the vertical
presentation like this
6x - 5x + 1
X -2 2
(the result of the multiplication of - 2 by polynomial 6x - 5x + 1)
2 (k!t qua cua phep nhan -2 v6i da thuc 6x2- 5x + 1)
-12x + lOx-2
+ 2
6x - 5x2 + X (k!t qua cua phep nhan x v6i da thuc 6x - 5x + 1)
3 (the result of the multiplication of x by polynomial 6x - Sx + I)
6x - 17x2 + llx - 2
0 each nay, truilc hlt ta phdi s&p xlp cac da thuc theo luy thita gidm da'n ho(Jc tang ddn cua
biln, sau d6 trinh bay nhu sau :
- Da thuc nay viet du6i da thitc kia.
- Ket qud cua phep nhdn m6i hg,ng ti't cua da thitc thit hai v6i da thitc thit nhdt du<7c viet rieng
trong mqt dong.
- Cac d(Jn thitc dong dg,ng duqc xep vao cung mqt c<)t.
-C<)ng theo titng c<)t.
In this method, firstly, we have to arrange the polynomials in the order of descending or ascending
powers of the variable, then write them down as follows
- One polynomial is written under the other.
- The polynomial result from the multiplication of each term of the second polynomial by the first
polynomial is written in a row.
- Align the likeness monomials vertically.
- Doing regular vertical multiplication with the likeness monomials.

2. Ap d1:1ng Applying

II Lam tinh nhdn Multiply

a) (x + 3)(x + 3x - 5) ;
b) (xy - l)(xy + 5).

II Viet biiu thuc tinh di¢n tich cua mqt hinh chil nhat theo x va y biet h · k ' h th ,
chil nh(lt d6 la (2x + y) va (2x - y). · ' ai zc

uac cua hinh
A rectangle is (2x + y) by (2x - y). Write the formula for evaluat" th
x and y. mg e area of a rectangular in terms of

Ap d~ng : Tinh di¢n tich cua hinh chil nhat khi x = 2 5 , , _ ,

Applying: Find the area of the rectangular wh.en x = 2 5 ' met va Y - 1 met.
, m andy = 1 m.


7. Lam tfnh nhful Multiply :

a) (x2 -2x+l)( x-1); b) (x3 - 2x2 + x - 1)(5 - x).
• he nhful:
Th cau b), hay suy ra kc!t qua p p It f the below multiplicati on
From b), without calculation , find the resu o

(x3 _ 2x2 + x - l)(x - 5).

8. Lam tfnh nhful Multiply :

a) (
x2y2 _ ~ xy + 2y }x -2y); b) (x2 - xy + y2)(x + y).

9. Dien k€t qua tinh duqc vao bang :

Fill in the table
Gia ttj cua bi~u thuc
Gia tri cua X va y
y alue of expression
values of x and Y
(x - y)(x2 + xy + Y2)
X 10 ; y 2
X 1 y 0
X 2 y 1
x=-0,5; y=l,25 • , . <r•, h)
(truung h<!P nay
, c6 thl dung may tinh ho tuz e tm
(student can use calculator in this case)

10. Thl!C hi¢n phep tinh :

a) (x' - 2x + 3) G x - 5} 2
b)(x -2xy+y )(x-y).

11. Chilng minh r3ng gia trj clla bil!u thU'c sau khllng ph\l thu()c viio gia ttj clla bie'n:
Prove that the value of the following expression does not depend on the value of the variable
(x - 5)(2x + 3) - 2x(x - 3) + x + 7.
12. Tinh gi3 ttj clla bil!u thU'c
(x - 5)(x + 3) + (x + 4)(x - x2) trong ml\i trucntg hgp sau :
Evaluate expression (x - S)(x + 3) + (x + 4)(x - x 2 ) with

a)x=O ; b)x==I5 ;
c)x =-15;
d) x::: 0,15.
13. Tun x, bie't :
Find x, given
(12x - 5)(4x - 1) + (3x - 7)(1 - 16x) = 81.
Ian hem tich cua hai s6 dau
14. Tun ba s6 ti! nhien chifu lien ti!p, bi!t tich cua hai s6 sau
la 192. have the produ ct of last two numb ers is 192
Given three consecutive even natural numbers, which
greater than the product of first two. Find these numbers.

15. Lam tfnh nhati Multiply :

a) G x + y )(~ x + + b) ( X - ~ y)( ~ y
X - J
. .,
§3. Nhung hang dang thuc dang nha
Memorable identities

1. Binh phltang cua mqt t6ng

The square of a sum

m V 6i a, b la hai s6' bat ki, thlfc hi¢n phep tinh (a+ b)(a + b).
2 2
= a2 + 2ab + b .
Tud6 rut ra (a+ b)
- b).
For any two numbers a and b, perform calculation (a+ b)(a
2 2 2
Then conclude that (a+ b) = a + 2ab + b
cac hinh
Vma > 0, b > 0, ctmg thuc nay duqc minh ho<:1 boi dien tich
vu6ng va hlnh chii' nh~t trong hlnh 1. ·
the squar es and
For a> 0, b > 0, this formula is illustrated by the areas of Hinh Figur e 1
the rectangles in figure 1.
VmA va B la cac biiu thuc tuy y, ta ciing c6 :
For any expressions A and B, we also have

I(A+ B)
2 2
= A 2 + 2AB + B j (1)

m Phat bilu luing ddng thuc (1) bang loi.

State identity (1) verbally.


a) Tfnh (a+ 1)2.

Expand (a + 1) •

b) Vie't bi~u thuc x2 + 4x + 4 dum d~g b'inh phuong cua m6t t6

s· • 2 . ng.
impllfy x + 4x + 1 using perfe ct square expansion rule
c ,
) Tinh nhanh : Calculate quickly:
51 ;301 2.

2· Binh Phllang cu a m ot hi
The square of a diff~

II Tinh [a + (- b)]

(voi a, b la cac s, f ruy y).
2 + b2.
Tu, d,o ru, t ra a - b) = a - 2ab
2 (fo r an y nu mb ers a, b)
Ca lcu lat e [a + (- b)J
nc lud e tha t {a - b)2 = a2 - 2a b + b .
va B ta cung c6 :
Vmhai bicfo thuc tuy y A
A and 8 , we also ha ve
Fo r an y expressions
hi ¢n ph ep nhan
dAng th uc (2) b~ g ea ch th[!c
HQC sinh c6 the hJ tun duqc ha ng

(A - B)(A - B). lication (A - B)(A - B)

ntity (2) on the ir ow n by pe rfo nn ing multip
Students can find out

m Pluit bilu hting ddng thuc

State identity (2) verba
(2) bting loi.

Ap d1,mg Applying

a) Tmh Expand (x -¾f

b) Tinh Expand (2 x -
nh nhanh Ca lcu lat e qu ick ly 99 •
c) Ti

3. Hif u hai binh phttang

The difference of two
,, , ,
fl Th1;1c hi¢, n ph
tinh (a
+ b) (a -
b) (a -b ).
b) (voi a b la' ca, cs ot
, uy y) .

T1 1d 6r ut ra a -b =( a+
Perform calculation (a
+ b)(a _ b 1 1~ r any numbers a b)
~ ,,o
· ,
Conclude that a2 - b2
= (a + b)(a - b)
c tuy' y' ta cu- ng co, •
Vm Ava B la cac bi iu thu .
or any expressions A and 8 , we als o ha ve

l1J Pluit bie'u hang d&ng thlfe

~late identity (3) verbally.
(3) b&n ,.
g Im.

Ap d1,mg Applying
a) Tfnh Ca lcu late
(x + l)( x - I).
b) Tinh Calculate (x
c) Tfnh nhanh - Y)(x + 2Y).
Calculate quickly 5 6.64 .

m Ai dung ? Ai sai ?
Who 's right ? Who 's wrong?
Due viet :
Due wrot e
2 2
x -10 x+2 5=( x-5 ).
Th<J viet :
Tho wrot e
2 2
x - I Ox+ 25 = (5 - x) .
Hu<1ng neu nlu;ln xet : Th<J viet sai, Due viet dung. Hinh Figure 2
Sun noi : Qua vi di;' tren minh rut ra dU<fC mqt Juing
ddng thuc rat d~p !
Hay neu y kien cua em. Sun rut ra dU(!c Juing
ddng thuc nao ?
Huo ng conc lude d: "Tho 's wron g, Due 's right
a nice iden tity!"
Son said: •From abov e exam ples, I foun d
Rais e your idea . Wha t iden tity did Son draw


m()t t6ng ho~c m()t hi¢u :

16. Vie't cac bi~u thuc sau dum dcµig binh phu ang cua
squa re form
Write each of the following expressions in the
2 2
2 b) 9x + y + 6xy ;
a) x + 2x + 1 ;
2 I
2 2
c) 25a + 4b - 20ab ; d) X - x+- ·

17. Cbung min h rAng :

Prove that

5/ = 100a. (a+ 1) + 25.

(10a +
m()t s6 ti! nhi~n c6 ~ cun g bAng chii s6 5 .
Tu d6 em hay neu each tinh nham binh phuang cua
re of a natural num ber ende d with digit
Then state how to mentally calcu late the squa
.Ap dtµtg d~ tinh : Apply the rule to calculate:
2 2 2 2
25 ; 35 ; 65 ; 75 .
bing d~g thuc bi• muc lam nh x d.I mvt
18. Hay tim each giup b~ An kho i ph1:1c l~i nhirng • Oc; · s6
ed by ink in som e plac es:
Try to help An to recover identities which blurr
2 2
a) x + 6xy + ... = (... + 3y) ;
2 2
b) ... - IOxy + 25y = (... - ...) ;
Hay neu m()t de ba.i tuang tlJ.
Give a similar problem.

19. DO. Tinh difn tich phdn hinh cOn lai ma khong withOU
cJn dot ·measurin9·
iry t C ·
, ou · a/cu/ate the area of the rest of the fi9"'"
ca1 t,ac tM di mOI ,·, - ,
• . m1~ng. cung hlni, vuo,1
Tu m(>t mi€ng ton hlnh vu6ng c6 canh bing a + b, , 1 1· ta bao nhlfu ? Di~n tich phan h'101
• . · . biJ1h con •
co ccµih bang a - b (cho a> b). Di~n deb phrul ·
con l~i c6 ph1:1 thu(>c vao vi· tri cftt kh6ng ? .ve
with side• .a _ b (Q1
·c cut off a square piece tf
From a square piece of tole has side a+ b, a rnechani_ depend on the cu ing position? r
this area
a> b). How much is the area of the rest figure? ooes


20. Nh~ xet SlJ dung, sai cua k€t qua sau :
Remark the characteristic (right or wrong) of the following result:
2 2 2
x + 2xy + 4y = (x + 2y) .
21. Vitt cac da thuc sau dllm d\lflg blnh phtldllg cita mQt t6ng ho~c mQt hi~u :
Simplify the expressions in square form:
a) 9x2 - 6x + I ; b) (2x + 3yi2 + 2. (2x + 3 Y) + I.

Hay neu m◊t de bai tucmg ttJ.

Suggest a similar problem.

22. Tmh nhanh :

Calculate quickly
2 2 c) 47 .53.
a) 101 ; b) 199 ;

23. Chung minh rang :

Prove that
(a+ b)2 = (a - b)2 + 4ab .' (a- b)2 =(a+ b) 2 - 4ab.

J\p di!ng
a) Tmh (a - b)2, biet a+ b = 7 va a. b -12.
Evaluate (a _2b)2, given (a+ b) -_ 7 and a.b = 12
b) Tmh (a + b) ' biet a - b -- 20 va, ab- 3
Evaluate (a+ b)2, given (a _ b _ · - ·
, ., . ) - 20 and a.b = 3.
24. Tmh gia t:q ciia bi~u thuc 49 2
Calculate the value of expression - ?Ox + 25 trong m6i
. x 49x2 _ tru'
- 7Ox + 2s . ong hem
a) x = 5 ; meach of the following ;
v,- saucases·

25. Tinh : b) x ~ .!_ .

Expansion 7
a) (a+ b + c/;
c)(a-b-cf b)(a+b 2
- c)

1 ,,
. .,
§4. Nhung hang dang thuc dang nha (tiep)
Memorable identities (continued)

4. L,p phlldng cua m9t t6ng

m The cube of a sum

Tinh (a+ b)(a + b)

(v<Ji a, b la hai st/ tuy y).
3 2 3
Tir d6 nit ra (a+ b) = a + 3a2b + 3ab + b .
Calculate (a+b)(a+b) 2 (for any numbers a, b)
Conclude that (a + b) 3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3 •
VmA va B la cac bieu thuc tuy y ta ciing c6 :
For any expressions A and B, we also have:

I(A+ B)3 = A 3 + 3A 2B + 3AB2 + B3 I (4)

m Phat bilu hang ddng thuc (4) bang loi.

State identity (4) verbally.

A.p d1;1ng Applying

a) Tfnh Calculate (x + 1/.

b) Tfnh Calculate (2x + Yl

5. L~p phlldng cua m9t hi~u
The cube of a difference

m Tinh [a+ (- b)]

(voi a, b la cac so' tuy y).
2 3
Tir d6 rut ra (a - b)
= a3 - 3a\ + 3ab - b .
Calculate [a+ (- b)] 3 (for any numbers a, b}
Conclude that (a - b) 3 = a3 - 3a 2b + 3ab - b3 .
VmA va B la cac bieu thuc tuy y ta cilng c6 :
For any expressions A and B, we also have:
3 3 3 2 2
l<A-B) =A -3A B+3AB -B 1 (5)

II Phat bilu hang ddng thuc (5) bang loi.

State identity (5) verbally.
A.p d1,mg Applying

a) Tfnh Calculate

b) Tfnh Calculate (x - 2y) .
c) Trong cac khAng dinh sau, khang dµih nao dung ?
Which of the following confirmations are right?

1) (2x - 1l = (1 - 2x)2 ;
3 3
2) (x - 1) = (1 - x) ;

3)(x + 1)3 = (1 + x)3 ;

4)x2-1 = 1-x.2 ·
S) (x - 3)2 = x1 - 2x + 9.
Em c6 nh~ xet gl v~ quan h~ cua (A - B/ vm (B - Al, cua (A - B)3 vm (B - A/ ?
2 3 3
Do you have any remark on the relationship between (A - B)2 and (B - A) , between (A- 8) and (B - A) ?·

26. Tinh Calculate :
2 3
a) (2x + 3y) ~

27. Vifa cac bieu thuc sau dum d~g l~p phucmg cua m¢t t6ng ho~c m¢t hi~u :
Rewrite the following expressions in the cube form :
a)-x3 +3x2-3 x+l; b)8-12x +6x2-x .
28. Tinh gia ttj cua bieu thuc :
Evaluate the following expressions

b) x3 - 6x2 + l 2x - 8
a) x + 12x2 + 48x + 64 t~i x = 6 ; t~i X = 22.
x3 + 12x2 + 48x + 64 at X = 6 ; x3 - 6x2 + 12x - 8 at X = 22 .

29. Do. Due tinh dcing quy Try out. A precious characteris tic.
Hay viet rnbi bieu thuc sau dum d~ng blnh phucmg ho~c l~p phucmg cua m¢t t6ng ho~c rn¢t
hi~u. roi dien chfr cung dong vm bieu thuc d6 vao bang cho thich h~. Sau khi th~m da'.u, em
se tlrn ra rn(>t trong nhfrng due tinh quy bau cua con ngum.
Write each of the following expressions in square form or cube form , then fill in the table with letters
that are lying in the same row with that expression . After accents added , you will find out one of the
precious characteristics of human.
x - 3x2 + 3x - 1 N
16+ 8x+x2 U
3x2 + 3x + 1 + x H
l-2y+y2 A
3 2
(x-1) (x+ 1)3 (y - 1) (x- 1)3 o +xl (1-y)2 (x + 4) 2

' ,
§5. Nhiing hong dang thuc dang nho (tiep)
Memorable identities (continued)

m6. T6ng hai 1,p phU'Ong The sum of two cubes

Tinh (a+ b)(a2 - ab+ b2) (voi a, b la cac st/ tuy y) .
Tu d6 nit ra a3 + b3 =(a+ b)(a2 - ab+ b\
Calculate (a+ b)(a2 - ab + b2) (for any numbers a, b).
Conclude that a3 + b 3 = (a + b)(a 2 - ab + b2)

VmA va B la cac bicfo thuc tuy y ta ding c6 :
For any expressions A and B, we also have

I A 3 +B3 =(A+B)( A2 -AB+B2 ) I (6)

2 2
(Luu y : Ta quy uoc g9i A - AB + B la binh phuong thieu cua hi¢u A - B).
(Note: We conventionally call A 2 - AB + B the insufficient square of the difference A - B).

m Phat biiu hang ddng thitc (6) bang loi.

State identity (6) verbally.
Ap dt,mg Applying
3 b) Vi€t (x + l)(x - x + 1) dum d.µig tOng.
a) Vi€t x + 8 dum d;µig tfch.
Write (x + 1)(x2 - x + 1) in the form of a sum.
Write x3 + 8 in the form of a product.

7. Hitu hai 1,p phlldng

The difference of two cubes

m Tinh (a - b)(a2 +ab+ b

3 3
) (voi a, b la cac s<f tuy y).
2 2
Tu d6 rut ra a - b = (a - b)(a +ab+ b ).
Calculate (a - b)(a 2 +ab+ b2 ) (for any numbers a, b}
2 2
Then draw a3 - b3 = (a - b)(a +ab+ b )
Vm A va B la cac bieu thuc tuy y ta ciing c6 :
For any expressions A and B, we also have

I A 3 - B3 = (A - B)(A2 +AB+ B2 ) I · (7)

2 2
(Luu y : Ta quy uac g9i A + AB + B la binh phuong thieu cua t6ng A + B).
(Note: We conventionally call A2 + AB + B the insufficient square of the sum A + B).

m Phat bilu hang dJng thuc (7) bang loi.

State identity (7) verbally.
Ap dt_mg Applying
a) Tinh Calculate (x - l)(x + x + 1).

b) Vi€t 8x
- l dum d;µig tfch.
Write 8x - y3 in product form .
c) Hay danh d&'u x vao 6 c6 dap s6 dung cua tich :
Mark x in the cell next to the right answer of the below product
(x + 2)(x - 2x + 4)
x +8
X -8
(x +2)

Ta co bd y hting ddng thftc daenngt"I nh
f s
orable id
We have seven mem
2 2A B + B2
1) (A + B l = A +
= A 2- 2A B + B 2
2) (A -B l
3) A - B
2 = (A + B )( A -B )
2 J
J = A J + 3A 2B + 3AB
4) (A +B )
2B + 3AB2 -BJ
= AJ -3 A
5) (A-B>3
2 2)
6) AJ + BJ = (A + B)(A - AB
2 2)
+B ·
7) AJ -B J = (A -B )( A + A B

sau :
30. Rut g9n cac biiu thuc
Simplify the following
- (54 + xJ) ;
a) (x + 3)(x2 - 3x + 9)
2 y\
- 2xy + /) - (2x - y)(4x + 2xy +
b) (2x + y)
31. Chung minh rang :
Prove that
3ab(a + b) ;
a) aJ + bJ = (a + b)3 -
3 3ab(a - b).
b) a - bJ = (a - b)3 +
a. b = 6 va a+ b = -5 .
Ap d~ng: Tinh aJ + bJ, bie't =- 5.
: Evaluating
3 3
a + b , given a.b
6 an d a+ b
Apply ing

uc thich hgp vao l> tr6

ng :
32. Dien cac don th
opriate monomials
Fill in cells with appr
+0 ) = 27xJ + yJ ;
a) (3x + y)( 0 - 0
(2 x -0 ) ( 0 + IOx + Q ) = 8xJ -1 25

33. Ti nh :
Ca lcu late
a) (2 + xy) ; b) (5 - 3x )2 ;
2 2
c) (5 - X )(5 + X ) ;
d) (5 x - 1) 3;
2 + 2xy + y 2);
e) (2x - y)(4x
f) (x + 3)(x2 - 3x +

34. Rut gqn cac bieu thuc sau :
Simplify the following expressions 3 3 2b3 .
a)(a+bl-(a-b)2; b)(a+b) -(a-b) - ,
c)(x+y+z)2 -2(x+y+z)(x+y)+(x +y .

35. Tinh nhanh Calculate quickly:

a) 34 + 66 + 68.66;
2 b) 742 + 24 -48. 74.

36. Tfnh gia ttj cua biiu thuc Evaluate expressions: .

3 2
a) x2 + 4x + 4 tai at x = 98 ; • at x = 99.
b) x + 3x + 3x + 1 tat _

Dung but chi n6i cac bieu thuc sao cho chung ~o th~ hat v~ cua m◊t g
. .
dang thuc (theo mau): ban
Connect expressions so th at ea ch pair forms an 1dent1ty (as patterned)
2 3
2 x3+y
(x - y)(x + xy + y )

(x + y)(x -y)
r-----_ X

2 2
2 x2+2xy+y
X -2xy + y
2 2 2
(x + y) X -y
2 2 2
(x + y)(x - xy + y ) (y- x)
3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3
y + 3xy + 3x y + x x - 3x y + 3xy - y
3 3
(x-y) (x+y)

38. Chung minh cac dfuig thuc sau :

Prove the following equalities
3 2 2
a) (a - b/ = -(b - a) ; b) (- a - b) =(a+ b) .

'I'l'O chai : 1>0:J Bl.IR ffilltRli Rlilrf
6mne: The fastest couple
C6 14 tam bla, tren m6i tam ghi san m(>t ve cua m(>t trong bay hang dang thuc dang nho va up
mat c6 chii xuong phfa du&. M6i dqt choi se c6 14 b~ tham gia, m6i nguoi hoc tham lay m(',t
t~ bla (khong duqc l~t m~t bla len khi chua c6 hi¢u 1¢nh). Trqng tai phat ca, tat ca gio cao
tam bla m1nh c6 va d6i b~ c6 hai tam bla xep thanh m(>t hang dang thuc tim dung c~ nhau
nhanh nhat se gianh chien thang.
Write each part of one of seven memorable identities on each of 14 cardboards and lay the side with
letters upside down. Every game session has 14 partners, each of whom randomly taking a cardboard ,
not overturning it. When the arbitrator flags, everyone raises up the cardboard being hold and the couple
who is the fastest seeking to stand side by side so as to form an identity will be the winner.

I x2 +2xy+y2 j [ (x+y)2 j

2A-TOAN 811 (SONG NG(/)

Hinh Figure3
§6. Phan tich da thuc thanh nhcn tu
bc!lng phuong phap dQt nhcn tu chung
Factorising a polynomial by using common factors

1. Vi d\J Examples
Vi d1;1 1. Hay vi~t 2x
- 4x thailh m◊t tich cua nhung da thuc.
Exam ple 1. Write 2x2 - 4x in the form of a produc t of polyno mials.

G(!i,j . Ta th~y
Hint. We observe that 2x = 2x. x
4x=2 x.2.
Gidi Solution. 2x - 4x = 2x.x - 2x.2 = 2x(x - 2).
nhan tu.
Vi¢c bi€n d6i 2x
2- 4x thanh tich 2x(x - 2) duqc g9i la phan tich eta thuc 2x - 4x thanh
2 - 4x into produc t 2x(x - 2) is called factori sing 2x - 4x.
The proced ure of transfo rming 2x
thanh mqt tich cua nhiing
Phan tich da thuc thanh nhdn tit (hay thita so) la bien Mi da thuc d6
da thu:c.
ct of polyno mials.
Factorising a polynomial is to transform the polynomial into a produ
phuon g phap dt;'it nluin tu
Cach lam nhu vf d1:1 ~n g9i la phdn tfch da tlzu:c thanh nluin tit b&ng
ta se nghi~ n cuu sau).
chung (m¢t s6 phmmg phap khac di phan tfch da thuc thanh nhan tu chung
the above examp le is called factorising by using comm on
factor s (we will
The way of factorising in
study some other methods of factorising later).
3 2 tu.
Vi d1,12. Phan tfch da thuc 15x - 5x + !Ox thanh nhan
Example 2. Factorise 1 sx3 - sx2 + 1Ox.
3 2 2 2 x + 2).
Gidi Solution. 15x - 5x + !Ox= 5x. 3x - 5x .x+ 5x. 2 = 5x(3x -

2. Ap d~ng

m Phan tich cac da thuc sau thanh nhan tit :

Factorise the following polynomials
2 2
a) x - x; b) 5x (x - 2y) -15x( x - 2y);
c) 3(x - y)- 5x(y - x).
► Chu j. Nhieu khi di lam xuat hifn nhan tit chung ta can d oz,:,. d au cac ht;zng tu ( luu y tm tinh
A' ,, • •

char A = - (- A)).
Note. In some cases, to make common factors sh
property A= - (- A)). ow up, we change the signs of terms (notice the

m Tim x sao cho Find x so that

Jx2 _ 6x = 0.

G(!i, j. Phan tich da thuc Jx _ 6x thailh nhan tu, ta d uac 3x(x - 2)

, ,
T1ch tr~n bang O khi m¢t trong cac nhan tu bang O .
2 •
Hint. Factorise 3x _ 6x, we get 3x(x _ 2).
The above produc t equals O when one of its fa ctors equals o.

sa u thrulh nhan
tit :
d a thuc
39. P M n tich c a c n o m ia ls
following p o ly
Factorise the 2
2 2 + 5 x3 + x y ;
b) x
a) 3 x - 6 y ;
2 -y(y-1);
2 2 2 d) - x ( y - 1 ) - 5
2 y + 28x y ; 5
c ) 14x y - 2 lx

e ) lOx(x - y )
- 8y(y - x).
Tinh g ia ttj c u a b ii u thu
E va lu a te exp
150 . 0,85 ;
a ) 1 5 . 91,5 +
= 2001 and va y = 19
y (l - x ) t~ a
b ) x (x - 1) -
Tun X, b ie t :
F in d x , given
- x + 2000 = 0
5 x (x - 2 0 0 0 )
b ) x - 13x =
3 0.
m n la s 6 ti ! n
1 55n c h ia h e t cho 5 4 (v
clng 55n + - n) .
C h u n g minh tural num b e r
42. isible54 (for a n y na
n+l _ 5 5" is div
Prove th a t 55

h d a th(Jc th anh n h a n tu
§7. Phan tic n g h 6 n g d ll n g th(Jc
phap d u
b & n g p h l/ O n g m ia l b y u s in g identities
p o ly n o
Factorising a

1. Vi d y
Examples tit :
c eta th u c sau thanh nhan
Phan tich c a
following poly 3
Factorise th e 2 c) 1 - Bx .
2 4x + 4; b) x - 2 ;
a) x -
Gidi Solution 2
2 4x + 4 = x - 2x. 2 + 2
2 = (x - 2)2.
a) x -
2>2 = (x - -✓ 2)(x + Ji).
2 - 2 = x 2 - (-✓
b) x 2
+ 2 x + 4x ). dung
= 1
- (2 x>3 =(1 - 2 x )( l
n h d n tu b a n g p h u m zg p lu ip
c ) 1 - 8x thanh
tr~n gQ i la p lu in tich d a th u c
c a c v i d1;1
C ic h 1am nht1 g identities.
a n g d d n g th u c. lle d fa ct o rising b y usin
h exam ple is ca
in the above
o f factorising 19
The procedure
m Phan tich cac da thuc sau thanh nhan tll:
Factorise the following polynomials

a) x3 + 3x2 + 3x + 1 ;
b) (x+y/-9x2.

m Tinh nhanh :
Calculate quickly 105
- 25.

2. Ap d1:1ng
Vi d1:1. Chung minh r~g (2n + 5/ - 25 chia hit cho 4 vm mQi s6 nguyen n.
Example. For any integer n, prove that (2n + s/ - 25 is divisible by 4 .
Gidi. Ta c6
Solution. We have
(2n + 5/ - 25 = (2n + 5/ - 5
= (2n + 5 - 5)(2n + 5 + 5)
= 2n(2n + 10)
= 4n(n + 5)
nen (2n + 5)2 - 25 chia h~t cho 4 vm m9i s6 nguyen n.
therefore , (2n + 5) 2 - 25 is divisible by 4 for any integer n.

43. Phan tich cac da thuc sau thanh nhan tir .
Factorise the following polynomials ·

a) x2 +6x +9· b)l0x-25-x2 -

' '
c) 8x 3 - .!.8 ·' 1 2
d) - x -64y2
25 ·
44. Phan tich cac da thuc sau thanh nhA~ •.
Ft · a.utU.
ac onse the following polynomials

a) x3 + _1 .
27 ' b) (a+ b)3 - (a - b)3;

c) (a+ b)3 + (a- b}3;

d) 8x3 + 12x2y + 6xy2 + y3 ;
3 2
e) - x + 9x - 27x + 27.
4s. Tun x, bilt :
Find x, given

a) 2 - 25x 2 = o.
' b) x2 - x + .!..4 =0
46. Tfnh nhanh :
Calculate quickly 2 2
2 c) 2002 -2 •
a) 73 - 27 ;

§8. Phan tich da thuc thanh nh

an !ii
ng ta
bllng phuang phap nhom h9ping terms
. b ou
Factorising a polynomial Y gr

s •
1 . Vi dy Example ilh nhan nr :
Vf di} 1. Phan tfoh da thuc sau tha
ing polynomial
Example 1. Factorise the follow

x2 - 3x + xy - 3y.
hay khOng ?
- Cac h;µig tir c6 nhan tir chung
- Lam tht nao d~ xuat hi¢n nha
n tir chung ?
- Do the terms have common
show up?
- How to make common factors
2 (xy - 3y)
x - 3x + xy - 3y = (x - 3x) +
Gidi Solution.
= x(x - 3) + y(x - 3)
= (x -3 )(x + y).
nh nhan tir :
Vi d1:1 2. Phan tich da thuc sau tha
ing polynomial
Example 2. Factorise the follow
2xy + 3z + 6y + xz.
ch hgp cac h;µig tir nhu sa u:
Gidi. Ta c6 th~ nh6m m◊t each thi
Solution. We can properly
group the terms as follows
+ (3z + xz)
2xy + 3z + 6y + xz = (2xy + 6y)
= 2y(x + 3) + z(x + 3)
= (x + 3)(2y + z).
c g9i la ph dn tich da thu c thanh nhdn tu b&ng phuung phap
Cach lam nhu cac vi dl_l tren dug
nhom hqng tu. ng terms .
is called factorising by groupi
ve examples
The way of factorising in the abo
ch hqp.
i vm m◊ t da thu c c6 th~ c6 nhi eu each nh6m obiing h;µig tir thi
D6 ng terms .
polyno mia l, the re ma y be ma ny appropriate ways of groupi
For a given
n tich bAng each nh6m khac :
Ching h;µi avi dl_l 1, ta c6 the pha grouping :
can factorise in another way of
For example, in Example 1, we
x - 3x + xy - 3y = (x + xy)
+ (- 3x -3 y)
= x(x + y) - 3(x + y)
= (x + y)(x - 3).

2. Apd\mg


II Tinh nhanh
Calculate quickly 15. 64 + 25. 100 + 36. 15 + 60 · I00. 0
th ac
II Khi thdo l~n nh6m, m9t bqn ra di bai : Htiy phan tich da
x4 - 9x 3 + x 2 - 9x tlwnh nhan tii.
In a group discussion, a friend raised a problem: Factorise
3 2
polynomial x4 - 9x + x - 9x .

Br;m Thai lam nhu sau: Hinh Figure 4

Thai solved as follows
3 2
x4 - 9x 3 + x 2 - 9x = x(x -9x + x-9).
Bqn Ha lam nhll sau :
Ha solved as follows
4 3 2
x4 - 9x 3 + x 2 - 9x = (x -9x ) + (x - 9x)
= x3 (x - 9) + x(x - 9) = (x - 9)(x + x).

Bqn An lam nhll sau :

An solved as follows
3 2 2 2
x 4 - 9x 3 +x 2 - 9x = (x 4 + x 2 )-(9x + 9x) = x (x + 1) - 9x(x + 1)
= (x 2 + l)(x 2 - 9x) = x(x - 9)(x + 1).
Hay neu y kien cua em ve' Im gidi cua cac bqn.
State your opinions about these solutions.

47. Phan tich cac da thuc sau thailh nhan tu:
Factorise the following polynomials
a) x - xy + x - y ; b) xz + yz - 5(x + y);
c) 3x - 3xy-5x + Sy.
48. Phan tich cac da thuc sau thanh nhan tu :
Factorise the following polynomials
2 2
a) x + 4x - y + 4 ; 2
b) 3x + 6xy + 3y2 _ 3z2 ;
2 2 2 2
C) X - 2xy + y - z + 2zt - t .

49. Tinh nhanh :

Calculate quickly

a) 37,5. 6,5 - 7,5. 3,4 - 6,6. 7,5 + 3,5. 37,5 ;

b) 452 + 402 - 152 + 80.45.
50. Tun x, bi lt :
Find x, given b) 5x (x - 3) - x + 3 == O.
a) x(x - 2) + x - 2 = 0 ;

anh nhan tu
§9. Phan tich d a thuc th
ieu phuong p h ap
~ n g ea ch phoi hQp nh
ng m an y methods
Factorising by combini

1. Vi di:' Examples
sa u thrulh nh an tii :
Vi d1,1 1. Ph an tic h da thu c
fol low ing po lyn om ial
Example 1. Fa cto ris e the
3 2 2
5x + I Ox y + 5x y .
- D~t nh an tii ch un g ?
- lli mg ha ng dfuig thu c ?
- Nh 6m nh ieu hC;lllg tii ?
c ph uo ng ph ap tre n ?
- Ha y c6 th~ ph 6i hq p ca
on fac tor s?
- Can we pic k ou t co mm
- Can we us e identities?
- Ca n we gro up ter ms ?
ov e me tho ds ?
- Or ca n we co mb ine ab 2 2
3 2
y+ 5x y
= 5x (x + 2x y + y )
Gidi So lution . 5x + 10 x
= 5x (x + y>2.
ulh nh an ti'r :
Vi d"l,l 2. Ph an tic h da thu c sa u thr
fol low ing po lyn om ial
Example 2. Fa cto ris e the
2 2
x - 2x y + y - 9.
2 )_ 9
Gidi Solut ion . x - 2x y
+ y 2 - 9 = (x - 2x y + y2
= (x - y)2 - 3
= (x - y - 3) (x - y + 3).
3 2 • t•
y -4 xy - 2x y tha nh nhan u.
ID Phan tich da thu c 2x y- 2x
3 3
y - 2x y - 4xy2 _ 2x y.
Factorise po lyn om ial 2x

2. Ap d1:1ng Ap pl yin g

II a) Tinh nh an h gia trf cu a

bi lu thu
ex pre ssi on
c x 2 + 2x + I
x2 +
- y
2 .
fr.Jl X :: 94,5 Va
2X + 1 - Y at X = 94 5 an d y = 4 5
:: 4 5
, ·
Calculate qw ck ly the ,
, 2 .-L • ·
G . , Ph thu c x + 2x + I_ 2 th> h ,
(Jl,y. an tic h da y <UUI nha.n tir fvI t ay s6 va o tin h
H ' t• Factonse polynomial xi + 2x + 1 _ 2 •
·th . .
m y , substrtute va ria ble s ca lcu late.
wr given va lues then

r b) Khi phan tich da thuc x2 + 4x - 2xy - 4y + y2 thanh nhan tu, b<;m Vi¢t lam nhu sau :
In order to factorise polynomial x 2 + 4x - 2xy - 4y + y2, Viet did as follows

x2 + 4x - 2xy - 4y + y2 = (x2 - 2xy + /) + (4x - 4y)

= (x - y/ + 4(x - y)
= (x - y)(x - y + 4).
Em My chi ro trong each lam tren, bgn Vi¢t dii su dl!,ng nhilng phuang phap nao de Phan ticj
da thuc thanh nhan tu.
Point out Viet's factorising methods in the above solution.


51. Phm tich cac da thuc sau thrulh nh~ tir:

Factorise the following polynomials
a) x - 2x2 + x ; 2 2
b)2x +4x+2-2 y;
c)2xy-x2- y2+ 16.

52. Chung minh rAng (5n + 2/ - 4 chia h€t cho 5 vm m9i s6 nguy~n n.
Prove that (Sn+ 2/ - 4 is divisible by 5 for any integer n.

53. Ph~ ti'.ch cac da thuc sau thrulh nh~ tir :

Factorise the following polynomials

a) x2-3x + 2;
(G{Ji y. Ta kh6ng the ap d9ng ngay cac phucmg phap da h9c d~ ph~ ti'.ch nhung neu tachh.µig
x2 - 3x + 2 = x2- x - 2x + 2 va tir d6 de dang ph~ ti'.ch tiep.
tir-3x = -x - 2x thi ta c6

Cung c6 the tach 2 = - 4 + 6, khi d6 ta c6 x2 - 3x + 2 = x2 - 4 - 3x + 6, tir d6 d~ dang phAn

ti'.ch ti€p).
(Hint. We may not directly apply learned methods to factorise but if separating the term - 3x = -2x - x,
we will havex2 - 3x + 2 = x2 - x - 2x + 2, then factorising will become easy.
We can also separate 2 = -4 + 6, then we have x2 - 3x + 2 = x2 - 4 - 3x + 6 and so easily factorisingon).

2 2
b)x +x-6; c)x +5x+6.


54. Phan tfch cac da thuc sau thanh nhan tu :

Factorise the following polynomials
2 2
a) x3 + 2x2y + x/ - 9x ; b)2x-2y- x +2xy-y;
4 2
c) x - 2x .

55. nm X, bilt Find X, given :
3 I
a) x - x = 0;
c) x2(x - 3) + 12 - 4x = 0.
56. Tinh nhanh gia ttj cua da thuc Calculate quickly :
2 I 1 .
a) x + 2 x + 16 ~ at x = 49,75;

b) x2-l- 2y- 1 ~i at x= 93 va y = 6.
57. PhM tfch cac da thuc sau thailh nh~ tir:
Factorise the following polynomials
a) x2-4x + 3; 2
b)x +5x+4;
2 4
c)x -x-6; d) x + 4.
(Gqi y cau d) : Them va bat 4x 2 vao da thuc da cho).
(Hint ford): Add and subtract 4x2 to the given polynomial).
58. Chung minh rang n - n chia he't cho 6 vm m9i s6 nguyen n.
Prove that n3 - n is divisible by 6 for any integer n.

§ 1o. Chia don thuc cho don thuc

Dividing a monomial by a monomial
Cho A va B la hai da thuc, B -:t 0. Ta n6i da thuc A chia he't cho da thuc B ne'u titn dugc mQt da
thuc Q sao cho A= B.Q.
A dugc gqi la da thuc bi chia, B du<JC g9i la da thuc chia, Q du<JC g9i la da thuc thmmg (g9i iAt

la thuong). Ki hi~u Q = A : B ho~c Q = ~ ·

Trong § 10 nay, ta xet trucmg h<JP dan gian nh~t cua phep chia hai da thuc, d6 la phep chia don
thuc cho don thuc.
Let A and B be two polynomials, B :#- 0. We say that A is divisible by B if there exists polynomial Q
such that A = B.0 .
A is called dividend polynomial, B divisor polynomial, Q quotient polynomial (or quotient). We express
this as Q =A : B or O =

In this §10, we examine the simplest case of dividing a polynomial by a polynomial , that is, dividing a
monomial by a monomial.

1. Quy tic
0 lap 7 ta da bilt: Vm mQi x * 0, m, n e N, m ~ n thl:
In grade 7, we know that for any x :#- 0, m, n e N, m ~ n :

m n m-n ntu if m > n

X : X = X

xm: x" = 1 nlu if m =n.

II Lam tinh chia :
Division s
3 2
a) X :X ;

b) 15x : 3x2 ;
c) 20x : 12x.
Ka Tinh 2 2 2
a) Calculate 15x y : Sxy .
b)Ti nh Calculate l 2x3y : 9x2.
Nhf!.n xet. Dan thuc A chia het cho dan thuc B khi m6i biln cua B de'u la bien cua A v<Ji s6'
mii khong Ian han so' mii cua n6 trong A.
Remark. Monomial A is divisible by monomial B when each variable of A is a variable
of B with the
exponen t not greater than the exponent in A.
Quy b\c

Muon chia dun thuc A cho dun thuc B (tntung h'!fJ A chia hit cho B) ta lam nhll
- Chia he. so cua dun thuc A cho he. so cua dun thuc B.
- Chia luj thila cua tilng biln trong A cho luj thila cua cung bie'n do trong B.
- Nhdn cac ket qud vua tim dll(!C voi nhau.
To divide monom ial A by monom ial B (given that A is divisibl e by BJ, we follow
the followin g steps
- Divide the coeffici ent of A by the coeffici ent of B.
- Divide the power of each variable in A by the power of the same variable
in B
- Multiply the found results.

2. Ap d1:1ng

II a) Tim thucmg trong phep chia, biet dun thuc bi chia la 15x3/z, dan thuc chia la sx2y3.
Find the quotient of a division where the dividend monomial is 15x3y5z and the divisor
monomial is

b) Cho P = 12x4y2: (-9xl) . Tinh gia tri cua bilu thuc P tc;ii x = -3 va y = 1,005.
Let P = 12x4y2 :(- 9xy2) . Evaluate expression Pat x = -3 and y = 1.005.

Lam tfnh chia trong cac bai 59, 60, 61.
Perform the divisions in exercises 59, 60, 61 .

3 2
59. a)S :(-5);

ID Lam ti n/1 chia :
Division s 5 4
c) (- y) : (- y) .
a) .r3 :i; 5
a) 5x2y4 : I0x2y; c) (-xy) 10 : (-XY ) .
b) 15}: Ji; 61. b) 3 x3y3 : ( - I x 2 Y2) .•
4 2
c) 20x5 : Ile , h ·~ · · b" i 2
cua rcu thuc ISx4yJz2 : Sxy 2z2 •~•- x = 2, y -- - IO v~ z = 004 ·
m a) Ti11h Calculat e

b ) Ti11/r Calculate
y : Sxy2 .
l2x 3y: 9x2.
62. Tm g,., t11
Evaluate expressio n 1Sx4 y3z2 : sxy2,z2 at x = 2, y = - 10 and
z = 2004

Nh(!.n xtt. Dan tlurc A c/ria lrei clro dun thuc B khi m6i biln cua
- ,., 6 B de'u la bil n cua A vm § 11. Chia da thUC cho don th llC .
11111 .: , 11g Ia11
. }um s6. 11111- . 6
c11a II tro11g A. S6 Dividing a polyn omial by a mono mial
Remarl<. Monomial A is divisible by monomi al 8 when each
variable of A is a variable of B With th
exponen t not greater than the exponen t in A. 9
Quy tik 1. Quyti c Rule


Mu,fn chia don thuc A cho don thuc B (trwng h<!P A chia
II Cho d<Jn thuc 3xl,
- Hay viei m¢t da th1rc co cac h(lng tu deu chia hei cho 3xy2
htt cho B) ta lam nh11
sau: - Chia cac l1q11g llt cua da thuc d6 cho 3x]:
- Chia h~ s6 cua don thuc A cho h~ s6 cua don thuc B. - C¢ng cac kei q11d vua tim dU<JCvm nhau.
- Chia luj thila ciia tmig biln trong A cho luj thila cua cung Given monomia l 3xy2•
biln d6 trong B.
- Nhdn cac kti qua vila tim dlllJC voi nhau. - Write a polynomial, which has all terms are divisible by Jxy';
- Divide the terms of that polynomial by Jxy':
To divide monom ial A by monom ial B (given that A is divisibl
e by BJ, we follow - Sum the results just found.
the followin g steps
- Divide the coefficient of A by the coeffici ent of B. Chang h~n:
- Divide the power of each variabl e In A by the power of For example
the same variable In B
- Multipl y the found results . (ISx y + l2x32 3
y - I0xy ) : 3xy2
= (ISx y5 : 3xy2)+(12x32
y : 3xy2)+(-!O xy 3 :3xy)
Applying 3 2 10
= Sxy +4x - -y.
m a) Tim th11,111g trong phep chia, biei dun thuc b/ chia la 1Sx3y5z, d<111
Find the quotient of a division where the dividend monomi
thuc chia la s:x2y3_
Oa thuc Sxy3 + 4,._2 - IO y la thuang cua phep chia da thuc 1sx2y5 + 12x3y2 - !Ox/ cho d<111
al is 15x3y5z and the divisor monomial is 3
5x 2y3.
thuc 3xl,
b) Cho p = I 2x\ 2 : (- 9xy\ Ti11h gia tr/ cua bil u thuc p /l}i X = - 3
va y = 1,005. Polynomial 5xy3 + 4x2 - 1~ y is the quotient of the division
lei P =12x'y2:(- 9xy2). Evaluate expression P al x =- 3 and y =1.005. of polynom ial 15x2y 5 + 12x3y2 - 1Oxy3 by
polynomial 3xy .
Ta c6 quy tac chia da thuc cho don lhuc (trucmg hqp cac h;µig tu
cua da thuc A deu chia bet
cho dan thuc B) nhu sau :
BAIT;P We have the rule for dividing a polynomial by a monomi
al as follows (given that every term of
EXERCISES polynomial A is divisible by monomial B)

Urn Linh chia trung de bili 59. 60, 61. Quy tac Rule
Porform the division s in exercises 59. 60, 61 .
Mu6n chia da thuc A cho don thflc B (tr1111ng h<!P cac lu,ing
111 cua da thuc A dlu chia
hii cho don thflc B), ta chia m6i h~ng tii ciia A cho B roi cQng
cac kii qud v6i nhau.
59. a)~ ) : (- 5>2 ; To divide polynom ial A by monom ial B (given that every
term of polyno mial A is
dlv/slble by monomial BJ, we divide each term of A by B
and s um the results.

Vi di!, lln.rc hi~n phcp t(nh :
Example. Calculate
65, Um t(nh chia Divide:
[3(x-y)4+ 2(x-d-5(x-yl2 } (y-x)2 . thU'C)
43 23 44 23 · ·, da thlIC cho dcm
(30x y" - 25x y - 3x y ) : 5x y . (Gai y. C6 the d~t x - y = z r6i ap d1mg quy tile chta nornial)
• omial by a mo
Gidi. (Hinl. Let x - y = z then apply the rule for dividing a po1yn
4 3 ,3 44 23
Solution (30x y - 25x"y - 3x y ) : Sx y
66, A,. d1mf/,
. ai. sa,. .?
, . h" h o dau
, B -- 2/ hay
tl urc
4y : 5x 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 S 2 3) 4
= 5x - 4x +
3 6x·yc6ch1a dC
= (30x y ) + (-25x y : 5x y ) + (- 3x Y: x Y Khi giai bai t~p : "Xet xem da thuc A
2 3 2 2
= 6x - 5 - - x y. Ha tra lai: "A kh6ng chia he't cho B vl 5 khOng chia he't ~ho :•• . h 8''
5 • • A dC::u ch1a hc'.!t c O •
Quang tra Im : "A chia het cho B vl 1m;ii hang tu cua
Chu y. Trong thuc hanh ta c6 the tinh nhtim va b6 hat m(>t so phc~ t!nh trung gian.
► Nore. \n prac1tce, ~e can mentally calculate and bypass some 1ntermed1ate operations. Cho bie't y kifo cita em ve Im giai cita hai b::m ,
Who is right? Who is wrong?
, + 5...2., is divisible by rnonom1dl B "' 2x2.".
When solving the problem : ·c onsider if polynomial A = 5x' 4x "' Y
2. Apd1,mg
Ha answered: ' A Is not divisible by B since 5 is not divisible by 2",
Quang answered: "A is d1vis1ble by B since every term of A Is divisible by 8 •.

m u) Klii t/11.fc 1,;\;11 pl1cp 1'11ia (4x -

sx2y2 + 12/y): (-
y + 12x5y) .. (- 4x2}, Hoa wro te
Performing d1V1s10n (4x4 - Bx22
4x\ /Jq11 Hua vier: What's your opinion about the solutions of the two friends?

4 ,, 5 2 2 2 3
4x - SxY + 12x y = - 4x (- x + 2y - 3x y) § 12. Chia da thuc m9t blen da s6p xep
Dividing an arranged polynomial in one variable

D hence (4x4 - sx·y·

'' + 12x 5y) : (- 4x2) = - x2 + 2y2 - 3x 3y.
Em l,dy 11li;l11 x1·t .H'm hg11 J-loa gidi c/1i11g liay .mi. 1. Phep chia het
Comment on v,helher Hoa's solution 1s righl or wrong.
b) L,lm ti11h chia :
o,vtde De chia da thuc (2x4 - 3
13x + 15/ + I Ix - 3) cho da thuc (x2 - 4x - 3) ta lam nhu sau :
To divide polynomial (2x - 13x3 + 15/ + 11 x - 3) by polynomial (x2 - 4 x - 3), w e do as follows
• O~t phep chia
Construct the division

4 3 2
2x - 13x + 15x + llx- 3 I 2
x - 4x - 3

EXERCISES Chia h:µ1g tir b~c cao nh!!t cua da thuc bi chia cho h<clllg tu b~c cao nhat cita da thuc chi a :
Divide the highest degree term of the dividend by the highest degree tenm of the divisor

Kh('lng 1~m tinh d1ia. hiiy xet xcm da thuc A c6 chia hc't cl10 don thuc B khiing : 2x4 :x2=2x2.
Consider 1[ polynomial A Is d1v1s1ble by polynom1al B without performing the division
Nhftn 2/ voi da thuc chia x2 - 4x - 3 r6i l ay da thuc bi chia trir di t fch nh~n du11e :
A = 1.'ixy·) + 17xy· +IX)'" ,
13 = 6y·. 2
Multiply 2x by the divisor x' - 4x - 3 then subtract the resulting product from the dividend
Li\1111111h chia : 2x -13x + 15/+llx -3
Q,. :de 4 3
2x - 8x - 6x2 I
5 ' 3 l 3
a) (- 2x + 3:\' - 4x):2x; h )(x 3 - '.Yy+3xy'):
' ' (- I x)l - 5x +21x2+llx - 3
2 Hi¢u vua tim dUlfC g9i la du thu nh!it.
The difference that Is just lound Is called the first remainder.

• Chia hang tll b~c cao nh:ft ciia du thl't nhat d10 h<!ng Ill b~c cao nhat ciia da thl'tc chia, c\l
th~ la:
2. Phep chia c6 dLI Division with remai nder
3 2
Tol,fc hi¢n phep chia da thl'tc (5x - 3x + 7) cho a t
d hue (x + I ·

mial (x 1 + 1 )-
Divide the highest degree term of the first remainder by the highest degree term of the divisor, as Perform the division of polynomial (Sx'- 3x2 + 7) by polyno
below Lam tuang 11:f nhu tren, ta duqc :
3 Proceeding in the same way as we did before, we get
- Sx : / = - 5x.

3 2
5x - 3x
Lay du thl't nh:ft tru di tich ciia - 5x vcri da thl'tc chia ta duqc du thl't hai :
5x + 5x 5x - 3
Subtracting the product of - Sx and the divisor from the first remainder, we get the second remainder
- 3x2 - 5x + 7
2x4-t3x 3 +tsx2+tlx-3 x2-4x-3
-3x2 - 3
2x 4 - 8x3 - 6/ 2/ - 5x
-5x+IO · 2)nen
- , a da thuc chia (bang
- 5x +2tx2+tlx-3 De'n day ta tha'.y da thl'tc du -5x + IO c6 b~c Mng I nho han b~c cu
phep chia khOng the:! tie'p t"1c duqc. th deg ree of
. •s and lesser than e
- 5x 3 +2ox2+ 15x We observe that the degree of the remainder polynomial - Sx + 10 . 1 1
the divisor polynomial (equal 2). Hence the division can not be continued.
/ - 4x - 3 , h. , h , , / ' , . ' di 5x+ 10goilad11 va tac6:
Phep c 1a trong trucmg qp nay duqc g91 1,. p ll'p c,ua co 1 , - ·
Thl:fc hi~n tucmg tlI nhu tren, ta duqc : . 0. II d remainder and we have
The division as in this case is called division with remainder - Sx+ 1 is ca e
Similarly, we have 3
5x - 3/ + 7 = (x2
+ 1)(5x - 3) - 5x + JO.

) 2x - I 3x + 1s/ + 11 x - 3


- 8x

- 6x2

2/-sx + I

Chu j. Nguai ta chung minh duac rdng d61 vm hai da thuc tuy y A va B ciia ci,ng m¢t hien
(B "'- 0), t6n t~i duy nhai mqt ql~ da thuc Q va R sao clw A= B. Q + R, trong d6 R hdng O
hu(ic bqc cua R nho h(fll bt;ic cua B (R du<7c g9i la du trong phep chia A cho B) .
- 5x +2tx2+ llx -3 Khi R = 0 phep chia A cha B la phep chia het.
Note. It is proven that for any two polynomials of the sam e variable A and B (B ~ 0), exists exac tly o ne
- 5x + 20/ + 15x pair of polynomials Q and R such that A = B.Q + R, polynomial R equals O or has degree lesser than
degree of polynomial B (R is called the re mainder of th e division of A by B) .
x2- 4x - 3 When R = 0, the division of A by B is a divisibility.

x2- 4x - 3
• Du cu6i cung bang 0, ta duqc thucmg la 2/ - 5x + I. Khi d6 ta c6 :
The last remainder equals Oand we gel the quotient 2x2 - 5x + 1. Then we -have 67. SAp xlp cac da thl'tc theo luy thua giam dan ciia bie'n r6i lam phep chia :
Arrange polynomials in descending powers of variable then perform divisions
4 3 2 2 2
(2x - 13x +15x +llx-3) :(x -4x-3)=2x -5x+I. a) (x 3 - 7x + 3 - x2): (x - 3); 4 3 2 2
b) (2x - 3x - 3x - 2 + 6x) : (x - 2).
P/rep c/ria co du bdng 0 kl plu!p c/ria lrei. 68. Ap d"1ng hang ding thl'tc dang nha de thl,fc hi¢n phep chia :
Apply memorable identities to perform divisions
TIie division that has zero remainder is called divisibility.
2 2 3
a) (x + 2xy + y ) : (x + y); b)(l25x +l):(5x+I);
II Kiii11 tra /(ii tirh
lwy k/rung.
(x2 - 4x - 2
3)(2x - 5x + I) co b<!11g (2x 4 - t3x 3 + tsx 2 + I Ix - 3) 2
c) (x - 2xy + /) : (y - x).

Rechedd the product (x2 - 4x - 3)(2x2 - 5x + 1) is equal to (2x4 - 13x3 + 1sx2 + 11 x _ 3)? 69.
4 3
Cho hai da thuc : A = 3x + x + 6x - 5 va B = x2 + I. Tim du R Iron he chi ..
vilt A dum d<!ng A = B . Q + R. gp P a A cho B r61
Given 2 polynomials A = 3x' + x' + 6x - 5 and B = x2 + 1 . F. d th
then write A in the form A= B.Q + R. m e remaind er of llie division of A by B

70. Um tfnh chia : B.BAtTN>
a) (25x:i - 5x + l0x 2) : 5x 2 ; Multiply:
, 15. Lam tfnh nhan

71. K"""g Co, h;,, ph"' oM,, hiy ' " ,em d, "'°
rming divisions, consider if polyn
A o5 a,;, ,.. <ho d, Ook B hay
l A is divisible by polynomia
l B.
a) 5x .(Jx - 7x
+ 2); b ) 2 xy . (2x2 y - 3xy
+ y2}.
With out perfo
4 3 2
a) A= 15x - Bx + x 76. Lam tfnh nh4n Muttiply :
2 2
a) (2x - 3x)( 5x - 2x +I)
b) (x - 2y)( 3xy + sy2 + x).
B= _!_x 2 •·
2 :
77. Tfnh nhan h gi.i ttj cua bi~u thli'c
2 Calculate expressions quick
b) A= x - 2x + I 2
a) M = x + 4y2 - 4xy ll!,i (al) x = 18 va (and ) Y = 4 ;
B= 1 - x.
72. Um tfnh chia : b) N = 8x - 12x2y + 6xy 2-y3 ll!,i (al) x = 6 va (and ) Y = - B.
Divide 78. Rut &Qn c.ic bi~u thli'c sau :
4 3 2 Simplify the following expre
3x + 5x - 2) : (x - x + /).
(2x + x - 3)(x + I) ;
a) (x + 2)(x - 2) - (x -
7J. Tfnh nhanh :
+ 1)2 + (3x - 1)2 + 2(2x + 1)(3x -
Cak;u/ate quickly b) (2x
nh4n tir :
a) (4x - 9y2 ): (2x - 3y); 3 79. Phan lfch c.ic da thli'c sau thanh
b) (27x - I) : (3x - I) ; Factorise the fOllowing polyn
2 ;
c)(S x.l+ l) : (4x - 2x+ /) 2 2
a) x - 4 + (x - 2)2 ; 2
d) (x - 3x + xy - 3y): (x +
y). 3 2
b) x - 2x + x - xy ;
32 x + a chia Mt cho da thll'c x + 2. 3 2
Tim s(J a di da thuc 2x - 3x +2 c) x - 4x - 12x + 27.
a is divisible by polynomial )( + 2.
Finda so that potynomia / 2x3 - 3)( + )( + 80. Um tfnh chia :
Divid e
3 2 + I);
a) (6x - 7x - x + 2) : (2x 4 3 2 2 2x + 3);
+ 3).
b) (x - x + x + Jx) : (x -
c) (x - y2 + 6x + 9): (x + y
81. nm X, bi~I:
A. cau hol Find x, given

Queations 2 2
a) - x(x - 4) = 0;
. 3 b) (x + 2)2 - (x - 2)(x + 2) =
da thuc. nhan da thuc v6i da thtrc
I. Pha, bicfo clfc quy r:ic nhan dan thuc v6i c) x + 2 ✓2x + 2x 3 = 0. 2

Z. s~•bay
Vie't ,.,., "'
""'hAns 8 lhll'c
dih1 ' • """
""'"dang . ' "" •
11ha""'" "°""'"'"'· "' """"""' •"°"""""" "" •.,,,,_,, ,
82. CMng minh :

'"'' x2 - 2xy + y2 + I > 0 v6i m9i s6 lhi,rc x va y ;

Wri• down ..,, ,, ""'" """ ' """ a)
cho don thtrc B '.' b) x - x - I< 0
J. Khi llrl <bi that: A chia he't v6i m9i s6 lhl!c x.
A divisible by mon omia l B?
Whe n Is monotttlal Prov e that
ho don thuc B ? 2
real num bers x and y;
4. Khi nao thl da tbtk A chia li4c a) x2 - 2xy + y + 1 > O for ,my
When Is Poly~ A c1Ms fble brlhOno mial 8? b) x - x' - 1 < Ofor any rea1 num
ber x.

cho da thik B '?

5. Khi nao thi da lblk A chia Mt nm n e z di
2n - n + 2 chia Mt cbo 2n + I.
by polyno,n1a1a ? 83.
When ,s poly nom w A C11vislble z so that 2n2 - n+2 1s divisible by 2n + 1.
Find n e

Chuun g 11 - PHAN TH(/C f)~I s6 . .
Ta_nh~ ~My trong cac bieu tbuc nay A va B la nhung . - ~~~H~
da mire. Nhllllg .
Clwptt1 r II. ALGEB RAIC FRACT ION g91 la nhirng phan th1ic da i :
. . . 56 .
ess,ons are
called algebraic
We notice thal ,n these expressions A nd nn1vnomi
tracoons. ' a 6 ar8 .,.,., ., als. Such expr

Ta c6 d\nh nghia We have the definition .

. . . .
M()t phan thuc dt;11 s6 (hay noi g9n la phdn thuc ) la m ()t b • . a n ~ • tro ng d6 A , B
ieu thirc c6 d. g B
la nhimg da tlul'c va B khac da th1tc O.
A ~u<7c 8<J! la tu thltc (hay tu), B du<7c g<Ji la md u thuc (hay
a, b e Z, b ,. 0 md u ).
M01 da thirc ciing dirge coi nhu mot phan !hue vai mA
u muc bilng I .
~e Q · ·
An algebraic fraction (or fraction in short) is the expressio A A are polynom ials
b n in the form where ' 6
and B differs from polynomial o.
Hi11h Figu re 5 I
A is cal ed numerator polynomial (or numerator), B is called ·
0 lap 7 ta dii bi~I. 111 l~p hqp cac s6 nguyen Z la thi~t l ~p duc;,c t~p hqp cac denomin ator polynom1a 1 (or denomin ator) .
d6. m 6i s6 nguyen ciing la m◊t s6 hiiu ti. Tucmg ti,r,
bay gio tu
s6 hilu ti Q. Khi
t~p hqp cac da thii'c ta se
thie't II Em hiiy viet m()r phan th1tc dqi s6· Suggest an algebraic fraction
l~p m ¢t t~p hqp mm g6m nhiing bitfo thii'c g9i l a nhiing
cm se bie'r 1M nAo l a m◊t pMn rhuc d~i s6, bie't cac
vase tha'y ning nhiing quy tac i y tucmg ti,r nhll c:ic quy
phan thuc dqi s" '. HQC chucmg nay, c:ic
quy tAc lam t{nh tren cac phan thuc d~i
II M~t s6' thlfc a Mr ki co phdi la m~t phdn thuc kh6ng ? V i
Is any real number a fraction? WIiy?
sao ?

Ille lam tfnh tren cac phan s6. S6 O. s6 I ciing la nhung phan thuc dai _
In Grade 7, we have learned that from the set of Integers 66
Z, we can build the set of rational numt>eni 0, 1 are also algebraic fractions. ·
0 , where every integer is also a rational number. Similarly
, from the set of polynomials, we will build a
new set of expressions thal are called algebraic fractions
. Finishing with this chapter, you will know 2.
what an algebraic fraction Is, rules for performin g calculatio Hai phan thin: blng nhau Equal fraction s
ns on algebraic fractions and you will find
out that these rules are similar to those of calculating on
arithmetic fractions . Hai phan thuc ~ vii ii g9i la bang nhau nt u A.D = B.C. Ta vit t :

Two fractions i ii and are said to be equal if A.D = B.C. We write

§ 1. Phan thuc dc;,i so
A C .
Algeb raic fraction 8 =0 neu ifA.D= B.C .

x-1 1
Vid~. - -
x2 -I
=-x+i vl (x - I )(x + 1) = I . (x2 - I).
PhOn s6 duc;,c t<;:10 thanh tu s6 nguytm .
x- 1 1
PhOn thuc d<;ll s6 dUQC t<;:10 thanh tu " . ? Example . - - =- because (x - 1)(x + 1) = 1 . (x2 - 1).
X2 - 1 X+1
Arithme tic fractions ore built from Integers.
II C6 the~ ket luqn - -
Algebraic fractions are built from ...? .. . 3x y X
=- hay kh6ng ?
6xy 2y 2
1. D/nh nghia 2
Can we say -3x -y =- ?
Definition 6xy 3 2y 2 ·

Quan c1k bieu thuc c6 dang i sa u t.My : II Xet. xem. ha,. phan thuc. -x va---
+ 2x ,
3x +6
co bdng nhau kh6ng.

. . 2
Observe expressions in the farm as follows Check if two fractions - and -x -,. 2x
- are equal.
B 3 3x + 6
4x - 7
a) - - - - -
2x 3+ 4x - 5
b) - - --
15 x - 12
c)-- .
Ill Bqn Quang n61rung : - -
. 1 3x + 3
, , 3x + 3 x + t
= 3, con bgn Van th1 n6i : - - =- -. Theo err · 6 · d • ?
3x x 1, a, n I ung .
3x 2 - 7x+ 8 I . 3x + 3 . . 3x + 3 x + 1
Quang said: - - = 3. while Van said:
3x - - = - - Who 's right In your opinion?
3x x ·
38- TClAN 111 (SOHO NOGI

p O
f alge braic fractions
tal property ·
BAITAf> h chat cd ban cua phin thU'C The fun damen t I property of arithme tic fractJo ns .
1. Tl n-
nluic /ai tinh char cu ban cua pha11 s6 Remin
d ~ ~~~a
EXERCISES 6 . o sanh phan thuc
Hay •

. . x + 2 r Is
l. Dung djnh ngtiia hai phan thuc bang nhau chung 10 riln : Cho phan thuc j.
Hiiy nhan tu va
mau c ua phiin thuc nay Wfl
Using the definition of equal fra ctions, prove that g
ua nhdn duuc vO'i phan thuc dii cho. . by x + 2 the n c ompa re
a) 5y = 20xy . v . . in ator of this fraction
7 28x '
b) 3x(x+5) = 3x .
2(x +5) 2 '
Given fraction i.
Multiply the numerator and the de nom
the resulting fraction with the given one. .
c) x+2 = (x+2)(x+I) , h han thU'C
x 2 -x-2 x 2 -3x+2
2 _ • • • • cho 3xy r61 so san P
x-1 x2 _ 1 d)---
x+I x- 1
Cho phan thuc Jx Y . Hiiy chia tU' va mau cua phan thUc nay
x 3 +8
e) =x+2. vita nhan
. duuc. vO'i phan thuc dii cho .
2 . b 3"'-' then compare
X -2x+4 3 x2y · t r o f th is fraction Y ~,
Given fraction - -. Divide the numerator and the denomina 0
2. Ba phAn thuc sau c6 bang nhau khOng ? 6xy3
Are three following fractions equal? the resulting fraction with the given one. . fundamenta l property :
Phan thuc dai s6 c6 tinh ch1fi ca ban sau Algebraic fractions have 1t1e follow ing
· 4a ha. khtic 4a th«c o thi 4u(Jc
x2-2x-3 x-3 x2-4x+3 Ne'u nhan cd tu va mdu cua m')t phan thfrc voi cung m,,t t c
x 2 +x x x2-x . A A •M Id ,,t 4a thac khdc 4a thac 0).
m')t phan thuc bang phdn thuc dii cho : B =~ (M m.
dCho thuc .: x - 4x x 2 + 4 2 4
-~ baa dah6 - ch<:m da th
' , , x + x. Hay thuc thfch hqp trong ba da thuc d6 r6i Neu chia cd tu va mdu cua m')t phdn thfrc cho m,,t nhdn ta chung cua chung l du(Jc
1 n v o c tr<"ing trong dang thuc du6i dAy :
Given three polynomia ls· x2 - 4 x x 2 + 4 2 4
blank in the following eq ~a llty · · x + x. Choose th e proper polynomial of these and fill in the
m6t pllan thuc bling phan thfrc dii cho : A = A : N (N Id m9t nhdn
· B B:N
tu chung).
Multiplying both numerator and denominato r of a fractio n by the same
X polynomial results in a fraction that is equal to the given one :
x 2 - 16 = x-4·
~ = A · M (M is a polynomia l that Is different from 0 ).
Dividing both numerator and denominat or of a fraction by a common factor of
§2. Tinh chat co ban cua phan thuc results in a fraction that is equal to the given one :
The fundame ntal property of algebraic fractions -A = -
A·· N
- (N is a common factor) .
B B :N
TTnh ch6t cua phOn thuc c6 gl6ng tfnh ch6t cua phOn s6 hay kh6ng ? Tinh cha'.t nay duqc g9i la tinh cha'.t ca ban cua phan thuc.
Is the prope rty of algebraic fractions t he sam e a s thar o f arithmetic frac tions? T his is the fundamental property of fractions.
II Dung tinh chat C<J bdn cua phan thuc, hay gidi thfcll vi sao co the viet :
Using the fundamental property of fractions, explain w hy w e have
) 2x(x.-l) 2x A -A
a (x+l)(x-l) = x+l; b) B = -B.

2. Quy tic d6i dau Rule of c ha ngi ng sign

Ding thuc b) cua ~ cho ta quy tac dOi da'.u sau day:

Eq uality b) of ~ gives us the following rule of changing sign

Niu d6i dau cd tu va mdu cua m')t phdn thuc thi dUtrc mot phdn tha.c bd ha -
Changing signs of both numera tor and deno~ina tor of a fr . ng p n th_uc dd cho :
that Is equal to the given one : action results m a fr action
Hinh Fixure 6 A -A

WM .. ,.. m wa tam
m Diing quy tdc ddi ddu hay dien m6 t da 1h1tc thfch lu!P
vao ch6 tr 6 ng trong m6i d&ng tlt((c
Using the rule of changing sign, fill a ·proper polynomi al in the
blank in each of the following fract:~~:
Ta thuY P •
hAn thuc vira t'im dllq<: dan g1an hc:Jn phl\Jl
th uc eta cho. Oi
c h bie'n dOt ma c

iven fraction
The transfor matio n you
oi la rut gqn phAn tht1c. . ore s ,mple than the g
y- x x-y 5 -x ... g. that the resulting fraction Is m
a)-_- = - - ; b) - - 2 =-2-- ·
4 x ... We can see called simplifyin g fraction .
11-x x -II have JUSt done IS
Sx+ 10

BAI TAP II Cho pha,1 thttc Give fraction 2Sx 2 + 50x

J Phan
. .. • nluin Ill ch1mg c ua c iun .
tich tu- va mdu rhanh nhan tu r 6 1 11m
I . g

EXERCISES :} Chia cd IU' va mdu clw nhan IU' chung.a tor th an find
their c ommon fa ctor.
4. Cl°> giao yeu du m6i bl!-n cho m(?t vi d1,1 ve hai pMn thuc a} Factorise the numerato r and the danomi; the common
fac tor.
bing nhau. Dum da.y la nhung VI b} Divide bath numerato r and danomin et~r Y ·" h _, .
ma cac bl!-fi Lan, Hung, Giang, Huy da cho :
The teacher asked each student for giving an example of two equal II\ - •
Nht?,n xet. Mu6n rut gqn m 6I . P
hdn tliuc ta cu t e ·
• _. . , ) d .• tim nhdn t1i clwng ;
fractions . The followings are - Phan rich t1i va mdu thanh nhdn tu ( neu £ an
Lan , Hung , Giang, Huy gave e
What _ Chia cd cu- va mdu cho nhan tu- c hung.
x+3 x 2 +3x (x+t>2 x+l
2x-S= zx2-S x (Lan); (Hung); Note. To simplify a fraction , we can : . t to find common fac tor:
x2+x = - - Factorise the numerato r and the denomin a or mon factor.
Divide both numerato r and denomin ator by the com
4- x = x- 4 3 2
(x-9) = (9-x) (Huy).
-3x 3x (Giang) ; 2 Vi dy 1. Rut gqn pha.n thuc
Em hay dung tinh chat ca ban cua pha.n thuc va quy tk d6i x 3 -4x 2 +4x
.. . N . _. dau de giai thich ai vie't dun . Example 1 . Simplify the fraction
v1et sai. eu c6 chu nao sai em hay sira l<!-i cho dung. g,~ x 2 -4
Using the fundame ntal property of fractions and the rule of changing 2 2
sign to tell who is right, Who x 3 -4x2 +4x x(x2 -4x+4 )_ x(x - 2) x(x- )
wrong. Correct the mistakes when needed . 11 Gidi Solution. x2 _
= (x _ Z)(x + 2) - (x - 2)(x + 2) X + 2
5. Dien da thuc thfch hqp vao m6i ch6 tr6ng trong cac dang thuc
sau :
Fill a proper fraction in each blank in the following equalities . x 2 +2x+l

x 3 +x 2 S(x+y) Sx 2 -sy2
II Rut gon phdn thuc Simplify the fraction
· Sx 3 + 5x 2
_ . ..
(x - l)(x + I) b)---= Chu j. Co khi can d d i d,fu o t1i hoi;ic mdu de' nhqn ra clwng
• • • au (luu y 101
x- I ' 2 ► nhan tu c ua tu va m
6. Do: Hay dung tinh chat ca ban cua pha.n thuc de dien m(?t da thuc
tinh chat A = - (-
Note. Changing sign of numerato r or denomin ator is sometim n e eded in orde r to identify their
thich hqp vao ch6 tr6ng : es
Try out. Using the fund a mental property of fractions to fill common factor (note that A = - (- A)) .
a proper fraction in the bla nk:
x5 - I Vi dy 2. Rut gqn pha.n thuc
x2 - t = x + l · Example 2. Simplify fraction
x(x - I)

§3. Rut g9n phan thuc 1- x -(x - 1) -1

Gidi Solution.
x(x - 1) x(x - I) X
Simpli fying algeb raic fractio ns

C och rut g9n phan thuc c6 giong each rut g9n phan s6
hoy khOng ?
II R1it gqn phdn thuc Simplify fraction 3(x-y) .
Is the way o f simplifyi ng algebra ic fraction s like that of simplify
arithme tic frac tions? BAIT~
4x 3
Ill Cho phtln t/11tc Given fraction - - -
l0x2y .
-x.- ~
7. Rut gqn phan thuc Simplify fractions :

x.- ~ 6x 2 y2 l0xy 2 (x + y)
a) Tim nhtin llt c/11mg c ria cd II< va m611. a)--5 -; b)
8xy ISxy(x +y ) 3
h } C hia cd 11< va mt111 cho nluin tit clrung.
2x 2 +2x
a) Find a common factor of numerato r and denomin ator. c)---- x 2 -xy-x +y
b) Divide both numerato r and denomin ator by the common x+l d) 2
factor. x +xy-x - y
/l in h FiX""' 7
8. Trong ta nhap cua m()t bip1 c6 ghi m()t s6 ph~p rut gQn phan thuc nhu sau : ) x+Y __
In one pupil's draft are some red ucings of fractions as follows I ~==- )(x+y)
I _ 1.(x-y ) - ----'---: -'
x-Y . - == )(x+Y) (x-Y
x-Y (x-Y
a) 3xy = ~ .
- hdn t/111c
b) ~=~ ; ~ - (x+y)(x-y) (x-y)(x+y) J • " h"nt/111c da chothanh_nhl'.,::'ug·~A.u thuc
9y 3 ' 9y+3 3 b"' doi cue p .. h ang ki l<-
lJng rruiu thllc nhieu phan th11c la ,~n h . thuc dii cho. Ta t 11 .
c) 3xy+3=x+ l=x+l _ d)3xy+3x= ~- Quy d , . 1~ /lldl bdng cac p an ) •
mdi c6 cung rruiu th~ va un . , MTC == (x - y)(x + y . - A.u thuc chung cua
9y + 9 3 + 3 6 ' 9y + 9 3 " 1,.:.; MTC chang han, trong vt d~ tren "
chung lN• ha-y xem c6 thi um m
Theo em cau nao dung, cau nao sai ? Em hay giai thich. ' •• • , tr\l'CIC hd ta
De quy d6ng mau thuc nhieu ph~ th11c, . into new ones which
Which reduction is right, which is wrong in your opinion? Explain the reason . nhihlg phan thuc mm nay nhu the nao. . tor is to change these fract1_on:ustomary to use CD as
9. Ap dt_mg quy tiic d6i da'.u r6i rut gQn phan thuc :
Apply the rule of changing sign to simplify fractions h ve the same denominator and respectively r
Combining fractions using common denomm: ual to the given fractions. It is
the above example.
·caommon denominator", e.g. CD= (x - y)(x + y in t we first consider hoW to I
fin d the comrl'On
a) 36(x-2)3 . 2 .
T reduce the fractions to a commo n denom1na or,
b) x -xy
32- 16x ' sy2-Sxy d~nominator of these new fractions.
10. Dd. D6 em rut g9n duqc phan thuc . . mon denominator
Tim miu thLte chung Fmdmg com ,. .
Try out. Simplify fraction 1. . , h mA.u thuc cua mu1
, la mot tfch ch1a ht!t c o
x +x 6 +x 5 +x 4 +x 3 +x 2 +x+l Qua vf d~ tren ta thay, c6 thi ch9n mau thuc chung ·
phan thuc da cho. denom inator is a product which
x2 -1 From above example, we see that the possibly chosen common
divisible by each denominator of the given fracbons .
3 4 /
LUY~NT.;F> 2 3 h d 24x y z ,ay
. h, 2 ~ 5 C6 the chon rruiu thUC chung la !2x y z o. c
PRACTICE DI Cho hai phan t uc - - vu - -
6x 2 yz 4xy 3
· •

khong? Neu duqc thi mtiu thuc chung nao dun gidn hun ?
11. Rut gQn phan thuc :
3 4
Simplify fractions 12 2 3z or24x y z? If
Given two fractions - 2 - va _s__Can the common denominator chosen be x Y
12x 3y2 6x2yz 4xy3
a)-- · b) !Sx(x + 5)3
it can, which common denominator is more simple?
18xy 5 ' 20x 2 (x + 5) 5
12. Phan tich tu va mau thanh nhan tu r6i rut gQn phan thuc : • Khi quy d6ng mau thuc cua hai phan thuc - -x2- _-x-+- va 6x2 -6x ' ta c6 tht tun MTC
4 8 4
Factorise numerators and denominators then simplify fractions nhu sau :
a) 3x
~ 12x + 12 2
b) 7x + 14x + 7 • When combining two fractions 2
1 and _ _s_ using common denom inator. we can fi nd
x2 _ x
x - 8x 3x 2 +3x 4x - 8x + 4 6 6
CD as follows
13. Ap d~ng quy tiic d6i da'.u r6i rut gQn phan thuc :
- Phan tfch cac mau thuc thanh nhan tu Factorise the denominators:
Apply the rule of changing sign to simplify fraction
4x2 - Sx + 4 = 4(x2 - 2x + I)= 4(x - 1>2;
45x(3 - x) y2-x2
b) - - = - - - - - - 6x2 - 6x = 6x(x - I).
15x(x - 3) x3 -3x2y + 3xy2 -y3
- Ch9n mau thuc chung la Choose common denominator as 12x(x - 1 >2:
C6 the m6 ta each tlm mau thuc chung cua hai phan thuc tren ooi bang sau :
§4. Quy d6ng mdu thuc nhieu phan thuc We can express the way of finding the common denominator of two fractions above as 1n table below
Combinin g algebraic fractions using common denomina tor Nhan tu bang s6 Luy thua cua X Luy thua cua (x - I)
Numeric fac tor Power of x Power of x - I
Lam th6 nao d~ quy d6ng m6u thuc nhl~u phOn thuc ? Mau thuc Denominator
How to reduce the fractions to a common denominator? 4 ?
4x2 - Bx + 4 = 4(x - 1)2 (x - 1r
1 Mau thuc Denominator
Olo hai phan lhuc - - va _I_· Dung tfnh chat ca ban cua phan thuc ta c6 th~ biln d~ 6 X
x+y x-y 6x2-6x = 6x(x-1) x-1
chung thanh hai phan thuc c6 mau thuc chung nh11 sau : MTC CO 12
1 BCNN(4,6)
Given two fractions - -
x+yx- y
and - - · Using the fundamenta l property of fraclions. we can .write bo(h 12x(x- n2 LCM(4,6) X (x - 1>2
fracbons with the common denominator as follows

·, - .ee i
Qua vf d~ tren ta tha'y : • a thuc chung ta c6 th(! r
Khi quy d6ng mau thuc nhieu phan thuc, mu6n um m u • am llhu ~ 5
, mau thuc cua cac phan thuc
I) Ph an llch , d-a Cho thanh nhAn tu; h h : '
Quy d6ng mauthuc · ha n thuc ·· _2_
' /1aip x2 - Sx ,,a zto'
nhM tit dUCJC c on n u sau : 5
2) Mau thuc chung dn tlm la ml'.>t tfch ma cac · , b: ,: , , . . ~ and ---::,a·
• . . , h ca nhAn tu Ang Su a C<iC mau h' Reduce the fractions to a common denominator . x2 - 5x 2x
- Nhan tu bAng s6 cua mau thuc chun~ la !IC . c a thuc la nMng s6 n t lie CiJa
phan thuc da cho. (Neu cac nhan tit bAng s6 a_cac ~ u . guyen duori ~ 3 -5
nhan tit bang s6 cua mau thuc chung la BCNN cua chung) • , g~ Quy d6ng mau thuc hai phan thuc : x2 -Sx ; 1()-2~--
- V6i m6i luy thua cua cimg m¢t bi(!u thuc c6 m~t trong cac mdu th uc, ta ch9n luy lhua "6i
mii cao nha't. ~
ID 3 -5
· ator ·· -x2 _ Sx : -10 - 2x·
Reduce the fractions to a common denomm
By the above example, we have . n follow below proc d
When combining fractions using common denominator, we ca e ure to fifl1j
common denominator (CD) ~ BAIT~
1) Factorising the denominators of given fractions ; ch below
. common denominator is a product w11·c11I have factors osen t f asth : EXERCISES
2) The desired
- The numenc . factor of the common denom1na · tor is the produc
. . . . fact011 Of
o r e numeric
Quy d6ng mau thuc cac phan thuc sau _:
denominators of given fractions (If numeric factors of denominato~/ ~~IMtiv)e integers then~ 14
· Reduce the fractions to a common denominator II
numeric factor of the common d~nominator is their lowest common mu 1P e • ; ,,
. that appears I·n the denominators, we choose the Power . 5 7 4 -• -4·
- For each power of the same expression . b) 2
highest exponent. ~ a) 53' - 132 4 • 15x3y5 12x y
X y X Y

1S Quy d6ng mau thuc cac phan thuc sau _:

2. Quy dong miu thLtC Combining fractions using common denominator x
' Reduce the fractions to a common denominator
I 5 5 3 . b 2x • ---
Vi d'1, Quy d6ng mau thuc hai phan thuc 2 va - 2 . ,
4x -8x+4 6x - 6x a)-- , - - • ) 2 8 16 3x 2 - 12x
2x+6 x2 -9 x - x+ . dOi d!u d01 vm m¢t ph~ thuc
1 5 Quy d6ng mau thuc cac phM thuc sau (c6 the ap d'1ng quy tl\c
Example. Combining two fractions using common denominator : 2
and --i--· 16,
4x - Bx + 4 6x - Sx d(! ttm mau thuc chung thu~ ti¢n han) _: . si n can be applied to a fraction
Gidi. 0 muc I, ta da tlm duCJC Solution. In section 1, we found Reduce the fractions to a common denominator (the rule of changing g
. . 2 for more conveniently find common denominator)
MTC = 12x(x - 1)2. CD = 12x(x - 1) . 4x 2 -3x+5 1-2x . IO 5 I
2 b)-,-- , --·
Vl 12x(x - 1)2 =3x. 4(x - 1>2 =3x(4x - 8x + 4) nen phai nhan ca tit va mau cua phantht a) 3 2
x +x+I
•- 2 •
x+2 2x-4 6-3x
x -J
thu nha't v6i 3x : Since 12x(x - 1) = 3x . 4(x - 1)2 = 3x(4x2 - Bx + 4). both numerator~
17. Do. Cho hai phM thuc:
denominator of the first fraction should be multiplied by 3x
I I I. 3x 3x 5x2 3x 2 + 18x
--=---- - --- = . 2 Try out. Given two fractions: x 3 _ 6x 2 , x 2 _ 3
4x -8x+4 - 4(x-l) 2 4(x-1) 2 . 3x 12x(x-l) 6
• -
Khi quy d6ng mau thuc, biµt Tuan da ch9n MTC = x2(x - 6)(x + 6), con bl!,n Lan bao rang :
Vl 12x(x - 1/ = 6x(x - I ) . 2(x - I)= (6x2-6x). 2(x - I) nen phai nhan ca tit va m!uCll
"Qua dan gian ! MTC = x - 6". 06 em bie't biµt nao ch9n dung?
phan thuc thu hai v6i 2(x - I) : Since 12x(x - 1)2 = 6x(x - 1) . 2(x - 1) = (6x2 - 6x) . 2(x - 1), ~
numerator and denominator of the second fract ion should be multiplied by 2(x - 1) When reducing the fractions to a common denominator, Tuan chose CD = x2(x - 6)(x + 6), wh ile Lan said:
"It's too simple! CD = x - 6". Who had the right choice?
5 5 5. 2(x-l) IO(x-1)
- ,--- = - - - =
6x - 6x 6x(x - l) 6x(x-l). 2(x-l) I2x(x-l) 2
Ta n6i 3x la n/11111 flt ph(1 cua mAu thuc 4x - 8x + 4 va 2(x - I) Ill nhan tir ph'1 cua m!u lht PRACTICE
6x - 6x. 3x is said to be the extra factor of denominator 4x2 - Bx + 4 and 2(x - 1) is the extra ladold 18. Quy d6ng mdu thuc hai phan thuc :
denominator 6x2 - 6x. Reduce the fractions to a common denominator
Qua vf d~ tren ta c6 nh~ xet From the above example, we have the following remarks 3x x+3
a) - - va and - - ; X+5 X
MutJ;1quy d6ng mdu tluic nhie'u phdn tluic ta c6 the' lam nhu sau : b) va and
To reduce the fractions to a common denominator, we can follow the below procedure
2x+4 x2 -4 2
x +4x+4 3x+6
- Phd11 tfch cac mcfu tlutc tha11h 11hd11 tti r6i t/111 mdu thu'c chung ; 19. Quy d6ng mau thuc cac phan thuc sau :
- Factorise the denominators of fractions and find the common denominator; Reduce the fractions to a common denominator
- Tim 11hdn 11i ph(1 cua m6i mdu tlutc : I 8 2 x
a)-- , - - · b)x+I,-- ;
- Find the extra factor for each denominator; x+2 2x-x2 • 2
X -1
- Nlu111 cd flt vd 111d11 nia m6i ph<in tlutc viii nhan tti p/11_1tllung ling. 3
x X
- Multiply both numerator and denominator of each fraction by corresponding extra factor. c) ------=--=-
3 2 2
•- -·
3 2
x - 3x y + 3xy - y y - xy

20. Oto hai phan thuc :

Given two fractions

x2 + 3x - IO' x2 + 7x + IO
2, cqn_g hal
Adding tw
r;::,::::sc!::~ ,

tht1c khac nhaU
have different de~ornina::r; ~i\n thuc cung mau thuc. C6
th · c va quy tAc cQn~ hau.
Khong dung each phan tfch
mAu thuc hai phan thuc nay vai mAu thuc chung la:
, _., haD tir hay chung to r:ing c6 thJ
de mAu Lhuc thaw, n '
C quy

T da bie't quy d6ng mAu thl!~ hai ph~ u hue c6 mAu tht1c khaC n
ap dung nhilng di~u d6 de cQng ha1 phAn t
the rule for adding two
mon denominator andd tterent denomina tors.
have.learned how to reduce the fractions to a c~i;d 10 add fractions W 1
th 1
. . that the denominators of thes , .. we . ns of the same denominator. These can be app
Not using the method of factorising denominators. prov 8 e '" 0 frilai.. frac110 6
can be made the same as ..,._
T/u/c hi¢n phep C/?llK : Perform the addition : ~ + ~·
x + sx2 - 4x - 20.
, khac nhau nhll sau :
T a c6 quy tac c()ng hai phan thuc c6 mAu thuc nators as follows
We have the rule for adding two fracuons wi·th different denomi

§5. Phep c9ng c6c phan thuc dQi s6 Quy tlic Rule dd g mau thilc ,,;; ct)ng cac
Muon cong hai phtin thflc co mau , thtrc
, kh · hau ta quy n
ac n '
Adding algebraic fractions phdn th(lc co cung mdu thflc vaa tim dtr(!c, educe the fractions to a
To add two fractions with different d~nomina_to::• ::e'same denominator,
common denominator then add the resulting fract,o , , T thulmg vi~t
Ktt qua cua phep cQng hai phAn thuc dugc g91 la t/Jnf(
. , ' cua hai ph.1n thllc a.y. a

t6ng nay dl!ai d~ng rut gQn. . We frequently wnte this sum
Again. it's nothing .s called the sum of those two fractions.
The resul t of adding two fra ctions 1
different from adding in reduced form .
ar11hmelic fractions.
C6 the trlnh bay mQt phep cQng phan thuc nhll vi dt,1 sau.
we can represent an addition of two fractions by the following example
x+ I -2x
Hinh f 11!11r,, 8 Vi d1,1 2. Um tinh cQng : Example 2. Perform the addition : x _ 2 + x2 _ ·
2 1
1. C9ng hal phiin thuc cung miu thuc
Gidi. Solution. 2x-2 = 2(x - I); x2- I= (x - l)(x + I).
Adding two fractions which have the same denominator
MTC =2(x - l)(x + I). DC =2(x - I )(x + I ).
Quy tac c('mg hai phan thuc ciing t1tcmg ti.t nhl! quy tac cQng hai phan s6. x+ I -2x x+I -2x
The rule for adding two algebraic fractions is similar lo the rule for adding two arithmetic fractions.
--+- - =---+----
2x-2 x2 -I 2(x-J) (x-l)(x+ I)
Quy hie Rule (x+l)(x+I) 2.(-2x) (x+li-4x
= -----+-----
Muon ci;ng hai phtin thflc co cung mtiu thflc, ta c9ng cac tu thflc voi nhau va giii nguyen 2(x- l)(x + I) 2(x- l)(x + I) 2(x-l)(x+I)
mdu thflc. x2 +2x+J-4x x2 -2x+I (x-1)2 x- 1
_..;..__-'---=--- .
To add two fractions of the same denominator, we add the numerators and keep tht 2(x-l)(x+J) 2(x-l)(x+I) 2(x - l)(x+I) 2(x + I)
denominator intact.
m y -12 6
Tlllfc hiefn phep c9ng Perform the addition - - - + - - - •
6y - 36 2
y - 6y
Vi d1,1 I. CQng hai phan thuc :
► Chu j. Phep c9ng ctic phdn thuc c,ing co ctic tinh chat sau :
2 Note. The addition of fractions has following properties
x 4x +4
Example 1. Add two frac tions - - + - -.
3x+6 3x+6 . I ,
I) Gtao A C C A
1oa11 : Commutation . -+ - = - + - ;
Gidi. B D D B
x 4x+4 x2 +4x+4 (x+2)2 x+2 2) Ker h(Jp : Assoc,allon · (~+~)+~ =~+(~+~)·
Solution. . BDFBDF
-3x_+_6 + -3x_+_6 = 3x + 6 = 3(x + 2) = -3-.
Nho tinh cha'.t kt t hqp, trong mQt day phep c(?ng nhieu phAn thuc . ta k.hOng cAn df!,t da'u ngo~c.

II Thtfc hiefn phep c(Jnf( Perform the addition : -3x+- I + -

7x 2y
7x 2y
Thanks to the associative property. in a sequence of additions of fractions . we needn 't enclose th em
w11h parentheses.

m Ap d~ng cac tinh chdi tren day c1ia phep c(ing cac phdn thuc di lam phep tinh sau :
► eo tht! em clnlZl biet You mnV bnve
. t11nhit\n t>At ki thi t,ai ~
Apply the above properties of the addition of fractions to perform the calculation below ,.u, In la n,Ot s6 · ' la
. _ 4 _ . N~ chO ,< mQl !I"" · . s6 Ai ~ (ti:M:
2x x+I 2-x
I<~ qua cua cac ba1 ~p 23 c), d) Mu la 4,< + 7 . t&ig c;ua khOn9 qua b8
x2+4x+4 x+2 2
x +4x+4 ta each bi&! dibn ~ phAn s6 htt'l9 (mg dlA'li d~;g Ching ~. ~ )( "' •
chO s6 vf:A tit s6 ~ng 1 ; xem Toan 6, T~p hai, tranQ ).
2 t~ plltl~i

. ~ : - + - .,.
!AP 23 c), ta cl,

phM 4 4 1 1 , t,ai~23d)tac6- 15 5 20 · · s6
BAI TAP d .. dibn cua phan s6 -
each l)ltOU 15
la - : - .,. -0' dung
15 4 6 .
· , .....nh ,ting y{j mQI
nhlJ sau : "Ch(Jl'IQ "•
EXERCISES t:.c-d6t (P. ErdOs) dA nllu llln m¢t bai toan tOnQ,quill
Nha toan h9C khaC nhau•
21. Thl_tc hi~n cac phep tfnh sau :
II/ nhilln n > 4, phAn s6 i ~ng tlSng cua ba phM s6 f!,j C~p .
. n • h toan hOC
Perform calculations £)611 nay vlln chua cb k)i giai cho bai toan nay. 1996. Ong c6 nhi~u c6~cila minh c:s,
a) 3x - 5 + 4x+5 . l:.c-d6t sinh nam 1913 t~i Hung-ga-ri va mat ~,,a0
na~a dung ph4n ion s6 tit1n th
7 7 ' n6i ~ va 11a n~n dtJ:;JC nh~ giai thlA:lnQ qu6c "'· ng
giup M sinh villn hQc ~- e of any natural number •
x+I x-I8 x+2 . _ 4 -· Let )( be assigned the va1u
c) - - + - - + - - · The results of exercises 23 c) d) are the same 4 7 · . ,......... of sum of at most
x-5 x-5 x-5 )( + . ·ttimetic fractiOO in the '"'," pie for
the problem give us the representation of a oorresponding ~ th Volume 2. p age 7). For e,<am •
22. Ap d~g quy !Ac ddi dau de cac phan thuc c6 cung mAu thoc r6i lam tfnh c¢ng phan thuc : 6 1
three Egyptian fractions (fractions with numerator 1 , See a · 4 1 .,. 1 + _.
Apply the rule of changing sign to reduce the fractions to a common denominator then perform th . . .!.
4 _ 4 _ + _!_, using exercise 23 d), we have 15 5
= 20 60
addition of fractions. e x = 2, using exercise 23 c), we have 15 -15 -
4 60 tural number
2 2 2 . "Prove that for any na
2x -x x+I 2-x 4-x 2x-2x 5-4x Mathematician P. Erdos raised a general problem as foltows.
a)---+--+--; b) - - + - - - + - - ·
x- I I-x x-I x-3 3-x x-3 4 fra~'= "
n > 4 ' traction -n equals sum of three different Egyptian '-""' ,s ·
23. Lam cac phep tinh sau : There has been no solution to this problem until OO>N . . bl'shed many well-kllOWTl

) Perform calculations

2 2
a ) -Y- - + - - - ;
2x -xy y -2xy
b) _1_+_3_+ x-14 .
x+2 x 2 -4 (x 2 +4x+4)(x-2)'
Erdos was born in 1913 in Hungary and passed away in 1996 · Het P~ h~ granted money to help
mathematical wOl1<s and earned many international awards. He spent mos
students study.

c)--+----- d) --+----+-----
x+2 (x+2)(4x+7) x+3 (x+3)(x+2) (x+2)(4x+7)
24. M¢t con meo dudi bat m¢t con chu¢t. Un d4u
meo ch\lY v(ri v~ t6c x m/s. Ch\lY dugc 3m thi 25. Lam tmh c¢ng cac phAn thuc sau :
Add fractions
meo bat dugc chu¢t. Meo van chu¢t 40 giAy r6i
5 3 X 3x+5 25-x
tha cho chu¢t ch\lY· Sau d6 15 giay meo 1\li du6i a)--+--+-. b) ~ + 2x+3 ; c) - - - + ---
2 3
bat, nhung v(ri v~ t6c nho hem v~ t6c 14" d4u 2x 2y 5xy y ' 2x+6 x(x+3) x2-5x 25-Sx

la 0,5m/s. Ch\lY dugc 5m meo I"1i bat dugc 2

x +1
) 4x -3x+17 2x-1 6
chu¢t. L4n nay thl meo can cht't chu¢t. Cu¢c Hinh Figurt 9 d)x +-1---x-2 +1; e x3-1 + x2+x+l +-1--x ·
san du6i ktt thuc.
26. M¢t d¢i may xuc tren c0ng tnrang duong H6 Chi Minh
A cat chased a mouse. At first, the cat ran with the speed of x mis. After running 3m. the cat caught the
mouse. The cat played around with the mouse in 40 seconds then released it. Fifteen seconds later, the ~ nhi~m V\l xuc 11600m3 d9'.t. Giai dolµl dAu con
cat chased the mouse again, but with a speed 0.5 mis smaller than the previous one. After running 5m, nhi~u kh6 khl\n nen may lam vi~ vm nllng su9'.t trung
the cat caught the mouse again. This time, the cat bit the mouse to death. The chase was over. 3 3
binh x m /ngay va d¢i dao dirge 5000m . Sau d6 c0ng
Hay biiu di~n qua X : 3
vi~ 6n djnh hem, nang su9'.t cua may tang 25m /ngay.
- Tom gian l:in thu nh:ft meo du6i bat duqc chu¢t ; An excavator team on Ho Chi Minh Road works has the duty
- Tom gian Ian thu hai meo du6i bat duqc chu()t ; of digging 11600 m3 of soil. At first stage , the team's
- Tom gian kt' ti'r d4u den khi k!t thuc cu()c san. average productivity is only x m3/ a day due to some initial
Represent in x difficulties and digged 5000 m3 . At later stage , the work is
- The ti me interval that lhe cat ran to catch the mouse the first time; smoother and the productivity is increased by 25 m3/ a day.
- The time interval Iha! the cat ran to catch the mouse the second time;
- The time interval elapsed since the beginning to the end of the chasing.

a) Hay bieu dien :
- Thai gian xuc 5000m 3 d4u titn ; NhU v~y summarized as :
- Thai gian lam n6t phan vi¢c con Iiµ ;
- Thai gian lam vi¢c de hoan thanh cOng vi¢c.
- The period of time for digging the first 5000 m' ;
GI nm ,, , 1-x
phdn thllc d61 cua -x- ·

1- X
- The penod of time needed to finish the rest of work; Find the opposite fraction of - x- .
- The period of time for completing the whole work .
b) Tfnh thai gian lam vi~ de hoan thanh cOng vi¢c vm x = 250m /ngay. pheP trll Subtraction
Calculate the number of d~ys for completing the work given x = 250 m' 1a day. 2,
QuY tac Ru le ,, • C
27. l>tf. Rut g<:m r6i tinh gia ttj cua bieu thuc - A C . A 6i han thfrc do, cua
2 Muifn tril phan thflc - cho phan thuc - ta cqng - v P 0 A
_x_ _ + 2(x - 5) + 50 + 5x tai x = _ _
4 B D 8 C .
5x + 25 x x(x + 5) · C A ite fraction of - to B ·
To subtract fraction - from fraction - , we add the oppos 0
Neu coi tit s6 cua phAn s6 t6i gian ma em tim duqc la ngay con mAu s6 la thang thl d6 chinh D B
m¢t ngay le trtn the' gim. D6 em bie't d6 la ngay gi ? ~ A C _ i + (- C'\_
Try out. Simplify then evaluate the expression
5 25
2(x - 5) 50 + 5x
+ - x- + x(x + 5) at x = --4.
B D B v)
If construing the numerator of the simplest fraction that you have just found as days and a
K€t qua• cua
• ph~ ' A cho C d
,;;p tnr . I' h' A • B
uqc g9I " I9u cua A va S:.
denominator as months, the fraction then indicates an international hohday . What Is the date? 11d il1e 8 O
The result of the subtraction of ~ from ~ a nd D·
§6. Phip tru
cac phan thuc dc;li so D B
1s called the difference of
Subtracting algebraic fractions Vi d1,1. Trir hai phan thuc Example. Subtract two fractions : y(x -y) - x(x -y) ·

Tru ... ma hoo ra c(?ng ....Th~ moi hay I I I I -I

Gidi Solution. - - - - - - - =--- + ---
Subtraction turns out to be addition. What a funl y(x - y) x.(x-y) y(x-y) x(x-y)
X + -y X-y =-·
xy(x-y) xy(x-y) xy(x-y) xy
1. Phan thuc dol Additional opposite fractions

II , 3x -3x
Lam tmh cong Add: - - + - - ·
II , . I , ha11
Lam 11111 tnlp . Ihlie
' Subtract fractions x+3 x+l
: ---- -
x2-l x 2 -x
· x+I x+I
Hai phdn thuc dll<JC gqi la d61 nhau nlu t6ng cua chung bdng 0.
Two fractions are additional opposite 1f their sum equals 0.
II .•
Tl11/c /u~n p h'ep t,n
,h x+2
Perform calculation : - - -
x. 2 - l
x-9 x-9
--- --
1-x 1-x
(Chu j. Thu II! thl/C hi~n cac phep tinh ve' phdn thuc cil11g gi 611g nhu thu , •., th1_tc hi~II cac phep
tinh ve's6').
Vid u. - - I'a ph anth'uc d01" cua
-3x - , nguac 1a1· -3x- I'a p ha.nthuc
, -3x ' d6'I cua
• --3x
-. (Note. The order of performing calculations on fraction is similar to that on numbers) .
· x+I x+I · · x+I x+I
T6ng quat, vm pha.n thuc ~ ta c6 ~ + -A = 0. Do d6 -A la pha.n thuc d6i cW1 ~ vi BAI TN> EXERCISES

. . ~
, d '· .u 6 -A A
B la pha.n thuc d6i cua - BA .
nguuc lai Theo quy Ille A A
28. 61 wiu tac = _ .
8 Do d6 ta cung c6 - = _ B . Chfmg h;µ1, phan thuc d6i
8 8
• 41' 4 4 4,
Phan thuc d6i cua pha.n thuc ~B due1e
ki hieu bai - ~ .
. B
cua S- X a - s - X. = - (5 - x) = X - s. Ap d1,mg di~u nay hay di~n nhiing phan thuc thich

Jx hqp vao nhimg cho tr6ng duoi day :

Example. - 3x .3x . . - 3x
Is the opposite fraction of - , conversely - - Is the opposite fraction of - ·
x +1 x +1 x +1 x+1 According lo the rule of changing sign . we have -BA = AB . Therefore , we also have - A =!:_ . For
A A -A -A
In general , for frJct1011 , we have - + - = 0. Therefore - is the opposite fraction of -A and - B -B
B B B ' s B example , the opposite fraction of 4 4 4 4
is A .
A - A. 5- x - 5 _ x = - (5 _ x) = x _ · PP1ying this. fill in proper
conversely, - 1s the opposite fraction of - 5
B B fractions for the blanks below
The opposite fraction of
Is wntten as
. x +2
a ) - - - = ... - ... ,
6 8 I - Sx
b)- ~ =
5- X ... ,

4-'·ToAN 811 (SONG


. ,,,.ong nhimg da
29. Um tinh trir c:ic phan thuc sau : Khi th11C h1~n ,...,
haffi trong X ogay. . n
Subtract fractions Ml>t cong ti may phai san xul1t 10~:an !uac 80 sin phaffi, cttce, not only the compa Y
4x + 5 5 -9x . 36, . . xong sCIITI m(>t ngay mil con lam m roducts In x days In pra
a) 4x - 1 _ 7x - 1 . b)zx- :T-~' laffi ment company have to produce 10,000 P products.
3x 2 y A garletes ,ts goal a day earlier but also overproduce 80
3x 2 y ' carnP . d''
a) Hay bieu_ 1en qua x . .
2x - 7 3x + 5
c) ~ - x - 1 8 ; d ) ~ - 4-lOx · Express 1n x
2x - 3 3- 2x _ S6 san pham phai san xu!1t trong m(>t ngay theo kl. hoach ·

_ S6 san pham thi,rc tf da lam dugc trong m(>t ngay '
Thi,rc hi~n cac phep tinh sau :
Perform the following calculations
_ S6 san pham lam them trong m(>t ngay. cording to the plan;
_ The number of products to be produced in one day ac .
3 2 x4 - 3x 2 +2 The number of products produced in one day in reality·
a)------ ·
2x + 6 2x 2 + 6x '
b) x + 1 - 2
X -1 = The extra numbe'. of products produced in one day·. _
b) T(nh s6 san pham lam them trong m(>t ngay vai x - 25 _
31. Chung to rlmg mOi hieu sau day bAng m(>t phan thuc c6 tu bAng l : Calculate the extra number of products in one day for x - · 25 , ho trir di
Prove that each of the f~llowing differences equals a fraction wi th numerator equals 1. 2x + 1
1) . Cho phan thuc - - . 06 em tun duQC m(>t pMn uc rn th
, a k.hi Hl'.y phan th11C da C
1 1 6 2 _
1 1 37. x. -3 6. . a phan thuc da cho.
a)- - - - ; b) ~ - -2--·
xy - x y - xy phM thuc phai tlm th'i dugc m(>t phan thuc bfulg phan thUc d 1 cu .
X X + 1 ults in
2x + 1 . it from the given fra ction res
Try out. Given fraction - - • Find a fraction such that subtracting
32. E>fJ: 06 em tinh nhanh dugc t6ng sau : X - 3 .
Try out. Calculate quickly the following sum
a fraction equal to the additional opposite fraction of the given fraction .

1 1 1 + 1 +
x(x+l) + (x+l)(x+2 ) + (x+2)(x+3 ) (x+3)(x+4 )
§ 7. Phep nhan cac phan thlfC dQi so
Multiplying algebra ic fra ctions
1 1
+----+ .
(x +4)(x +5) (x +S)(x +6) Cung gl6ng quy t6c nhan cac phcm s6 .
The same as the rule for multiplying arithmetic fractions.

Ta da bift quy !Ac nhan hai phan s6 We have learned the rule for multiplying two arithmetic fractions
a c a.c
LUY~NT.;P b d b.d
2 2

33. Lam cac phep tfnh sau :

II Cho hai phdn thuc : -3x-
x. - 25
va - - - Cung lam nhu nhan ha1. phan s6,· hay
nhan tu• vm• · 111• va'
mdu viri mJu cua hai phan thuc nay di duqc mqt phan thuc .
Perform the following calculations
2 25
Given two fractions and x - . Doing similarly as multiplying two arithmetic fractions, multiply
2 6x3
4xy - 5 6y - S . 7x + 6 6 3x + X+5
a)-----, b ) - - - -2- - · the numerators to form the new numerator, and multiply the denominato rs
to form the new
tox 3 y tox 3y 2x(x + 7) 2x + 14x denominator.
Vi~c cac em vua lam chfnh la nhan hai phan thuc. Nhu v~y. each nhan hai phan thuc
34. Dung guy tac dOi d9:u r6i tht!c hi¢n cac ph6p tfnh : ciing
gi6ng each nhan hai phan s6. Ta c6 quy tic nhan hai phan thuc nhu sau :
Change signs then perform calculations What you have just done is the multiplication of two fractions . So the operation of multiplying
algebraic fractions is similar to the operation of multiplying two arithmetic fractions. We have
4x + 13 X - 48 b) _I_ _ 2Sx -IS_ for multiplying two fractions as follows
the rule
Sx(x - 7) Sx(7 - x) x - Sx 2 25x 2 - I QuyU\c Rule
35. Till!C hi¢n cac phep tfnh : Mu6n nhan hai phan thflc, ta nhdn cac tu thuc voi nhau, cac mdu thuc voi nhau :
Perform calculations To multiply two fractions, we multiply the numerators by each other, the
denominators by each other - •- = -
x+ I I- x 2x(I - x) -•
a) - - - - - - - - - b)~--l-+~- B D B.D
x - 3 X + 3 9 - x2 (x-1)2 x+l l-x 2 K~t qua cua phep nhan hai phan thuc dUQC gQi la tich . Ta thuong vilt tich nay duoi d.µ)g rut gQn.
. . . .
The result of multiplying two tracuons 1s called a P rf
~ ,
,oduct. we trequenUy write this Product in rlldu
the multiplication of fraction . ~ , ' khOng sit d,,mg
• hlln ph6i cua phep
tfnh chat p
Vi d"1, Thi,c hi¢n phep nhan phan thll'c Example. Pe onn s. bitu thirc sau theo hai ciich (sit d,,mg va distributive property
40. Rut g~~i vm phep c()ng) : usIn and not using the
x2 nhAn fy the following expression in two ways ( 9
-(3x +6). I
~~ii~lication over addition)
2x 2 +8x+8
Gidi Solution. l ( x3 1
~ · lX2 +x+l+--J · - thu'C
x2 x2 3x+6 - x2(3x+6) = x x- I - han thuc c6 n,1lu
-(3x+6) • • • - han dllffi day nhUOS p
2x 2 +8x+8 2x2 +8x+s"t 2x2 +8x+8 f} •• 06 em di~n dugc vao chO trOng cua day phep n . f actions whose
2 o. tir thuc c()ng vu,
41• bMS .<.: I
: f ns with r
nee of multipllca ,o
3x2(x+2) 3x2(x+2) = ~ - Try out. Fill in the blanks of the following seque
--::---- = )2 2(x + 2) denominator equals numerator plus 1
2(x2 +4x+4) 2(x+ 2
( - 3x2 1.
(x -13)2
Lam rinh nluin phdn rhuc Multiply fractions : ~ · x -13 l J -;· x+l - x+7

Th1,tc hifn phep linh Perform the calculation :
x2 +6x+9
· (x + )3 ·
§8. Phep chla c6c phan thuc dc;ti 56
1 2 3 Dividing algebraic fractions
► Chu y. Phep nhan ciic phan thuc c6 ciic tinh chtl'.t : .
ThOt la ki I Chia ... ma hoa ra nhan .. . I
Note. The multiplication of fractions has the following properties
It's.amazing! Division turns out to be multiplication I
. A C C A
a) G1ao hoan Commutation : - · - = - · - ;
1. Phan thuc nghjch dao Reciprocal fractions
b)Kethqp Association : (i·%)·f=i·(%·f) ; m Lam linh nhdn phdn thuc : Multiply fractions - - · - -
x3 +5 x-7
3 +5
X-7 X

c) Phdn pMi d61 vo'i phep c¢ng : Distribution over addition A (C E) A C A E

8 D + F = B · D+ 8 · j:'
Hai pluin rhuc duqc g9i Id ngh/ch ddo cua nhau ne'u tich cua chung bang I·
Two fractions are reciprocals of each other if their product equals 1.
Nha tfnh cha't klt hqp. trong m()t day phep nhan nhieu phan thuc ta khOng cAn d~t dtfu ngo~c. 3 5
x +
Vi di,. - - v..' -x-?
- l'h
" a1' ph an thuc
' ngh.ichdao
' cua
' nhau.
Thanks to associative property. In a sequence of multiplications of fractions, we needn't enclose them X-7 X3 +5
In parentheses.
x3 + 5 x- 7 .

m Tinh 11ha11h Calculate quickly :

3x5 +5x 3 +t x x4 -7x 2 +2
--:----::-- • - - · --c:----::- ·
x -7x2 +2 5 3
2x+3 3x +5x + I
Example. - - and - 3-
X- 7

T6ng quilt, nlu

X +5
are reciprocals of each other.

~B la mot. phan thuc khiic O thl ~ . .!!. = I. Do d6 :

BAI TAP ; la phan thuc nghich ddo cua phan thuc °ii ;
~ la phan thuc nghich ddo cua phan thuc .!!. .
38. Thi,c hi¢n cac phep tinh sau : B A
Perform the following calculations
In general , if ~ is a non-zero fraction then ~ • ~ =1 . Therefore.
a) ~ . 2y2 . 3 2
c) x -8. x +4x B . h . AA . . B
7y3 x2 . - 1s t e rec,proca 11
o - ; - Is the reciprocal of - .
Sx+20 x2 +2x+4 A B B A

39. Thl!c hi~n cac phep tinh sau (chu y ve d:l'u) :

Perform the following calculations (notice the signs)
m Tim phdn thuc nghich ddo cua m6i phd11 thuc sau :
Find the reciprocal fraction of each of the following fra ctions :
5x + I0 4 - 2x 2 3 2 2 6
a) - - · - - : b) x - 36 __ 3__ a) - ..L.. ; b) x + x - I
4x - 8 x+2 2x 2x+ \ c) ~ ; d) 3x + 2.
2x+I0 6-x

~ ..,hAn tbUC cfJ .tit th uc
2. JIii"""""" · duai daY nhiblg .,,-·
Phep chla Division L ~" em di~n dUQC vao cbo tr6ng cua day phep chi•
Ta cOng c6 quy tac chia phan thuc tuang n, nhU quy tac chia phan s6, 45.
1)11, r.,v , "" l
bllng miu thuc c(mg vu, : ,..
Wo tllso have the rule for dividing fractions similar to the rule for dividing ari th metic fractions.
~ :~:x+3; .................................... ••= ~ ·
Quy 1,c Rule ,c+l ,c+I ,c+2 x gd6 nta s6
. - - A- - - C A . •. • • thi'.rc l a - · tron
Mudn chla phan thfrc - cho phan thuc - khtic 0, ta nhan - voi phdn thuc ng#iicL Em bay ra cho b;µi m¢t cau d6 tuang n,, vm vl pha• cua dang x+0
B D 8 · ~~ rator equals
• C 111
nhitn tan ban I tuy yma em th!ch. . . . with fractions whose nurne
cua - : T,Yout. Fill in the blanks of the following sequence of d1v1s1ons

denominator plus 1
- • - - - . - , voi - ,i!, O. x x + 2 . x + 3 ....... .. ........................ ; _ x_ .
8°D-B C D -x + 1 : ~ . x + 2 ..... x+6
_!_ . where n is your
A C A . Of the equality is
To divide fraction - by non-zero fraction - , we multiply by the reclproc1/ of C Give your friend a similar problem in which the nght part x+ n
0: favorable arbitrary natural number greater than 1.
- · - = - . - ,where - 1- 0.
s · o BC D
§9. Bien d61 cac biiu thllC hUU ti.

m Lam tinh chia phdn thi"tc : Divide fractions

Gia trl cua phan thllC
The transformation of rational expressions.
1- 4x 2 2 - 4x The value of a fraction.
x 2 +4x : ~ .

m T/ hi¢11 phep linh sa11 : Perform calculations

Khl nao gla tr\ cua phOn thuc dUQC xac djnh ?
When ls the value of a fraction determined ?
4x 2 6x 2x
- ,:-:-• Bliu th(tc huu t1 Rational expressions ,
sy- 5y 3y 1.
Den bay giel ta da biet rang trong t~p hqp cac phan thuc dl!-i s6 c6 cac phep toan : c(mg, trU,
nhan, chia. Quan sat cac bieu thuc sau :
So far, we have learned that on the set of algebraic fractions there are operations: addition ,
subtraction, multiplication, division. Observe the following expressions
0, - -, ✓7, 2x2 - ✓SH!., (6x + l )(x- 2),
42. Ulm tfnh chia phan thuc Divide fractions : 5 3
( 20xl ( 4x 31 2x
a) l-
3y 2 rl-5y
J; x
3x2 + l
4X + - -
x +3
--+ 2
l , ~~-
43. Thlfc hi¢n cac phep tfnh sau : x2 - \
Porfom1 the following calculations MOi bieu thm: tren day la m◊t ph(lll thlIC h* bieu thi m()l day cac phep toan : ~ng, trlr, nh~.
chia tren nhilng ph(lll thuc. Ta g9i nhilng bieu thuc nhu the la nhung bi/ 11 th llC l111U ti.
5x - 10 b) (x 2 _ 25 ) : 2x +IO ;
a) - , - : (2x - 4) ; Each of the above expressions is a fraction or represents a sequence of operatlons: addition ,
x- + 7 3x-7 subtraction, multiplication or division on fractions. We call such expressions rational expressions.

x2 +x
c) - - - - : - - •
3x+3 ~+2
5x 2 - I0x+ 5 5x - 5 B•u:u
i th uc
' -x-l
-- b·teuqp
1 ix 2 cho - 3- .
h. h'epchiat6ng--+
3 x- \ X2 - \
44. Tim bieu thU'C Q, bic't rang : 2
x -1
Find expression Q, given
_3.x_ + 2
2 2 . __x - 1_ represents th d' . .
x +2x·Q = x - 4. ExpressIon e IvIsIon of sum x2x
_ 1 + 2 bY x23_ 1·
x- 1 x2 - x x2 -1

54 ss
2. Bien d6i m9t bliu thuc hflu ti thanh m9t phan thuc . ·; Solu/lon · h (cua
O Nh1111g 111◊1 uc
Transfor ming a rational expressi on into a fraction G,a · .
· * ·
O Vay dieu kt¢ 11 M gra
Q'a tri cua pMn thuc nay duc;,c xac dlnh voi dieu kr¢n x(X - 3)
N_ho cac quy tac cua cac phep toan c¢ng, trir, nh11n, chia cac phan thuc ta c6 the bie'n d6i ~it: 56) khac O khi mQi thua s6 deu khac 0. Do d6 x 0 va x - 3 *
b1eu thuc huu ti thanh m(>t phfin thuc. * . .
lllQt 3x-9
Thanks to the rules for adding. subtracting , multiplying and dividing fractions,
we can transfo
. · a phdn thuc - - - duoc xac dinh la : x 0 va X 3 * *·
rational expression into a fraction. tr! cu x(x -3) . .
llTJ a f numbers) differs
value of this fraction is determined with condition x(x - 3) ;, o· But a product (o - f r the
Thu s the conditions 0
I +l fhe when every factor differs from 0. Therefore x -;. 0 and x - 3 -;. 0 ·
Vi d~ l. Bie'n d6i bieu thuc A = __x_ thanh mot phdn thuc. from O _
I . of the fraction _x_ 9 to be determined is x-;. 0 and x -;. 3.
x-- va Iue x(x - 3)
,+, 3x -9 - 3(x -3) - I ' - 2004 th .
a· man- dieu kien cua bien nen C6 t
he tinh gia tri
Example 1. Transform expression A = --4 into a fraction. b)
V1 - -
x(x - 3) x(x -3) - x Va X - 0 ·

x . . . I.
ciia phAn thuc dii cho bang each tfnh gia trj cua pMn thuc rut gQn x VA· Y gia trl cua pha.n
Gidi Solution. A = ( 1 + ~ ) : (x - } ) = x:1 x\-1 . 3 I
= X+ 1 X (x + 1) . X muc da cho bang 2004 = 668 .
X . x2 - 1 = x . (X + 1)(x - 1) x- 1
3x - 9 3(
x - 3) 3 and . bl then it is possible to
x = 2004 satisfy the conditions of vana
2 Since ~ = x(x - 3) =-; e

m l+--
Biei, ddi hiei, tlutc B = __x_-_l_ thim/r 11191p/11111 1/r1tc.
- - .
evaluate the given fraction by evaluating the reduced fraction 3 I of the given fraction
- · Thus the va ue
x +I 3 1
is 2004 = 668 ·
1+ 2._
Transform expression B = -2...:.!_ into a fraction.
1+ 2x
x2 + 1
m • x+ I
Cho phti11 thuc - 2 - ·
X +X

3. a) Tim die'u kief11 ciia x de giti tri cua phti11 thuc duqc xac d/nh.
Gia tr! cua phan thuc The value of a fraction
Khi lam t(nh tren c,\c phan thuc ta chi vi¢c thl!c hi¢n theo cac quy tac cua cac phep loan, b) Tinh gia tri cua phdn thuc t(li x = I 000000 va t(li x = - I.
can quan t(lm den gia ltj cua bifo. Nhung khi lam nhilng bai toan lien quan den gia trj cua . X +1
phan Given fraction - - ·
thuc thl mrac hei phdi tim di/ 11 ki f11 c1ia hiei1 de' giti tri tlf(hlg 1mg c1ia 111611 t/utc khtic 0. D6 2
X +X
Iii die11 ki¢11 de giti tri c1ia phti11 t/utc du(/c xtic di11/r. Neu tl!,i gia trj cua bie'n ma gia trj cua a) Find the condition of x for the fraction 's value to be determined.
phan thuc duqc xac djnh thl phtln thuc a'y va phan thuc rut gc:m cua n6 c6 cung ml)t gia trj. b) Find the value of the fraction at x = 1,000,000 and at x = - 1.
When performing calculations with fractions, we just follow the rule for performing
operations with no
concern for the value of variable. But when solving problems concerning the BAITN>
value of fraction , we
should first find the condition of variable so as /he corresponding value of the
denominator is different
from 0. That is the condition for the fraction to have a determined value. If the
value of the fraction is
determined at a value of variable then the fraction and its reduced fraction have
the same value. 46. Bi€n d6i mOi bieu thuc sau thanh m¢t ph11n thuc d~i s6 :
Transform each of the following expressions into an algebraic fraction
Vi du 2. Cho phan thuc 3x - 9
· x(x - 3) I 2
l+- 1--
x x+I
a) nm diCu kien cua x de gia tri cua ph3.n thuc 3x - 9 duoc xac dinh ; a)--,; b)---
. . «x-~ . . 1-- x2 -2
x l---
b) Tfnh gia trj cua ph:ln thi'ic t.)i x = 2004. x2 - I
. f . 3x 9
Examp Ie 2. GIven ractIon - -- 47. Vm gia trj nao cua x thl gia trj cua mOi pMn thi'ic sau duqc xac djnh?
x( x - 3)
For what value of x is the value of each of the following fraction s determined?
a) Find tile condition of x for the fraction 3x - 9 to be determined ;
x(x - 3) Sx x-1
b) Evaluate the fraction at x = 2004. a)--; b)--·
2x+4 x2 -I

2 thanh phan thuc
48. Chophanthuc x + 4 x+ 4
b) Ern hiiy di! doan klt qua ciia phep biln d6 i bit!u thuc I + I + - - - - : - -
a) Vai difo ki¢n nao ciia x thl gia tri cua phan thuc duqc xac djnh?
I+ I
b) Rut g9n phan thuc.
I +~
c) Tim gia trj ciia x de gia trj ciia phan thuc bilng I . l+-
d) C6 gia trj nao ciia x de gia trj cua phan thuc bilng O hay khOng ? x
2 d~i s6 va kit!m tra l~i d\f doan d6.
Given fraction x + 4 x + 4
_ __:_.~ -- into a n a lgebraic fract ion a n d
predict the re sult of the transformation of expres s ion 1 +
a) For wha t condition of xis the value of the fraction determined? 1 ...
b) Simply the fraction. 1+
1 ... - 1
c) Find the value of x for that the value of fraction equals 1. 1+ -
d) Is there any value of x for that the value of the fraction equals O? X
re-check your prediction.
49. D_o. ~6 ~m tlm duqc m(>t phan thuc (cua m(>t bie'n x) ma gia trj cua n6 duqc xac dinJi v(lj n-.- Tim cac gia trj ciia x de gia trj ciia cac phan thuc sau duqc xac djnh :
g1a tq cua X khac cac uac cua 2. 54,
. Find values of x so that values of the following fractions be dete rmined
Try out. Find a fraction (of a variable x) whose value is determined for every value of x that Is not
divisor of 2 . a a) 311+2
2 ; 5
b) _2
__ _
2x -6x x -3
LUY~N r_;p x 2 +211+l
ss. Cho ph1\n thuc ---,--- Given fraction x' + 2 x + 1
PRACTICE x2 -1 x' - 1
a) Vcri gia tri nao ciia x thl gia trj ciia phan thuc duqc xac djnh?
50. Th\fc hi¢n cac phcp tfnh Perform calculations : For what value or x is the value of the fraction determine d?

a) (-x- 1): (1 -~) ;

+ b)(x
- I) ( -
1- -- 1- - 1)- ,
b) Chung . h ant h uc
top , rut
' g9n cua . d-a c ho '"~ -
' ph anth uc x +-I·
x+ I I _ x2 x- I x + I x- I

51. Lam cac phcp tinh sau Perform calculations : Prove that the reduced fraction of the give n fraction is ~ -
x- 1
c) Ot tinh gia trj ciia phan lhuc dii cho t~ x = 2 va ~ x = -1 , b</-fl Thang da lam nhu s au :
a) ( ~
+ l'..) :(~
- .!.. + .!..) ;
y2 y X To evaluate the given fraction at x = 2 and at x = - 1, Tha ng did as follows:

= 2, phan thuc dii cho c6 gia tri la 2

b) ( I
- V ai x +I =3 ;
_ I ) . ( - 1 + _ I)· . 2-1
x 2 +4x+4 x 2 - 4x+4 · x+2 x-2
- F or x = 2 , the given
. rracllon
. has the value of N
2 + 1 =3 ;
52. Chung to rang vcri x ~ 0 va x ~ ± a (a la m(>t s6 nguy~n). gia trj ciia bieu lhuc
2 2 - Vai x = -1, phan thuc dii cho c6 gia tri la I =0 .
( a - x +a
). (2a - ~ )
x x- a
. --1I+-1
la m◊t s6 - For x = - 1 . the given fraction has the value of - 1+ 1 = O.
- 1- 1
Prove that for x ., 0 and x .,, ± a (a is an integer), the value of expression Em c6 d6ng y khOng ? Neu khOng. em hay chi ra c h6 m a em cho la sai .
2 2 Do you agree with Thang? II not, show where you think is wrong .
x +a ) . (2a
- - -4a-)
( a - - -- is an even number. Theo em. vcri nhiing gia trj nao ciia bien thl c6 the tinh duqc g ia t rj ciia phan thuc da c ho ban
11+a 11 x- a each tfnh gia trj c iia pha.n thuc rut g9n ? g
a) Bie'n dOi m6i bieu thuc sau thanh m(>t phan thuc dai s6 : According to you. for what values of variable can the given fraction be evalua te d by e va lu ating its
53. reduced fraction?
Transform e ach or the following expressions into an algebraic fraction
56. _ 3x 2 + 611+12 3x 2 • 6 • • 12
I I Cho phan lhuc - -- - - · Given fraction -......,-
,- - -
l+- l+--1; !+---- x3 _ 8 X - 8
l+ - 1+ - 1- a) Vai dieu ki¢n nao ciia x thl gia trj ciia phan thuc duqc xac d~nh ?
l +_!_ For what cond1t1on of x is the fraction's value de termined?
X b) Rut g9n phan thuc. Simplify the fraction.

c) Em c6 biet tren tcm
be mat da cua em c6 bao nhieu con vi khulln kh0ng ? Tinh gia t .
. ~~

bi~u thuc da cho tai x = 4 00 I em se t1m duac cau tra Im th~t dang sq. Tuy nhien trong
. woo . -~ 3 _Phep nhAn Multiplication • = A.C
. ·
chi c6 20% la vi khuan c6 hai. 8 0 8 0
Do you know how many bactena are there on a 1 cm' area of your skin? Evaluating the .
20•',o of them are ha~,9tveri 4 _Phep chia Division
expression at x = - - you will find out a scaring answer. However only
2000 ' ,.,, UI_ a) Phlln thuc nghjch dao cua phan thuc : khac O l a !·
ON TAP CHlJONG II CHAPTER II REVIEW The reciprocal fraction of non-zero fraction ~ Is ~
s·c o"' 0 ·
Trong bang t6m uit nay, ta ki hi~u A, B. ... ta nhimg da thuc.
s ·o
In this summary, symbols A , B ... indicate polynomials.
cau hol Questions _ . , ') M6t s6 thl!C b,'i t
I. Khai ni~m vi! phl\n thuc dai so va tinh chat cua phin thuc dai so Dinh n gbta phlln thuc d~i s6. M()t da thuc c6 phai l a phan thuc d~• s0 kh◊ng · · ·
Concept of algebraic fraction and its properties kl. c6 phai la m ()t phan thuc d~i s6 k.h0ng ? 1
t>raic traction?
Define algebraic fraction. Is a polynomial an algebraic fraction? Is any real number an age
I. Phan thuc d~i s6 la bieu thuc c6 d~ng ½, vm A, B ta nhimg da thuc va B khac da thuc O.
Dinh n ghia hai phan thuc d ~i s6 bang nhau. Define the equality of two algebraic fracl.lo ns .
Phat bieu tinh cha'.t ca ban cua phan thuc ~ s6. State the fundamental propertJes of algebfalC fraCOOOS.
An algebraic fraction is an expression in the form i, where A , B are polynomials and 8 differ, I 3.
Neu quy tac rut g9n m()t phan thuc d~i
, 8x -4
s6. H ay rut g9n phan thuc Sx 3 _ ·
from 0 .
Bx - 4
2. Hai phan thuc b ang nhau : ½=~ n eu A . D = B. C. State the rule for simplifying an algebraic fract,on. Simplify fraction - - -·
Bx 3 - 1
5. Mu6n quy d6ng m :\u thuc cua nhieu phan thuc c6 m Au thuc khac n h au ta lam the' nao ?
Two fractions equal : ~=~ 1f A .D=B.C. 3
B D Hay quy d6 ng mAu thuc cua hai phan thuc : x va
x 2 +2x+ I 5x 2 - 5
3 . T'm h c h at. ca b an • p h an t h uc
' c ua . M ,;,. O t h'1 A
, : neu
8 8

= A _· M How to reduce fractions with different denominators to a common denominator?
. x d 3
a n - 2- - ·
Reduce two fractions below to a common denominator: 2
The fundamental property of fraction: if M ~ 0 then ~= A · M- x + 2x ~ 1 5x - 5
B B .M miiu thuc.
6. Phat b ieu cac quy tac : c()ng hai phan thuc c ung m :\u thuc. c()ng hai phan thuc khac
II. Cac phep toan tren t$p h-,p cac phan thuc dai so 3x x- I
Lam tfnh c()n g : - - - + - - --
Operations on the set of algebraic fractions x3 - I x2 + x+ l
I. Phep cc)ng Addition State the rules for adding two fractions of the same denominator, adding two fractions w ith d ifferent
a) O)ng hai phan thuc c ung m Au thuc Adding two fractions of the same denominator . 3x X -1
denominators. Add: - 3- + - - --
x - 1 X2 + X + 1
~+l!. = A+B_ 7. Hai phan thuc nhu the nao dugc gQi l a h ai pha.n thuc d6i nhau ? 1im phan thuc d6i c t1 a phAn
b) C()ng hai phan thuc k.h:ic mAu thuc Adding two fractions with different denominators : 1
thuc x - • When are two fractions opposite? Find the opposite of fractlon ~ .
5 2X - 5 2x
- Quy d 6 ng m :\u thuc ; 8. Phat bieu quy tac tri'r hai phan thuc d~i s6. State the rule for subtracting two algebra ic fractions.
Reduce them to a common denominator 9. Phat bieu quy tac nhlln hai phan thuc d l)i s6. Stale the rule for mult,ply,ng two a lgebraic fracllons.
- C ()ng hai phan thuc c6 ding m :\u thuc vi'ra tlm dugc.
Add two resul t ing fractions of the same denominator. 10. Cho phan thuc ~
B khac O. viet pha.n thuc nghich
. d ao c ua n 6 . G iven
non-zero fracl.Jon A write ,ts
B .
2. Phep trir Subtraction reciprocal
II. Phat bieu quy tac chia h ai phan thuc d~ s6. State the rule for div1d 1ng tv..o a lgebraic fractions
, d .. ' A ki h"
a) Phan th UC 0 1 cua B
l~ U
L -'-"
uul - e·
12. Gia su : ;:; la m()t pban thuc cua bit"n x. Hay neu difo ki~n cua bifo d~ gi:i tri cua p h an thuc
The additional opposite fraction of ~ is designated by - ~ .
B B dugc xac djnh.

Suppose A (x) is a fraction of x. State the condIt1on of x for the value of the fraction to be determined

60 61
B. Bal ~P Exercises
57. Chung to m6i cl).p phan thuc sau biing nhau Prove the equality of each pair of fractions :
3 - va and 3x + 6
a) - - · b) -2- va a nd --::-=-=-----;,-;=-.
2x +6x
2 )(- 3 2x 2 +x - 6 • x+ 4 )( +7x 2 +12x
58. Thl!c hi~n cac phep tinh sau Perfonn calculations :
a) (2x+I _ 2)(-)) - ~ .
2x-l 2x+I "JOx-5'
b) ( -I- - -
x2+x x+l x
x) (

2-- : -+x-2)

x- l
c) _1__ x - x ·(
x 2 +1
x 2 - 2x+I
l-x 2
59. . • thuc
a ) Cho b 1eu - -)(P
- - -yP
- . Thay p = -xy- vao
• b•J
1eu Ih'uc dii c h o rO'"I rut
, g<:>n bteu
-~ lhUc
x+P y-P x-y ·
Given e xpression ~ - L . Substitute p with 2'i___ in the given expression then simplify h.

b) Cho bieu thuc

x+P y- P
Thay p
x- y

= - 22xy
-- va Q =
2xy J
x 2 + y 2 vao bieu thuc da cho r6i r6t
p 2 -Q 2 X -y 2
gqn bieu thuc.

Given expression ;
Substitute p with x2 :Yy2 and Q with x}~Y2 in the given expression GEOMETRY
and simplify it.
60. ·• thuc
Cho b1eu - Given
. expression ( -x+I- - + -3- - - x+3) · --5-- 4x -4 ·
2x-2 x2-I 2 x+ 2
a) Hay tlm di~u ki~n cua x de gia trj cua bieu thuc duqc xac djnh.
Find the condition of x for the value of the expression to be determined.
b) Chung minh riing khi gia trj cua bieu thuc dirge xac dinh thi n6 khOng ph"1 thu~ vao gia tri
cua bicfo X . .
Prove that once being detennined, the value of the expression does not depend on the value of x.
.• . . 2
61. . . • . _ ( 5x+2 5x-2 ) x -IOO
Tim d1eu k.i~n cua x de g1a lf! cua b1eu thuc + · duqc de djnh.
x -IOx x +IOx x 2 +4
Tinh gia trj cua bieu thuc t~i x = 20040.
. d the condition
F1n · · o f x so that the value of expression
. ( - 5x-+ -
2 + - 5x
- 2 )·-
x -- 100
- is determined.
x2 - 10x x2 + 10x x2 + 4
Evaluate the expression at x = 20 040.
62. Tim gia tri cua x de gia trj cua phlln thuc )( - ) Ox + 25 b/ing 0.
)( 2 - 5x
Find the value of x so that the value of fraction x - ; Ox + 25 equals O.
X - 5X
63. Vie't moi phlln thuc sau dut'Ji d~g t6ng cua m◊t da thuc va m◊t phl\n thuc vai tir thuc lam◊( Mag
s6 . r6i tlm cac gia trj nguyen cua x de gia trj cua phl\n thuc ciing la s6 nguyen :
Write each of the following fractions 1n the form of a sum of a polynomial and a fraction with constant
numerator then find integer values of x so that the value of the fraction is an integer too
3x 2 -4x - 17 x 2 -x+2
a) x + 2 b) x - 3
64. Tlnh gi;i trj cua phan thuc trong bai t~p 62 tiµ x = 1, 12 va lam tron ke't qua den chu s6 th~p
phan thuba.
Evaluate the expression In exercise 62 a t x = 1.12 and round the result to the third decimal.

62 63
Chuung I - TU GIAC • Tu giac ABCD tren hlnh la g9i la tU' giac /6i.
ouadrilateral ABCD in figure 1a is called a convex quadrilateral. bat
Clrapttr I - QUADRILATERAL Id 4,riing thJng ch(ra
Tit giac l6i la tu giac luon ntim trong m(Jt niia mt;ft phJng co bb
ki canh nao cua tu giac. h se edge
· . . . half-plane w o
A convex quadrilateral Is a quadrilateral that always lies ,n a
is a line containing any side of the quadrilateral.
§1. giac
Quadrilateral . . • . ., do ta ,u ''liac J6 i .vex
Chu j. Tu nay, kh11161 den tu- giac ma kho1111 chu thich gi them. ta Jueu
Note, From now on, when referring to a quadrilateral without further nonce, we con
sider ii to be con ·
M~i tam giac c6 t6ng cac g6c bOng 180°. 6

con tu giac thi sao ?

Quan sat tU' giac ABCD o
hinh 3 roi dien vao ch6 tr6'ng : A
oaserve quadrilateral ABCD in figure 3 and fill in the blanks:
The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180". M
a) Hai dinh kl nhau : A va B, ... Two adjacent vertices: A and B, .. .
How about the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral? Hai dinh doi nhau : Ava C, ... Two opposite vertices: A and C ... . a
b) E)uiing cheo (doqn thdng 1161 hai dinh do1 nhau): AC, ... D C
Diagonals (line segment connecting two opposite vertices) : AC, ...
Hinh Figure 3
c) Hai cq11h kl nhau : AB va BC, ... Two adjacent sides: AB and BC, ...
1. D!nh nghia Definition Hai cqnh 461 nhau : AB vd CD, ... Two opposite sides: AB and CD, ...
M6i h1nh la, lb, le duai day d~u g6m b6n dol!,11 thAng AB. BC, CD, DA, trong d6 b:1:t kl~
do""1 thAng nao ciing khOng cung nam tren ml)t duong thang. M6i hlnh d6 la ml)t tu- giac. HlnJi d) Goe : A, ...
2 khOng la tu giac. Hai g6c 46i nhau : A va C, ....
Each of following figures 1a, 1b, 1c has four line segments AB, BC, CD, DA, in which no two r111e
segments lie on the same line. Each figure is a quadrilateral. Figure 2 is not a quadrilateral.
Angle : A,...

A and C,...

◊c A<{' :l,
Two opposite angles:
e) Diem ndm trong IU' giac (dilm trong c,ia II( giac) : M. "'
Die'm ntfm ngodi /U' giac (dilm ngodi cua II( giac): N, " '
Points lying inside the quadrilateral (interior point of quadrilateral): M, ...
Points lying outside the quadrilateral (exterior point of quadrilateral): N, ...
2. T6ng cac g6c cua m9ttLrgiac
a) b) c)
Sum of angles of a quadrilateral
Hinh Fii:1,r, I Hi11h F1.~11re 2

Tft giac ABCD Id hlnh g6m Mn 40<,ln thdng AB, BC, CD, DA, trong do bdi kl hai dDl/n
m a) Nhek /qi di11h Ii ve 1611g ba g6c cua m(Jt tam giac
Remind the theorem about the sum of three angles of triangle. A


thdng ndo cung khong cung ntfm tren m(JI duimg thdng.
b) Vi IU' giac ABCD Ill}' y. DlfiJ \'QO dinh Ii ve 1611g ba g6c c1la 111{)1 tam
Quadrilateral ABCD is a figure consisting of four line segments, In which no two /int giac. hay tinh 1611g
segments lie on the same line. Draw an quadrilateral ABCD. Using theorem about sum of three angles of D
triangle, calculate the sum

A+ s+c+ 6.
Tu giac ABCD con dugc gQi ten la tu giac BCDA, BADC, .... Cac diem A, B, C, D gQi lacac Hinh Fi,~11re 4
Cac do.µi thAng AB, BC, CD, DA g9i la cac q mh.
• Nhu v~y trong tu giac ABCD (h. 4), ta c6:
Quadnlateral ABCD is also named BCDA, BADC,... Points A, B, C, D are called vertices. Line
So, in quadrilateral ABCD (I. 4), we have
segments AB, BC, CD, DA are called sides.
A+ s+c+o =360°.
m Tro11g cac 11~ 11itk <i hi11h I,
tlf giac 1100 /11011 11&m trong m(Jt mi'a mi;,1 pJui11g co
tluing d1U'a bat ki c<111h 1ulo c1ia lit !(iac ?
b<'I Iii d11img E>/nh Ii Theorem
, - - -- ------:-----:----i
Which of the quadrilaterals in figure 1 always lies m a half-plane whose edgo is a line containing any Tting cac g6c cua m(Jt tu giac btfng 360°.
side of the quadrilateral? The sum of all angles of a quadrilateral is 360".

64 65
p ,,. goi tu giac ABCD tren hlnh 8 c6 AB= AD CB= CD la hlnh "cai dieu".
BAI TAP ,a • · f kite
o uadrilateral in figure 8 with AB = AD, CB = CD is said to be in the shape O a
J. B
EXERCISES a) Chung minh AC la duang trung lfl!c cua 8D.
prove that AC is the perpendicular bisector of BO.
I. Tim x ahlnh 5, hlnh 6 :
Find x In figure 5, figure 6 b) f{nh s.5 bie't r Ang A= 100", C=60". C

B C B calculate B. D given A= 100, C =60.

\20 80°
A 110°


Hinh I- 111ur~ 8

b) c)
Hinh Figure 5





4x ~

4, Di,a vao each ve cac tam giac da hQC, hay ve ll)i cac tu giac ahlnh 9. hl nh IO vao vcr.
Using methods of drawing a triangle that you have learned, redraw quadrilaterals in figure 9, figure 1O
in your notebook.
lli11h Figur, 6
2. G6c ke bu vm m(>t g6c cua tu giac g9i la !,l6c 11goai cua tu giac.
Supplementary angle adjacent to an angle of a quadrilateral is called exterior angle of the 4cm
Hinh Figure 9 /fin!, Fi,~ure / ()
a) Tinh cac g6c ngoai cua tu giac ahlnh 7a.
Calculate exterior angles of the quadrilateral in figure 7a. 5, Do: D6 em tlm thA'y vi tr! cua "kho bau" tren hlnh 11, bie't kho bau nam t;,ii giao diem cac
duang cheo cua tu giac ABCD, trong d6 cac dinh cua tu giac c6 to1,1 dQ nhll sau : A (3 ; 2),
b) Tinh ;6ng_:lie ~6c ~oai cua tu giac ahlnh 7b (t~i m6i dinh cua tu giac chi ch9n m◊t g6c 8(2 ; 7), C(6 ; 8), D(8 ; 5).
ngoai) A1 + 81 +C 1 + D 1 = ? Try out. Try to find the position of the treasure in figure 11, given that the treasure lies at the
Calculate the sum of exterior angles of the quadrilateral in figure 7b (choose only one of exterior intersection of the diagonals of quadrilateral ABCO whose vertices have coordinates as follows.
A(3, 2). 8(2, 7), C(6, 8), 0(8, 5).
angles at each vertex) A1+ 81 + C1+ 6, = ?
c) C6 nh~ xet gl ve t6ng cac g6c ngoai cua tu giac ?
Do you have any remark on the sum of exterior angles of a quadnlateral?

0 1

Cl ) h/ Hinh Fi~tm• I I
Hinh Fi,~11re 7

66 67
§2. Hinh thong
[~ Co th~~ chun bi~t You ma hnv11: not known Trapezoid

"T(t g~ac Long XuyAn' la m¢t vung 1141 tru phu aTAy Nam 13(>, ~ng hon 500 000 hecta, la V\fa lua j-Jal· canh
. AB va CD cua tu giac ABCD trtn hlnh 13 c6 gl
hat coa nlA'lc ta sau 06ng Thap Mli!i, la ~t dja chi du l!ch h4p din vlli nhiAu nui 11a vOi va hang ~ II'(/ dac bi¢t ?
~g. Trim hinh 12 ta c6 b6n 11inh cua t(Jgiac 116 la : o& · tt,ere anything special with two sides AB and CD of
drilateral ABCD in figure 13?
A (thanh ph6 Long XuyAn, tinh AA Giang), qua

B (th! xa CMu 06c, tinh AA Giang),

Oinh nghia o 111,,h F,,:urr 13
C (th! xa Ha Tl6n, tlnh KiAn Giang), 1,
D (th! xa R~ch Gia, tlnh Kil!n Giang).
Tu giac ABCD tren hlnh 13 c6 AB// CD la m◊t hinh tha1111-
"Long Xuyen Quadrilateral' is a fertile region in the Southwest part with . the area of more tlian ouadrilateral ABCD with AB I/ CD in figure 13 is a trapezoid.
500,000 hectares, the largest granary of our country second to Dong Thap Muoi, an attractive tourism .
with a wide range of famous limestone mountains and caves. In figure 12, we have four Vertices : Hlnh thang la t(/ giac co hai c~nh 46i song song.
quadrilateral. They are A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two sides parallel.
A (Long Xuyen city, AA Giang province)
B (Chau Doc town, AA Giang province)
Trt n hlnh 14 ta c6 hlnh thang ABCD (AB// CD). Cac do;,in b81M

thang AB va CD g9i la cac qinh day (h* day), cac do;,in A q,nhday B
C (Ha nen town, Kien Giang province)
thi ng AD va BC g9i la cac qmh ben. Trang cac hlnh !hang mil q,nh
D (Rach Gia town, Kien Giang province) hai day kMng bAng nhau, nguoi ta con pMn bi~t day /<111 va leg
day nhd.
In figure 14, we have the trapezoid ABCD (AB I/ CD). Line segments DL -H
h -.,a=-~ y--'C
AB and CD are called base sides (or bases). line segments AD and b8S8
BC are called legs. In trapezoids with two bases unequal, bases are .Hin/, Fig11rt' 14
distinguished into large base and small base.

.. G9i AH la duang vu6ng g6c ke tu A Mn duang thang CD, do;,in thang AH g<,>i la m◊t dllimR
cao cua hlnh thang.

. ,~,~""··.
'"{<.. Let AH be the perpendicular line segment drawn from A to line segment CD. AH is call an altitude of
the trapezoid .

/ II Chohinh /5 .
Given figure 15.
u) Tim cac tit giac Iii hinh thang.
Find quadrilaterals that are trapezoids.
b) Co n/11J11 xt!t Rive hai goc ke m¢t qmh ben cua hinh thang?
What do you notice about the two angles adjacent to a leg of the trapezoid?

/Jinh Figure 12 E


~ \} A

/Jinh Figure 15


m Hinh tlrang ABCD c6 day AB, CD.
Trapezoid ABCD has bases AB, CD.

a) Cho hil r AD II BC (h. 16). Chi'mg minh rdng AD= BC, AB= CD.
Given AD II BC (f. 16). Prove that AD = BC, AB = CD. A
h) Cho bier AB= CD (h. 17). Chung minh rdng AD II BC, AD= BC.
Given AB =CD (f. 17). Prove that AD II BC, AD =BC.

tJ tJ
a) b) c)

H/11!, Figure 20

D C D C Ttm x va y tren hlnh 21. bie't rang ABCD la hlnh thang c6 day la AB va CD.
Hinh Fi)l1<r, /6 Hinh Fi,~ure /7 1- Given trapezoid ABCD with bases AB and CD. figure 21, find x and y.
Nh~n xet
Remark c


- Nei, m(Jr hinh thang c6 hai q mh hen song song thi hai cqnh hen bdng nha11 , hai canh da A

Mng nhau. · y

If two legs of a trapezoid are parallel then they are equal and the two bases are aqua/ too.
- Neu m(Jr /11'nh thong c6 hai cqnh day hdng 11ha11 thi hai C(}llh hen song song vd hd1111 nhau. D C A D D C
If two bases of a trapezoid are equal then the two legs are parallel and equal. a) b) c)

2. Hinh Fig11rt 21
Hinh thang vuong
Right trapezoid

Tren hlnh I8, hlnh thang ABCD c6 AB// CD. A= 90" . khi d6
Ta g9i ABCD la hinh thong 1·116ng.
lJfnh nghia. Hinh than!/ v116ng Id hinh rhanli c6 m,jt !Ilk v116ng.
In figure 18, trapezoid ABCD has AB // CD, A=90° , then
D= 90".

D= 90° . ABCD
lli11h Figurt/8

is said to be a righl

H1nh thang ABCD (AB// CD) c6 A- i3 = 20". B= 2C. Tfnh cac g6c cua hlnh thang.
Given trapezoid ABCD (AB // CD) with

A- 6 =20° . B=2C. Calculate the angles of trapezoid.
TU' gilic ABCD c6 AB= BC va AC la tia phan giac cua g6c A. Chung minh rang ABCD la hlnh

Quadrilateral ABCD with AB = BC and AC the angle bisector of angle A. Prove that ABCD is a
tropezold. trapezoid.

Dellnlt/on. A right trapezoid is a trapezoid with one right angle. 10. tJo: H1nh 22 la hlnh ve m◊t chit'c thang. TrCn hlnh ve c6 bao A B
nhiCu hlnh thang ?
Try out. Figure 22 is lhe shape of a ladder. How many trapezoids
are there in the shape?
6. Dung thtroc vii eke. la c6 the kiCm Ira dirqc hai dirang thi ng H/11/, Figure 22

c6 sung sung v6i nhau hay khOng (xem hlnh 19). Tren
hlnh 20. c6 nhii'ng lli gi:k Iii hlnh !hang. c6 nhii'ng 111 giac
khOng la hlnh 1hang. B:ing dc h neu tr~n. hay kiCm tra xem
trong cac tu gilic 6 hlnh 20. tu giac nao Iii hlnh !hang.
Using a ruler and a set square, we can check if two lines are
parallel (seo figure 19). In figure 20. some quadrilaterals are
trope:rnids, some ore not. Using the obove method, check to see
which quadrilateral Is a trapezoid. which Is not among the
quadrilaterals In figure 20. Hi11h F1111ire 19

70 71

1,,irlg ,ninh. Xet hai tnri:mg hqp : Proof. Consider two cases.
§3. Hinh thang can
C) AD cllt BC i:J O (gia su AB< CD, h. 25) :
Isosceles trapezoid
; inte rsects BC at O (suppose AB< CD. f. 25) :
.......,~~~ ,.,· ·,... 0
J,; ~•:~~-;..
· ~-Y.f ._~.,.-:_0- :"J. ," \~t ... ·l':'J ...~~ ,J3CD ta hinh thang can ne n D= c. A, = B,.
" ~ , ...... ;rapezoid ABCD is isosceles. so D= C, A, = B,. C
A 8

1. E>!nh nghia Definition 'fa c6 = o C nen i\OCD can (hai g6c i:J day bang nhau), do d6

ID Hinh thang ABCD (AB II CD) tren hinh 23 c6 gi d(ic bieft? oD"'oc. (l)
/linh f igure 25

Is there anything special with trapezoid ABCD (AB II CD) in figure 23? we have D- = c- AOcD ·1s ·isosceles
so'-' (two base angles e qua l). th eretreoo
o = OC. ( 1 l
- - - -
'fa c6 A , = B, nen A , = B,, suy ra i\OAB can (hai g6c i:J day bang . d d6 OA OB ( Z)
nhau), 0
Hinh thang can la hinh thang c6 hai g6c kl m~t day bdng nhau. ~ - ~ - )
we have A, = 8 1 , so A2 =B2 . hence AOAB 1s isosceles (two base a ngles equal • tt,e retore OA = OB (2 )
An Isosceles trapezoid is a trapezoid in which two angles adjacent to a base are equal. B
'fi:r ( 1) va (2) suy ra: OD - OA = OC - OB. AD
AB// CD y~yAD= BC.
Tu giac ABCD la hlnh thang can (day AB, CD) = - - - -
{ C = D ho~c A= B From (1 ) a nd (2) we have: OD - OA = OC - OB, so AD = BC.
b) AD// BC (h. 26). Khi d6 AD= BC (theo nh~ xet i:J §2 : hlnh D C
Quadrilateral ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid (bases AB. CD) e, H inh flg 11 r e 26
{ ~B! lo Co~ A = thang c6 hai c.µth hen song song thl hai qnh hen nhau).
AD fl CD (f. 26). Then AD = BC {by the remark in §2 : if two legs of a trapezoid a re p aralle l then th e y
► Chu j. Neu ABCD la hlnh thang can (day AB, CD) thl C= D va A= B. are equal).
Note. If ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid (with bases AB. CD) then C = 6 and A = B. Chu j. C6 nhimg hinh thang c6 hai clµlh hen bang nhau nhimg

m khOOg la hlnh thang can. Chang hi/-fl tren hinh 27, hlnh !hang
ABCD (AB// CD) c6 hai cl)llh hen bang nhau (AD = BC) nhung

Cho hinh 24 . Observe figure 24.
a) Tim eek hi'nh thang can. Identify isosceles trapezoids. kh0ng la hl nh !hang can (vl D* C).
Note. The re are trapezoids with equal legs but they a re not
b) Tinh cac g6c con /qi cua m6i hinh thang can d6. Calculate unknown angles of each of them. isosceles. For example , in figure 27. trapezoid ABCD (AB // CD) has
c) C6 nh~n xet gi ve' hai g6c d61 cua hinh thang can ? D C
two legs equal (AD = BC) but it is not isosceles (since 5 * C).
What d o you remark about the two opposite angles of an isosceles trapezoid?
Dinh Ii 2. Theorem 2 H /11/, F igu rt! 27

'~~1 d ·O· □
Trong hinh thang can, hai duting cheo bdng nhau.
Two diagonals of a n isosceles trapezoid are equal.

GT ABCD la hlnh thang can (AB//CD)

Given Isosceles trapezoid ABCD with AB // CD
a) b) c) d) KL Prove AC=BD
H i11h Figure 24
Chung minh. (h. 28) Proof. (f 28)
2. Tinh chat Properties

MDC va ~BCD c6 : CD la clµlh chung
Djnh Ii l Theorem 1 AOC = OCD (dinh nghia hinh thang can)
Trong hinh thang cti11, hai cqnh ben bdng nhau. AD= BC (c.µth hen cua hinh thang can).
In an isosceles trap ezoid, two l egs are equal. Do d6 i\ADC = i\BCD (c.g.c), suy ra AC = BD.
/),. ADC a nd [),. BCD have: Common side CD D C
GT ABCD la hlnh thang can (AB//CD) ADC = BCD (by the definition of isosceles trapezoid)
Give n Isosceles trapezoid ABCD with AB // CD H i11/, h gure 28
AD = BC {legs of isosceles trapezoid).
KL P rove AD = BC Therefore MDC = ABCD (s.a.s), hence AC = BD.

3. Dau hi♦u nhtn biet pr,: Trong cac tu giac ABCD va EFGH tren gitfy k.e 6
Signs for identifying an isosceles trapezoid J4• vuong (h. 31 ), tu giac nao la hlnh thang can ? Vi sao ?

m C ho do<,111 thd ng CD va duung rhd11x n, SOIi/: SOIIR viii CD

(Ii . 29). Hay ve cac diem A B tl1116c m suo cho ABCD la hinh
frf out. Which of the ~uadrilaterals ABCD and EFGH on
graph paper (f.31) ,s an 1sosce1es trapezoid? Explain why?

ChO tam giac ABC can ~i A. T~n cac c.µili ben AB.
thang c6 hai duang cheo CA, DB /xJ11g 11ha11. Sau do hay do o---_ JS, AC ttfy theo thu II! cac diem D va E sao cho AD= AE. D H i nh F i !(11re 3 1
cac i6c C\'G D c1.i a h/111, thang ABCD Jo de Jit doa11 vl H/111, Figure 29 C Given triangle ABC isosceles at vertex A. Choose points D
d{lll!? l'lia cac h/111, rhani c6 hai duimg cheo bd11i nhau. and E respectively on the legs AB, CD such that AD = AE.
Given line segment CD and line m parallel to CD (f. 29). Draw points A , B on m such that AB . a) Chung m inh rang BDEC la hlnh thang can.
trapezoid with two diagonals CA, DB equal. Then measure the angles C and D of the trapezo;dc~ 1s a prove that BDEC is an isosceles trapezoid .
to predict the shape of trapezoids with two diagonals equal. 8co

l>!nh Ii 3 b) Tfnh cac g6c cua hlnh thang can d6, bie't riing A= 50" .
Theorem 3 Calculate the measures of the angles of that trapezoid . given A =50° .
Hinh thang c6 hai duung cheo biing nhau la hinh thang ctin.
Trapezoid with two diagonals equal is Isosceles.
D!nh If 3 duqc chU'llg minh a bai t~p 18.
Theore m 3 has been proven in exercise 18.
16. Cho tam giac ABC can tl!,i A, cac duang phAn giac BD. CE (De AC. E E AB). Oumg minh
D(u hl9u nhtn biet hinh thang can rfmg BEDC la hlnh thang can c6 day nho biing Cl!,nh ben. .
Signs for identifying an isosceles trapezoid Given triangle ABC isosceles at A with angle bisectors BD, CE (D e A C . E e AB). Prove t h at BEDC
an isosceles trapezoid with the small base equal to the legs.
I. Hinh thang c6 hai g6c ke' mljt day bdng nhau la hinh thang ctin.
2. Hinh thang c6 hai duung cheo biing nhau la hinh thang can. 17. Hinh thang ABCD (AB II CD) c6 ACD = BOC. Chung minh riing ABCD la h1nh thang can .

1. A trapez oi d in which two angles adjacent to a base are equal Is an lsosce/es l

Trapezoid ABCD (AB // CD) has AGO = BOC. Prove that ABCD is isosce les.
trapezoid . I 18. Chung minh dµlh If "Hinh thang c6 hai duang cheo bang nhau la hlnh thang can" qua ba.i toiin
2. A trapezo i d in which two d iagonals are equal Is an i sosceles trapezoid. sau : Cho hlnh thang ABCD (AB II CD) c6 AC = BD. Qua B ke ducmg thllng song son g v(ri
AC, dtt duong thang DC ll!,i E. Chung minh riing :
Prove the theorem "The trapezoid whose two diagonals are equal is an isosce les trape zoid " by solving
BAI TAP the following problem: Given trapezoid ABCD (AB // CD) with AC = BO. Th rough B d raw a line th at is
parallel lo A C and intersects the line DC at E. Prove that:
a) ti.BOE la tam giac can.
11. Tfnh d◊ di\i cac c:,inh cua hlnh thang can ABCD trc~n gia'y ke 6 ll.BDE is an isosceles triangle.
vu6ng (h. 30. d◊ di\i cua qnh 6 vuOng la 1cm).
Calcula te the lengths of the sides or trapezoid ABCD on graph paper b) t.ACD = ti.BOC.
(f. 30. the length of each square is 1 cm). c) Hlnh thang ABCD la hlnh thang can.
Trapezoid ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid.
12. C ho hlnh thang can ABCD (AB II CD. AB< CD). Ke cac duong
cao AE. BF cua hlnh thang. Chung minh rilng D
/-1/11/, Fig11re JO
19. Do. Cho ba diem A, D. K tren gia'.y ke O vuOng (h. 32). Hay tlm
DE =CF. diem thu tu M la giao diem cua cac dong ke sao cho n6 cung v6i
G iven isosceles trapezoid ABCD (AB I/ CD, AB < CD). Draw altitudes AE. BF of the trapezoid. Prove ba diem da cho la b6n dinh cua m(>t hlnh thang can.
that DE= C F. Try out. Given three points A, D. K on graph paper
(f. 32). Find the fourth point M lying on the intersections of grids such
13. Cho hl nh thang can ABCD (AB II CD). E la giao di~m cua hai ducrng cheo. Chung minh r/ing that it and the three given points together are the vertices of an
EA = EB. EC = ED. isosceles trapezoid.
Given isosceles trapezoid ABCD (AB // CD). E the point of intersection or the two diagonals. Prove
that EA = EB , EC = ED.
H i11 /r Figu re 32

§4. f>l/ong trung binh cua tam giac, cua hinh thong
Mfdseg ment of a triangle , of a trapez oid

8~ ~ ' e ~ ngQJ\/'l) t(h, 33).

-ta¢ Nttih dt.iQc kho6no c:0ctt
• -rren htnh 35. D
Hitrung di~m cua AB, E la trung diem cua AC.
an ( DE &Q• la duung trung binh cua tam giac ABC.
. h . .
n r,gure 35 . D rs _1 e mrdpornt of AB . E the midpoint of AC . Line seg ment
~I: is called a m1dsegment of triangle ABC.
p ·nh nghia. Duimg trung binh n ia tam giac la do<,1n than~ nm
! ng dil m hai C{!llh cua tam giac.
. . .
=fin;tion, A midsegment of a triangle Is the fine segment connecting
• ...

m idpoints.
H inh F igure J5

..,., its /WO • • do

behille en~o pdhts Band C (f. 33). . AC D un~ thztffl
can measun t the dfsfonce Ve ram giac ABC bat ki r6i lay trung diem D cua AB. cr1111g dilm E cua
' c va thUilc chia khodng de kiem Ira rdng ADE =
go B \10 DE= -2 BC . d
I a protracto r an
o raw any triangle ABC and locate the midpoint . £ Of AC u sng
1. Dllelng trung binh cua tam giac o of AB, the midpoint •

Mldseg ment of a triangle - - and DE = -1 BC

a ru ler to reaffirm A DE = B 2 .

m Ve- tam gitic ABC hai ki r6i lay trung dieni D cua AB. Qua D ve d1rimg
BC, d11ong tlui ng nay ctit cr,m h AC a E. Bang quan sat, hay neu d(t doan
th1ng song song v ..
EJfnh Ii 2
Theorem 2
tren q mh AC.
ve vi trf cua dienz; ,
, .
l),timg trung bmh cua tam giac thi song song voi c~nh thu, ba va, btlng nu-a canh ay.
Dra w an>'. triangle ABC and locate the midpoint o of AB. Through · "d
_D draw a line parallel to BC. This fne The mldsegm ent of a triangle is parallel to the third side and equa I5 half tha t S I e .
cuts the side AC at E. Observe and predict the position of Eon the side
Djnh If I
Theorem 1 GT ~ABC, AD= DB, AE = EC
Given L - - ~--- -, F
Duung thting di qua trung diim ml)t ct;mh cua tam giac va song song vui
C(Jnh th« KL DE//BC , DE= .!_BC
hai thi di qua trung dii'm C(}nh thfr ha.
Prove 2
The line through the midpoin t of a side of a triangle and parallel B C
to a second Hinh F igure 36 .
side will pass through the midpoin t of the third side.
Cht'mg minh. (h. 36) Ve diem F sao cho Ela trung diem cua OF.
GT Given dABC, AD= DB. DE II BC proof (f. 36) Draw point F such that Eis the midpoint of OF.

KL Prove AE = EC MED= ~CEF (c.g.c, h<,>c sinh t1,tchll'l1g minh), suy ra AD= CF va A=Cr·
Cluing mini,. (h . 34) Qua E, ke ducmg thAng song song vai AB, d t t:,. AED = t:,. CEF (s.a.s, proof left to students), hence AD = CF and A= C, •
BC a F. Ta c6 AD= DB (gia thie't) vaAD= CF nen DB= CF.
Proof. (f. 34) Through E draw a line para llel to AB. cutting BC at F. B
We have AD = DB (given) and AD = CF so DB= CF.
Hlnh lhang DEFB c6 hai c.µili hen song song (DB II EF) nen DB = EF.
Hinh Figure 34 Ta c6 A= Cr, hai g6c nay a vi tri so le trong nen AD II CF, tuc la DB// CF, do d6 DBCF la
Theo gia lhie't AD = DB. Do d6 AD= EF. hinh thang.
Trapezoid DEFB has two legs parallel, so DB = EF. As given, AD =
Therefore AD = EF. we have A C,
= and they are alternate interior angles, so AD // CF , particula rly DB // CF . Therefor e
dA DE va dEFC c6 OBCF is a trapezoid .
"-ADE and aEFC have Hlnh thang DBCF c6 hai day DB, CF bang nhau nen hai q.nh hen OF, BC
song song va b ang
A=Er (d6ng v/. EF II AB) Trapezoid DBCF having two bases DB, CF equal, so two legs DF , BC
(correspo nding angles, EF II AB) are paralle l a nd equal.
A D = EF (chU11g minh tre n) I 1
Do d6 DE // BC, DE = - DF = - BC.
(proven above) 2 2
Dr = Fr (c ung bang B). 1
Therefore DE// BC , DE= - DF = - BC.
(both equal to B). ' 2 2
Do d6 .1A DE = .1EFC (g.c.g), s uy ra AE = EC. V~y E la trung di em c ua AC.
Therefore . MOE = LlEFC (a.s.a), hence AE = EC. So E is the midpoint
of AC.
Tinh do dai doan BC tren hinh 33.
Calcul~te the m~asure of line segment BC in figure 33.

2. H1nh thang ABCD (AB// CD) AE = ED. BF = FC
r £>u-ang trung binh cua hinh thang
Midsegment of a trapezoid Trapezoid ABCD (AB//CD) AE = ED, BF = FC

m Cho hinh thang ABCD (AB II CD). Qua trung dil m E ctia Af' ki dua_rzg_ th1n~ song s
v ··
hai day, duang tl11i 11g nay cdt AC a /, cdt BC a F (h . 37). Co nh(i 11 xer gt ve V/ trf cua di ' a,
EF // AB, EF // CD, EF = AB+CD
tren AC. diem F tre11 BC ? em I Clll'nlg minh. (h. 39) G9i K la giao diem ciia cac ducmg 1hang
/-linh F1«111·e 39
Given trapezoid ABCD (AB II CD) . Through the midpoint E of AD draw a line _para/le/ to the b
This line intersects A C at /, BC at F (f. 37) . Do you have any remark on the pos1t1on of point / on Aases. Af va DC. .
point F on BC ? C, 01 proof. (f. 39) Label K for the intersection of lines AF and DC.
fBA va MCK c6 :
Dinh Ii 3 Theorem 3 6
FBA and t,. FCK have:
t,. -
Du~g thting di q_u_,a trung diem mi)t ct;znh bin cua hinh thong va song song vat ha; dd f = F2 (d6i dinh) (opposite angles)

thi d1 qua trung diem ct;znh bin th« hai. )' BF = FC (gia thi€1) (given)
The line through the midpoint of one leg of a trapezoid and parallel to its bases w·
B=Ci (so le trong, AB// DK). (co-interior angles, AB II DK).
pass through the midpoint of the second leg. Do d6 6FBA = MCK (g.c.g) , suy ra AF = FK vii AB = CK.
Therefore t,. ~~A = ,t,. FCK (a.s.a), hence AF = FK and AB= CK. _ • a ~ADK. suy

GT ABCD la hlnh !hang (AB// CD) E Iii trung diem cua AD, F la lrung di€m cua AK nen EF la ducmg trung binh cu .
Given AE = ED. EF // AB, EF // CD
Trapezoid ABCD {AB // CD)
ra EF // DK (luc la EF // CD va EF // AB) vii EF = .!_ DK.
. . 2
AE = ED, EF // AB , EF // CD Eis the midpoint of AD , F the midpoint of AK, so EF is the midsegment of Ll.ADK, hence EF I/ OK (i.e .
KL BF= FC D C EF // CD and EF // AB) and EF =~DK.
Prove Hinh Figllrt' 37
Clurng minh . (h. 37) G<;>i f Iii giao diem ciia AC va EF. M~l khac DK = DC + CK = DC + AB. Do d6 EF = DC+ AB .
2 C

Proof. (f. 37) Label I for the intersection of AC and EF. on the other hand , DK= DC+ CK= DC+ AB .
Tam giac ADC c6 E la trung diem ciia AD (gia 1hi€1) va El // CD (gia thi€t) nen I la trung Therefore, EF =
diem cua AC.

In triangle ADC , E is the midpoint of AD {given) and Ell/CD (given), so I is the midpoint of AC. m Tinh

x tren hinh 40. Calculate x in figure 40.

Tam giac ABC c6 I la trung diem cua AC (chung minh 1ren) va IF// AB (gia lhi€t) nen Fla D E H
trung diem ciia BC.
BAI TAP Hinh F i 1?.11 re 40
In triangle ABC , I is the midpoint of AC {proven above) and IF // AB {given) , so F is the midpoint of BC.
Tren hlnh 38, hlnh !hang ABCD (AB// CD) c6 E la trung diem cua BA
AD. F la
trung diem c ua BC, do<_lll thing EF g<;>i la
duimg trung OU'Ong trung binh cua tam giac Midsegment of a triangle
binh c ua hlnh thang ABCD. E F
20. Tinh x tren hlnh 41. Calculate x in figure 41 .
In figure 38, trapezoid ABCD {AB II CD) has E as the midpoint of AD , F
as the midpoint of BC. line segment EF is called the midsegment of D c
trapezoid ABCD . Hinh Figurt38
D{nh nghia. Duilng trung binh c1ia hinh thang la doqn tlui ng 1161 trung die'm hai cqnh ben cua
hinh thong.
Definition. The midsegment of a trapezoid is the line segment Joining the midpoints of the two legs of
the trapezoid.
C ? B
Djnh Ii 4 Theorem 4 .
Hinh F i g11re 4/ H inh F i g ure 42
Duong trung binh ctia hi1th tltang thi song song voi hai day va bli1tg nua t611g hai day.
21. Tinh khoang each AB giua hai miii ciia compa tren htnh 42, bit t r i ng C la trung diem cua OA,
The midsegmen t of a trapezoid is parallel to the two bases and equals half the sum D la trung diem ciia OB va CD= 3 cm .
of the bases. Find the distance AB between the two peaks of the compass in figure 42 , given C the m idpo in t of OA,
D the midpoint of OB and CD = 3cm.

22. Cho hlnh 43. Ouing minh n\ng AI= IM. Observe figure 43, prove that Al = IM.
§S. Dvng hlnh b6ng thu6c va compa.
. Dvng hinh thang ass

l:tJ con5tructing geometric figures using ruler and comP ·

Constructing a trapezoid
, VfJ hinh ma chi dung hai d1,1ng c1,1 : compa v6 thuoc.
P K 0
Drawing figures using onjy two tools. compass and ruler.
Hinh Fi1111re 43 Hinh Figure 44

£htang trung binh cua hinh thang Sil to~n d~g hl~h T~e problem of geometric construction 6c•... Ta xet
Midsegment of a trapezoid 1, fa di ~1e't ve ~ bAng nhi~u ~1,1ng c1,1 : thuoc (thuoc thAng), compa. ele, _thttOC do goi la cac bai
ac bi\1 toan ve hlnh ma chi su d1,1ng hai dung cu la thtroc va com pa, cbung d~ g .
Tinh x trl\n hlnh 44. Coan dung hinh. . .
23. 1
Calculate x In figure 44. we have· drawn many fiigures using ht 'dprotractor
. tools such as ruler (straightedge), compass, set sq~ are ge and a
.. We now consider the problems of construction done using only two tools : a straIg e
24. ~ai diem ~ vii B thu(lc cung m(>t nira m~t phAng c6 ~ d~ong thAng ~Y- Khoang each tu
la ~0 rnpass . These problems are called construction problems.

d1im A den xy bang 12cm, khoang each 111 diem B den xy bang 20cm. Tmh khoang each ti, Vm thir&, ta c6 tM : With a straightedge, we can
trung diem C cua AB dc!n xy. • Ve dit<'C m(>t duong thing khi bie't hai diem cua n6.
Two points A and B are in the same halfplane whose edge is line xhy. T~de distacnce from A to xy ~ Draw a line given two po)nts of it.
12cm, the distance from B to xy is 20cm. Calculate the distance from t e mI pomt or AB to xy. • Ve dlt<'C m◊t do~ !hang khi bie't hai dau mut cua n6.
Draw a line segment given two endpoints of it.
25. Hlnh thang ABCD c6 day AB, CD. Ggi E, F, K theo thu 11! la trung diem cua AD, Be, BD
. . Ve dlt('C m(>t tia khi bic!t g6c va mQt diem cua tia.
Chung minh ba diem E, K, F thAng hang.
Draw a ray given the origin and a point of it.
The bases of trapezoid ABCD are AB. CD. Label the midpoint of AD , BC, BO respectively With E, F, I(_
Prove that three points E, K, F are collinear. Vm compa, ta c6 the ve dugc m(>t ducrng tron khi bic!t tam va ban kinh cua n6.
With a compass, we can draw a circle given its center and radius.

LUY~NT~P 2. cac bill toan di/Ilg hinh di blet Construction problems we have learned.
PRACTICE (j hinh hQC lop 6 va hinh hQC lap 7, vm thucrc vi\ compa, ta di bie't each giai cac bai toan d\!Tlg
hlnh sau:
26. Tfnh x, y tren hlnh 45, trong d6 AB// CD// EF // GH. In geometry parts of grade 6 and grade 7, we knew how to solve the following construction problems
Calculate x, y In figure 45, in wh ich AB // CD // EF // GH. a) Diµtg m(>t do~ thing bang mQt d~ thAng cho trucrc (h. 46a).
27. la
Cho tu giac ABCD. G9i E, F, K theo thu ti! trung diem cua c~ Construct a line segment equal to a given line segment (f. 46a).
AD, BC, AC. b) Diµtg mQt g6c bang m(>t g6c cho truac (h. 46b).
Given quadrilateral ABCD. Label the midpoint of AD , BC, AC
respectively with E, F, K.
a) So sanh cac d(> dai EK vii CD, KF vii AB.
G y H
Construct an angle equal to a given angle (f. 46b).

c) Dlµtg duong trung ln!c cua mQt do<_111 thAng cho

cho truoc (h. 46c).
tnroc, dl!llg trung diem cua m(>t do;µi thfmg
Hl11h Fig,.re 45
Compare the lengths of EK and CD, KF and BC.
Construct the perpendicular bisector of a given line segment, construct the midpoint of a given line
b) Chung minh rang Prove that segment (f.46c).

A B ·, ···c
28. Cho hlnh thang ABCD (AB// CD), Ela trung diem cua AD, Fla trung diem cua BC. Duang 1

th:\ng EF cat BD i:t I. ciit AC 6 K. 0 1A \
i \

Let ABCD be a trapezoid (AB // CD). E the midpoint of AD, F the midpoint of BC. Line EF intersects
BO al I. AC at K. C \D A \\ j B

u) Oiung minh r~ng Prove tha t \ ~.(~

I iC
AK = KC. Bl = ID.
a) b) C)
bl Cho AB = 6 cm, CD= IO cm. Tfnh de d(> dili El, KF, IK.
Let AB oqual 6 cm, CD oqual 10 cm. Calculate the lengths of El, KF, IK. Hinh Fi[lure46

d) Dt,ng ria phan giac cua m(>t g6c cho tnroc (h. 47a). ph(Jfl rich Analysts
al_. sit da dl_Jl1g dugc hlnh than . . . - . Tam giac ACD dipt8
Construct the angle bisector of a given angel (f. 47a). G18 - bi·et hai canh va g6c g ~ thoa man yeu du cua dt bai_.
_.,.,,v1 · Jteng1u o-~ ·d·~
<1 11r that trapezoid ABCD a. icm B phai thoa man ha1 u::u ken 1 ·•
O f .... 8 problem .
e) Qua m()t diem cho IMX, d\lllg duong thang vuOng g6c voi m()t duong thAng
suPposeACD can be constructedhas. been constructed satisfying all the demands
cho UUuc (h. 47b
Juded angle. p oint B
u' •
910 .
Construct a hne passing through a given point and perpendicular to a given one (f. f n~~ to satisfy two demands: since we have known its two sides and the inc
47b). ).
~ee,vS •
g) Qua m(>t diem nAm ngoai mot duong thAng cho u,roc, di,mg duimg th ang n~ 1ren duimg thang di qua A ,
song son . -8 . h Va song song v6'i. CD
duimg th.Ing cho truoc (h. 47c).' b0 on the hne t rou?h A and parallel to CD .
g V6i rnQt
Through a given point not lying on a given line, construct a line parallel to the given
one (f. 47 c). ~ Bct~~i:~ ~t~ :an;, ;;; : n nam ~~ duong 1ron tam A ban kfnh 3cm .
h) ~ g tam giac bier ba c.µih, ho~c bit t hai c~nh va g6c xen giiia, ho~c !/e ach dip,g How~o construct on th e circle with center A and radius 3 cm.
bier m(>t c~h v
g6c ke (dl!a vao cac bai toan a) va b)).
ah~ - DIJllg MCD c6 D:' 10•' DC= 4cm, DA= 2cm.
Construct a triangle given three sides of it or two sides and the included angle,
two · • or one si·d construct ,lACD with D = 10• • DC = 4 cm, DA = 2 cm
angles ad1acent to it (using problems a) and b)). e and
- [)l!llg tia A,r; song song v(ri DC (tia Ax va diim C ~ trong cung m~ nim m~ p11ang bC1

··, cons truct .ray
• Ax parallel
. to DC (ray Ax and point C are in the same halfplane
· • the edge AD)
with ·
A A \,.. [)1!118
- · diem B
· B
tren Ila Ax sao cho AB _ 3
- cm. K.e doan thAng • BC
' . construct point on Ax such that AB = 3 cm D
h,ing minh Proof . ·
· raw hne segment BC.

'·\ cl C
Ta giac ABCD la hlnh thang vl AB// CD.
0 A, X
.. ,
auadrilateral ABCD 1s a trapezoid since AB II CD .
/ }{inh (hang ABCD C6 CD = 4cm, D= 70°, AD = 2cm AB = 3cm nen thoa man yeu cAU cua
D t,ai roan. '
a) b) c) rraP8Zoid -;BCD has CD= 4 cm, 5 =7<:1', AD= 2 cm. AB= 3 cm 50 ij satifies the problem's oomands.
Hinh Figure 47 di B1 fn /uqn Reasoning
Ta duqc si.r d1,mg cac bai toan dl_Jl1g hinh 1ren de giai cac bai toan dl_Jl1g hlnh Ta luOn dl_Jl1g dugc m¢t hlnh thang thoa man dieu kien cua de bai.
We can use the above construction problems to solve other construction ones.
khac. we can always construct such a trapezoid as required . ·

3. Di,mg hinh thang EXERCISES
Constructing a trapezoid
Vi dr,i. D\tng hlnh thang ABCD bit t day AB =3cm. day CD =4cm, c~ ben AD = 2cm 29. Di,mg tam giac ABC vuOng ~ A, bitt qnh huy~n BC= 4cm, g6c nhQn
Construct right triangle ABC where A is the right angle. given hypotenuse BC = 4
e= 65°.
5 = 70°.

cm, angle
JO, Di,mg tam giac ABC vuOng t~i B, biet c.µih huyen AC= 4cm, ciµth g6c vuOng
Example. Construct trapezoid ABCD given base AB = 3 cm. base CD =
4 cm, leg AD = 2 cm, BC= 2cm.
Construct nght tnangle ABC where A is the right angle, given hypotenuse AC= 4
cm, leg BC = 2 cm .
6 = 70°.
JI. [)i_mg hlnh thang ABCD (AB// CD), biet AB= AD= 2cm, AC = DC = 4cm.
Gidi. (h. 48) Construct trapezoid ABCD (two base AB, CD), given AB= AD = 2 cm , AC= DC =
4 cm.
Solution. (f. 48)



4cm L t:sJ· D 4 C
32. Hay d\ffig m¢t g6c bang 30° .
Construct an angle measured 30°.

JJ. Di,mg hlnh thang cAn ABCD. bie't day CD= 3cm. duimg cheo AC = 4cm, D= 80°.
Hinh Fi11ure 48 Construct trapezoid ABCD. given base CD= 3 cm, diagonal AC = 4 cm . 6 = so 0

.I( °'!ng hlnh thang ABCD. bil t D= 90°, day CD= 3cm, ciµth ~n AD= 2cm, c~ hen BC= 3cm.
Construct trapezoid ABCD. giVen 6= 90° , base CD = 3 cm. AD = 2 cm. BC = 3 cm.
82 eB-ToAN l/1 (S()ll(IN(lfll

§6. Ool xung trvc AJung tht1Uc di kiem nghifm rdng difm C' thu¢c doqn rhJng A 'B'.
cnecI< tnat c· . .
belongs to !me segment A'B' .
Axial symmetry , usmg a ruler. A~

rtn blnh 52 • hai doiµi lhan~ AB va A'B' &Qi la hai doan thang d6i
'f~lPlg ·
d b' p 'p
V1 sao c6 th~ g6p to gl6y lam tu d~ cot chU H (h. 49) ? v6i nhau qua duang thang d.

: I :

Why con we cut off the letter H by

fo lding this piece of paper In quarter?
figure 52, two line segments AB and A'B' are said to be symmetric to
in /1 other with respect to Ima d.
6ac . _
-rong qua!, ta d!~ ng_~1a_~ Hai hinh g9i la d61 xung v6i nhau qua
1--+-I B'

JuiJng thi1ng _d neu m61 diem thu¢c hinh nay d61 xung vui m¢t diem Hinh Figure 52
Hinh Fig111·e 49
t ' -
hinh kw qua duung th&ng d va nguuc /ai
· · · ct to line
d ·r
general, we define: Two figures are said to be symmetric to each other with respe
1. Hal di6m doi xung qua m9t dLtong thing ~ve,Y point of one figure is symmetric to a point of the other and vice versa.
Two points symmetric with respect to a line p11cmg th!ng d gQi la lfl!C d61 xung cua hai hinh d6.

II Cho du&ng thdng d va m~t diem A khong thu~c d. Hay vi diem A' sao cho d la duan tr
g Ung
Line d is called the axis of symmetry of those two figures.
rrtn hlnh 53, ta c6:
trite cua do<,111 thdng AA'.
In figure 53, we have
Given line d end a point A not lying on d. Draw point A · such that d is the perpendicular bisector of line

segment AA '. _ Hai do~ thang AB va A'B' d6i xung vm nhau qua lf\lc d ;
• Cho hlnh 50. Ta g9i A' Iii diem d6i xung voi diem A qua duang thang d, A la diem d6' , Two line segments AB and A'B' are symmetric to each other with respect to axis d;
voi diem A' qua duang thang d, hai diem A vii A' la hai diem d61 xung v6i nhau qua
_ Hai duang thang AC va A'C d6i xung vm nhau qua lf\lc d ;
Two lines AC and A'C' are symmetric to each other with respect to axis d;
• In figure 50, A' is said to be the symmetric point of A with
respect to d, A to be the symmetric point to A' with respect to d, d B _ Hai g6c ABC vii A'B'C d6i xung vm nhau qua lf\lc d ;
two point A and A' are symmetric to each other with respect to d. H
TWO angles ABC and A'B'C' are symmetric to each other with respect to axis d;
Dinh nghfa A'
_ Hai tam giac ABC va A'B'C d6i xung vm nhau qua lf\lc d.
Definition Hinh FiRure 50 Two triangles ABC and A'B'C' are symmetric to each other with respect to axis d.
Hai dilm g(!i la do'i x(mg vui nhau qua duting thting d nlu d la duong trung true
Cua do<,1n thting noi hai dilm 46, . d

Two points are said to be symmetric to each other with respect to line d if dis
the perpendicular bisector of the line segment connecting those two points. ---- -----~-----
---- ----
Quy u6-t:. Neu die;11 B 11&m tren duiJng thd11g d thi diem d6'i xung voi B qua duiJng th&ng d . JI'
ciing la dil m B (h. 50). ----- ------
Note. If point B belongs to lill9 d then the symmetric point to B with respect to dis B itself (f. 50).

2. Hal hlnh dol xung qua m9t dl/Ong thing

Hinh Figure 53 Hinh Figure 54
Two figures symmetric with respect to a line
Ngum ta chung minh dugc rang: Ne'u hai doqn th&ng (goc, tam giac) doi xung viri nhau qua
m Cho duilng tluing d viJ dow1 tluing AB (h . 51 J
Given lined and line segment AB (f. 51) A~
mqt duting thdng thi chung bang nhau.
It is proven that: if two line segments (angles, triangles) symmetric to each other with respect to a line
- Vi dilm A' Mi x1ing wJi A quad. then they are equal.
Draw point A· symmetric to A with respect to d. Tren hlnh 54, ta c6 hai hlnh :lfva:Jf' d6i xung vm nhau qua t1"9c d.
Hl11h Figure 51
- Ve- dil m B' dtfi xung l'<.n B qua d.
Dra w point B' symmetric to B with respect to d. In figure 54, we have two figures,Jf'and,Jf' · symmetric to each other with respect to axis d .

- ldy dilm C tl111~c do{ln thdng AB. 1•i diem C d61 x1n1g vai C qua d.
Let C be a point 0 11 BC, draw point c·symmetric to C with respect to d.

84 85
3. Hinh c6 tryc dol xung ,.; ta chllllg minh dttqc dinh
~guu• . If sau ..
Figures that have an axis of symmetry f uowing theorem has been proven
-rne o
---:-,--:-------- -------- 7
m Cho tam gitic ABC cdn t{Ji A, duimg cao AH (h. 55 ). Tim hinh do1 xung vui m6i C<Jnh cu
gitic ABC qua AH. a'%
p,tbng th~ng di q~a trung 4iim hai 4ay cua hinh thang can
la trr,,c 401 xfmg cua hinh thang can 46.
The tine passing th rough the midpoints of the bases of
Given triangle ABC isosceles at A with altitude AH (f 55). Find
an isosceles trapezoid is the axis of symmetry of that
Iha figure symmetric to each of the sides of the triangle ABC with ;sosce/es trapezoid. Hinh Figure 57

respect to AH.

• Tren hlnh 55, diem d6i xung vm m6i diem thuQc cl_!Jlh cua
rren hinh 57 • dttong th ang HK la tn,ic d6i xung cua hinh thang cAn A8CD-
tam giac ABC qua AH ciing thuQc cl_!Jlh cua tam giac ABC.
1n figure 57 , the line HK is the axis of symmetry of the isosceles trapezoid ABCD .
Ta n6i dttong !hang AH la ITlfC do1 xung cua tam giac ABC.
• In figure 55, every point symmetric to a point on a side of the C
triangle ABC belongs to a side of ABC too. Line AH is said to be
the axis of symmetry of the triangle ABC. Hinh Fi!i1tre 55
Tdng quat, ta djnh nghla : Dttong thang d gqi la trl,lc d6i xung cua hinh .1fne"u diem d6i Xllng ,,. Ve hinh d6i xllllg vm cac hinh da cho qua tn,ic d (h. 58).
vm m6i diem thuQc hinh £qua dttong thAng d ciing thuQc hlnh //{:

In general, we define: Line d is called the axis of symmetry of figure H if the symmetric point of

· ·-···· ···
oraw figures symmetric to given figures with respect to axis d (f. 58)

point of H with respect lo d belongs to H too.

Trong tnrong hgp nay ta con n6i rang hinh .1fc6 ITlfC do, xung d.
In this case, we also say that figure H has the axis of symmetry d.

l : :

· •: •
: ; : :
•· · ·.
.. .. .. :.... ; ... :

...... '. ···i::::~.:.:t

m M6i hinh sau c6 bao nhieu ITlfC dot xung ?
How many axes of symmetry does each of the following figures have ?
~ . .. .·.. . .
a) Chii ctii in hoa A (h. 56a)
Uppercase letter A (f. 56a) Hinh Figure 58

b) Tam gik d~u ABC (h. 56b) J6, Cho g6c xOy c6 s6 do 50°, diem A nant trong g6c d6. Ve diem B d6i xung vcri A qua Ox, ve
Equilateral triangle ABC (f. 56b) diem C d6i xung vm A qua Oy.
Given angle xOy measured 50°, point A in its interior. Draw point B symmetric to A with respect to Ox,
c) Dttong tron Ulm O (h. 56c). draw point C symmetric to A with respect to Oy.
Circle with center O (f. 56c) a) So sanh cac d◊ dai OB va oc.
I • a) Compare the lengths of OB and OC.
. iA b) Tfnh s6 do g6c BOC.
---A_,,. b) Calculate the measure of angle BOC.


-FH-- .

b) c)
37. lim cac hlnh c6 tri,IC d6i xung tren hinh 59.
Find shapes having an axis of symmetry in figure 59.

Hinh Fix11re 56

a) b) c) d) e) g) h) i)

Hinh Figure59

38. Tht;rc hanh. CAt m6t 1am bia hinh tam giac can. m◊t tam bla hlnh thang can. I-la
du".°~ nao la ln,lc d6i xung cua m6i hmh, sau d6 gap m6i tam bla de kiem tra I~ di~:d~ho bi~
1 4i, f r/ out.
Act,v1ty. Cut a cardboard to have an isosceles tnangle and an isosceles trapezoid. Tell ·
th e axis of symmetry of each figure then fold ii to reaffirm that. ~ t1 a) 1-liiY t~P cat ~hfr? (h_- 62 a) b/ing each ga:p dOi ta giay.
ne ;~ J{t ten 01◊1 vai chll ca, khac (kieu chrr in boa) c6 f"1C
d6i xung.
LUY~NT#' f f)' to c ut off letter D (f. 6 2a) by folding the piece of paper in
half. Name some o th er letters (uppercase ones) that have an Hinh F ,.~u rr 62
PRACTICE 3)(iS of symmetry.
39. a) Cho hai diem A , B thu◊e ciing m◊t nira m~t phAng c6 A• e
b) yl sao ta c6 th ga:p ta giay lam tu de cat chfr H (h. 62b)?
bCJ la duang lhAng d (h. 60). Goi C la diem d6i xung vai Wh"/ can we cut off letter H by folding the piece of paper in quarter (f. 62b)?
A qua d. G9i D la giao diem c~a duang thang d va do~ d

lhang BC. G9i E la diem bar kl cua d11ang thAng d

(E khac D). Chung minh rAng AD + DB < AE + EB. Hl11h Figure 60
G iven two pomts A. B in the same halfplane whose edge is line d (f. 60). Label C for the point SYmrne .
A with respect lo d . Label D for the intersection of d and line segment BC. Let E be any p0· Irie lo
eo thi ~m chuza biet You mzay hzav~ not known
(E different from D). Prove that AD + DB < AE + EB. TIA SANG VA DUONG DI CUA QUA Bl-A
int on d
b) _Biµi i:u dang a vj trf A, can den bCJ s6ng d Jay nuoc r6i di den vj trf B (h. 60). Con dtron
nga.n nhar ma b~ Tu nt?n di la con d11ang nao ? g
Tu, being a t position A needs to reach riverside d for water then get to position B (f. 60). What is
shortest route Tu shoud take?
,r6n hlnh 63, tia sang tit A ch~u tai m~ gutJng d lai digm B va ~ v(li d mQt g6c m thl baO gi<I
ph80 )(l;I h;ti theo tia BC tao Vai d m(,t g6c Cling ~ng m. Cac tia BA va BC d6i x(lng v(li nhaU qua
vuOng g6c vai d ~i B.
the .
In figure 63, a ray of light from A striking mirror d at B with angle m always reflects in ray BC that forms WI~
40. Trong cac bien bao giao thOng sau day. bien nao c6 t"1c d6i xung? d the same angle m. Rays BA and BC are symmetlic to each other with respect to the perpe nd1cular
In the following traffic signs , which has an axis of symmetry? to
a) Bien nguy hiem: d11ang h~p hai hen (h. 61a);
Warning sign: Road narrows on both sides (f. 61a);
b) Bien nguy hiem : d11ang giao vai dll<'mg slit c6 rao cha.n (h. 61 b) ;
Warning sign: Rall crossing with gates (f. 61b);
c) Bicfo nguy hiem: dll<'mg

d) Bien nguy hiem khac (h . 61 d).


Warning sign : General caution (f. 61d).

tit?n g~p d11bng khOng
W arning sign: Junc tion with a minor right side-road (f. 61c):
11U tit?n hen phai (h. 61c);
A :


&£&& a) b) c)

Hinh 61 (vi/ 11 do, 11 / 11 l'C)ng/

Hinh F ig ure 63

Cung lrlm hlnh 63, qua

bi-a Iii A ch~m vao d (thanh cua ban bi-a) ~i
digm B va !.;lo v(li d m¢1 g6c m thl bao gia n6 cung 1$ ~i theo tia BC
~ vai d m¢t g6c ciing l>Ang m. Cac tia BA va BC d6i xung vai nhau
qua dt.rong vuOng g6c vai d ~i B.

FigurP 6/ (r,·d hon/e r . y<'llo ..- lwckxro 11111/ / Also in figure 63, a billiard ball striking d (edge of a billiard table) at B
with angle m always rebounds in ray BC that fonns with d the same A
41. Cac cau sau dung hay sai? angle m . Rays BA and BC are symmetric to each other with respect C
Which of the follo wing sentences is right? Which is wrong? to the perpendicular to d at B.
a ) Ne'u ba die m lhllng hang thl ba diem d6i xung v6'i chtlng qua m◊t l"1C ding thang hang.
If three points are co llinea r then the three points symmetric to them with respect to an axis are
Tren mat ban bi-a EFGH cb hai qua o
bi-a Ava C (h. 64). Quan sat H G
collin ear too.
trfln hinh ve. o
ta th~y : N'-i ta danh vao qua bi-a A sao cho n6 d~p
Hinh F ig 11r e 64
b) Hai tam gi,k d 6 i xung v6'i nhau qua m◊I lrlcJC thi c6 chu vi b.\ng nhau.
vao thanh ban EF ~i di~m B thi qua bi-a d6 se~t l~i vll 11~p vao qua
Two tnangfes symm etric to each other with respect to an axis have lhe same perimeters.
On the surface of billiard table EFGH are two billiard balls at A and C (f. 64). O bserving the diagram , we
c ) M ◊ l d11c)ng tron c6 vO s6111;1c d6i xung. see: If we strike the billiard ball at A in such a way that it strikes edge EF at B then that b all will rebound and
A circle h a s numerous axes o f symmetry.
strike the ball at C .
cJ J M ()t do~t thiing chi c6 m◊t l~c d6i xung.
A Jine seg ment has exac tly o ne a xis of symmetry.

§7. Hinh binh ha nh G'f AB CD la hlnb blnh
ral AC h AC cat 8D
t.,ti 0 I.
AB CD a quadrilate
Pa ra lle lo gr am Given = Be Intersecting BO at 0
~I( L a) AB = CD, AD

ng l~n va h<;l xu6"ng · 65), A=C, B=D

Khl ha l ~a ca n nO hin h gi ? prove b)
AB CD luo n lu6 n 16
Wh en two sc ale
(f. 65) . wh at for
pla tes ar e up an
do es AB CD
d do wn
ke ep ? Chtill1: mi11h
c) OA = OC, OB
=o o

Hin h F il/li re 65
a) H1nh bin h han h
AB Co (h. 68
,AD. BC son g son g ntn
AD = ec:!~
. ·.
~~ ha ng c6 hai c~
h btn
(r. 68) is a Ira s AD , BC ~ ~~ ~
on oua dnl ate ral AB CD , AB = CD pezo,d With two leg
1. £>Jnh ng hi a De fin iti rallel, so AD = BC

m Ct icc an hd tli. cu 0 1u gia c AB CD tre n hin h 66 co

Is th · yth mg
ere an
- ·- gi da c hie t ?
sp ec ; I w, op po site sid es of qua late ral AB
hii nh
CD in the ab ove r,,
,gu re ?
b) (h. 68 ). MO C= /j.C
A AB C= A CD A (s.s
(r. 68)

DA (c.c c) su Y ra B
.s), hence -
- -
= D. Chung mi nh_ tiro
- . . _
8 - 0 · S1m11ar1y: A = C.
ng tu : A
- -
= C.

' .
• T 11 h 66 la mo t hin h hin
gia c AB CD tre n hin · 6C OD co :
lelo gra m. c) (h. 69 ) M OB va B
Ou ad rifa ter af AB CD in fig ure 66 Is a pa ral A COO have

_ (r. 69) A AO B and
..,_ . do i so ng song. hinh binh hanh)
Hi nh bin h ha n h la •u gia c co ca c C{lnh . . AB = CD (c ~ d6 i
. es pa ral lel. sides of a parallelogram
· . wi th op po sit e sid AB = CD (opposite
A pa ra lle log ra m is a qu ad ril ate ral
B A, =C, (so let ron g,A B/ /C D) D
Hin h Fig ure 69
// CD)
A1 (al ter nat e angles, AB
AB // CD).
81 = D1 (so le tro ng,
C les, AB // CD)
C D 81 = D1 (al ter nat e ang
Hin h Fit,:ure 67 , OB = OD .
Hi nh F it,:u re 66 (g.c.g), suy ra OA = OC
Do d6 M OB = 6C OD ce OA = OC . OB = OD .
A CO D (a.s.a), hen
h bin h ha nh = {A #B C
B# CD Therefore , 6 AO B =
Tu gia c AB CD la hin AD t
3, Dau hi~u nh ,n ble
Qu ad rila ter al AB
CD is a pa ral lel og ram
AD // BC Sig ns fo r ide nti fyi ng a pa rallelog ram
ha nh la mot hlnh th h bin h hil nh .
, ta su y ra : ffa th bin h ang h do i song song la hin
hin h bin h ha nh va hin h tha ng
be n so ng son g).
· 1. Tf r gia c co cac c,;m ral lel is a pa ral lel
og ram .
• Ti t ~inh ng hia ha nh la hin h tha ng c6 ha i ciµ ih
m is a . h opposit e sid es pa
inf er: a pa ral lelo gra A qu ad rila ter al wit
d~ c b1~t (h inh bin h the tra pe zoi d , we peculiar h bin h hii nh .
n of the pa ral lel og
ram an d nh do i bting nhau la hin
Fro m t~e de fin itio og ram is a tra pe zo id wit h two leg
s pa ral lel) . 2. Tfr gia c co cac c~ og ram .
eq ua l is a pa ral lel
id (a pa ral lel th op po site s ide s
tra pe zo A qu ad rila ter a l wi h bin h hii nh .
bdng nh au la hin
i c~ nh 46 i song song vii ram .
3. Tfr gia c co ha ua l is a pa ral lel og
Ti nh ch at Pr op er tie
uong op po sit e sid es pa ral lel an d eq
2. ve cqnh, vlg 6c , ved A qu ad rila ter al wi
th tw o
t hiefn ca c tinh ch at
m ch eo cii a hin h bin h
AB CD (h.
Ch o hi nh bin h hd nh nh do .
67 ). Ha y th up hd

to dis co ve r the pro

pe rtie s of sid es,
an gle s, diagon als of
that 4. Tfr gia c co cac go
c do i bdng nh

A qu ad rila ter al wi
th op pos ite an gle
hil nh .
au la hin h bin h
s eq ua l is a pa ral
lel og ram .
mo i du un g la hin h
bin h lui nh .
ram AB CD (f. 67
). Try
ung ch lo ca l nh au l{li tru ng dil m cua is a
Gi ve n pa ral lel og 5. Tfr gia c co ha i d11 midpoint of each
intersecting at the
pa ra llel og ram . h two diagonals
A quadrilateral wit
Di nh Ii Th eo rem pa rallelogram .
nh : In a pa ra lle lo gr bie't tren.
Tr on g hi nh bin h ha de s ar e eq ua l. nh cac dA"u hi~u nh ~
lnh do i bti ng nhau. Op po si te si H<_>c sin h fl! ch un g mi
a) Ct ic Cf es ar e eq ua l. dents.
signs abo ve is left to
c do i bd ng nh au. Op po si te an gl Th e pro of of the se
b) Ct ic go cu a mtii d11ung. 91
ai du un g ch eo ca t nhau 11,li tru ng di lm each .
c) H at th e midpoint of
Two di ag onals int

ID : ~ng cac tu giac<i hi'nh 70, tu giac ndo Id hi'nh binh hanh ? Vi sao ? Cll0
j1, c;iven
111nh 72, trong d6 ABCD Ia hlnh blnh hanh
figure 72. 1n which ABCD is a parall
. e1ogram.
hich of the quadnlatera/s In figure 70 is a parolfelogrom ? Explain why? Cllo'llg minh rang AHCK la hlnh blnh hanh
F a) ve that AHCK is a parallelogram ·

•<>c 'OG :,:

pro •
N oi O la trung diem cua HK. Chilli . h
b) G· • A , O , C th'ang hang. g mm D Hinh Figµre 72
. g ba diem
rtll I the midpoint of HK With o p .
1..abe · rove that three points A o c are collinear. .
• nrD 6 E F G , , D DA Tu g,ac
K 70 'fi1 giac ~ : ' ' ' H lbeo thu II! la trung diem cua cac c:µth AB. BC, C ' .
H M JS, fGI-1 ta htnh g1 ? V1 sao ? .
a) b) y
e) B I ABCD E F Whal figure is
in quadrilatera ,, · ' ' G, H are respectively the midpoint of AB , BC, CD. DA.
Hinh Figure 70 drilateral EFGH. Why?
C)JO hlnh blnh hiinh ABCD. G9i I, K theo thu tu la trung diem cua CD, AB. oucmg cheo 8D
BAIT~P 49. c"t Al, CK theo thu 11! aM va N. Chllllg minh r~g :
Given parallelogram ABCD. Call the midpoint of CD, AB respectively I, K. D1
.agona I BD intersect Al,
Ci< respectively at M and N. Prove that:
43. Ok tu giac ABCD, EFGH, MNPQ utn giay ke o vuOng a
hlnh 7 I c6 Iii hlnh blnh hiinh hay khOng ? a) A.I// CK. b) DM =MN= NB.
Are quadrilaterals ABCD , EFGH, MNPQ on graph paper in
figure 71 parallelograms?
§8. Doi xung tam
44. Cho hlnh blnh hiinh ABCD. Gqi E Iii trung cMm cua AD, Central symmetry
F Iii trung diem cua BC. Chung minh rAng BE = DF.

Given parallelogram ABCD. Label the midpoint of AD with E cac chu cai N va SMn chi~c la ban (h. 73) c6 chung
the midpoint of BC with F. Prove that BE= DF. ' tinh ch6t sou : d6 la cac chu cai c6 tam doi xung .
45. Cho hlnh blnh hiinh ABCD (AB > OC). Tia phan giac cua Letters N and S on the compass (f. 73) have the some
g6c D cat AB aE, tia phan giac cua g6c B ciit CD aF. property: they are letters with a center of symmetry
Given parallelogram ABCD (AB > BC). The angle bisector of D
intersects AB at E. The angle bisector of B intersects CD at F.
H)nh F i gure 73
a) Chung minh rAng DE// BF.
Prove that DE II BF. 1, Hai diilm doi xung qua m9t diilm
b) Tu giac DEBF Iii hlnh gl? V1 sao? Hinh Figure 7I Two points symmetric to each other with respect to a point
What figure is quadrilateral DEBF? Why?
I Cho dilm O va dilm A. Hay ve dilm A· sao cho O Id trung dil m cua doqn tluing AA'.
Given point O and point A. Draw point A' such that O is the midpoint of line segment AA '.
LUYeNT~P • Cho hlnh 74. Ta gqi A' la diem d6i xllllg vai diem A qua diem 0, A O A'

PRACTICE A la diem d6i xung vai diem A' qua diem 0 , hai diem A va A' la
Hinh F ig ure 74
hai die'm Mi xung voi nhau qua diim 0 .
46. Cac cau sau dung hay sai ?
Given figure 74. A' is said to be the symmetric point of A .,;,;th respect to 0 , A is said to be the symmetric
Are the following sentences right or wrong?
point of A' with respect to O, two points A and A' are symmetric to each other with respect to 0 .
a) Hinh thang c6 hai c-1,nh day bAng nhau Iii hlnh blnh hiinh.
Dinh nghia Definition
Trapezoid with two bases parallel is a parallelogram.
b) Hlnh thang c6 hai c-1,nh ~n song song Iii hlnh blnh hiinh, Hai dilm g(}i la tloi xfmg voi nhau qua dilm O ntu O la trung dilm cua do~n thting n6i
Trapezoid with two legs parallel is a parallelogram. haidilm do.
c) Tu giac c6 hai qnh d6i bAng nhau Iii hlnh blnh hilnh. Two points are said to be symmetric to each other wi!h respect to point O if O is the
midpoint of the line segment connecting those two pomts.
Quadrilateral with two opposite sides parallel is a parallelogram.
d) Hlnh thang c6 hai c-1,nh ~n bAng nhau la hlnh blnh hiinh, Quy uuc. Dilm Mi xung voi dilm o qua dilm O cung la dilm 0.
Trapezoid with two legs equal is a parallelogram. Note. The symmetric point of O with respect to O is O itself.

92 93
2. btam doi xung
Hai hinh doi xung qua m9t dhlm 11 C B
that has a center of symmetry
Two figures symmetric to each other with respect to a point i ~ill
II Cho dilm O va do(ln thdng AB (h . 75) . . O /a giao ~ie'm h_~i ~u&ng_~·he~ c1ia hinh binh hanh ABCD
Given point O and line segment AB (f 75).
A B ~I' /h• 79dil).mTimo. hmh do, xung va, lllc'Ji cg11h ciia hinh binh hanh
- Ve- diem A' d,fi xung vai A qua 0.
O• th ffin/r F, ~urt' 79
qua I the intersection of parallelogram ABCD
Draw point A ' symmetric to A with respect to O.
Hinh Fixur,, 75 th of e two diagonals •
C i atJ80 (f. 79) . Find e figure symmetnc to each of the sides of the ua ditm 0
- Ve- dil m B' d61 xung vai B qua O. wff/1 fogram with respect lo O D
• h hanh ABCD q
Draw point B ' symmetric to B with respect to O.
Aer;_ ',,y ,\ 7B aratle d.. d6' ,
P n hlnh 79, 1~m , t x,ung vm m6i diem thu()c qnh cua hlnh b~ . binh himh

-Lay dil m C thuqc do(,111 thdng AB. ve diem C' d6i' xung vai C qua 0 . o~,',
',\I • fitthu0c qnh cua hinh b1nh hanh. Ta n6i diem O la tam d61 xung
iiJ!g · symmetric to every point on the sides of
cua lunh
ABCD be Ion gs tot e
h sides of the
c fi 9ure 79, the point
Let C be a point on AB, draw C ' symmetric to C with respect to
t\ . , , <ii m6i
'?(, • In 109 ram itself. Point O 1s said to be the center of symmetry of ABCD
', , , , diim d6i xu11g v ra g
- Dung thu<ic di kilm nghi¢m rang diem C' thuqc doqn thdng A 'B'.
'---l...__ .,
paralle . _ eu i
, quat ta d!nh ngh1a : Diem O gQi Iii tam d61 xung cua hinh
~A' ,yf 11
ruler. , I nay ' ta con n6 11
Check to reaffirm that C' belongs to line segment A 'B ' using a Hin!, Pig11re 76 , rhu v-'-c' hinh ,1{ qua diem O ciing thutJc
d'em · hinh ,J{'. Trong truiYng WP
va A'B' g9i la hai doqn thd11g d61 xung vai nhau qua die,n t to
0• .Tren hlnh 76, hai do.µi thing AB ' 1/'cO tam d6lximg 0 .
point symme nc
J,inh ' ral we define: Point O is said to be the center of symmetry of figure ·1/"1f the
c to each other with resPect to
In _figure 76. two line segments AB and A'B' are said to be symmetri
pomtO. In gene . .
to have sy
mmetry center .
e~ery po int of ,1/'is a point of ,J{'too. In this case , figure ,Yl'is also said
Tong quat, ta djnh nghia : Hai hlnh g9i la d61 x1111g vai nhau qua dilm 0 ne'u m6i difm thudc . h I{ Theorem
m thuqc hinh kia qua diein O va nguqc /qi. · , hinh binh hanh ,
hinh nay d6'i x1ing vai mqt dil • hlnh binh hilnh Iii tam 461. x{mg cua
D!n. dilm hai d11iing cheo cua f symme try of
In general, we have the following definition : Two figures are said
lo be symmetric lo each other With The,·ntersection of the two diagonals of a parallelogram is the center 0
to point O if eve,y point of one figure is symmetric to a point of the other with respect to o and the parallelogram.
vice versa.

Diem O g9i la tam d6'i xung cua hai hinh d6. ll hinh 80, cac chii cai N va S c6 tiim d6i, xung, ch~- C~,.I E kh 6ng c6 tam d61 x1mg. Hiiy
. tim
Point O is called the center of symmetry of those two figures . c6 tam d6i ximg. try Find some
.. Tr~n at vai chii cai khac (kieu chii in hoa)
s no center of symme ·
them m. 80 fetters N and S have a center of symmetry, fetter E ha
:::c"::..~ (,ppe~,,. =•I tho/""" a~'""" •ym=lry ~
• Tren hlnh 77, ta c6:
In figure 77. we have

- Hai do.µi thang AB va A'B' d6i xU'Ilg vm nhau qua tAm 0.

respect to
Two line segments AB and A'B' symmetric to each other with
center 0 .

- Hai duong thltng AC va A'C d6i xU'Ilg vm nhau qua tAm
center 0 .
Two lines AC and A'C' symmetric to each other with respect to

- Hai g6c ABC vii A'B'C d6i XU'Ilg vai nhau qua !Am 0 . Hinh Pig11re 77 Hinh Figure 80
to center 0 .
Two angles ABC and A'B'C' symmetri c to each other with respect
_ Hai tam giac ABC vii A 'B'C' d6i xU'Ilg vm nhau qua tam
to center 0 .
Two triangles ABC and A'B 'C' symmetric to each other with respect EXERCISES
Ngum ta ciing chU'Ilg minh dugc rang : Neu hai d~~n
tlul ng (goc, .ram giac) d6'i x1tng v<ii nhau qua m(it diem
thi cluing bung nha11.
__ ...... 2',,
-,::rj] SO. Ve
diem A' d6i xung vm A qua respe
. t A' symmetric to A with
Draw pom '
Cd6ixu ngvoiC quaB(h .8 1).
B, ve ct ~o~ c· symmetric to C with respect to B (f.
- d·e
81 ).

.... ',,,, .'If'

It is also proven that: If two line segment s (angles, triangles) A ~

are symmetr ic to each other with respect to a pomt then

they are equal. B
J-linl, Fixurc • 78
qua tam 0. ,---
• Tren hlnh 78. ta c6 hai hinh H vii H , d6i xU'Ilg vm nhau
In figure 78 , we have two figures Hand H ' symmetr ic to each other with respect to center 0 . l l J
H/11/r Fi~urr 8/ 95
51. Trong mat phan 1 d .
diem K · .. , g ~ ◊, cho diem H c6 101_1 d(I (3 ; 2). Hay ve
§9· Hinh chu nhat
cua K
In the C dOidiXllllg vai H qua goc loa. dO. va llm toa. dO. .
P0lnl Koor nate plane, point H Is given at coordinates (3, 2). Draw Rectangular ·
. symmetric to H w,th respect lo lhe origin O and find the
coordinates of K. . h chU nhot hOY
ot chiec eke, ta c6 the k'a
52. vtJi rn . Voi mot chiec co 1
~ tra du9c m9t tu glee c6 la
hln .
hlnh b!nh han_ h, ~ - G9i E la diem d6i xung vai D qua B Kti0n9• . mpa, ta Cung c6 the lam duoc dl~u d6.
_iem ~: g91 F -~a diem d01 xung vai D qua diem C. Chung minh C 0 set square, we can ch · w e c a n d o the
rang diem E dOi xung vm diem F qua diem B. usin9 . • eek If a quadrilateral ls a rectangular.
I sorne thing using a compass.
~ :n parallelogram ABCD. Call the point symmetric to D with respect
E, the poin~ symmetric to D with respect to C F. Prove that E is
symmelnc to F wI1h respect to B. nghia Definition
53. o!n h. -

Cho ~~nh 82, trong d6 MD II AB va ME// AC. Chung minh rllng diem A d6. , 1 • orn tren hlnh 84 ' - - - -
q~a diem r. I xung V6i diem M ' rag1aCf-U1'.-'-' co A-B=C = D=90° Iam9thi11h chit11~1.
Given figure 82 in which MD II AB and ME // AC . Prove that point A · .
is symmetnc to P0int M 'Nith
-"rilateral ABCD in figure 84 with
A-- 13 -_c- = 0- = 90 0 • t
Is a rac angu1ar.
respect to point I.
Jlinh chiJ nhtJ.t la tu giac c6 bon g6c vuong. C
LUY~NTAP A rectangular Is a quadrilateral with four right angles. H inh Fig,ire 8-1
PRACTICE ra giac ABCD la hlnh chii nh~t ~ A= B=C=i3 = 90" .
A=13 =c=5 =goo .
Oto g6c vuOng xOy, diem A nam trong g6c d6 Goi B Ia diem d6i xun
Ia_diem d6i xung vm A qua Oy. Chung minh r~g diem B d6i xun vm l e :
Given nght angle xOy with point A in ils interior. Call B for the oint s g .
tqua Ox, g9i C
_qua 0 .
Quadrilateral ABCD Is a rectangular <=>

mot• hinh
C for the point symmetric to A with respect to Oy. Prove that B fs sym~:;ectnt ccto ~ hw1th respect to Ox ... , h'Ill h C1, u- II Il{lt. ABCD tren hinh 84 cii11g la m¢t hinh h'tn II IIQ' nh '
lfl C/11mg ~1111. 'I rang
55. Ch 0 hlnh blnh h~-'- · ·• • 0 wit respect too ' rhang can .
CUUI ABCD, 0 la giao cliem cua hai dlIOl!g cheo. Mot duang thing d" ..
ciµm AB va CD theo thu II! iJ M va N. Chung minh rang diem M d6i xung vm diem~q :0 cat cac prove that rectangular ABCD in figure 84 is also a parallelogram, an isosceles trapezoid.
Given parallelogram ABCD with O the intersection of its two diagonals A line throu _q O. • Til' djnh nghia hl nh chii nh~t. ta suy ra : Hlnh chii' nh~t ciing la mqt hlnh blnh hanh, c iing Ia
and CD respectively at M and N. Prove that Mis symmetric to N with r~spect to O gh O intersects AB m(>t hlnh thang clln.
56. Trong cac h1nh sau, hlnh nao c6 tam d6i xung ? .
By the definition of a rectangular, we infer: A rectangular is both a parallelogram and an isosceles
Which of the following figures has a center of symmetry?
a) Doiµi thAng AB (h. 83a) ; Line segment AB (f. 83a) ;
b) Tam giac deu ABC (h. 83b); Equilateral triangle ABC (f. 83b) :
2, Tinh chat Properties
c) Bien cam di ngu(JC chieu (h. 83c); Sign indicating "No entry" (f. 83c); Hi11h chit 11h<J.t co tat cd cac tinh chat cua hinh binh himh . cua hi11h thong can.
d ) Bien chi hu6ng di vong tranh chu6ng ng1_1i v~t (h. 83d). Sign indicating "Pass on right" (f. 83d). The rectangular has all the properties of a parallelogram, of an isosceles trapezoid.
Til' tfnh ch~t cua hlnh thang cAn va hl nh binh hanh, ta c6 :

~0 0
By the properties of an isosceles trapezoid and a parallelogram , we have

A B Trong hinh chiJ nhtJ,t, htn duiing cheo bdng nhau va cat nhau 1¢ trung dil m cua m6i duung.
In a rectangular, two diagonals are ~ al and Intersect at the midpoint of each.
b) c) d)
(n"1 do)
3. Dau hieu nhan biet
(n,n xanh)
Red background Blue background Signs for identifying a rectangular
Hinh Figure 83
1. Tu giac co ba goc vuong la hinh chii nh(it.
57. Qic cau sau dung hay sai ? 2. Hinh thang can c6 m9t goc vuong la hinh chii nh{it.
Which of the following sentences is right? Which is wrong? 3. Hinh binh hanh co m9t goc vuong la hinh chii nfuµ.
a) Tam d6i xung cua m<)t duang lhAng la diem bit kl cua duong thing d6. 4. Hinh binh hanh co hai duung cheo bting nhau la hinh chii nh{it.
The center of symmetry of a line is any poin t on the line.
1. A quadrilateral with three right angles is ' . rectangular.
b) Trqng 1am cua ml')t lam giac la tam d6i xung cua lam giac d6. ,s
2. An Isosceles t,a,,.zoid with a right angle a rec tangular.
The centroid of a triangle is its center of symmetry.
3. A parallelogram with I right ■ngle Is I rectangula r.
c) Hai tam giac d6 i xung v6i nhau qua ml')t diem thl c6 chu vi bang nhau.
4, A parallelogram with two diagonals equal is a rec tangular.
Two triangles symmetric lo each other with respect to a point are equal.

96 97
Sau day ta chung mmh
· Mu hit'!u nhAn b ·e-1 4 a , . '
f a c6 cac dinh Ii. ap dung

vaO tam g1ac
. ·
Following is the proof of th f . . . • ' c c da:u hi¢u con h_1i hqc sinh hr chun . ying understandings about th ·
GT e ourth sign for identifying, remaining proofs are left to ~lude g rnmh. _:.-----::---=
APplrrong tam giac vu6ng d....e rectangular tO a triangle,
. we have the following theorem..

f:8J I· ' 11ong trung t ~

ABCD la hlnh binh hanh, AC= BD nts. /ti a right triangle, the med/an to th uytn img voi qinh huyln lxing niia c1;1nh huytn. ··
Given ABC D a parallelogram, AC _ BD A Ne'u mt)t tam giac co dllo,, 8
hypotenuse equals half the hypatenuse.
KL ABCD Ill hlnh chii nhat 1gbJC do la tam giac Vuong. g trung tuyln img voi m,jt c9nh lxing niia c1;1nh ay thi tam
Prove ABCD is a rectangula~ /ti,;angle
a triangle, if the median to th 8
Is a right one, hypotenuse equals half the hypotenuse then the
ChU11!( minh. (h. 85) 1
AC la nt'!n
= BD hlnhABCD
blnh hllnh
la h' ~e~AB// CD, AD// BC. Ta c6 AB// CD Hini, Figure 85 c _ . , BAI TAP EXERCISES
b. m t ang can (hlnh thang c6 hai duong che~
piCn vllo cM tr6ng, b1€I rang a b la d(} dai -
Ang nhau~nh~ng cAn), suy ra AOC =BCD. 58, . in the blanks,
given a, b the l~n · . cac 9M, d lad(> dai d11ong cheo ciia m(>t hlnh chi/
gths of sides d the leng th 0 r the d.1agonat or a rectangular.
· ADC + BCD - 180" ( g6c trong cung phfa, AD // BC) nt'!n = AOC BCD_ 0
hlnh thang can ABCD c6 b6n g6c cung bang 900 Vay ABCD Ill h' h h-
5 ... ✓13
- 90 . Do d6
Proof (f 85) · • m c LI nh~t. b 12 ✓6 ...
ABC D is a parallelogram so AB // CD, AD // BC. d ... .Jw 7
We have AB // CD _ . AC
- = BD
- so ABCD .is an .isosceles trapezoid (trapezoid with two d. ct11mg minh rang :
isosceles), hence ADC = BCD . iagonals equal is ;9, a) Giao diCm hai, du~g cheo cua h!nh chii' nh~t la Ulm d6i xU'llg ctia hl nh chii' nh~t d6.
b) Hai dLionJ th ang di qua trung d1!!m hai cap canh d6i cua hlnh chii' nhat la hai true d6i xung
We also
ABC D is have ADC BCD = 180°
a rectangular. (co-interior angles, AD // BC), so ADC =BCD =go•. Therefore, cua hinh chLI nh~t d6. · · · ·

m Voi nuJt chilc compa, ta se kiein tra duac hai doan tlui ng b&ng
nhau hay kluJng bang nha11. B&ng compa, di kii m tra tu giac
A Prove that
a) The intersection of the two diagonals or a rectangular is the center or symmetry of the rectangular.
b) The two lines passing through the midpoints or the two pairs of opposite sides or a rectangular are
11,e axes of symmetry or that rectangular.
ABCD co la hinh chit nh1,1t hay kh6ng, ta lam the' nao ? 61). T(nh d◊_dai duong trung tuy( n ung voi cl)llh huyen ctia m(>t tam giac vu6ng c6 de qnh g6c
Using a compass, we can check if two line segments are equal.
vu6ng bllng 7cm vii 24cm.
How can we check if a quadrilateral is a rectangular using a Calculate the length of the median to the hypotenuse of a right tnangie with legs equal to 7 cm and 24 cm.
compass? 61. Cho tam giac ABC, duang cao AH. G<:,i I la trung diem ctia AC, E la diem d6i xung vai H
4. Ap d1,mg vao tam giac A pplying to triangles Hin/, Fi1111re 86 qua I. Tu giac AHCE la hlnh gl ? Vl sao ?
Given triangle ABC with altitude AH. Label the midpoint of AC with I, the point symmetric to H with

m Cho hinh 86.

a) Tu giac ABDC la hinh gi ? Vl sao?
respect to I with E What figure is quadrilateral AHCE? Why?

b) So sanh cac dq dai AM va BC.
c) Tam !(itic 1·11ong ABC c6 AM la duimg trung tuyen ung v(Ji qmh huyen. Hay phat bilu tinh
chdt rim dt(<!C o- cdu b) du(Ji dt;mg n11Jt dinh Ii.
Given figure 86.
62. Cac cau sau dung hay sai ?
a) Nl u tam giac ABC vu6ng ~c c
thl di!!m thu(>c duong trcm c6 duong kinh la AB (h. 88).
a) What figure is quadnlateral ABCD ? Why? b) Nt u diem C thuQc d11ang tron c6 duong kinh la AB (C khac A vii B) thi tam giac ABC
b) Compare the lengths of AM and BC. . . .
c) Righi triangle ABC has AM as the median to the hypotenuse. State the property 1ust found m b) m
vuOng t~i C (h. 89).

the form of a theorem.

m Cho hinh 87.

a) Tit gicic
ABDC la hinh gi ? Vi sao ?
b) Tam giac ABC la tam ,:i<k gi ? B A a
c) Tam giac ABC co d11img trung ruyin AM ~11g nua ct;in~ B~-
Hinh f 'K"" 89
Hay phat bil u tfnh chtit tim dll<JC o- cdu b) dlldl dt;ing mqt d111h ll. 1/inh Fig11re 88
Hinh Fig11re 87 · I ht? Which Is wrong?
Given figure 87. Which or the following sentences is r g the circle with diameter AB (f. 88).
a) What figure is quadrilateral ABCD? Why ? a) If triangle ABC is right at C then C is 00 t AB (C is different from A and B) then the triangle ABC
b) What ly~e of triangle ,~ ABCd?' AM ual to half BC. State the property just found in b) In the form , cl8 ·th diame er
b) If point C belongs to the ctr WI
c) Gwen tnangle A BC with me ,an eq
is right at (f. 89). 99
of a theorem.

, ..... ,cuiNG Hew)

, fa rrit :a nh(i11 xer : M9i die_m thu❖<; duang thang a tren hinh 93 each ducmg th_ing: :~:
63. Tim x tn~n hlnh 90.
Evaluate x in figure 90. •oang bang h. Tu~g tu, m91 di~m thuOc dttang thang b ciing each dui1ng than8
~•• bing h Ta n61 h la kh • . 'b

~oang · oang each gitta hai duimg rluing song song a va · .

· te · Every I ry point on b is
we df8W this no · po nt on a in figure 93 is at distance h from b. Similarly· eve
lsO at distance h from a. We say that h is the distance between two parallel lines a and b. , ,
a h- Kl . g ·, ·h ·- · - ot diem tuy Y
p;nh ng ,a. • roa~ <~~ grua hai d11img thiing s011g song la k.hodng each 111 m ·
D C ·, ditimg thong nay den duiJng rhdng kia•
D 15 C
Ninh Figure 90 Th d'st nc8 betw
0, r;nit/on. e ' a een two parallel lines is tho distance from any point on
ne line to the
Cho hlnh blnh hanh ABCD. Oic tia phan giac cua cac g6c A. B, C, D cat nhau nh
hlnh 91 . ChUllg minh rilng EFGH la hlnh chu nhat. ll tr~n

Given parallelogram ABCD. The angle bisectors of ~ngle A, B, C, D intersect each other as finh chat cua cac diim each deu mqt d11ang thing cho tntbc
figure 91 . Prove that EFGH Is a rectangular. Shawn in i property of points equidistant from a given line
T_u, gia~ ABCD c6 hai dttang chco vuOng g6c vai nhau. G9i E. F, G, H theo thu tu la t l!f!I Cho duimg r~dng b. Gqi ~ va a' la hai duimg rhdng
diem cua cllc c~nh AB, BC, CD, DA. Tu giac EFGH la hlnh gl? Vi sao? . rung
Given quadrilateral ABCD with two diagonals perpendicular to each other. Label the midpoin
llil 11g s011g V(/1 d11cmg thiing b va Cltng each d11iJng
so I . L ,l a A

BC, CD, DA respectively with E, F, G, H. What figure is quadrilateral EFGH? Why? t of sides AB, thd11g b 11191 k roa11g '"'"g h (h. 94). (I) va (II) la cac
,ia m(it plui11g bu b. Gqi M, M' la cac dilm each (I)
66. K'
Dtf. Ml')t dl')i cOng nhan dang tr6ng cay tren doan ;,,ong 1/id11g b 111¢1 khod11g bdng h, trong do M thu¢c b
dttang AB thl g~p chuang ngi1i v~t che la'p Him nhin A nria 111(11 pluing (/), M' 11111¢<: mia m(it pluirrg {II). h
(h. 92). 0¢i da dl!llg cac diem C, D, E nhtt tren hlnh Cluing minlr rdng M Ea, M' Ea'. (II)

ve r6i tr6ng cay tilp tren do:)n duang EF vuOng g6c ·- - L - - -- -

a M'
Given line b Let a and a· be the two lines parallel to b and A'
v6i DE. Vl sao AB vl't EF cung nilm tn~n ml')t duang at the same distance h from b (f. 94). (/) and (II) be half- Hi11h Fi1111re 94
thi ng ? fl/11!, Ftgurt 91
p1anas wrth edge b Let M, M' be points at distance h from
Try out. A team of workers planting trees on road segment AB encounters a hurdle occul~ng their b, in which M is in half-planes (/), M' is in half-planes (II).
eyes (f.92). They construct points C, D, E as shown in the figure and keep planting on segment EF /'rOV8 that M E a. M' E a·.
perpendicular lo OE. Why do AB and EF lie on the same line?
Tinh chat. Cac diem each duiJng thd11g b m¢t klwdng bdng 1, ndm tren hai duimg thting song
song viii b va cacir b 111¢1 khodng bdng h.
§ 10. f>uc}ng th6ng song song Property, Points that are at distance h from b lie on the two lines parallel to b and at d/stanCfJ h
from b.
vol m(>t duc}ng th6ng cho truoc
Lines parallel to a given line
II x;, caccq11htumBCgiac111611ABCM1111co2cmC(!nh(h.BC95).co'tlinh,
duiJng cao ung
Di'nh A c1ia cue tam
... ... --~

giac t!o mlm 1re11 d11<'!r1g 11ao ? /l:

C6c dl~m c6ch duong thOng d mQt kho6ng bOng h nOm tr(m duong nao ? ,_I'-' ____ _
Consider tnangle ABC with BC a fixed side, the a/lilude to BC
On what line are points at distance h from line d? always equal to 2 cm (f. 95). What fine Is vertex A of the B H C H'
triangle on? H inlt Frgure 95
1. Khoang cllch glfl'a hal d11ang thing song song
Distance between two parallel lines Nhan xet. Tu dinh nghia khoimg each giii'a hai duimg thing song song vii tinh ch~t tren, ta c6 :

m a A B Tq~ hr/p cac di~i11 each 11191duimg 1/idng ctJ·dinh m¢r_ khodng bdng h_kh6ng d6i Id hai duimg

~ [
Ciro lrai d111i11g 1luf11g so11g su11i: a r <) h (Ii. 93 ). tlul11g song song viii t111ang rhd11g do 1•a cticlr dlfiJng thdng d6 m~t klwang bdng h.
Given two parallel Imes a and b (f 93)
b Remark. By the definition of the distance between two parallel lin_es and the above notice, we have:
Gt,1i A nl 8 la l,ai dilm /xii kl 1l111(w duimi: 1lu/11g a, AH ra BK hl H K The set of points that are at a constant distance h from a fixed /me 11re the two Imes parallel to the
cac duong v11tJ11g goc ki Iii A va B dln duimg 1lul11g b. Gqi t/9 Hinh Figul'e 93 given fine and at distance h from it.
ddi All Id h. Tfnlr d~ ,!di BK theo Ir.
Let A ttnd B be an~ two pomts on a, AH and BK be line segments drawn from A and B and
perpendicular to /me b. Let h be Iha length of AH. Calculate /he length of BK in term of h.

100 IOI
3. rn6i Y(I), <2>. (3), (4) vai mot tro • d' th dung:
Duong thing song song each deu ng cac y (5), (6), (7), (8) de dl!c;11: m◊t ~hang ri~alion
(jilt~ each part of (1). (2), (3), (4) w·ilh
Lines that are parallel and equidistant h<:11' cac diem each diem A a con_c1us1on of (5), (6), (7), (8) to have a n~hl con I .in AB.
Tn~n hlnh 96a cac duon . b ab • , g
g a, • c. d song song v(yj nhau va each .-
, r,1atc
(I) HP ang 3cm c6 d!nh m<)t (5) la duong trung tn!C cua do;,tn th J a va

la hai duang th~ng song song v
In g a v • va c, c va d bang nhau. Ta g9i chung la cac du1111 tluin so g1ua cac duon
0 (2) ·
ipo h<:11' cac diem
AB c6 dinh
each d~u hai da ,
u cua d~n
each a ml>( lchoang 3cm.
an~gdu~~e~~:~~:~j1~h:;~q~:::~:~=r~~l~l~l~ :;_and the dista!es b: lwe;~ a:~ ! thang ~ d'i .
rap h<:11' CaC h;;m nam trong 6c
(7) la duong troll tam A ban kinh 3cm.
• o
(3) dch d~u hai qnh cua g6c d6 g xOy va (8) la tia phan giac cua g6c x y.
a A
a A ~AP h<:11' cac diem each d~u duong than
b B (4) dinh m◊t khoang 3cm g a c6
b B
o f points at a distance 3 cm from a
iie set _ (5) Is the perpendicular bisector 01 AB cm
1) r 3
( fj)(ed point A .
(6) Is the two lines parallel to a and
Z) The set of po111ts equidistant from the tw0 dius
d D distant from a.
d D ( endpoints of a fixed line segment AB (7) Is the circle with center A a nd ra
3) The set of_points in the interior of angle xOy equal to 3 cm.
( and equ1d1stant from its two sides (8) Is the bisector ray of angle xOy.
h) (4) The set of points at the same distance 3 cm
from line
Hinh Fi11ure 96

Cho h!"''. ~b. trong d6 cac d1ti11111 tluing a, b, c. d song song vai nha11. Cl11mg mini, rdn' .
a) N~~ cac d111111g t/1(1ng a, b, c. d song song each de'11 th/ EF = FG = GH. 8. LUYtNTAP
b)_Neu EF = FG_= GH th/ cac du<ntg tll/ing a. b, c, d song song each deu. PRACTICE
Given figura 96b, m which lines a, b, c, d are parallel to each other. Prove that Qio g6c v~Ong xOy, die'.11 A t~u◊c tia Oy sao cho OA = 2cm. La'y B la m<)t di1m b«t _kl thu~
= =
a) If lines a, b, c, d Bra equidistant parallel ones than EF FG GH. 70. tia Ox. GQt C la !rung diem cua AB. Khi diem B di chuyen trcn tia Ox thi diem C dt chuycn
= =
b) If EF FG GH then lines a. b, c. dare equidistant parallel ones. ~n d11(111g nao ?
Ta c6 djnh Ii : Given right angle xOy , point A on ray Oy such that OA = 2 cm. Let B any point on ray OX. Call C for
the midpoint of AB. On what line does C move when a moves on Ox?
- ~eu cdc dll/Jllf< t/l(lng song song each deu dt m(!t duiing thd11g th/ cluing clu!n Ire11 dUurrg

than!/ d6 <·ac do(m tll/ing lien tie'p hdng nhati. 71 010 tam giac ABC vuOng ll!,i A. Uy M la mot dit!m ba't kl thuOc canh BC. G9i MD la duong
· vuOng g6c ke Ill M Mn AB, ME la dllOllg vuOng g6c ke tu M Mn AC, 0 la trung diem cua DE.
~ ~tu cac duii11g t/l(J~!? song song cd! 1111) 1 duiing thdng wl cluing ch& 11 tre 11 dum, 11 tlui1t do Given triangle ABC right at A. Let M be any point on BC. Call MD for the line segment drawn from M
clie doqn t/l(lnx lien ltep bdng nhau 1/11 ch1i11f/ so"X song each dei,. g and perpendicular to AB. ME for the line segment drawn from M and perpendicular to AC, and O for
We have the theorem the midpoint of DE .
If equidistant para/la/ lines are cul by e transversal than they cut off = ual seg t a) Chung minh rang ba diem A, 0, M thang hang.
transverse/. "" men s on the
Prove that A, 0 , M are collinear.
- If parallel Imes are cut by a transversal and cut off aqua/ segments on the transverse/ then th b) Khi diem M di chuyen tren c~h BC thl diem O di chuyen trfn ducmg nao ?
equidistant para/la/ line s ey are
When M moves on BC. what line does M move on?
c) Diem Ma vj tri nao tren qnh BC thl AM c6 dQ dai nh6 nha't?
Al what position of M on BC does AM have !he least measure?
72. f)o. ™ V<;tCh mC,l duang thing song song v(ri mep
EXERCISES g6 AB va each mep g6 I0cm, bac thq m(x: d~t do~
67. Cho do\)n thing AB. Ke tia Ax btl't kl. Trfn tia Ax la'y cac but chl CD dai IOcm vuOng g6c vai ng6n tay tr6 la'y
= =
tli~m C. D. E sao cho AC CD DE (h. 97). Ke do<1n th~ng lam cu (h. 98), r6i dua ng6n tro ch~y dQC theo mep
EB. Quu C. D kc cac dum1g thang song song vai EB. Chung g6 AB. CAn CU' vao kiln thll'C nao ma ta klt lu~ - c
minh rdng do,.m lh~ng AB bj chia ra ba phan bang nhau. ditqc rang dAu chl C v~ch nen dllOllg thang song
Given line segment AB. Draw any ray Ax. Choose point C, D. Eon Ax song vai AB va each AB la 10cm?
so that AC = CD = DE (f. 97). Draw line segment EB. Prove that AB Try out To draw a line parallel to a wooden edge AB and
fli11h FiRIU'f 97
1s divided Into three equal segments at distance 1o cm from AB. a carpenter hold a pencil D
segment 1o cm long perpendicularly to his index finger and A a
68. Cho diem A nam ngua i dllang th,\ng d va c.:6 khoang each Mn d hilng 2c.:m. La'y Mm B ba'1 kl
move the finger along AB. By what knowledge can we
1hu¢c dllong thdng cJ. G9i C la diCm d6i xung vai diem A qua diem B. Khi diem B di chuy~n condude that the pencil tJp C draws a line parallel to AB
trCn duang thiing d thl diem C di chuyen tren duong nao '! and at distance 1Ocm from AB ?
G1von poinl A not on line d and at distance 2 cm from d. Lei B be any point on d. Label C for the point Hinh Fi gu, e 8 I
sy111motrfc to A with respect to B On what line does C move when B moves on d?

102 103
ABCD la hlnh thoi
ABCD is a rhombus.
§ 11. Hinh thoi
AC la duong phan giac ciia ,
CA la duong phan gia . goc A, Bo la duong phan giac ciia g?c B
AC is the angle bisect~~~~ ~6c C,_DB la duong phan giac ciia goc D
Coe thanh s6t a cua xep (h. 99) t90 thanh nhung hinh thol. CA is the angle bisector 1 ' BO 15 the angle bisector of B.
Iron bars of a folding door form rhombi (f.99). °
hlhlg minh . (h. 101) '.°roof. (f. 101)
C, OB 1s the angle bisector of D.

~ ABChaSc6 AB
AB= BC (d1nh nghia hlnh thoi) nen la tam . , a
= BC (by the definition of ... giac c n.
v,BC , , a •11 0mbus). so it is an isosceles triangle. , - h
B() la _Mang trung tuyen cua tam giac can d6 (v'i AO = OC theo tfnh chit duong cheo hm
Hin!, Figu,~ 99 binh hanh). . . .
1. O!nh nghia Definition eO is the med'.an of this is~sceles triangle (since AO = OC by the property of a parallelogram). .
Tu giac
hinh thoi.
ABCD tren hlnh I 00 c6 AB = BC = CD = DA la m(>t

Quadrilateral ABCO in figure 100 with AB = BC = CO = DA ·is a


Hinh thoi la tu giac c6 b6n cr,mh being nhau.

·<:>, D
Hinh Fi1111re JOO
M>BC ci.ut tiµ B co BO _la duong trung tuye'n nen BO ciing la duang cao va duong phan giac.
v,BC is isosceles at B with BO the median, so BO is also the altitude and the angle bisector.
V~Y BD J. AC va BD la duong phan giac ciia g6c B.
Therefore BO .l AC and BO is the angle bisector of B.
Chimg minh tmmg ~I!, C~ la duong phan giac cua g6c c , DB ta duang phan giac cua g6c D.
AC la duang phan g1ac cua g6c A.

A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four sides equal. Using
of the same mel ~ . we can prove that CA is the angle bisector of C. DB is the angle bisector
D, AC is the angle bisector of A.

Tu giiic ABCD la hlnh thoi <=> AB= BC= CD= DA. oau hi9u nhtn biet Signs for identifying a rhombus
Quadrilateral ABCO is a rhombus e:, AB = BC = CO = DA I. Tit giac co bon qmh bdng nhau la hinh thoi.
A quadrilateral with four sides equal is a rhombus.
II Chimg m;nJ, ,&ng r,; gMc ABCD " ' " Mn!, JOO nfog JU m;, Mn/, bin/, hdnh.
Prove that quadrilateral ABCD in figure 100 is a parallelogram too.
2. Hinh binh hdnh c6 hai c1;1nh kl bting nhau la hinh thoi.
A parallelogram with two adjacent sides equal is II rhombus.
Tu d!nh nghia hlnh thoi, ta suy ra : Hlnh thoi ciing la m(>t hlnh blnh hanh. 3. Hinh binh hdnh co hai d11ung chto vuong goc v6i nhau la hinh thoi.
By the definition of the rhombus, we infe r: a rhombus is also a parallelogram. A parallelogram with two diagonals perpendicular to each other is a rhombus.
2. Tinh chat Properties 4. Hinh binh hdnh co m9t d11ung chto la d11ung phan giac cua m9t g6c la hinh thoi.
cotdt cd cdc tinh chdi ctia hinh binh hdnh. A parallelogram with a diagonal the angle bisector of an angle is a rhombus.
Hinh thoi
II Hay chitng minh dau hi¢u nh~n biei 3.
A rhombus has all the properties of a parallelogram.

m C hu hinh thui A BCD. hai duimg cheo ccit nhau tqi O (h . IOI).
Hoc sinh 111 chung minh cac cta:u hi~u nh~n bie't con l~i.
P~ve the third identifying sign for a rhombus.
a) Th eo tinh char n ia hinh binh h<lnh. hai duir11g c/11!0 n ia hinh tltoi c6 Remaining proofs are left to students.
tinh chtlt gi ?

b) Hay phat hi¢11 thh n cdl' tinh chdt kluk n iu hai duang clteo AC 1•a BD. D
Given rhombus ABCD with the two diagonals intersecting at O (f. 101) .
f//11/, Fi!/llrt' IOI
a) What properties do the two diagonals of the rhombus have as a parallelogram ? EXERCISES
b} Find out other properties of diagonals AC and BO.
7J. Tim cac hlnh thoi tren hlnh 102.
fJ! nh II Theorem Find rhombi in figure 102.
Trong hinh thoi:
u) Hai d11iing cMo vu6ng g6c voi rrl,au.
b) 1/ui d11iing cheo la cdc diriing phdn gidc cua cdc g6c cua l1inh thoi.
In II rhombus
a) Two diagonals are perpendicular to each other.
b) T~~ diagonals are the angle bisectors of the angles of the rhombus.
[J'~ K~ N
a) b) c)

r § 12. Hinh vuong
co tu glac nao vua la hinh chQ nhdt. vua la hinh thol ha y 1<hong?
Is there any quadrilateral that is both a rectangula r and a rhom b us?

d) ,,h nghia Definition
(Ava B la tam and B are centers 01
cac 111/0ng Iron)
of two cirdes) 1, Tl! giac ABCD trt'!n hlnh 104 c6 A = B = c= D= 90° va
e) AB :: BC:: CD = DA la mQt hinh vu6n,;:.
l/i11h Figure 102
74. ouadrilateral ABCD in 1.104 with A = 8 =C=6 = goo and D
Hai ducrng chco cua mot h' h h . b ' •
lro ng cac -~ . . Ill I 01 ang 8cm va 10cm. C.µ,h cua hlnh thoi bang gi• . AB,, BC =CD =DA is a square flinh 1-,~,,,,. JOJ
g1a tn sau : 4 111 na
Two diagonals of a rho b
Iha rhomb . m us equal 8 cm and 10 cm. Which of the following values matches 1h Jlinh vuong la 111 gitic co biin goc vuong va c6 biin c(!nh bdng nhau.
~ e~~
A square is a quadrilateral with four right angles and four si des equal.
(A) 6cm : (B) ✓41cm ; (C) ✓164cm ; (D) 9cm?
, gh minh n\ ng cac trung diem cua b6n canh ciia mOI hlnh chir nhllt la cac dinh cu·
Chhl lillh
t 01. · · · a mo1 T& giac ABCD la hl nh vuong ~ {A= 8= C= D= 90°
Prove lhat th ·d · · AB= BC = CD = DA
e mi points of lhe four sides of a rectangular are lhe vertices of a rhombus.
Quadrilateral ABCD 1s a square <=> { A = 8= C= B=
Cht'rng minh rhng cac trung diem ciia b6n canh ciia 11101 hlnh thoi la cac dinh ciia mo, h' 900
chir nhat. · · . 1nh
AB = BC = CD = DA
Prove ttiat the midpoints of the four sides of a rhombus are the vertices of a rectangular.
77. Tu' djnh nghia hlnh vuOng, ta suy ra : By the definilion or a square, we infer
Chll'llg minh rang :
Prove that -Hinh vu6ng la hinh chit nhqt c6 b611 cqnh bdng 11ha11.
A square is a rectangular with four sides equal.
a) Giao diem hai ducrng cheo ciia hlnh thoi la tllm d6i xllllg ciia hlnh thoi. -Hinh rn6ng la hinh tlwi co Mn ,;:6c vuong.
The Intersection of the two diagonals of a rhombus is its center of symmetry. A square is a rhombus with four right angles.
b) Hai ducrng cheo cua hlnh thoi la hai 1n;tc d6i xllllg ciia hlnh thoi. Nhu v~y hl nh vuOng vua la hl nh chir nh~t. vira la hlnh 1hoi.
The two diagonals of a rhombus are its axes of symmetry. So a square is both a rectangular and rhombus.
78. Do'. Hl_nh 1_03 bieu dien m◊t phan ciia cira xe'p. g6m nhirng thanh kim lo~ dai bang nhau va duoc 2. Tinh chat Properties
hen ket vm nhau ooi cac ch6t t::ii hai dliu va tiµ trung diem. Vl sao !::ii m6i vi tri ciia cira xe'p. c~c Hinh 1111611g c6 tat cd ccic tinh chat c11a hinh clui nhqt va hinh thoi.
tu giac t~ n hlnh ve deu la hlnh thoi, cac diem ch6t I, K. M , N, 0 nam trl\n m◊I duong thing? A square has all the properties of a rectangular and a rhombus.
Try out. Figure 103 represent a part of a folding door consisting of metal bars of equal length and joint
by collars at endpoints and midpoints. Why are the quadrilalerals in the figure rhombi for every
position of the folding door? Why are linking poinls I, K, M, N, O on the same line?
I Duimg cheo c11a hinh 1111611g c6 nhiing tinh chat gi
What properties do the diagonals of a square have?

3. Dau hi~u nh~n biet Signs for identifying a square

A 1. Hinh chit nhtjt c6 hai C(!nh kt bdng nhau la hlnh vu6ng.
A rectangular with two adjacent sides equal is a square.
2. Hinh chil nhtjt co hai duung cheo vuong g6c voi nhau la hinh vuong.
A rectangular with two diagonals perpendicular to each other Is a square.
3. Hinh chil nhtit c6 mot duung chio la duimg pluin giac cua m(JI g6c la hinh vuong.
A rectangul~r with ~ diagonal an angle bisector of an angle is a square.
4. Hinh thoi c6 m(Jt g6c vuong la hinh vuong.
A rhombus with a right angle is a square.
5. Hinh thoi c6 hai duimg chio bdng nhau la hinh vuong.
A rhomb us with two diagonals equal ls a square.
B HQC sinh ti! chung minh cac d~u hi¢u nhl)n bi~t tren.
Proofs of the above identifying signs are left to stu~ents. . . , , ., , , ,
J-/i11h Fi1111re/OJ Nhan xi i. Mot tit giac rzl'a /a hinh c/ui nh~t. 1111a la lunh 1h01tin tu giac do la h111h 1111611g.
Note. A quadrilateral that is bolh a reclangular and 8 rhombus is a square.

106 107
m Tim ca · 1 · I
( "" I \IU611g tre11 h/111, 105
Fmd squares m figure 105. .
nu sau dung hay sai ?
()IC c of the following sentences is right? Wh h .
~\ \flllich · 1c 1s wrong?
fit giac c6 hai duang th fo vuong g6c vai nhau la hinh thoi.
a) d ·1ateral with two diagonals pe •
oua n rpend1cular to each other is a rhombus.
b) N giac c6 hai _duong ~hfo VUOng g6c vai nhau t<)i trung diem ciia m6i ducmg la hinh thoi.
Hin!, Pi11urc 105 ouadnlateral wi two diagonals Perpendicular to each other at midpoin ts of each is a rhombus.
tllnh thoi Ill tu giac c6 ta'.t ca cac canh bilng nh
~~ . . . . ~-
Rhombus 1s quadrilateral with all sides equal.
d) }-!1nh chfr nh~t c6 hai ~uang cheo b:ing nhau la hinh vuOng.
EXERCISES Rectangular with two diagonals equal is a square.
79. , •
a) Mot hinh vuong c6 canh b.ii 3 e) }-!1nh chfr nh~t c6 hai duang cheo vuong g6c vai nhau la hinh vuOng.
5cm hay 4cm ? . ig cm. Duong cheo cua hlnh vuOng d6 b:ing : 6cm, Ji&cm, th two diagonals perpendicular to each other is a square.
Rectangular wi
A square has sides 3 cm. The diagonal of the square equals: 6 cm, ✓18 cm, 5 cm or 4 cm ? Qto tam giac A~. D la diem nilm gifta B va C. Qua D ke cac duang thAng song song vm AB
I'- vii AC, chung cat cac C<)nh AC va AB theo thu ti! aE va F.
b) Duong cheo cua mQt hinh vuOng bang 2dm. ~h ciia hlnh vuong d6 b:ing: ldm, ~dm, Given triangle ABC with D a point between B and C. Through D draw lines parallel to AB and AC , they
intersect AC and AB respectively at E and F.
~ 4 2
'l/2dm hay - dm?
3 a) Tu giac AEDF Iii hlnh gi ? Vl sao?
Whal figure is quadrilateral AEDF?
The diagonal of a square equa ls 2 dm. The side of that square equals
1 dm,
b) Diem D b vj tri nao tren c<)nh BC thi tu giac AEDF la hinh thoi ?
J2 dm or i dm?
2 Whal is the position of Don BC for AEDF to be a square?
c) Ne'u tam giac ABC vuOng t<)i A thi tu giac AEDF la hlnh gl ? Diem D b vj tri nao tren c~nh
80. BC thl tu giac AEDF la hlnh vuOng ?
Hiiy chi ro tam d6i xung cua hlnh vuOng. cac tr1;1c d6i xung ciia hinh vuong.
Specify the center of symmetry and the axes of symmetry of a square. If ABC is right triangle at A, then what figure is quadrilateral AEDF? What is the position of D on BC
for AEDF to be a square?
81. Cho hlnh 106. Tu giac AEDF la hlnh gl ? Vl sao?
In figure 106. what figure is quadrilateral AEDF? Why? ~. Cho hinh chfr nh~t ABCD c6 AB= 2AD. G9i E, F theo thu l\f la trung diem ciia AB, CD. GQi
B A E M la giao diem cua AF va DE, N la giao dit m ciia BF va CE.
Given rectangular ABCD with AB = 2AD. Label the midpoint of AB . CD respec!Jvely E, F. Label M for
the intersection of AF and DE, N for the intersection of BF and CE.
F a) Tu giac ADFE la hlnh gi ? Vi sao?
H What figure is quadrilateral ADFE? Why?
b) Tu giac EMFN la hlnh gl ? Vi sao ?
What figure is quadrilateral EMFN? Why?
Hinh Fi111m• /06 /-linh FiR11re 107
16. IJo: La:y mQt to gi:fy gll'.p lam tu r6i cit cheo thee _nhat dt AB (h., 1~8).
Sau khi mb ta gi:fy ra, ta du~ ml)t tu giac. Tu g1ac nh~ du~ ~a lunh
82. ('ho hlnh I07, trong d6 ABCD la hlnh vuOng. Chung minh r:ing tu giac EFGH la hlnh vuOng. gi? Vl sao ? Ne'u ta c6 OA = OB thi tu giac nh(ln d~_la hinh gi .
In figure 107, ABCD is a square. Prove that EFGH is a square. .
..,ry out. Fold a piece of paper .in to quarter and cut rt diagonally
. along
. AB
(f 108). Unfolding it we have a quadrilateral. What figure is the quadrilateral
we get? Why? If OA· = OB then what figure ·is the quadnlateral we get?
lfi11h Fig11r,• IU7

108 109
6n t{Jp chuong 1 ~111ltP
Chapter 1 review 11" 1ses
f ~~ere · ' h' ·• -
Coe n(>i dung Chinf) : •6 i1 ttloh I09 bt~u t ! quan h~ gnra cac t~p hqp hlnh thang hlnh blnh hanh. hlnh chu nh ~t.
Main c ontents :r: tftOI,. hinh vu6ng. DJ.!a vao so d6 d6 • ha· y d·,~n
,. "1" .i , ·
vdo ch6 tr6ng :
l Tugl6c. ' ~ diagn:lrn in figure 109 represents the relations among the set of trapezoids, the set of
-n,eral,el09rarns. the set of rectangulars, the set of rhombl, the set of squares. Using this diagram. fill in
P8 i,1an1<s:
2 Hinh thong, hinh thong can. ltiB hrm cac hlnh chii nh~t la ~p hqp con cua ta h , hinh
'fAP 'ff .P <.JpC4C ...
Trapezoid , Isosc eles trapezoid. •) · 1of rectangulars is a subset of
f t,e se · ..
3. Hinh b inh honh va coc don do .• . - . )'fAP hrm':'I'
cac hinh thoi la t~p hqp con cua tap
caC h'Ill h...
htnh thoi, hinh vu6ng). . g . c b1~t cua no (h1nh chu nh¢t. b · set of rhombi is a subset of
Pamllel<>g<am and its pecultor forms. c) Giao ciia t~p hqp cac hlnh chii nh~t va~P hqp cac hlnh thoi 111 ~P hqp cac hlnh ...
intersection of th e set of rectangulars and the set of rhombi is the set of ...
A. Cau hoi 1118
Hinh !hang
Questions Trapez0tds
I. bieu dinh nghia III giac .
Hinh binh hanh
State the definition of quadrilateral. Parallelograms
2. Phat bieu dinh nghia hlnh thang. hlnh th ang can.
L--~-+- Hinh thoi
State the definition of trapezoid , of isosceles trapezoid. Rhombt
3. bieu cac tinh cha:1 cua hlnh thang can.
State the properties of an isosceles trapezoid Hinh chll nh~t
4. bieu cac tinh cha:t cua duang tnmg blnh cua tam giac, duong trung blnh cua hinh thang.
Stale the properties of the m1dsegments of a triangle, of the midsegment of a trapezoid.
Hinh f"ixure /09
s. Phat bie u djnh nghia hlnh blnh hl\nh, hlnh chii' nh~t. hlnh thoi. hlnh vuOng.
Oto tu giac ABCD. Gqi E, F, G, H theo thu ti! 111 trung diem cua AB, BC, CD, DA. Cac dul'nlg
State the defin1tion of parallelogram , rectangular, rhombus, square.
I, cheo AC. BD cua tu giac ABCD c6 dieu ki¢n gl thl EFGH 111 : _
6. Phat biiu cac tfnh chlft cua hlnh blnh hanh, hlnh chii' nh~t. hlnh thoi. hlnh vuOng. Give quadrilateral ABCD. Label the midpoint of AB, BC, CD, DA with E, F. G, H respeclively. For what
State the properties of a parallelogram. of a rectangular. of a rhombus. of a square. conditions of diagonals AC, BO of ABCD does EFGH become.
7. a) Hinh chii' nh~t ? a rectangular?
N~u cac da'u hi¢u nh~ bie't hlnh blnh hanh, hlnh chii' nh~t. hlnh thoi, hlnh vu6ng.
Ra1Se the signs for 1dent1fy111g a parallelogram. a rectangular, a rhombus. a square. b) Hinh thoi ? a rhombus?
c) Hinh vu6ng ? a square? . •
8. The' nl\o la hai diem d6i xU'llg voi nhau qua m()t duong thang ? Tn_1c d6i xung cua hlnh thang
B. Oto tam giac ABC vu6ng t(li A, duong trung tuyl n AM. Gqi D ll\ trung diem cua AB. E ll\
can ll\ dum1g thang nao ?
What 1s the symmetry of two points with respect to a line? Whal is the axis of symmetry of an ditm d6i xU'llg vm M qua DA . ·th edian AM Label D for the m\dpoint of AB, E for the point
Isosceles trapezoid? Given triangle ABC nght at w1 m ·
symmetric to Mwith respect to D.
9. 1l1e' nao la hai diem d6i x1Ing voi nhau 4ua m()t diem ? Tam d6i xung cua hlnh blnh hanh la a) Oiung minh rang diem E d6i xung vm ditm M qua AB.
diem nao? Prove that E is symmetric to Mwith respect to AB.
What 1s tho symmetry of lwo points with respect to a point? What is the center of symmetry of a
b) Cac III giac AEMC. AEBM 111 hlnh gl ? Vl sao ?
p'lrallelogram? . Is AEMC · AEBM? Why?
What figures are quadnlatera
c) Oio BC = 4cm, tmh chu vi tu giac AEBM.
·meter of AEBM.
Given BC = 4 cm. Calculate the pen BM la hlnh vuOng ?
d·eu kitn gl thl AE
d) Tam giac vu6ng ABC cO 1 • AEBMbecome a square?
For what condition of right triangle ABC dOeS
11 0
Do. Tim lruc d6i xung va tam d6i xung cua :
a) H1nh 110 (sa ct6 m(>t san quAn vqt) ; JI_ OA GIAC. Dl~N TiCH DA GIAC
b) H1nh 111.
Try out. Find the axes of symmetry and the center of symmetry of: c~opter
a) Figure 110 (layout of a tennis court):
b) Figure 111 .

Ngu giac deu va ngu giac kh6ng deu

Regular pentagon and irregular pentagon

§1. Oa giac. Oa giac deu

1-/inh 1-·;~ure I IV Polygon. Regular polygon
Hinh Fi~11r, I I I
Tam giac, tu giac du9c g9i chung la gi?
What do we call a triangle or a quadrilateral g enerally ?

1 Khal nitm da glac ve

' The concept of polygon
MOi htnh 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 la mQt da giac.
Each figure 112, 113, 114, 115. 116, 117isapolygon. A

:cjv· E
~ B E

flinh Fig ure 11 2 flin/i f'ig11re 11 3 f/inh F if111re 11 4


G D.Qo
Hinh Fi11ure I I 5 Hinh Figure I 16 Hinh Fig ur~ 11 7

r, °"1t111 !SONG NOO} 113
Oa giac ABCDE (hi nh 114 hinh 117 , . {I deU Regular polygon
::~,~•b'' "~'[I"'"~O 0 .
lr~ng d6 b:(1 ki hai dl>l/-n lha:ig nao c6 ~!1 ~•it g~m na~ doi/Jl thang 0'
lhang. Cac diem A, B, C, D, E duac go.i la c~ cdi~:g
duqc g<_>i la cac C(lnh cua da giac d6: .
ct~ AB, BC, CD, DE E
khOngin.ling nam tren
• C C Ol/-n th g AB, BC, CD, DE, E!
ffi◊t du~·
b, c, d la nhii'ng vi dt_1 v~ da giac dfu.

Polygon ABCDE (figure 11 4 figure 117) is a fi . . f
in which no two line segme~ts with a

,gure cons1st1ng of five line segment AB BC CD DE

caIted vertices. line segment AB BC CD common vertex lies on the s
DE EA . ame rme. Points 'A. B.· c ·D E. El\
are called sides of the polygon. · , are
Tt;1i sao h!~h g6m nam dO(l11 th&ng AB, BC, CD DE EA . h' I 118
kh6ng pha, la da giac ? . . <1 ,n I
LJ B a
b) H1M
(tu giac d~u)
'"'°' ,) Ng• gi,k dfo d) L,c gi<c <I'•
\Nhy is the figure consisting of five line segments AB BC CD DE . ·101uol ,n annle
figure 11 8 not a polygon? • · , , EA 1n
c £qlll Sqwart
Rtgular p1n1agon Rrgular 111:,:agon
(rrgular qtwdnlattralJ
• Cac da giac a hi nh 115, 116, 117 duqc g9i la cac da giac 16i. Hinh Figure/ 20
Polygons in figure 115, 116, 11 7 are said lo be convex. illh ,.ghia Definition
A E D 0
D#nh nghia Definition Hinh Fig ure I 18 ;,a giaC diu la da gi~c co tai cd cac C(,lnh bdng nhau va tat ctk goe bdnf nhau.
A regular polygon is a Polygon with all sides equal and all angles equal.
Da,giac_loi la da giac luon ndm trong m(,t nua mat phdng co bit Id duung
chua bat kl c~nh nao cua da giac do. thd
· ng (fl HtiY vi cac tr~c d6'i ximg va tam d61 xling cua m6i hinh 120a, h, c, d (neu c6) .
A convex polygon is a polygon that always lies In one halfplane
• line containi ng any side of the polygon. whose edge Is P' DrsW the axes of symmetry and the center of symmetry of each figure 120a.
b, c, d (if any) .

m Tt;1i sao cac da giac a hinh I 12 , I 13 , I 14 kh6ng phdi la da giac 16i ?

Tell the reason why polygons in figure 112. 113, 11 4 are not convex ones.
► Chu j. Ti't nay , khi n6i den da giac ma k"6n g c/111 thich Ri them . ta hil u d6 la
da gitic 16i. Hay ve phac m¢t lt_1c ~iac 16i. __
Remarlr. From now on, when referring to a polygon without further notice,
be convex. we agreeably consider it to Hay neu each nh~n b1~1 m¢t da g1ac 16i.

m Quan sc1t da giac ABCDEG a hi11h I 19 r6i dib 1 vao ch6 tr6i1g tro11g cac ca11 sau
: l
Sketch a convex hexagon. Tell how to Identify a convex polygon .
Qlo vi dt_1 ve da giac k~Ong d~u trong m6i truong hqp sau :
) C6 tat ca cac c~nh bang nhau ;
Observe polygon ABC DEG in figure 119 then fill in the blanks of the following
sentences : ~) C6 tat ca
cac g6c bang nhau.
Give examples of irregular polygon in each case below

Consecut ive vertices are A and B, or B and C, or ...
, ~ •,Ra
8 a) Polygon with ail sides equal;
b) Polygon with ail angles e~uat.
Qlo h1nh thoi ABCD c6 A= 60° . G9i E, F, G, H Ian luQt la trung diem
c cua cac c~h AB, BC,
Cac c~nh la cac dot;1n tlu1ng : AB , BC , ... G P
CD, DA. Chung minh rang da giac EBFGDH la lt_1c giac deu.
Sides are fine segments AB, BC, ... Given rhombus ABCD with A=
60°. Label E, F, G, H respective ly for the midpoint of AB , BC, CD ,
Cac duiing cheo la cac dot;111 thd11g 1161 hai di11h kh611g E DA. Prove that polygon EBFGDH is a regular hexagon .
ke' nha11 : AC. CG . ... J-Ji11h Fi//,ure I / 9 Oien s6 thich hqp vao cac O tr6ng trong bang sau :
Diagonals - line segments connectin g two nonconsecutive vertices are Fill proper numbers in the blanks ofthe foll owing
. lbl
a e
AC, CG, ...
C(k g6c Iii : A. B . ...
Angles ore A. B. ... ,., . . ,
0;J €;J f!f::> Oagiac nc~h
n-sided polygon
Cac dil m ndm trong tla giac (cac ditm trong CIIQ da g,ac ) la M. N, ... S6 c~nh Number of sides 4
Points lying Inside the polygon (interior r:<;ints of t~e '!°lygon) ~re M'. N, S6 duang cheo xuat phat tu m¢t dinh
Cac diein ntim ngoai (fa gick (elk d1tm ngoa1 cua da g,ac ) la . Q . ... Number of diagonals starting from a vertex
Points lying outside the polygon (exterior points of the polygon) are 0
.... . . . S6 tam giac duc;,c t~o thanh
-~ d ' h ( > 3) ducrc goi la hi11h 11-11iac hay hi11h II q mh. V 61 n = 3. 4, 4
• Oa g iac c 6 n 111 n - y 5, 6, 8, ta Number of triangles formed
· ·
quen g9i l a tam giac. ti'r giac, ngii gi ac, 1,,c giac, ' •,
bat g1ac.
{ri 7 9 1
n = , • ,...
ta goi la hmh
. T6ng s6 do cac g6c cua da giac
7 <.:anh . htnh 9 ciµih , hlnh IO c~h. ... . 4 . 180°
d fl ure For n = 3 4 5 6 8 we call Sum of measure s of polygon's angles
Polygon with n vertices (n l!'. 3) are called n-ai;;::~~ ~~~; ~~:i~S:,eForgn
= ·1 . 9, 10,.. .' w~ ~ ti It 7•sided \ l =720° I
it triongte, quadrilateral , pentagon . hexagon. i. T" . . , • ·a deu luc giac deu, n -g1ac
dt u.
figure , 9-slded figure, 1O-slded figure .... mh so
do m6t g6c cua ngu gi c
Calculate the measure of each ang1e 't aregular pentagon. a regular hexagon. a regular n-angted

§2. Dl♦n tich hinh chu nhOt V'1 saO 10 n6i : difn rich ltinh WR{ip bon Ian difn rich l1inh 'ill?
bl we mean by "the area of D equals 4 times the area of C7
The a rea of a rectangul~r wrist ~anh diefn tich hinh 'il!vai diefn ticIr hinlr
c) So the area of C with the area of E.
<?Ong thuc tfnh dl$n tfch hinh chu nhqt la co s6 c,~ suy ra cong thuc r h . Pare , h ' h
t1ch cac do glac khac n dti;in
1 cofll 1 d◊ng ~
t~c'!n, ta rut ra a'. ~n xet sau : , .• , iac d6.
II~ u'a phan ml!,t phAng g16i han . b6i mot . da gi6c dttac
. goi . la dtf 11 ttch da g
The formula for calculating the area of rectangular is the base to infer th
o f other polygons e oreo •.,., 1. da giac c6 m()t di¢n tich xac d\nh. Di~n tfch da giac la m◊t s6· dumig.
, M6 he abOve activity,.we draw two remarks as follows: f the polygon.
from8 t sure of a portion of the plane bounded by a polygon ts called the area
Khal nl9m dl9n tich da giac Concept of the area of polygon , fh rne~ygon has a deter'.'1ined ~rea. The area of a polygon is a positive number.
c'l°"' Mp dm,; ta di hoe '6 do ,o,
m~ do,n <hi og (cOo g9i " dO dAi do,, <hi og) ,; Ml do o,,
, f:ach,~ da giac c6 cac tmh cha:t sau :
·en UC •
nh th' 6 · · h
g6c ; ch.\ng hiµt : do~n thang AB c6 d ai la 3cm, g6c AOB c6 s6 do la 45°, .... D• . . tam giac bang au c d1¢n tich bang nhau. . n thl di¢n tic
I) J-l~u da gia~ duc;1C ch_1a th~h nhfrng da giac khOng c6 diem trong chu g .
2 dii. quen vai khai ni¢m "di¢n tich'", chang hiµt n6i : SAn tnrang em c6 di¢n tich khoang
Ta cung 2) N 6 bang t6ng d1¢n llch cua nhttng da giac d6. . . tich thl dent v!
600m , vic'!n g"1ch vuOng Op ttrcmg C"1nh bang ldm c6 di¢n tich bang ldm2,. ... cua
3) Ntn ,U chon. hlnh vuOng c6 2 C"10h 2bang 21cm, ldm, 1m . .. .. !Am don Vl do di~n

Ho1a11 d¢ng tIJ dttai day giup ta hieu di¢n tich ciing la mqt s6· do va di¢n tfch c6 tinh cha'.t gl. d1·en uc
, h llt011g (mg la 1cm , ldm , Im , ....
· area of a polygon has the following
.,.,... . properties:
We have learned about the measure of a line segment (also called the length of a line segment) and .,,- triangles are equal then their areas are equal. . uals the sum
the measure
the measure equal
of an angle;
to 45°, for
... example: line segment AB with the length equal to 3 cm . angle AOB with 1) If two
8 lygon is subdivided into smaller polygons with no common point then its area eq
2) th
If ~eas of those polygons. rresponding unit
of e selected unit square has the side length equal 1 cm, 1 dm, 1 m, ... then e co
We are
2 also accustomed to the concept of area, e.g., when saying: my schoolyard has the area of J) If the 2
1d 2 1 2 th x•
600 m , the square wall tile with the length of side equal to 1 dm has the area of 1 dm

Activity [1}]

below help us understand that area is also a measure and what properties area has.
a is 1 cm ,
m · m · ...
~ : vuOng c6 c"1nh dai Om, I 00m c6 di~n tich tuong (mg la I a. I ha. Hlnh vu g
on c6 canh d .. i
c6 dic'!n tfch la I km . h~m tan
lkm t'ch da giac ABCDE thuong duqc k.f hi~u la SABCDE hol!,c S neu khOng sq b! n .k
· wi'th side length
2 10 m, 100 m has the corresponding area 1 a, 1 ha. Square with side length 1 m
the area 1 km . . I d
The area of polygon ABCDE is frequently written as SABCoe or S 1f not con use ·

, Cong th ....
,,,. tinh dl&n
Y tich hinh chu nhi'lt • . Formula for the area of a rectangular
• Ta thua nh~ djnh Ii sau : We accept the following theorem
Dien tich hinh chii nh~t bdng tich hai ktch thu6c cua n6 : ~ = a . b.
Th~ area of a rectangular equals the product of Its two dimens ions.
S=a . b.

Chang h"10, neu a= 3,2cm, b = 1,7cm th1 :

For example, if a = 3.2 cm , b = 1.7 cm then
S=a . b=3 ,2. l,7=5,44(cm ). •
Cong thll'c tinh di~n tich hlnh vuong, tam giac vuong
J-1/11/, Figure Ill

m • - ✓ ~ ~ tll, @"ve- trb

x;, cac /1111/, • "" -~ • •
t IUcll.. ke•6 vuong (h ·I 21) ' m6i 6 vuong la mqt.dun v/ di¢n tich.
(f ) with each square a unit of area. I
Formula for the area of a square, right triangle

, _
Considerfigures A.
B C D E drawn on graph paper . 121
· · •.• d ·.r. . _, , d ' ' •• vuong, dief11 ticlt hi11h u0cung
=- la Tit cong th1tc ti11h di¢n tich h,nh chu nha. t 1,ay
• suy ra c6ng tlu<c rinh di¢n rich h/11/i vu611x, tam

a ) Kil m co
tra .rem phm ' ':'" 1ll, ·h 1, 111 1, u¥- 1, , ten
. 11 <1196 giac
the f; rmu/a for the area of a rectangular, draw the fonnula for the area of a square. of a right
dien rid, 9 6 vu()11g hay klt()11g . al
triangle. , h ri~ng cua h1nh chfr nh~t.
T~ n6i ; di~n lfch hlnh .J4 bAn~ di~n tfch ~~~ qua~s. if the area of Bis also the area of 9 squares?
Gui y. - Hinh vuOng la m◊t trucrng <!I' _
cl< to see if the area of A is the area o . - Tam giac vuOng IA nua h1nh chu nh~t.
say that the area o f A equals the area of B.
a) eChe
W Hint. • rectangular -
• A square is e pecu1iar
• A right triangle Is half a rectangular.

I 16 117
e area of a squa
..;..-~ ~;,;~~;;-;;;,;~~~
Thn Itch hinh vu6ng l"""ll binh ph ~-------
urrng ct;111h ciia 116 •
S = ..,,_ re equals the square of Its side . □ . TAP
LUYl:N '
PRACTICE A~_ .:_•_ _ Ec..-1 D
Dien tich t . a eCD la m¢t hlnh vu6ng canh 12 7
Th ·
am g1ac vuo b;. •
ng ung nua tich h · · ···a···• A . _ · cm. AE = xcm (h. 123).
e a r ea of a r ight tr/an le a, C(lnh goc vuong : ~
S = i a .b . g equals half the product of Its two legs b j~ , _h "
sao cho d1¢n heh tam giac AB.

iJ1h vuMg ABCD. _


E bang - dien tich
· 12
11 _ en ABCD a square with sides equal t0

ID B_a tinh char c 1la dien tich da ·a. d- a--·-- -

(f. 123
). calculate x so that the area of tri
12 cm and AE = x cm
angle ABE equals _ B C
ttnh di¢n rich ram gi&c vuong? g1 c a dut1c v~n d~mg nhu the' niw khi chun n .
11,e ar~~ M~. - 3 /linh Figure /23
Tell h o w the three properties of th g 1111!, c6nl/ thuc rnOt tam g1ac vuOng. Hay so , h . ·
area of a square. e area of a polygon have been used t tf• ChO vuong vai di¢n tfch hlnh vu(ln s~n t6ng di¢n tfch cua hai hinh vuOng dl!Og tren ha1 qnh
o prove the formuf ,
a •Or the g6C_ , Su dung dinh If Py-ta-g g l_lllg tren c"nh huyen.
GdlY· · . · o.
·ven a right triangle . Compare the sum of .
Gi area of the square constructed on . h th e areas of the rectangulars constructed on its legs w,th
BAI TAP 1118 p h I15
Hifll. Use the _ yt agorean_theorem. ·
EXERCISES oit hai tam g1ac vu6ng bang nhau lir m(I1 ~ , • ,
6. II• t twO equal right triangles off a card · m bia. Hay_ghep hai tam gi4c d6 de ll;IO thanh :
Di¢n lich h1nh chfr nh~I lhay d6i nhu lhe" nao n€u . cu ., . board. Join the two triangles to form·
How do es the area of a rectangular change if: . a) M◊t t~ g1a~ can ; An isosceles triangle; ·
b) M◊t hmh chu nh~t ; A rectangular:
a) Chieu dai iang 2 IAn, chifo rl)ng khc'.ing d6i ? c) M◊t hlnh blnh hanh.
The.length is increased by 2 times and the w idth keeps unchanged? Di¢n tfch cua cac hlnh nay c6 bAng nhau khon ? Vl ?
A parallelogram. g · sao .
b) Chieu dai va chieu rl)ng tang 3 tan ?
Are the areas of these figures equal? Why?
T he length and the width are inc reased by 3 times?
tJ. Tfnh di¢n t[ch cac hlnh duai day (h. 124) (m6i o vu6ng la m6t don vi dien 1kh).
c) Chieu dai tang 4 llin. chieu rl)ng giam 4 IAn? Calculate th e area of each of th e following figures (f . 124) (Each square is ·an unit of area)

T he le ngth is increased by 4 times and the w idth is decreased by 4 times?

7. Ml)t gian phong c6 nen h1nh chii nh~t vm kich Ihuac la 4,2m va 5,4m, c6 m(il cua s6 hlnh chfr
nh~t kfch lhuac la Im va I.6m va ml)t cua ra vao hlnh chii nh~t kich thucrc I ,2m va 2m.
Ta coi m◊t gian phong d"1I muc chuAn ve anh sang ne'u di¢n Iich cac cira bAng 20% dien lich
nen nha. Hoi gian phong tn~n c6 d~t muc chuAn ve anh sang hay kh6ng ? .
Hinh Figure 124
A room whos e floor is a rec ta ngular w ith dimensions 4 .2 m and 5 .4 m has a rectangular window with
dim e n sions 1 m a nd 1.6m and a rectangular door with dimensions 1 .2 m and 2 m . U. Cho hlnh 125, trong d6 ABCD la hlnh chfr nhllt, Ela mot ditm b~1
A room is considered to mee t light sta ndard if the area of its doors and windows equals 20% the area
kl nAm tren ducmg cheo AC, FG If AD vii HK AB. . ti
o f its floor . D oes the a bove room meet light standard?
Chung minh rAng hai hlnh chii nh~t EFBK va EGDH c6 cung
di¢n t[ch.
Do canh (don vi mm) r6i Iinh di¢n tich lam giac vuCmg duai day (h. 122): Given figure 125 , in which ABCD is a rectangular, E is any point on D G C
8. diagonal AC , FG // AD and HK // AB . Hinh Fip,ure 125
M e a s ~re the sid~s of the following tria ngle (f. 122) and calculate its area:
Prove that two rectangulars EFBK and EGDH have the same area.
14. M()t dam M1 hlnh chii nh~t dai 700m, r(ing 400m. Hay tinh di¢n tich dam d4"t d6 theo dan vi
2 2
m , km , a, ha.
A rectangular piece of land has the length equal to 700 m, the width equal 400 m. Calculate its area in
term of m2 , km 2 , a, ha .
15. Do. Ve hlnh chii nhat ABCD c6 AB= 5cm, BC= 3cm.
Trv nut flr::>w rP<'IAn~ular ABCD with AB =5 cm , BC =3 cm.
b ) Ha y ve htn h vuO g MP die m H nam
ng c6 ch u vi bilng
chu vi hln h ch u nh~ giira hai diem B w C
(hlnh 126b). Kh i d6
. BC dUQC ch ia
nh u v~y ? So s~n h b} ~

du~_n tic h h1nh, ch u t ABCD. Ve duqc mlf - tafll gia c vuOng BH tarn gia c A
sao tro ng cac hm h ch nh~t voi. di~n tich h1n
h vuong c6 cun g chu
y hlnh 7111"
~ '- ~ een Ba nd C (figure
A v11 CHA, rn11
u nh~t c6 cun g chu vi vua :eu<>n~ 126b). Then ABC is sub A nd CHA,
Draw a squ are with vi thl h1nh vuOng c6 ti IS t,el-H divided into two righ t
di~n tich Ian nM t?
C om perimeter equal to the
pare the are a of the perimeter of ABCD . · 1 ~1 ~e re
trie ng
rec tan gul ar and the area of the square
How many squares can 1 1
drawn . Why do es the of the ::-
square have the largest
area among the rectan same perimeter that you~
gulars of the same perime h
~ . · SBIi~ 2BH .A H. SCIIA =- HC .A H
ter'?ave JUSl

§3. Dl ♦n tich ta m ~~y So I

gl ac S ::- (B H+ HC ).A H=I
The area of a trian - BC .AH.
gle ~ 2
Ch un g mi nh co ng 'f(\IC1llg MP die m H , 2
thu c tin h di~ n tic h nam ngolli do.µ1 tM . ·- ha i die m B
Ho w to pr ov e the tam gia c nh u the c) blob 126c.
ng BC . Gi a su die m C na
m g,u a va H
na o ?
for mu la for ca lcu
lat ing the are a of
a tria ngle ? (lllll ioh tU ch un g mi
nh .
Djnh Ii Th eo re m !{QC s •ct~ line segme
nt BC , supposedly bet
.15 outSI ween B and H as shown oof for this
11 . \ell to students. in figure 12 6c. To e pr
Di~ n tich tam giac case ,s
bdng nua tich cua mq _ cdt mtJt tam giac tha
{m g vo i c(lnh 46 t qm h voi chiiu cao nh ba mdnh dl ghep li;zi
: thilnh m¢t hinh chil nh4
ft /laY f.
cuta tnangle into 3 parts and join them to form a rectangul
Th e area of a tri ,
an gle equa ls ha lf the produ ar
the altitu de to tha ct of a side and
t side .•, }(em hln h 127
· lrsee figure 127
S =- a. h.
Hint. h
- \
'- -- a- ~_ 2
2 a
GT M BC c6 di~ n tic h la Hinh Figurt 127
Given AH .l BC
M BC with are a S BAIT~
KL Giai thich vi sao di~
S = ..!..BC.AH n tic h cu~ tam giac
duqc tO d~ trong cac lnh 12 8 12 9 130 biulg
Prov e 2 I~ dit tich hln h chi t h nir a
nh~t tuc rng • '
.n . h ung :
Explall'l w y the are a of the shadowed triangle in figu
Chung mi nh Pr oo corresponding rectangul re 128 , 129 , 130 equ I h If the are a of the
f ar: as a
C6 ba trucmg hq p xa y ra
(h. 126a. b, c).
Th ere ma y be thr ee
ca ses (!. 126 a , b . c)

B= H
Lit a

Hinh Figure 128

CllO tam gia c AOB vuO
Hinh Figure 129
Hinh Fi gure l 30

C CH ng tlµ 0 vai dubng cao
OM (h. 131 ). Ha y
giai thich v1 sao ta c6
h) c) dan g lhu c: . de OM
a/ Given triangle ABC righ (f 131) . Explain why we
Hinlr Fig 11rr l 26 t al O w,lh 81
have the equality: ·
• , i d6 0
) Trucmg hq p d ,cm H tri mg va i B ho~c C (ch an g h·-1-n H 1rung vai B nh11 hm h 126a). Kh
AB . OM == OA .0B . Hinh Figure 131
atam gia c AB C vuOng .
tiµ B, thc o _§ 2_. la c6_.h.

H coi ncide s with B
or C (e .g.
H c01 nc1des w,t
s hown in figure 126a).
Then ABC is right at
B, by
ll Cno tam gia c ABC
va duoog trUng tuy~n AM (h. 132). aiu,ng
§2 we hav e : minh · S · == S AMC
· AMB •
Giv en triangle ABC and . f ). Prove that SMMI = S_,
S == -1 BC .AH . median /IM l · 132 .
2 B M C
Hinh Figu re 132
120 ,,.. • 1 ISONG NGIJ
I 121
\ll ra •
. point out
~e.Y ~t dit!1l 1 sao cho SP\F = SP,..F
1) ?,( I such that s.,F = s.M ;
19. PRACTICE point
a) Xem hln h 133 . Hay chi
ra cac tam giac c6 cim dien o
QI ..,e... sao cho SroF =2.SP •

f- t '-b t tt ,._ - - bl tA o such that Si>oF = 2.SpAF "F ,

Loo k at figure 133 . Show tich .
triangles that have the sa~ e . .
. ( (la:yidO vuOng lam don V\ d1~n point ;
lich) :
area cons er squares as area 1
._.... N sao cho SPNF =-S
units): tJOI dI<-"· P •
' t/t1L Lr _l . . c) . 2 ...F

, I L it -21--- --
-3 ~I- - - -
rs" -1----
. t N such that Si>NF = -2SPAF

giac ABC- Hay chi ra m()t


s6 vi tri cua diem M nam tron

r,;;; f -

r'~ =;~--'-~=.-. -.....=.1-. --- -i--i7t__ t-_-1-+--"-4--\--\--\-i----1kc-,J-~i'"J1-.J1--1--l

-=~ .:_l lm
i\ "1~ 0 ngle ABC . ~ow som e positions of g tam giac d6 sao cho :
point M inside the triangle such
GI S + SsMC - SM,..c· that :

~ , d·en dch cua mQt tam

7 5
7 ---
6 --
_f- i -- ~ giac can c6 c;µm day bi\n g
., 'fui\l \ 0 the area of an isoscele a va can h hen bi°lng b .
- .... -.; __ ,... ~ caicula •
s triangle whose base equals a a·nd leg equ
di~n t{ch cua A d' als b.
L ~ H- t-f ;;p ~H.....J...+-\-8Q.j..:~'l-4
-1 , '['1)111
my t tam g1"c
eu c6 c;µm bang a.
J..._ l__L _j_L ._1_ te the area of an equilateral
.L.. .Ll_ L.L L~L
Hi11h F1 }lt1re 133
_L_ j~ > caicula triangle with side a.
b) Hai tam gia c c6 di~ n
tich ban g nha u th'i c6 ban
g nha u hay khO ng?
Do two triangles with the sam
e area congruent?
§4. Di,n tich hlnh thong
20. Ve hl nh c hir nh~t c6 mQt c~ The area of a trapezoid
h ban g mQt qn h cua mQt
di~ n tich cua tam gia c d6. tam giac cho trucrc va c6 di~n
Tu d6 suy ra mQt eac h chu ng lich bi\ng lU cong thUC tinh dl~n tich
tam gia c. min h khac ve cOn g thuc tinh tam glac. c6 tinh dUQC dl~
di~n tich n tlch hinh tho ng hay k~O
Draw a rect ang ular with con we cal cul ate the are ng ?
a s ide equal to a side of a of a trapezoid relying on
a given triangle , area equal of a tria ngl e? the form ula for c alc ula ting th
triangle . Rely ing on this , infe to the area of the 0100 e
r ano ther proof of the formula
for the area of a triangle .
cbng thl'.tc tinh dltn tich hln
E h thang
21. Tin h x sao c ho di~n tich The formula for the area of
h1nh chii' nh~t AB CD gap a trapezoid
ba Jan di¢n
tich tam gia c AD E (h . 134
Find x so that the are a of
AD E (f. 134 ),
rectang ular ABCD is triple
the area of triangle
D I Hiiy chia hinh than g ABCD
thanh hai tam giac r6i tinh di?n
tfch hinh than g theo hai day
duimgcao(h . /36 ). va
22. Tam gia c PA F duq c ve
Tria ngle PAF is draw n on
tren giay kc 6 vu6 ng (h.
gra ph pap er (f. 135).

B 5cm C
Gel-:::~ -• - ~
H/11/, Figure 134 SAoco= ···
Subdivide trapezoid ABCD
into two triangles then calculate
area of the trapezoid in terms the
of two bases and altitude (f.
Hint. S.oc Hinh F1~ 11re 136

Dif n tich hinh thang biing nua
tich cua t6ng hai day v6i chiJu cao :
S= -(a +b ).h
The area of a trapezoid equ If
als ha th e product of the altitude and
the sum of two bases :
Hinh Fi,qw-r I 35 S 1
(a + b),h

ae,.toAN a,1
122 (SONG NO(J'\

F 2.
Co ng thuc tlnh dlt n tlch hln
h blnh hanh b1nh han h c 6 Cl!,nh ban
· ·
g a mu6n c6 <lien tich ban g -\
The for mu la for the area triitl1 ..

m~:::i:: ::: ab thl ch1e , vcri clµUl a

of a parallelogram . u cao (mg
b) I 2
. g-
.. i,All 2 b. M¢ t tron g nhu ng hlnh blnh hanh nhu tilt duo c ve
:!: 80 ~:uc: ~::: t ~n tich hinh than ~ . a hlnh 139 a. Tucmg tll· ' mot.
Goi j. H1nh blnh ha~ 1~ hl og g dl tinh difn tich hinh binh hanh r
h ram re/y, . -hon g hlnh blnh han h c6 Cl!-fi . ,
ng o~ the '°':"1 ll°°g1u• h bang b va c6 chi~u cao tu<1ng .
· " n than g c6 ha, day ban gu/a for the area of a trapezoid . ung ban g -I a (c6 dien
Hint. A para lle logra m is a
trapezoi d with two base s equa l. nha u. 2
1 b) dllQC ve ahlnh 139b.
Di~n tich hin h binh han h
bdn g tich cria m6t canh vo'i
~g 2a
ting voi C(!.nh do : h'£
. . c '"" cao
S= a.h
The are a of a paralle log
the alti tud e to tha t side ram equals the product of
a side a d
S = a.h

Vi d\J Exa mp le
Cho hlnh chii nh!).t vcri hai kich
Give n a rect ang ula r with two
a) Hay ve m¢t tam giac c6
thuo c a, b (h. 137).
dimensi ons a ,b (f. 137 ).
m¢t c;µm ban g Cl!,nh cua hlnh
D b = 2cm a)

va c6 di¢n tich ban g di¢n tich chu nha t
cua hlnh chu nh!).t d6. H111h Fig ure 139
Draw a trian gle with a side equ . a= 3cm
equ al to the are a of the rectangu lo a side of the rectangular and area ... area of a parallelogram with
lar. for u,e side a lo be equal to ~ ab, its altitu 1
Hinh Figurt 137 2 de to a must be b . One of
b) Hay ve m¢t hln h bln h han
h c6 m¢t c;µih ban g m¢t cl!,n parallelograms is drawn .in figur
e 139a . Similarly, one of para
ban g niia di¢n tich cua hlnh
chii nh!).t d6.
h cua hlnh chu nh!).t va c6 di(}n
1 llelograms w·tn
1 si·de b and
ding altitude 1
Dra w a para llelo gram with a corres pon equ al to - a (for the area to be - a.b) is draw
the rectang ula r. s ide equ al to a side of the rectangu lar and area equal to half 2 2 n in figure 139 b.
the area of
Gicii. Solution
a) Tam giac c6 Cl!Jlh ban g
a mu6 n c6 di¢n tich ban g a.b
2b. M¢ t tron g nhii ng tam thl chie u cao ung vm cl!,nh a phai
giac nhu th~ dUQC ve a hlnh bang
138a. Tu<1ng t\f, m¢t trong nhu
giac c6 clµlh bin g b va chie ng tam
u cao tu<1ng ung ban g 2a (c6
di(}n tich ban g½b.2a =ab) duQC
ve o BAIT~
hln h 138 b. 23m

1 Tinh dien tich man h <1:rt hlnh thang ABED theo cac d() dai
cho tre~ hlnh l 40 va biet di~n da
tich hlnh chii nh~t ABCD la
m~ .
Calculate the area of trapezoidal .
piece of land ABCO with mea: ures
b shown in figu re 140 . give n the area
b of rectangular ABC D 828 m .

a) b) Hinh Fi11ure 140
Hinh 1-i ~1 ,r1' JJB
For the area of a triangle with . e e . ual to a .b, its altitu de to
a mus t be 2b. One of
trian gles ls draw n in figure s ide _a to b \ of triangles
with side b and corresponding such n. Vl sao hlnh chu nhi t ABCD v~ hlnh blnh hanh ABEF (h. \ 4 \) ll!,i c6 cim g di¢n tich ? Suy ra
138 a. S1m1la rly. on altitude . , h 6i tit hlnh blnh
each ve m()t hln h chu nh~t c6
cung di~: : ~ EF 7'_
hlmh cho
e qua l to 2a (for the a rea to be 1 b 2 a _ ab ) is drawn in figure 138b . Why do rectangular ABCD and ·141) have \he sam e area? Deri
2· - parallelog
a rectangul ar equ al in area to a •ven parallelogram .
ve how to draw

-r~A B

flinh F(qur~ 14/

§5. Difn tich hinh thol
The area of a rhombus
Ttnh dl~n tich hinh tho! theo hal duong cheo nhu th6 nao ?
How can we calculate the area of a rhombus In terms of Its two diagonals.
Xem hlnh 142 (IG // FU). Hay dQC ten m¢t s6 hlnh c6 cung di¢n tich vm hlnh blnh hanh
each tlnh dlfn tich cua m9t t(t giac c6 hai d11csng cheo vuong g~c
1, calculating the area of a quadrilateral with two perpendicular diagonals
Consider figure 142 (IG // FU). Name some figures that have the same area with parallelogram FIGE.
fill HiiY 1inh dirn tich t1i giac ABCD rheo AC, BD, biei AC .1 BD tr,ii H (h. I 45 ).

pl calculate the area or quadnlateral ABCO In tenns or AC and BO , given AC .L BO at H (f. 145)


Hint. SABC =
SAoc =
llinh Fi.~11re 142 SAeco = ...
Khi n6i trung di~m cua hai day hlnh thang, t~i sao ta dll(Jc hai hlnh thang c6 di¢n tfch bang
nhau ? D
Cong thUC tlnh dl♦n tlch hlnh thol
Explain why we can got two trapezoids of the same area when connecting the midpoints of the two
2, fli11h Fi1<ure /45
bases or a trapezoid formula for the area of a rhombus
Tren hlnh 143 ta c6 hlnh thang ABCD v(ri duong trung blnh IJ Hay viei c611g th1ic li11h di¢11 rich hinh 1/wi t/1eo hai duang cheo.
EF va hlnh chil nh~t GHIK. Hay so sanh di¢n tkh hai hlnh
nAy. ti:r d6 suy r.i m¢t each chung minh k.htic v~ cOng lhuc
di¢n t!ch hlnh thang.
JC~=sJ~ Write the formula for the area of II rhombus In terms of its two diagon11ls.
G(!i j. H1nh thoi c6 hai duang cheo vu<mg g6c.
In figure 143 Is IIapezold ABCO with mldsegment EF and oZ1:---=L I C
Hint. Two diagonals or a rhombus are perpendicular.

rectangular GHIK. Compare the areas or these two figures then
denvo another proof or the area of a trapezoid . t/lnh Fi1111rr 143 Di~n tlch hlnh thoi bdng nlia t(ch hai duting chto : S = d1.d 2 •i $d2
Xem hlnh 144. Hay chi ra clic hlnh c6 d'lng di¢n tfch (14'y o vuOng lam dan vi di¢n tich).
The area of a rhombus equal half the product of Its two • d1 •
In figure 144. identify figures or the same area (consider squares as area units).
diagonals : S =
2d,.d2 •
II flay ri11h di¢n tic/1 hi11h rhoi M11g each khac.Ca/culete the area of a rh ombus m another way.
G{li j . H1nh thoi ciing la hlnh blnh hanh. Hint. A rhombus is also a parallelogram.

3. VI dy Example
Trong m¢t won hlnh thang coo ABCD (day nho A E B

AB = 30m, d<y 16n CD =
l<lm, d~• t<,h blo>g ~
800m\ ngum ta lam m¢t b6n hoa hlnh tu giac M _, , ,c<:.-~ , __ N
// /11/r f,~,,,, J.J.J MENG v(ri M, E. N. G la trung diem cac qnh cua . .. . • q , .C • '

hlnh thang can (h. 146). · - · ,,: ·· "

1, '" "''"'''" u,poro"" """" ABCD (M• ~••

base AB = 30 m, large base CD = 50 m, area equal to G C
800 m 2) , a
parterre is to be built in the shape of f/l11h Fil!ure /46
quadrilateral MENG with M. E, N. G is the midpoints or
lho sides of the isosceles trapezoid. (f. 146)
a) Ttr giac MENG la hlnh gl ? What figure is quadnlaterat MENG?
b) Tinh di¢n tich cua b6n hoa. Calculate the area of the parterre.

126 127
Gidi. (h 147 ) • 60°
Solution. (f.147 ) ca.nh d' 1·
tich hlnh thoi c6
fiJlb d.1en

· . " 6cm va mQt trong cac g6c cua n6 c6 s6 do ha .
.t ... area of a rhombus Whose side 60 0
a) Ta c6 ME // BO va ME = I A E
Y rind " ,e equals 6 cm and one of its angles measures ·
_ ~ h ? Vi sao ?
hlnh thoi va mot· hlnh vuOng c6 cung chu vi. Hoi hlnh nao c6 dien uch
(l10 !Tl·01 luu cm ·
GN=½Bo. • M
2 B 0 , G N / / BHO vGa D ~ ' .t a rt,ombus and a square with th · 7 Why?
r Gi~en 8 same perimeter. Which figure has larger area ·

Suy ra ME// GN va ME - G I
Va M
- N= -BO
2 . §6. Dl♦n tich da glac
. y ENG la hlnh blnh ha nh . C The area of a polygon
I uung ti,, la c6 EN// MG va EN - I Hi11h Figure/47
-MG= -AC Lam th~ nao d~ tlnh dv9c dl~n tlch cua mc>t do glac b6t kl ?
M~t khac ta c6 BO = AC . 2 .
MENG la hlnh thoi. (hai duong cheo cua hlnh !hang an) How to c alculate the area of any polygon?
c ,suyraME=G N=EN-MG
- , tud6
We have ME // BO
and ME = B 1 fa c6 the chia da giac thanh cac tam giac (h. 148a) hoAc tao ra m◊l tam giac nao d6 c6 c~ua
2 0,GN // BO and 1
da giac (h. 148b), do d~ vi¢c tfnh di¢n tich cua m◊t d~ giAc Mt Id thulmg duqc quy ve Vl~
ME =GN = 2_ BO So GN = 2 8D. Therefore, ME // GN and
2 . MENG Is a parallelogram. tiJlh di¢n tfch cac tam g1ac.
we can subdivide th e polygon into triangles (f. 148a) or create a triangle containing th e polygon
Similarly, we have EN// MG (f. 148b), therefore calculating the area of any polygon can be reduced to calculating the areas of
. and EN = MG = 2_ AC 0
diagonals of a isosceles !rape oid) 2 . n the other hand, we have BD = AC (two
b) MN la duan z , , therefore ME= GN = EN -
MN I th . g !rung blnh cua hlnh !hang e - MG, so MENG is a rhombus.
s e midsegment of the trapezoid so , n n
MN== AB+CO - 30+50 ,
2 - ~ = 4 0 (m).
EG la duong cao cua hlnh th
EG is the altitude of the trapez:C:~::!~ ~ -E? = 800, suy ra 8) b)
800 · G - 800, hence
Hinh Figure/48
= =
EG 4() 20 (m).
Trong m◊t s6 truong hqp, d~ vi¢c tfnh toan thuAn loi ta c6 the
Di¢n tfch b6n hoa hlnh thoi la . .!. MN · EG -_ I 40 20 400 2 chia da giac thanh nhieu tam giac vuOng va hilili !hang vuOng
· 2 2 · = (m ).
(h. 149).
The area or the parterre is iMN . EG = i40.20 =400 (m>) In some cases, for convenience in calculating, we subdivide the Hinh Figure 149
polygon into right triangles and right trapezoids (f. 149).

BAI TN> Vi di,. hi¢n cac phep ve va do dn thi~t de tfnh di¢n tich hinh ABCDEGHI tren
hlnh 150.
EXERCISES Example. Calculate the area of polygon ABCDEGHI in figure 150 , drawing figu res and measuring if
32. a) Ha~ ve m()t Ill' giac c6 dQ dai hai duang cheo la : 3,6cm, 6cm va hai duong choo d6 vuOng necessary.
g6c vm nhau. ~ tM ve duqc bao nhieu t11 giac nhu v~y ? Hay tfnh di¢n tfch m6i tu giac vua ve. A B
Draw a .quadnlateral with the lengths o~ the two diagonals equal to 3.6 cm, 6 cm and they are /
perpe~1cular. How many quadnlaterals hke that can we draw? Calculate the area of each of those J
quadnlaterals? I/
b) Hay tfnh d.i¢n tfch hlnh vuOng c6 d◊ dai duong cheo lad. I/ C
Calculate the area of a square with the length of the diagonal equal to d. /
33. Ve hlnh chu nh$1 c6 m()t Cl!,nh bAng duong cheo cua m()I hlnh thoi cho tntCIC va c6 dien tich ,J

bAng di¢n tfch cua hlnh thoi d6. Tir d6 suy ra each tfnh di¢n tfch hlnh thoi. ·
Draw a rectangular with a side equal to the diagonal of a given rhombus and area equal to that of the
rhombus. Derive how to calculate the area of a rhombus.

Vl '\.. E
34. Cho m()t hlnh chu nh~t. Ve 111 giac c6 cac dinh la trung diem cac cl/-flh cua hinh chu nh~t. '\ 1/!'.'.
sao 111 giac nay la m()t hlnh thoi ? So sanh di¢n tfch hlnh thoi va di¢n tfch hlnh chu nh~t. tu d6 I'.
suy ra ciich tfnh di¢n tfch hlnh thoi. . . . I'. I/
Given a rectangular. Draw the quadrilateral whose vertices are the midpoints of the rectangular. I'\. !/
Explain why this quadrilateral is a rhombus. Compare the area of the rhombus with the area of the H G

rectangular then derive how to calculate the area of a rhombus. Hinh Figure /50

Gidi . Ta chia hlnh ABCDEGHI thanh
ba hlnh : Hlnh !hang VUOng DEGC,
. tich .
hitn cac phep ve vl do c4n lhie't dC tfnh dien
'J11i;IC .
mot dam I

ve vai ti le - - ·
A \/ s
hlnh chu nh~t ABGH va tam giac AlH. A B fl· dang nhu hlnh 154, trong d6 AB II CE va duoc · · 5000
c6 .
Mu6n the' phai ve them cac d~n thing - I I ,---,-.~ necessary drawings and measurings 10 calculate
the area of a E~
CG, AH (h. 151). I - /-._ 1 I I ,--,
in figure 154 . in which A B // CE and the D
-11, shown
- .• ' I I_ ' I erfo of land
piece with the shape
_ I I I
1 Hinh Figure J54
Solution. Subdivide ABCDEGHI into three

figure s : tight trapezoid DEGC , rectangular

V- I - J I C I
scale factor is 5000 .
ABGH and triangle AIH . To do so, draw
L. D I -, - r --, --~ -,
additional line segments CG, AH (f. 151 ).
r~ - ' -, - - f'inh di¢n tich thi,rc cua m()t h6 nuoc c6 so , I _j_ J_J
™tinh di¢n tfch cacDE,hlnhCG,tren,AB, AH
do sauta
{_ '- d6 la phAn g~h SQC tren hlnh 155 (c~ Nn; l m ; :&- 1 -: I ~ \ 1
va )
d~ lhang : CD, . m6i o vuong la 1cm, ti le• _!__ ~¼e:Wdf,~Y,M'~ --1 --t- --t- -1
duong cao lK ciia tam giac AIH. Ke't qua
1-.::- K I ' .
ua 10()()() • Ir---,/~W,
I · 1- ,-- , -
nhus au : ,

calculate the field area ?f a_lake whose


To calculate the areas of the above figures , D L shape is the dashed port10r1 in ftgure 155
we measure the lengths of six line
segments: CD , DE . CG, AB . AH and the
~ - - L
(the side of each square 1s 1 cm . the scale
~ H G
I 1
altitude IK of triangle AIH . The results are Q IL I factor is 10 000 ).
Hinh Figure /5/
as follows = 7cm, [K = 3cm.
CD:: 2cm, DE= 3cm, CG= 5cm, AB =3cm, AH
Ta c6 : We have:
3+5 2
SDEOc:: - .2 = 8 (cm )
SADCJH :: 3. 7:: 21 (cm 2 ) Hinh Figure I 55

S AIH:: -I . 3.7:: 10,5 (cm 2) •

S ~
Al!CDEGHI = S DEGC +S.-H +SAI H=39,5(cm ).

A. CAu hoi Question

BAI TAP hoi sau:
t. Xem cac hlnh 156, 157, 158 va Ira lai cac cau
EXERCISES sao hlnh nain c~ GHIK L (h. 156) khOng phai la da giac 16i?
a) Vl
xac de'n mm) de tinh di~n tich hlnh ABCD
E phai la da giac 16i?
Thl!c hi¢n cac phep do can thie't (chfnh b) Vl sao hinh nain c~ MNOPQ (h. 157) khOng
da giac 16i?
(h. 152). c) Vl sao hlnh sau c~ RSI'VXY (h. 158) la m¢t
to calculate the area of figure ABCDE (f. 152).
Perform necessary measurings (accurate to mm) Hay phat bieu djnh nghia da giac 16i.

,~. tr :Ov
dii ki¢n duqc cho tren hlnh 153. Hay tinh
38. M◊I con duong m◊I dam da't hlnh chii nh~t vm cac phan con 1-!-i cua dam dai.
BG) va di¢n lich
di¢n tich phlin con duong EBGF (EF //
gular piece of land with data given in figure 153. Calculate the area of road
A road intersects a rectan of land.
the area of the rest of the piece
segm ent EBGF (EF // BG) and
B 1~m

Hinh Fii:ure 156 Hinh Figurt 157 Hinh Figu re I 5X

ng questions.
A( 'p □' ,!? )C Look at figures 156, 157. 158 and answer the followi
120m not a convex polygon.
a) Why is five-sided figure GHIKL (f. 156)
convex polygon.
b) Why is five-sided figure MNOPQ (I. 157) not a
t::::::::::::~.:1 -~;;;;-:;;; c) Why is six-sided figure RSTVXY (f. 158) a convex
D State the definition of a convex polygo n.
11/nh Figure I 52
2. Dien vao ho Dco_ _ _ _ __,c
c trO'ng trong cac A CJ!O
hinh vu6ng ABCD c6 •
tllm d6i xung O, Canh a.
a) Bie'r rang !Ong 6 d
VA ,
C u sau :
s o cac g6c cu
•,c,t g6c vuOng X?Y c6 Ila Ox cat c~ AB tai .E .
I"'· ciit cl!-fih BC ti,u F (h. 161). · 'lla
. y t6~g sO' do cac g6c cua a .mQr da giac n Canh la - -
b) Da g1ac deu la da giac c6 ~.:.~ da g1ac 7 Canh la ······· A1 + A2+ ... +A.= (n - 2).180". ~~ di¢n tfch tU' giac OEBF.
, en square ABCD with center of symmetry O a d ·ct y
c) Bit t rang s6 do mo· 6c , G1"
. n s1 ea.
ox of a nght angle xOy cuts AB at E, ray Oy of xOy A E
S6d o· , ig cuamQtdagiacdeuncanhla (n-2).180" cuts BC at F. X
, o m ~ g6c cua ngu giac deu la n , v~y :
S6 do m61 g6c cua lu -~ ·· ····· calculate the area of quadrilateral OEBF. Hinh Figure / 6 /
F"II i c gi«c. deu la ........
I n the blanks of th . f II
. . e o owrng sentences·
a) II 1s given that the sum of th .
the sum of the a I e angles of a n-sided ol . - - -
Gqi O la diem nam ~ong hlnh blnh hanh ABCD. Chll'ng minh rang tOng di¢n tich cua hai tam
b) A regular poly~~ e~ of a 7-sided polygon is.... P ygon is A , + A2 + .. . + A, =(n - 2).180" . So ti- giac ABO va COO bang t6ng di¢n tfch cua hai tam giac BCO va DAO.
n is a polygon that has .... Lei O be a point in the interior of parallelogram ABCD . Prove that the sum of the areas of two triangles
c) II Is given that the mea ABO and COO equals th e sum of the area of two triangles BCO and DAO.
sure of each angl Of (
Th e a regular n-sided polygon is n - 2 ).180°
e measure of each angle f , so Hai cl/,llh cua m◊t hlnh blnh hanh c6 dQ dai la 6cm va 4cm. M6t trong cac di.rang cao c6 d◊ dai
The measure of each angle of a regular pentagon is .... n 45, la 5cm. Tinh dQ dai di.rang cao kia. .
H- . , 0 a regular hexagon is
fhe lengths of the two sides of a parallelogram are 6 cm and 4 cm. The length of one of its altitudes
ay v1et c6ng thuc tfnh dien tich cu . , ....
Write the formula for the are~ f h a m61 hmh trong khung sau : 15
5 cm. Calculate the length of the other altitude.
0 eac figure in the following frame:
ChO tam giac ABC. G<_>i M, N la cac trung diem nrong ll'ng cua AC, BC. Chung minh rang di¢n
rfch cua hlnh thang ABNM bAng ¾di¢n tfch cua tam giac ABC.
Given triangle ABC . Call the midpoints of AC , BC respectively M. N. Prove that the area of trapezoid
ABNM equals the area of triangle ABC .
7, Ve ba di.rang trung tuyln cua m◊t tam giac (h. 162). Chll'ng minh sau tam giac : I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
c6 di¢n tfch bang nhau.
Draw the three medians of a triangle (f. 162). Prove that six triangles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 has the same

B. Bal t4ip Exercises

41. Cho hlnh chO nhAt ABCD. Goi H, I, E. K Mn hrat la cac A B
trung diem cua BC. HC, DC. EC (h. 159). .
Tinh : a) Di¢n tich tam giac DBE ; ,,~~;
b) Di¢n tfch tU' giac EHIK.
Given rectangular ABCD. Call the midpoints of BC, HC, DC, D E K C
EC respectively H, I, E, K (f. 159). 12cm • Hinh Figure /62

Calculate: Hinh Fifl ure 159

a) The area of triangle DBE; A

b) The area of quadrilateral EHIK.

42. Tren hlnh 160 (AC// BF), hay tlm tam giac c6 di¢n
tich biing di¢n tlch cua tu giac ABCD.
Determine the triangle whose area equals the area of
quadrilateral ABCD In figure 160 (AC II BF).

Hinh fl/lure 160

l ~, , 0
~ §1 -adrilate ral
Trang au Hinh thang
Page §2· ezoid 76
S6 fraP • h thang can
PH.(N 8~1 §3- i-1,n 5 trapezo id
ALGEB RA 15 osc ~
01 trung blnh cua tam giac, cua hinh thang 81
§4- DLIOn~n t of a triangle , of a trapezoi d . t ra e zold
Chuang I PHl:P NHAN VA PHl:P CHIA CAC DA THlfC ~ idse9m hlnh bling thUt'.k: va compa. Dvr,g hinh thang s. C onstruc tin g a P
MIALS using ruler a nd compas
Chapter / MULTI PLICAT ION AND DIVI SION OF POLYNO § 5- Dt!"g - g geomet ric figures
§ 1. Nhan aan th(tc voi aa th(tc
Multiplyi ng a monomi al by a polynom ial
c;n 1
5 truc in
£)6i xCtng tn,ic
§ ·.01 symmet ry
§2 . Nhan aa th(tc voi aa th(tc 6
AJl--1 Hinh binh hanh
Multiplyi ng a polynom ial by a polynom ial §1-
§3. Nhung hllng <1Ang th(tc aang nh(J 9 parallef ogram ...
8 £)6i ,c(tng tom 97
Memora ble identitie s
§4. Nhung hling <1Ang th(tc <1ang nh(J (ti6"p) ! ~ntral symmet ry
Memora ble identitie s (continu ed) §g. Hinh chll nh~t 100
14 •
§5. Nhung hling aang th(tc aang nh(J (ti6p) ctangula r cho trUt'.Jc
Memora ble identitie s (continu ed) Re £)I/Ong thAng song song vOi m¢t <1U'ang thang 104
§6. Phan tich <1a th(tc thillnh nhan tll bllng phuong phap
nhan Ill chung 18 10
§ · parallel . to a given line
u nes
Factorin g a polynom ial by using common factors 19 § 1 1. Hinh tho1 107
dung hling aang thuc
§7 . Phan I/ch da thuc thanh nhan tll bling phuong phap RhOmbuS
Factoris ing a polynom ial by using identities 21 § 12. Hinh vuOng 110
nh6m hi:mg Ill
§8. Phan tich aa thuc thillnh nhan tll bling phuong phap square
Factoris ing a polynom ia l by grouping terms 23 On tAP chl/C1ng I
nhieu phuong phap
§9. Phan tfch aa th(tc thillnh nhan ILi bling each ph6i hQP CHAPT ER I REVIEW
Factoris ing by combinin g many methods 25 // £>A GIAC. Dl~N TfCH OA GIAC
§10. Chia aon thuc cho aan thuc 9r II pOLYGON . AREA OF A POLYG ON 113
Dividing a monomi al by a monomi al 27
§11 . Chia aa th(tc Cho dan th(tc a,ap/6 § 1 _E)a giac. Oa g1ac deu 116
Dividing a polynom ial by a monomi al 29 polygon . Regular polygon
§12. Chia aa thuc m¢t bi6n <1A sl'llp x6p § 2 . Di~n tlch hinh chll nh$t
Dividing a polynom ial in one variable 32 The area of a rectang ular
On t~p chuong I §3. Di~n trch tam giac
CHAPTE R 1 REVIEW The area of a triangle
Chur,ng II PHAN THlfC 0-6.1 s6 §4. Di~n tfch hinh thang
Chapte r II ALG EBRAIC FRACTI ON The area of a trapezo id 127
§ 1. Phan thuc <11!1i s6 §5. Di~n tfch hinh thol
Algebra ic fraction 36 The area of a rhombu s 129
§2. Tfnh chat ca ban cua phan thuc §6. Di~n tfch da giac
The fundame ntal property of algebrai c fractions 38 The area of a polygon 131
§3. Rut g9n phan th(tc On ~p chl/Ong II
Simplify ing algebrai c fractions 40 CHAPT ER II REVIEW
§4. Quy d6ng mAu th(tc nhl,u phan th(tc
Combin ing algebrai c fractions using common denomin 44
§5. Phep c¢ng cac pMn thuc <11!1i s6
Adding algebrai c fractions 48
§6 . Phep tn:r cac phan thuc <11!1i s6
Subtract ing algebrai c fractions 51
§7. Phep nhan cac pMn thuc <11!1i s6
Multiply ing algebrai c fractions 53
§8. Phep chia cac phan th(tc <11!1i s6
D ividing at9ebra1c fractions 55
§9. Bifn d6i cac bi!lu thuc hw ti. Gia trj cua phan thut:
The transfor mation or rational express ions.
The value of a fraction . 60
O n ~P chuong II


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