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CONNECTIVES: used to join 2 or more elements. If it connects elements of a different value, it is a subordinator.

If it connects elements of the save value, it`s a coordinator.

SEMANTIC CLASSIFICATION OF COORDINATORS (also called coordinating conjunctions) COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS: A- Cumulative coordinating conjunctions: And- type (idea of addition ) And as well as besides furthermore etc. B- Alternative coordinating conjunctions: Or type (idea of choice ) Or or else otherwise - nor (in addition to a negative construction) C- Adversative coordinating conjunctions: But type (idea of contrast ) But yet whereas however despite in spite of nevertheless- etc. D- Illative coordinating conjunctions: So type (idea of consequence , inference ) So- then therefore so then thus hence- as a result accordingly - consequently, etc CORRELATIVE COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS: they are pairs of conjunctions used each in 2 different parts in the same construction. (1) Cumulative correlative coordinating conjunctions: (Addition) Both... and... Not only... but also .... (2) Alternative correlative coordinating conjunctions: (Choice) Either... or ... Neither .... nor .... Not... but ...

SUBORDINATORS: also called subordinating conjunctions. They join 2 elements of different value in a sentence. They introduce subordinate clauses. In adverbial clauses they have NO internal function, just the function of connecting. 1- Adverbial clauses of time: After - as before now - now that once since till until when whenever while whereas as long as as soon as by the time all the time immediately directly so long as ever as. 2- Adverbial clauses of place: Where wherever everywhere as far as (distance). 3- Adverbial clauses of manner: As as if as though like (colloquial use because like introduces phrases and as introduces clauses). 4- Adverbial clauses of reason: as because inasmuch as since seeing seeing that - considering (that) now now that that (its use is rare).

5- Adverbial clauses of purpose: In order that so that for fear for fear that lest (archaic: por miedo a /para que no) in case that (literary use). 6- Adverbial clauses of result: So ... that such ... that such a ... that so that that (its use is rare). These clauses answer the question: With what effect or result). 7- Adverbial clauses of condition: If provided provided that unless (if ... not) in case in so far on condition on condition that so long as so as long as suppose supposing (that). 8- Adverbial clauses of concession: Although though notwithstanding that no matter how even though however (its internal function is to be an intensifier of an adjective or an adverb) as (following adjectives, adverbs, and other parts of speech as well). 9- Adverbial clauses of comparison: As ... as so ... as more ... than less ... than the ... the (the 1st element of the sub. Conjunction functions as a pre-modifier). 10- Adverbial clauses of restriction: Except except that excepting

excepting that for all as far as save save that saving that.

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