Story Telling Radit 6A

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Assalamualaikum warohmatullah hi wabarokatuh

My nama is radit im from 6A

Today i going to tell you about ants and grasshooper

When summer in a forest, there lived an ant who was very diligent. Every day he collects foodstuffs
which he then stores in the barn. The ant collect food for winter.

When collecting the food, the ants met a grasshopper. The grasshopper mocked the ant and said
again, "Winter is still long, no need to work so hard, have fun first .

The ant ignored grasshopper and ant more diligent at working while th grasshopper was still lazy.

And the winter comes and lasts longer

The ants have a large food supply can stay at home in safe.

while the grasshoppers start to worry because their food is gone.

The grasshopper then asked the ant for help, of course he refused.

But, seeing the grasshopper that was almost starving. the ant finally helped him.

With this story we Learn that hard working person will make benefit for ourselved, while lazyness
only make diffulties for ourselves.

Thank you

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