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Answer the following.

1. How do the laws of conservation and laws of thermodynamicsmake

biogeochemical cycles similar to and different fromfoodchains?

Answer: The planet functions under the strictures of the law of

conservation of matter, which basically says that matter on Earth
cannot be created or destroyed, but only transferred. Therefore, the
planet's biogeochemical cycles are the mechanisms that cause the
transfer of matter.
2. Explain the similarity and differences between nitrogenfixationand
Answer: Photosynthesis produces oxygen (O2) from the photolysis of
water (H2O) needed to liberate electrons. Nitrogen fixation transforms
atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) into ammonia (NH3). However, this
process is inhibited in the presence of oxygen (O2). Therefore, the two
processes must be separated. Only certain prokaryotes are nitrogen
fixers. Some plants harbor such prokaryotes symbiotes deep in their root
tissue away from atmospheric oxygen (O2). Of course, root cells do not
photosynthesize because there is very little light underground. So, plant
roots do not produce oxygen (O2) that inhibits nitrogen fixing. However,
cyanobacteria are aquatic prokaryotic photoautotrophs, and so produce
oxygen (O2). Cyanobacteria also have cells specialized for nitrogen fixing
called heterocysts. These nitrogen fixing cells are separated from the
photosynthesizing cells, to minimize the impact of the oxygen (O2) on
nitrogen fixing that is so crucial to their metabolism.

3. Think of ways we could reduce the amount of phosphorous we

put in our environment.
Answer: By reducing erosion and runoff, cover crops reduce the
amount of phosphorus that could potentially reach streams or
rivers. Cover crops, growing during periods when other crops are
not in the field, can also take up phosphorus and other nutrients
that can be lost from runoff.
4. Some of demographers claim that the total world population has
already begun to slow, while the others dispute this claim. How
would you recognize a true demographic transition as opposed in
mere random fluctuations in birth and death rates?
Answer: over the course of this transition, declines in birth rates
followed by declines in death rates bring about an era of rapid
population growth
5. Give an example of how behavior can lessen competition for food and territory
between the same organisms.
Answer: Organisms compete for the resources they need to survive- air, water,
food, and space. In areas where these are sufficient, organisms live in
comfortable co-existence, and in areas where resources are abundant, the
ecosystem boasts high species richness. These resources can be limiting factors
for where organisms are distributed, and competition for them can be fierce.
6. Why can human activities accelerate the succession of a community?
Answer: humans cause a lot of destruction to the natural world, through
deforestation, starting forest fires, farming, and building things. So when we
destroy the environment, we allow new environments where succession
begins to take place

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