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Q1: Choose the correct answer :

*What of the following isn’t navigation ( cubic mouse – trackball – mechanical tracker – 3d probes)

* Trackballs suffer from (Sensor coupling - Pushbuttons – Forces)

*Microscribe allows (Relative coordinate - Absolute coordinate - Both a or b)

*Number of sensor of 5DT(6 or 12 - 5 or 16 - 5 or 15) sensor

*in 5DT One end of each fiber loop is connected to LED while light returning from the other end
is sensed by (aphoto transistor _wireless receiver _wireless transmitter)

* Sensor Type of Cyber Glove ( Electrical - Fiber optic - Capacitive - Strain gauge ).

* Number of Sensors of Cyber Glove ( 7 / glove – 5 or 14 / glove – 10 / glove – 18 or 22 / glove ).

* Sensor resolution of Cyber Glove ( 1 – 0.5 – 1.5 – 0.25 ).

Q 2 : true or false

* Trackballs allow navigation/manipulation in absolute coordinate ( f )

* Calibration is required to account for the user’s Hand size and to convert joint angle

To strain gauge voltage ( true )

* Joint angles are measured indirectly by a change of resistance in a single of strain gauges

* During finger motion one of the strain gauges is under compression ( c ) , while the other is

Under tension ( t ) . ( true )

* Gesture interfaces are output devices .( f )

The resulting sensing glove work envelope is much larger than that of trackballs.( t ) *

In 5DT data glove, each finger has a fiber loop (T) *

Q3: Complete

…………………… Gesture interfaces are devices that-1


That measure the real-time position of the user's finger in order to allow
.natural,gesture-recogintion-based interaction with the virtual environment
.……………… Most gesture interfaces today are-2


Sensing gloves

..……………The human fingers have degrees of freedom associated with-3


.Flexion-extension and abduction-adduction

: Q4

?Define the navigation and manipulation interfaces

Is a device that allows the interactive change of the view to the virtual environment and exploration
.through the selection and manipulation of virtual object of interest

?What is the difference between tracker and tracker based navigation

Trackers offer more functionality to VR simulations than simply measuring the real-time position
/orientation of the users hand and head. But the navigation use programmable pushbuttons by the

?What are the factors Sensing gloves differ in

.the type of sensors they use-1

.the number of sensors for each finger-2

their sensor resolution-3

.the glove sampling rate-4

? What is advantage of fiber opticsensor

the advantage of fiber optic sensors is compactness, lightness, and users feel very -
.comfortable wearing the glove

? What is the drawback of trackballs? and how to solve it

Trackballs suffer from sensor coupling
Between measuring forces and torques to solve this problem use
Software filter that only read forces and not torques
that allows users to Or by hardware filters. These hardware filters are pushbuttons select
translation only, rotation only

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