SN 00005 197810

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Nappe: Copyright Steinsilller: In all cases the latest German-language version of this standard shall be taken as authoritative Recommended Practice for Fiim-Compatible Drawing 4.204 1 ae 1.3. a. SSHEINMiaHeR:[ Edition: detober 1978 DRAWINGS Teonetric Projection 421 dimensions in ma Fila-cospatible drawing Prints (= enlargenents) Drawing nuaber Ghenees in acale for prints Sistelousion of wostebop drawings Ghengen in arawsnge, aval of workshop drawings Sovcrdisete aizensioning Teonetrie projection Goversinaves, Stawings sr the co-ordinate system Drawing foras Representations in faonetric line network Conpoterized calculation of tube dending eimencions Contente of drawing reparation of drawing Line" spacing lath of Lines Size of Letters Foreign-language lettering Originals of the drawings Hilning on film eperture cards Bile cards Hilm-Compatible Drawing Drawing Number Tee drawing nunber consists of g totter, code and a serial names. the Letvex cote for the different types of drawings (main, group, detail dravings otc.) is governed By, 100, the serial sunber 8 the serial! Bunber of the Gepertnents Graving record Boke. Drawings to be made in DIN AO to DIN AM sizes only. DIN AS shall not be used. ae DIN AO izes 841 x 1189 shall not be exceeded becguse all machines (exposure and reproduction machines as well es folding machines) are set for these naximum Tastead oF oversizes, “several Standard Sizes should be Used 11 drawing fore ané roll paper are obtainable in the Copying Departuent. for Schematic Diagvess or operating instructions use size DIN A4 upright, DIN AS Ploaiside or oversize Lengths, 29) higa (pousibly Sy reduction), not exceeding an oversize length of 1189. Gontents of Drawing Representation shall be such that the object of the drawing is clear and distinct. Unnecessary details shell be omitted. Views and sections shall be on the lines of previous drawings in onder to improve legibility. Production and application notes shall either be shows on the drawing om in the List of baterial (CPL). Ain notes om a Graving shell preferably be ip The sane places Recommended practice for the repetition of details (e.g. figures, lettering, tables) io to sco Light self-adhening f0fl, dlack stamps or printed labeli Self-adbering foil and stickers shall be affixed to the rear of the originals only to permit reproduction by printing machines. Stacdaxe Components eccorting, to, SH, St ox DIK Standards shell be, show on, the ‘Giiving In the form of a simplified representation (e.g.y pipes, volts, screw Gureade, bifurcated tuves+ Tanges, gears, springs, nozeies, valves etc.). For deteils on the dimeneioning of hole areas (for nunericelly controlied machines) Tefer to Section 1.13. For details on graphic representations (diagrams) refer to SND 61, Preparation of Drawings ALL drawings shall be prepared in ink with as uniform contrast as pos Lead/ink drawings are uneuitable for microfiiming, Line spacing ‘The minimum distance between two ines in a drawing and in the lettering shall be equivalent to twice the Line width but not less than 0.5 to 0.65 in order to prevent line crowding when the drawing is reduced in size. Refer to Table 1. r [Continued on Page 2 to 6 Page 2 SN 005 1.4.2 Width of Lino The width of drawing lines shali-be 0.253 0.35; 0.5; 0.7. Smaller line widths shall not be used. Size of Letters To warrant good legibility when drawings are reduced in size and re-eclarged it ie essential to reduce the line width relative to earlier standard leteering frox 4/? x letter height to 1/10 x letter height. Ingices, exponents ete. shall be one letter size soaller, but not smaller then Whenever using the letter size 2.5, indices, exponents ete. shall have the same letter Example: former standard letter thickness 1/7 b 1234567890 filmcospatible stendard letter thickness 4/10 b 1234567890 pumerelg and letters shall be open type (example: instead of end inetead The Minimun Size of letters shell depend upon the size of the crawing: Letter size ¥ 2.5 for DIN AM, AZ, a2 Letter size ® 3.5 for DIN 41, AOL 4.5. Poreign-language Lettering shell be made according to tranelations from the trang— Tating office oF; where Tepetitions ere involved, according to existing tranelacions. Table 1 Reduction Examples for Letter Size 3.5 and Line Width 0.35 Film Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 reproducible reproducible reproducible initial original initial original duplicate original with self-adher ing Size foil Original hand lettering || hang lettering size 35 letter size || 3.5 leer size 035 Line width || 035 Line width | 1234567890 |) 1234567890 | clear line spacing) clear line spacing | 2x line width 22x line width” | | hang (etering hang lettering 2S Cater sied 5S Ceher ied reduction 035 Line width 035 Line width feauserave 7234567090 clear line spacins clear line spacing Be line midi? Stine worn? 2 DIN-stage Sees See Nersiee reduction ? fpiseiore reduction BY 005 Fage 3 1.6+ fhe Originals of the Drawings, on completion and arver exazination, shall be tiled ib the fecinical Record Office and stored in a flat manner and in a dark environsent. Ke reproducible paper tende to becone brittle more rapidly when exposed to light and neat, the drawings shall not be put in lengthy rolled storage in the Design Office. 4.2. Filming on ¥ilm Aperture Cards shall be pervorsed by the film office o tne Copying Gepartnenty Every flim card is a reduction of the oviginal. The film office shell Letter the upper edge of the film cards to indicate the drawing number/index for ease of filing and’ sorting. Film card drawings cannot be corrected. Whenever a drawing has to be changed after ~ Hilsing proceed by using the next higher drawing number index and re-fila. Prints in siges DIN AY to DIN At can be made of every 35 mm film card drawing by order fora of the Copying Departnent. ‘The film cards, depending upon their purpose, shall be filed or used as Job cards. 4.9.1 Eile Cards are film cards of finiehed drawings which shell be stored in the film ‘office and in the departaent records for the life span of the object. Tor this purpose the originals, prion o filming, shall be given @ red staap ae shown below, the stamp to have eight blank spaces to indfcate the filmed drewing aumber index! This entry shall be made by the film office only. Routine procedure of the film office shall be to send the file cards in appropristely marked envelopes to the distribution center. 4.7.2 Job Cards are film cards which are requized for photographic reduction or in the Yevialon phase of drawings and which are not required to be permanently filed. These Film cards hell be stamped by the film office "job card not to be filea” and issued to the ordering party. 4.8. Mhe Prints (G Enlargements) of film cards shall, as a rule, be ordered one or nore Sises Gnaller than the first original, Decaise @ualler formats are easier to handle than large formats and generally siffice for the purposes of the Design Office, the Subcontractor and the Custoner. The legibility of printe depende upon the film compatibility of the original production; refer to fable 7. If deceived, the ordering party can slso be given prints and film cares. Drawings for production shall continue to be furnished in the form of original: Peproductions (interim solution) until the Design Office has made the final change fo film-compatible craving. 4.9. Changes in Seale for Prints Prints on other formats change the scale of a drawing - refer to Table 2 - figures in parenthesis are theoretically sccurate values for DIN formats. The format of the first original AO to AS shall be entered in handwriting by the Design Gftice Ii the copyright panei so that the print shows the number of reduced DIN stages- Table 2 Changes in Seale for Prints in DIN Formate Reduction Seales of fret originals =e | Tenath : 1 12235 [123,33 by ater of | for : 1 ie [ise WN stages | “Yexnunber | 1:300_| 1 i 1:20 |i 3353 “Reduction sceles eis a6 oti 3.apts_ LT e= 1210 28) GAT ant a,b]. ar: 3.35 128 (af tee | ES (3.3) 3 75 10, 1 1:20 (5.7) | c,d) [tesa (22,8) 5 aT 3.35 BETS) ao PL wie Four stages| 4 ou | too FAS igi) 126,66 1266.6 1 656.6 One stage 14a Two stages 2 = a Twesege| eee PGS "The velues shown in the above tables generally suffice for scaling from the prints; Example: Fires original format 40, scale 1:10 print format A3, i-e., three DIN stages smaller, scale about 1:25. However, where scale grawing {8 requtzed to be continues in printe, « precision correction ie required and this shall be explicitly ordered in the Film Office. st_005 Distribution of Workshop Drawings wen all material has bees Listed the Design Office shall prepare a "copying order — workshop drawings” for every ssgembly (format Ad, in duplicave, on Form 1 £40/1, Rvailable in the Copying Oftice) and send it together with the originals of the Grawings to the Copying Office. The same epplies to the allied welding and inspection Geewinge prepared by the Desiga Office, ener, for drans, process gas coolers, beeas The copies shall be folded in the Copying Office and bundled together with the order slip For normal _ordera the workshop copies will be collected at regular intervals by a Gossenger of the Methods Department. However, for urgent supplementary orders and for rush and energency orders the copies stall be-aeat Oy the Desige Office, along with the Iists of fatertals (OPL) setaight tothe Scheduling Office (sefer to explanations on the copying order form 1K 240/1). The Methods Department will redirect the drawings long with the working papers (for each assembly) to the Yorks. On completion of item manufacture the drawings in the Works are destroyed. Ghangee ip Drawings As the contents of ali drawings bearing the same drawing number are required to coincide, it is essentigl that eny alterations are made in all drawings. As a rule, this calls for a zevises issue of the drawing. Alterations shall be ideatitied by a note in the alteration colum showing the former condition. ‘rior t9 thio, the Design Office shall check waother a reproducible interim original is required to be filed for designs whieh have been manufactured or for future repeat orders. In the case of production drawings every new revision necessitates a Sorresponding supplement of the list of Haterials (GPL). A revision marc is not Pequired when errore in dimensions aze corrected of whon minor additions are made (ey hand Or by re-iseue) when drawings are not filmed, when the Design Ortice Peplaces all distribuses copies or when workshop drawings are still in the initial phase of production planning (in Dept. 222). Withdravel of Workenop Drawings According to Section 1.11 alterations in drawings generally call for a revised issue and for an amendnont of the List of Materials (GPL). The outdated workshop drawings ConOrdinate Dimensioning is essential for programming purposes for sachining work ‘Go ninerieally controlies machine tools. At the time of preparing the drawings the Design Office does not know whether the iten will be manufactured on conventional machine tools or by munerioally controlled machine tools and it is therefore important to prepare the drewing according to the following Methods A, Bor C. A Pitch Circle Dinensioning, Hole Diameter or Thread Diameter in the same Hole Gisele Gan bitter for unequal hole pitch Continuous Co-ordinate disensions dimensioning (Cartesian referring to dimensioning) a note centre referring to a " point on the puter edge SH_005 Troneerie Projection (according te DIN 5) Isometric projection persite the representation of thres views in one figure is being used on an ever-increasing scale in pipework drawings, ® oe co-brdinates The directions of the co-ordinates XYZ ore Terned’ the sain directionss. the areas, enclosed by the co-ordinates ore termed the main plones Drawings in the Co-Ordinate System For clarity of isometric projection (e.9. tube bends) it 4s essential. to distinguish the nain planes by shading then. The planes of the elevation view (co-ordinates Yy 2) Gnd. Front view (co-ordinates. Xy Z) shall be Shaded on 2 perpendicular pattern while the Blanes of the plan view (co-ordinates X, Y) Shall pe shaded at 3-309 angle (Fg-1) In a three-dimens onal. drawing the same radi appear distorted (as ellipses with & atio of axes 1:1,7), For normal use it is Customary. to draw’redit ty" eye, However. henever true+tovseale drawings are reaitred Witipse templates can be obtaind from ihe standards Departnent. (267 Qroxing Forme for gi fferent formats with Teametrie grie are available in the Copyn oFFtes, ad Representation in Isometric Line Network {eames} 2. Tube in a horizontal plant LER page § “Page 5 SN 005 < distances to zero point Bain axis or main Pi Fig. Bent tube in isometric Dimencicas 3 lene 8-7 Bent iki Dimensions Ox, A, az = projection in the co-ordinate system axle-parallel distances between two pointe Py... Ta The starting point for the drawing and for dimensioning is Point 1 (P,) with the co-ordinates x, = 0, 7, = 0; 2, = 0. Section 1-2 ie located on the X-axis with the co-ordinates x2 = +500, y2 = 0 and a2 =o. ‘ection 23 t5 rocnted {9 the mato plane X, 2 vith the dtzonsions 6 xy and 25 and She. covordtnater x = 750," 99 s-0 hn ay ssh0r ame persensionl ar aadelag (according to Hie. 1) clearly’shows that the bending plane of the tube is in the Grooms 2 Although Section 3-l is shown by the projection to be the continuation of 2-3, Point # is outside the main plane X, Z with the dimensions “Ah, yu and sy, their co-ordinates are xn = +1040, y4 = +120 and zh = 4450. Yor the projection to clearly ideatify the bend in space, it is essential to project the co-ordinate point 4 with the point 4" onto the allied main planee and to shade the area in accordance with Fig. 1. Sections #5 and 5-6 are shown in similar fashion, whereas Section &7 is located in tae direction of co-ordinate Y. Co-ordinate values for the bent tube run according to Pig. 7. x= O]y= ofa 0 x=4 S00] yj= Of z= 0 nye Ta] yy 8 ruset060 [yaw 120 xsze1180 | yg=+ 620 xgee 260 | yeas 520 y7=+1000

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