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We are parents of Sudeshna Basu (Class VIIIC ROLL 44) and Sudarshana Basu

(Class VIC, Roll 54).

They both, yes, both are admitted at Hospitals. Sudeshna is admitted at MEDICA Super
Speciality Hospital for ECMO LIFE Support Ventilation. She is in Ventilation Support
from 24th January 2023. It started with common cough and flue after receiving Rubella Vaccine
(We guess her illness is a side effect of the vaccine. Our guess may be wrong but it should not
be overlooked) and within 5 days after rapid deterioration in spite of all medical supports,
doctors moved her to Ventilation on 24th January 2023. After 2 days of normal ventilation,
doctor’s realised that she need more advanced ventilation support. As per their advice, we
promptly shifted her to Medica for ECMO LIFE support. She was admitted there on 26th
January at 05-00 hr.

As per verbal estimate given by the doctor, we need 30 to 35 lack of rupee for her 21
to 28 days long treatment there. This amount is beyond our capacity. But this target can be
achieved by cumulative effort of all concern.

Unfortunately, from 27th January, my younger daughter Sudarshana is also suffering

from identical symptom and as a result she also been admitted to Sambhu Nath Pandit
Hospital on Monday, (30-01-2023)

Now you can imagine our mental situation. We are feeling helpless and hopeless.

We don’t know how to express our present condition.

School is their second home. All Students of the school are our own child. So we pray
for full hearted support from this institution, both mental and financial.

Please save your child and pray for your child.

Sukanta Basu and Debanjana Basu

Father Mother
Discharge certificate from Calcutta Heart Clinic and Hospital
Discharge certificate page 2
Medica Ecmo estimate showing 1st day expense as 5, 00,000.
Medica Admission screen shot
Medica consent letter
Page 2
One of Payment receipts
This is estimate for next 20 days. Already medical bill reached 17 lack for 10 days days
which includes 1st day expense of Rs 5 lack. She may need to be hospitalised for 28 days.
So estimated cost for remaining 6 days is another 6 lack. Hence total estimate is 20 + 7 +
6 = 33 lack
To Donate
UPI- 9432325459 of Arpita Sarkar & Debangshu Sarkar (Grand Father of Sudeshna)
Account Number 1025010105267
IFSC- PUNB0102520
Punjab National Bank
Dum Dum Park Branch
Debangshu Sarkar and Arpita Sarkar
You May Issue a Cheque in favour of
Sukanta Bose
Father of Sudeshna Bose

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